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1、学习必备精品知识点苏教版 7a unit 1-8 单元知识要点总结7a unit 1 要点总结一、单词1. master 主人2. meet 遇见,会见3. slim adj. 苗条的4. looks 相貌,容貌5. classmate 复数 classmates (同学的 classmate s 同学们的classmates ) 6. glad adj. 开心的 7. everyone 每人,人人8. glasses 眼镜 9. cute adj. 可爱的,讨人喜欢的 =lovely 10. hobby 爱好(复数hobbies)11. family 家 庭 (复数families);家人

2、(集体名词,复数概念 )二、词组1.the master of = one s master 的主人2.look after= take care of 照顾,照看,保管3. read the book/newspaper/magazine 读(看)书、报纸、杂志5. the first day 第一天(on the first day)6.in the morning/afternoon/evening; at night 在早晨、下午、晚上;晚上7.over there 在那边 (补充:all over the world 全世界)8.go swimming 去游泳a swimming p

3、ool 一个游泳池9.at the age of 在岁的时候=at age + 数字 =at + 数字10.wear glasses 戴眼镜11. live with sb in sp 和某人居住在某地live with family in beijing 12.all the lessons 所有课程( all 三者或三者以上;两者都用 both)13.12 years old = 12-year-old student 12岁(的)14.play+球类; play+the+乐器play football ;play the piano 15.after school 放学后after cl

4、ass 下课后after-school activities 课外活动16. be from = come from 来自where is he from? where does he come from? 17. tall and slim 又高又瘦18. be good at (doing) 擅长于(= do well in) 19. in class one ,grade seven 七年级一班20. like/ love doing sth 喜欢做某事表示习惯性动作like/love to do 表示一次性尝试或者想做还没有做的动作he likes playing with her s

5、isiter, but he likes to play with us today. 他(平时)喜欢和他姐姐玩,但今天他喜欢和我们一起玩。三、句子1.how to look after your e-dog? 如何照顾你的电子狗?2.what s your name? my name is /i am 请问你叫什么名字?我叫3.let s/let us meet my new classmates. 让我们见见我的新同学4.her hair is long.= she has long hair. 她的头发很长 /她有长长的头发 /她长着长头发。5.she likes reading.= r

6、eading is her hobby. 她喜欢读书 /读书是她的爱好。6.glad to see/meet you = nice to see/meet you. 很高兴见到你。7.she is good at dancing.=she is a good dancer. = she dances well. 她擅长跳舞 /她是个很好的舞者 /她跳舞跳的很好。8.i live with my family in beijing. 我和我家人生活在北京9. i like all the lessons at sunshine middle school. 我喜欢阳光中学的所有课程。学习必备精品

7、知识点10. what/which grade/class are you in? 你在哪里年级 /班级?四、其他1.he puts on a coat. (动作) he wears a coat. (状态)2.look vi. 看的动作或过程,接宾语要加at。eg. look at the pictures see vt. 看见,看到 glad to see you. (see a doctor 看医生 ; see a film/movie看电影 ) watch vt. 观看,注视,有目的、认真、仔细的看( watch a movie/film 看电影;watch a football ma

8、tch 看足球比赛 ) read vt. 阅读、朗读、看书 read the book/newspaper/magazine 读(看)书、报纸、杂志2. look 的词组: look after 照顾,照看,保管look at 朝看look like 看起来像look for 寻找7a unit 2 要点总结一、单词1. really adv.的确,确实 2. tennis 网球 3. volleyball 排球 4. member 成员 5.enjoy 享受,欣赏,喜爱(enjoys )6. favourite最喜欢的 7. true 真的,真实的 8. free 空闲的;免费的 ;自由的

