1、1.1.兹有一批自行车货物兹有一批自行车货物 500500 箱由上海装运到孟买,请给我们报价包括码头费,驳船费,卸箱由上海装运到孟买,请给我们报价包括码头费,驳船费,卸货及其费用在内的运费率。货及其费用在内的运费率。we shall have a consignment of 500 cases of bicycles for shipment from shanghaiwe shall have a consignment of 500 cases of bicycles for shipment from shanghaitoto bombay .pleasebombay .pleaseq
2、uotequote usus youryour freightfreight raterate includingincluding dockage,dockage, lighterage,lighterage,discharging and other costs.discharging and other costs.2.2.我公司我公司 “泰山轮”“泰山轮” 定于定于 1010 月月 5 5 日离开上海开往里斯本。日离开上海开往里斯本。 如果贵公司有货由该轮托运的话,如果贵公司有货由该轮托运的话,请立即电示我们。请立即电示我们。thethe m.v.m.v.” taitai shansh
3、an” ofof ourour companycompany isis duedue toto leaveleave shanghaishanghai forfor lisbonlisbon onon oct.5.pleaseoct.5.pleasefax/cable us if you have any consignment to be shipped by this vessel.fax/cable us if you have any consignment to be shipped by this vessel.3.3.兹告知本公司可按贵方要求为你的货物保留足够的舱位。请将托运申请
4、书填好寄来,以兹告知本公司可按贵方要求为你的货物保留足够的舱位。请将托运申请书填好寄来,以换取装货单,但运费必须先付。换取装货单,但运费必须先付。this is to inform you that we are able to reserve enough space for your shipmentthis is to inform you that we are able to reserve enough space for your shipmentasas perper asas youryour request.request. pleaseplease completecom
5、plete andand returnreturn thethe applicationapplication formform inin exchangeexchangefor our shipping order, but freight to be prepaid.for our shipping order, but freight to be prepaid.4.4.关于你本月关于你本月 4 4 日的来信要求舱位增加货载之事,现在告知“日的来信要求舱位增加货载之事,现在告知“abcabc”轮舱位不能收容更多的”轮舱位不能收容更多的货物,无法照办为歉。货物,无法照办为歉。with re
6、gard to the accommodation for additional cargo as requested in your letterwith regard to the accommodation for additional cargo as requested in your letterofof 4 4 inst(ofinst(of thisthis month),pleasemonth),please bebe informedinformed thatthat thethe m.v.abcm.v.abc isis unableunable toto accommoda
7、teaccommodateany more cargo, for which we feel regret.any more cargo, for which we feel regret.5.5.使用集装箱运输货物的主要优越性是:装卸简便,货损货失风险小,运费低廉和交货迅使用集装箱运输货物的主要优越性是:装卸简便,货损货失风险小,运费低廉和交货迅速及时等。特别是集装箱多式联运制的发展为货物运输提供了一种高效的方式。速及时等。特别是集装箱多式联运制的发展为货物运输提供了一种高效的方式。the main advantages of containers for shipment are: eas
8、y handing of cargo :lessthe main advantages of containers for shipment are: easy handing of cargo :lessriskrisk ofof cargocargo damagedamage oror loss:loss: lowlow freightfreight andand promptprompt delivery,delivery, etc.etc. especiallyespecially ,the,thedevelopmentdevelopment ofof “multimodalmulti
9、modal containercontainer transporttransport” system system offersoffers anan efficientefficient modelmodelfor cargo transport.for cargo transport.1.1.我遗憾的告知你,今天下午我遗憾的告知你,今天下午 4 4 时时 1010 分左右,我船上发生了一起事故。分左右,我船上发生了一起事故。i i regretregret toto informinform youyou thatthat anan accidentaccident happenedha
10、ppened onon boardboard mymy vesselvessel aboutabout 4:104:10 p.m.p.m.today.today.2.2.这事故涉及到一名绞车手在起吊货物操作中碰伤其左肩,估计很可能是骨折。这事故涉及到一名绞车手在起吊货物操作中碰伤其左肩,估计很可能是骨折。thethe accidentaccident involved which ainvolved which aman,man, whowho waswas struckstruck andand woundedwounded atat hishis leftleft shouldershou
11、lderwhile lifting cargo and received fracture.while lifting cargo and received fracture.3.3.我很抱歉,这样的事故竟然在我船上发生了。据我调查,在发生事故时,除了那些装卸我很抱歉,这样的事故竟然在我船上发生了。据我调查,在发生事故时,除了那些装卸工人外,没有一名船员在场。工人外,没有一名船员在场。i i amam extremelyextremely sorrysorry forfor suchsuch anan accident,accident, whichwhich happenedhappened
12、 onon boardboard mymy ship.ship. accordingaccordingto my investigation, none of our crew except the stevedores was on the scene onto my investigation, none of our crew except the stevedores was on the scene onthat occasionthat occasion4.4.本船船医向我建议,立即将受伤者送到岸上可靠的医院进行手术治疗。本船船医向我建议,立即将受伤者送到岸上可靠的医院进行手术治疗
