



1、高中英语阅读课导学案预习案: 1. choose the topics mentioned in the passage. 2. preview the text and answer the following questions. 3. consult the dictionary or the internet and try to find out some relevant information. 探究案: i. presentation 1. picture presentation and a free talk 2. a brief introduction to the t

2、opic ii. fast reading 1. main idea focusing 2. strategy directing iii. detailed reading task1: ( outline ) 1. read the passage carefully and answer the following questions. 2. discuss in groups of four and then give a brief analysis of the structure or the general idea of each paragraph.task2: ( voc

3、abulary foucs ) 1. match the words or phrases with the correct definition. 2. fill in the blanks according to the reading article. task3: ( detailed comprehension ) 1.correct the following statements. 2.circle which ones is true or false 3.discuss in pairs and then fill in the table. 4.complete the

4、passage by filling in the blanks task4: ( consolidation ) 1.talk by role-playing 2.retell the passage according to these key words? iv. further thinking 1. creative discussion 2. morality education 训练案1. fill in the blanks according to the passage. 2. multiple choice for reading comprehension(strate

5、gy directing). 附案例:m6u3 reading (1) cultural differences learning aims: 1. to understand the passage thoroughly and improve reading ability. 2. to learn how to talk about cultural differences and customs. 3. to master some vocabulary. 预 习 案i. choose the topics mentioned in the passage. 1.colour of c

6、lothing 2.weddings 3.shoes 4.table manners 5.thanksgiving 6.pointing(gestures) 7.hair styles 8.presents 9.greetings _ ii. preview the text and answer the following questions. 1.what does thanksgiving celebrate? 2. what is eaten at thanksgiving? 3. in the west, when is the polite time to open a prese

7、nt? why? 4. what can you not drink at a wedding in brunei? 5. what should you do instead of pointing with your first finger in brunei? 6. what customs do chinese cities and brunei have in common? iii. surf the internet and try to find out some customs that are different in different parts of the wor

8、ld. _ _ _ _ 探 究 案i. brainstorming what aspects do cultural differences cover? ii. fast reading(strategy directing) go through the passage as quickly as possible and fill in the table . name nationality ma li peter waled iii.detailed reading read the passage carefully and answer the following questio

9、ns. task 1 but task 2 correct the following statements. 1.the american teacher is always talking about christmas and the huge turkey they eat. 2.the british teachers knew a lot about the topic. the usa the uk the same language unbelievable differences in_ cultural differences task 3 when do the brit

10、ish open a present when receiving it? what about the american? task 4 about the wedding (role-playing) would you please say something about it according to these key words? task 5 point with their _ while others with their first _ . in the uk in italy the guests the newly-weds the guests the newly-w

11、eds give presents in china a huge banquetin brunei 1.sit in different areas 2.no alcohol 3.play the drums 1.pointing to others people in brunei if you go to brunei or a chinese city, you need to remember to _ your shoes before entering ones house.a. take b. take off c. throw away d. wear iv. further

12、 thinking could you talk about some cultural differences and customs?what are the benefits of learning different cultures? to experience different cultures; to get a better understanding ; to help strengthen relations with ; to avoid unnecessary mistakes and embarrassment; to communicate freely and

13、effectively; to be a polite person v. morality education the right attitudes towards cultural differences 训 练 案i. fill in the blanks according to the passage. ma li has to do her homework on cultural 1) _. so she goes online to chat with others and find some information she needs. she gets to know e

14、nglish and american people have 2) _ differences in culture even though they both speak english. for example, the british may be puzzled when americans talk about thanksgiving, the huge turkey they eat, and what thanksgiving was held in 3) _ of. there are different reactions in the west and in the e

15、ast when they get presents. 2.color of clothing 3.shoes yellow shouldn t wear westerners like to open them as soon as they get them. though there are 4) _ between wedding traditions in the west, there are also differences between different western countries. getting things wrong can be quite 5) _ .i

16、n italy, guests expect to get presents from the newly-weds while the guests are expected to give presents to them in the uk. in brunei, if a male guest 6) _ in a wedding reception, he has to sit with the bridegroom and the other men, and a female guest has to be with the 7) _ and the other women in

17、a different area. what s more, if you go to brunei, you should point with your thumb instead of your first finger . you shouldn t wear yellow either. appropriate 8) _ is always welcome. so remember when in rome, do as the romans do. ii. multiple choice for reading comprehension(strategy directing).

18、1. what is the main topic in this text?( 主旨大意题 ) a. how to learn culture b. how to chat online c. cultural differences d. differences in different countries 2. why are the newly-weds expected to give their guests presents as a souvenir ?( 细节理解题 ) a. to remember the big day. b. to make them happy. c. to get on well with them. d. to celebrate their marriage. 3. from the text we can learn that there are different ideas about good manners. we


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