9、9.shop vi 购物 n. 商店,店铺10. hero 英雄 复数 heroes 11.strong 强壮的;结实的,牢固的 12. dream n./adj/vt 梦(的) ,梦想(的) 13.else adv 另外,其他 14. match n 比赛,竞赛(复数 matches ) ;vt 搭配,与 相配 15. fun n.u 乐趣,趣味 ; adj. 有趣的,令人愉快的( funny,滑稽的,可笑的)二、词组1.go walking 散步 (take for a walk 带去散步 =walk)2.many times a day 一天几次( once a day 一天一次twic

10、e a day 一天两次 ) 3.my favourite sport(s)我最喜爱的运动4.enjoy doing 喜欢做某事,享受做某事5. football player 足球运动员( basketball player )6. huanghe football club( english club;chess club;dancing club )7. a new member of 的一个新成员8. live in beijing with family和家人居住在北京9. look strong 看起来强壮10. in ones free time 在空闲的时候11. come t

11、rue 实现 ( make ones dream come true梦想成真;实现梦想)12. listen to music 听音乐 (listen to sb/the radio/the news )13.make+sb+adj 使.怎么样make him happy/sad make +sb+do +sth 使做14. hope to do = hope that 希望i hope to learn english well.=i hope that i can learn english well. 11 want to do 想要做 ( want sb to do) = would

12、like to do15.of course 当然16.at/on weekends=at/on the weekend 在周末(weekday;weekend)17.ball games 球类比赛18.talk about/of sth with/to sb 和某人谈论某事19.a lot of=lots of 修饰可数或不可数名词20.many of +(the/my )+名词复数 +谓语复数中的许多21.ask sb about sth 询问某人关于某事ask sb to do sth ask sb not to do sth 学习必备精品知识点三、句子1.what s your fav

13、ourite sport?= what sport do you like best?2. what about/how about doing 做怎么样?3.he is a new member of huanghe football club. 他是黄河足球俱乐部的一名新成员。how many members are there in? 有多少名成员?4.he looks strong and plays football well. 主语+系动词 +形容词构成系表结构类似的系动词还有: smell,feel,taste,seem 注:touch,hear,listen to 等不是系动词

14、5.it makes him happy. 这使他很开心。6.i hope his dream comes true. 我希望他的梦想能够实现。 (我希望他梦想成真。 )7.what else do you like to do? 你还喜欢做什么吗?8.many of my students like sports. 我的许多学生喜欢运动。9.it makes me feel great.这使我感觉很好10.i am a member of our school basketball team. 我是我们学校篮球队的一员。11.we often talk about basketball an

15、d watch basketball matches on tv . 我们经常谈论篮球并在电视上观看篮球比赛。五、其他1. 以 o 结尾的 +es 的词: tomatoes potatoes heroes mangoes 2. 辨析: good 只用作形容词,不用作副词,其副词形式用well。如:he speaks good english. 他的英语说得好。he speaks english well. 他的英语说得好。well 也可用作形容词,表示 “ 健康的 ” 。如: she is very well. 她身体很好。3. 辨析 sometimes 有时,间或sometime 某个时候s

16、ome time 一段时间some times 几次7a unit 3 要点总结一、单词1. history 历史 2. geography 地理3.biology 生物 4. meeting(s)会议 5.begin 开始=start 6.around 到处,向各处;大约,左右7.building(s)建筑物 8. hall 大厅,礼堂9.bright 明亮的;聪明的;鲜艳的10. modern 现代的,新式的,时髦的11. diary 日记 (复数 diaries) keep a diary 记日记keep diaries12.borrow 借用(借进)二、词组1.from.to 从.到.