13、。mymy shipsships doctordoctor suggestedsuggested meme thatthat thethe injuredinjured personperson bebe sentsent ashoreashore toto a a reliablereliablehospital for operationhospital for operation5.5.根据本人经验所知,该事故的发生,从任何方面而言,绝不可能由于本船装置有故障货根据本人经验所知,该事故的发生,从任何方面而言,绝不可能由于本船装置有故障货或不完善所致。或不完善所致。so far as i
14、know from my experience, in no way should be accident be attributableso far as i know from my experience, in no way should be accident be attributableto the breakage or breakage or imperfection my ships installations.to the breakage or breakage or imperfection my ships installations.6.6.该事故原因如贵方派代表向
15、有关人员作出进一步查询必能弄明其真相该事故原因如贵方派代表向有关人员作出进一步查询必能弄明其真相thethe truetrue causecause ofof thetheaccidentaccident willwill certainlycertainly bebe clearclear ifif youyousendsend youryourrepresentative to make a further investigation on the persons concerned.representative to make a further investigation on the
16、 persons concerned.dear sir,dear sir,1.1.情况就是这样,托运货物标记不清,船方不负责由此而造成的任何后果情况就是这样,托运货物标记不清,船方不负责由此而造成的任何后果such being the case, the marks of the consignment are unclear and the ship is notsuch being the case, the marks of the consignment are unclear and the ship is notresponsible for any consequences ar
17、ising therefromresponsible for any consequences arising therefrom2.2.你们尽可放心,我们会采取一切可能的预防措施保护货物在航运和装卸中不受损失。你们尽可放心,我们会采取一切可能的预防措施保护货物在航运和装卸中不受损失。you may rest assured that we will take all precautions available to protect theyou may rest assured that we will take all precautions available to protect th
18、egoods against any damage both in transit and handlinggoods against any damage both in transit and handling3.3.我遗憾的告知,由于我方错误申报造成舱位不足,使得我遗憾的告知,由于我方错误申报造成舱位不足,使得 300300 包大米货退关,我船愿意承包大米货退关,我船愿意承担由此而引起的所有费用。担由此而引起的所有费用。i have to inform you with regret that 300 bags of rice were shut out due toi have to
19、inform you with regret that 300 bags of rice were shut out due toinsufficient space through our misstatement. my ship, therefore, would bear allinsufficient space through our misstatement. my ship, therefore, would bear allthe expenses thus incurred.the expenses thus incurred.4.4.如你所知,这些重件货的重量大大超过船舶
20、装置的起吊能力,请尽快与港务局联系,安如你所知,这些重件货的重量大大超过船舶装置的起吊能力,请尽快与港务局联系,安排岸吊卸这些货。排岸吊卸这些货。asas youyou areare aware,aware, thesethese weightsweights ofof heavy liftsheavy lifts areare farfar beyondbeyond thethe liftinglifting capacitycapacityofof shipsships facilities.facilities. pleaseplease contactcontact thethe ha
21、rbourharbour administrationadministration asas soonsoon asas possiblepossiblewith regard to arranging the discharge of these goods by shore craneswith regard to arranging the discharge of these goods by shore cranes5.5.托运人在危险货装船前应向船东或船长提供一份托运人在危险货装船前应向船东或船长提供一份 “危险货物申报表”“危险货物申报表” 说明货物已根据说明货物已根据 国国际海
22、运危险品法规的要求妥善包装,刷唛和加上标签。际海运危险品法规的要求妥善包装,刷唛和加上标签。shippers should, prior to loading, furnish the owner or master of vessel with ashippers should, prior to loading, furnish the owner or master of vessel with acopycopy ofof thethe declarationdeclaration ofof dangerousdangerous goods,goods, statingstating
23、thatthat thethe goodsgoods havehave beenbeen properlyproperlypacked,packed, markedmarked andand labeledlabeled inin accordanceaccordance withwith thethe requirementsrequirements ofof thethe i.m.d.g.code.i.m.d.g.code.6.6.码头工人这样搬运货物的方式,货物发生混票的情况是不可避免的。码头工人这样搬运货物的方式,货物发生混票的情况是不可避免的。it is inevitable tha