17、 between.and . 在.和.之间(时间或地点)5.all kinds of 各种各样a kind of 一种 two kinds of 两种 different kinds of 各种各样的many kinds of 多种多样的.kind(s)of 做主语时, 谓语动词的单复数与kind 的单复数一致6.borrow .from sb./sp.向.借(借入) lend(借出) lend sth to sb lend sb sth 7.on the school open day 学校开放日8.the parents meeting 家长会(sports meeting运动会)9.at

18、 the school gate 在学校门口 =at the gate of school10.9 october ( the ninth of october) on 9 october october 9(october ninth)学习必备精品知识点11.watch two of our lessons 看我们其中两堂课watch two lesson 看两堂课12.show sb around (): 领某人参观show sth to sb=show sb sth 展示某物给某人看13.in front of 在.前面(外部)in the front of 在.的前部(内部)14.on

19、 the ground floor 在一楼英式美式一楼 on the ground floor on the first floor 二楼 on the first floor on the second floor 三楼 on the second floor on the third floor 15. have meetings 开会家长会 parents meeting 运动会 sports meeting 班会class meeting 16.look modern 看起来现代look young 看起来年轻17.clean and bright 既干净又明亮18.classroom

20、 building 教学楼19.look at 看一看have/take a look at 21.after class 下课后between classes 课间22. on the phone 通电话23. at home 在家 go home回家walk home 走回家(在.地方be+介词)24. say hello to sb. 向某人问好25. tell sb about sth 告诉某人某事=tell sth to sb=tell sb sth tell sb to do sth 告诉某人要做某事tell sb not to do sth 告诉某人不要做某事tell a sto

21、ry 讲故事tell a lie 撒谎tell the truth 说实话26.play with 和.一起玩play with sb 和某人一起玩play with sth 玩弄某物27help sb (to) do sth=help sb with sth 帮助某人(做)某事28.want to do sth= would like to do sth 想要做某事would you like .?表示意见建议肯定回答: yes,please或者 yes,i d like/love to29.be nice to sb = be kind to sb 对.好30.a few 一些,少量(肯定

22、);few 几乎没有(否定)表示没,有后接可数名词复数形式a little 一些,少量(肯定);little 几乎没有(否定),表示没有。接不可数名词few of the/my+可数名词复数或者代词复数few of my books are new. 31.far away from 远离 far 这里做副词; far 可以做形容词,表示“远的,遥远的”注:far away from 之前不能加具体距离,但away from 可以my home is 10 miles away from my school. 32.on foot 走路go to.on foot=walk to 33.all

23、the best 一切顺利,万事如意(best wishes) 三、句子1. which of the subjects do you like best? 你最喜欢哪门学科?=what is your favorite subject? = which subject do you like best? 2. i have two cakes, and you have one. one 指代前面的 cake,泛指用 one(特指用the one ;复数用 ones和 the one 区别于 it:one泛指时指代的是同类事物;it 指代的是同一事物。3. what s the date t

24、oday? 今天是几月几日?(问日期) =what date is it today? what day is it today? 今天星期几?(问星期)whats the day today?学习必备精品知识点4.what time is it? 现在几点了? = what is the time? 5.the parents meeting begins at two oclock in the afternoon.家长会在下午两点钟开始。6.she is ready to show her mother around. be ready to do sth 准备好做某事be ready

25、for sth 7.let me show you around. 让我带你参观一下。let sb(宾格) + do sth. 让某人干某事9.there are 18 classrooms in it. 这里有 18个教室。there be. 有. be动词根据离它最近的名词决定(就近原则/邻近主谓一致)there be 表示存在, have表示拥有there are 25 boys and 16 girls in our class. i have 1,000,000,000 yuan. 11.whos that man in a white shirt? 穿白色衬衫的男士是谁?in a

26、white shirt 穿着白色衬衫“in+颜色”表示“穿着 .颜色的衣服”“in+衣服”表示穿 衣服13. do you know the teacher over there? 你知道那边的那个老师是谁吗?14.look at the pictures of my friends on the wall? 看一看墙上我朋友们的照片15.simon is in our school football team. 西蒙在我们学校足球队 。=simon is a member of our school basketball team. 西蒙是我们学校足球队的一员。16.all my frien