24、t the goods will be mixed up if the stevedores handle them init is inevitable that the goods will be mixed up if the stevedores handle them insuch a manner.such a manner.1.1.由于我们两国之间贸易迅速发展,我们肯定今后我公司将会有更多的船只停靠你港和你由于我们两国之间贸易迅速发展,我们肯定今后我公司将会有更多的船只停靠你港和你们国家其他港口。们国家其他港口。owingowing toto thethe rapidrapid
25、developmentdevelopment ofof tradetrade betweenbetween ourour twotwo nationsnations ,we,we feelfeel sure thatsure thatmore of our ships will call at yours and others in your county in the future .more of our ships will call at yours and others in your county in the future .2.2.我们理解到,我们所需的有关你港的具体情况资料能
26、使你们增加一些额外工作,为此我我们理解到,我们所需的有关你港的具体情况资料能使你们增加一些额外工作,为此我们深为抱歉。们深为抱歉。we appreciate that the particular data about your port we asked for may requirewe appreciate that the particular data about your port we asked for may requireof your some extra work, for which we feel much regretof your some extra work
27、, for which we feel much regret3.53.5 月月 2424 日来信及时收到,经仔细考虑,我们决定正式委托你们作为我们早利伯维尔港的日来信及时收到,经仔细考虑,我们决定正式委托你们作为我们早利伯维尔港的船舶代理。船舶代理。your letter of 24 may has been duly received .upon contemplation we have decidedyour letter of 24 may has been duly received .upon contemplation we have decidedto formally ap
28、point you as our agent at the port of librevilleto formally appoint you as our agent at the port of libreville4.4.随函附上“代理协议书”草稿一份,请细阅其中各项条款,并惠告你们是否同意。随函附上“代理协议书”草稿一份,请细阅其中各项条款,并惠告你们是否同意。enclosed herewith please find one copy of the draftenclosed herewith please find one copy of the draft “agency agr
29、eementagency agreement”. .please go through all the terms thereof and kindly advise us whether you agree toplease go through all the terms thereof and kindly advise us whether you agree toor not.or not.5.5.为便于我们考虑你们所提的要求,请把贵公司的情况以及你们业务活动的范围见告。为便于我们考虑你们所提的要求,请把贵公司的情况以及你们业务活动的范围见告。for you convenience
30、in considering your request, please advise us the status andfor you convenience in considering your request, please advise us the status andbusiness scope of your good company.business scope of your good company.6.6.我们对于你们提出作为我们在阿尔及尔港船舶代理一事深表感谢。由于我们在该港已有我们对于你们提出作为我们在阿尔及尔港船舶代理一事深表感谢。由于我们在该港已有长期船舶代理,暂
31、时不拟委托另外的代理,甚谦。长期船舶代理,暂时不拟委托另外的代理,甚谦。we very much appreciate your proposal that you be our ships agent at the portwe very much appreciate your proposal that you be our ships agent at the portof singapore. as we have already had our long time agents at the said port, we areof singapore. as we have alr
32、eady had our long time agents at the said port, we arevery sorry that we are not prepared at present to appoint another one.very sorry that we are not prepared at present to appoint another one.7.7.船舶必须在抵港前船舶必须在抵港前 2 2 至至 3 3 小时向港务局确认其规定的引水登船地点及预计抵达时间。小时向港务局确认其规定的引水登船地点及预计抵达时间。eacheachvesselvesselmu
33、st,2must,2toto3 3hourshoursbeforebeforearrival,arrival,confirmconfirmwithwiththetheharbourharbouradministration the stipulated pilot boarding ground and her etaadministration the stipulated pilot boarding ground and her eta1.1.根据提单第根据提单第 8 8 条规定,如果收货人不能及时从船边提取货或拒绝提货,或有无人认领货条规定,如果收货人不能及时从船边提取货或拒绝提货,或
34、有无人认领货物情况,承运人应有权把该货物卸岸或在其他合适的场所,由收货人或发货人自负风险和物情况,承运人应有权把该货物卸岸或在其他合适的场所,由收货人或发货人自负风险和费用。费用。under clause 8 of the bill of lading, if the goods not taken delivery of by theunder clause 8 of the bill of lading, if the goods not taken delivery of by thereceiverreceiver refusesrefuses toto taketake delive
35、rydelivery ofof thethe goods,goods, oror inin casecase thethe goodsgoods areare unclaimed,unclaimed,the carrier shall be at liberty to land such goods on shore or any other properthe carrier shall be at liberty to land such goods on shore or any other properplaces at the sole risk and expense of the
36、 receiver or shipperplaces at the sole risk and expense of the receiver or shipper2.2.我们提请你们注意:如果货物承运时已有破损情况,请勿出具清洁提单。我们提请你们注意:如果货物承运时已有破损情况,请勿出具清洁提单。we have to remind you that no clean b/l is to be issued in case the cargo comingwe have to remind you that no clean b/l is to be issued in case the ca
37、rgo comingfor shipment is in damage condition.for shipment is in damage condition.3.3.对在装货时已有破损的货物在提单上加以批注,并不能解除承运人对其他货物因此而遭对在装货时已有破损的货物在提单上加以批注,并不能解除承运人对其他货物因此而遭遇损坏的责任,这是船舶运输的常规。遇损坏的责任,这是船舶运输的常规。it is a standing rule in shipment that a remark in the b/l as to the damaged cargoit is a standing rule
38、in shipment that a remark in the b/l as to the damaged cargocomingcoming forwardforward forfor shipmentshipment doesdoes notnot relieverelieve thethe carriercarrier ofof responsibilityresponsibility forfor thethedamage done to other cargo.damage done to other cargo.4.4.未得到我们事先的同意,不能接受“保函”未得到我们事先的同意,
39、不能接受“保函”no letter of indemnity is to be accepted without our prior consent.no letter of indemnity is to be accepted without our prior consent.5.5.为此,对于上述装船货物可能发生的任何索赔费,我们同意即期支付,对你方的做法可为此,对于上述装船货物可能发生的任何索赔费,我们同意即期支付,对你方的做法可能引起的一切后果,我们担保那么和能引起的一切后果,我们担保那么和/ /或你船东不受损害。或你船东不受损害。therefore,therefore, wewe
40、 agreeagree toto paypay onon demanddemand forfor anyany claimclaim thatthat maymay arisearise fromfrom thethe aforesaidaforesaidshipment.shipment. andand wewe herebyhereby undertakeundertake toto indemnityindemnity youyou andand /or/or youryour ownersowners againstagainst allallconsequences that may
41、 arise from your practice.consequences that may arise from your practice.6.6.应发货人要求,我们在此授权您倒签提单并以发货人出保函和货物已在你们掌控下为条应发货人要求,我们在此授权您倒签提单并以发货人出保函和货物已在你们掌控下为条件,凭保函签发日期倒签的提单给发货人。件,凭保函签发日期倒签的提单给发货人。atat thethe shippershippers s request,request, wewe herebyhereby authorizeauthorize youyou toto signsign anda
42、nd issueissue thethe anti-datedanti-datedbillbill ofof ladinglading toto thethe shippershipper againstagainst thethe letterletter ofof indemnityindemnity onon thethe conditioncondition thatthatthe cargo has been in your custody.the cargo has been in your custody.1.1.本批到货的短缺显然是装箱不慎出错所致。如果在装箱时予以应有的注意,
43、此项短缺本本批到货的短缺显然是装箱不慎出错所致。如果在装箱时予以应有的注意,此项短缺本可避免。为此,我们保留对该批货的索赔权。可避免。为此,我们保留对该批货的索赔权。itit isis obviousobvious thatthat shortageshortage ofof thethe arrivedarrived cargocargo waswas duedue toto thethe negligencenegligence inin stowingstowingthe container. such shortage would have been avoided had due a
44、ttention been paidthe container. such shortage would have been avoided had due attention been paidin stowage. so we reserve the right to claim therefor.in stowage. so we reserve the right to claim therefor.2.2.经仔细研究有关文件后,我们认为根据下列理由该项索赔不能接受。经仔细研究有关文件后,我们认为根据下列理由该项索赔不能接受。havinghaving closelyclosely st
45、udiesstudies thethe relevantrelevant documents,documents, wewe areare ofof thethe opinionopinion thatthat thethe claimclaimcannot be accepted in the light of the following groundscannot be accepted in the light of the following grounds3.3.关于贵方向我们索赔提单号关于贵方向我们索赔提单号 hf175hf175 货物在货运中湿损一事,货物在货运中湿损一事, 我们
46、提出愿以我们提出愿以 25%25%折扣赔偿贵折扣赔偿贵方所受损失。这是我们所能做到的最大让步。如果贵方仍坚持原索赔,我们建议提交仲裁方所受损失。这是我们所能做到的最大让步。如果贵方仍坚持原索赔,我们建议提交仲裁解决此事解决此事 asas regardsregards thethe claimclaim thatthat youyou lodgedlodged againstagainst usus forfor wetwet damagedamage toto thethe goodsgoodsunder the b/l no.175, we would like to suggest that we pay the claim on the basisunder the b
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