27、ds are really nice. 我所有的朋友确实都非常好17.i cant hear you well on the phone. 在电话里我听得不是很清楚(你在说什么) 。18.i want to say hello to her. 我想向她问好。19.it takes her about twenty minutes to get to school. 她到校大概要二十分钟。it takes sb. some time to do sth 某人花费多少时间做某事=sb. spend some time/money (in) doing sth. 某人花费多少时间 (金钱)做某事注:

28、 take 举行只能花费时间, spend句型可以花费时间或金钱20. when is it open? 它什么时候开门?open 形容词,开着的,反义词为closed open 瞬间动作be open 状态open 动词,打开,反义词为close 21. it open from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., but the reading room is only open in the afternoon. 22.thanks for your letter. 谢谢你的来信。 =thank you for your letter. thanks for.因.而感谢 thank

29、s for sth/ doing sth. thank you for sth/doing sth 23.i live far away from the school. 我住得离学校很远。= it is a long way from my home to the school. 24.i go to school on foot everyday. 我每天步行去学校。=i walk to school everyday.”25.i go to school by bike/by bus/ on foot. by 加交通工具: by bike; by bus; by train; by ca

30、r; by underground ( 中间不加冠词 ) 四、语法1.英语中交通方式的表达方法:1) 用“by+ 交通工具 ” 表示交通方式。如:by bike, by bus, by car , by plane , by train , by subway/underground (乘地铁)等。但是, “ 步行” 用 on foot , 而不是 by foot. 学习必备精品知识点they go to school by subway every day . 他们每天乘地铁去上学。注意: by 后面的交通工具名词是单数,而且名词前面不能加任何修饰词。2) 用take a +交通工具 ” 表

31、示交通方式。如: take a bus , take a train , take a ship , 但“ 骑自行车 ” 要用 ride a bike 来表示。mr . smith often takes a train to work . 史密斯先生常坐火车去上班。注意:如果后面接地点副词here , there , home 等,介词 to 应省去。i walk to school . you can drive there . 我步行去学校。你们可以开车去那儿。2. 学科的大小写问题:(1)学科的专有名词大写: maths;biology; chinese (2)语言类学科必须大写: c

32、hinese; english (3) 除语言学科外,泛指学科可以小写: a maths lesson ,a math teacher 7a unit 4 要点总结一、单词1.wake vi/vt.醒,醒来,唤醒2.seldom adv 很少,不常3.activity 活动(复数:activities ) 4.usually 通常,经常 5.never 从不 6.quarter n 一刻钟 7.wish vt/n 祝愿,希望(wishes)8.practise vt/vi 练习,训练 practice vt/vi/n 练习,训练u 9. museum 博物馆 10.chat vi/n 聊天,

33、闲聊(chatting) 11. children n 儿童 单数 child 12.picnic 野餐 13.life 生命、 生活 (复数 lives) 14. reason 原因, 理由,借口 (reason for) 15.luck n. 好运,幸运 adj lucky 幸运的反义 unlucky 不幸的luckily adv 幸运地 16.ready adj 准备好的,准备完毕17. twice 两次18. once 一次二、词组1.have breakfast/lunch/dinner(supper) 吃早饭 /午饭 /晚饭(三餐之前不加冠词)2.have a rest 休息= h

34、ave a break rest 可以做动词i rest for 10 hours every day. 需要好好休息一下need a good rest 3.have fun 玩的开心have fun 玩的开心( have a good/great time/enjoy oneself )it s fun to do make fun of sb捉弄、取笑某人have fun (in) doing sth做很愉快 it is fun to do sth/ doing sth 4. have lessons/ classes 上课have a lesson have an english le

35、sson 5.do after-school activities做课外活动6. be late for 迟到be late 迟到7.wake up 醒来wake sb up/ wake up sb (如果 sb是人称代词,则只能 wake sb up )8.need 做行为动词: need to do sth 需要做某事need sth 需要某物否定 doesn t/don t need 三单 needs 疑问句do you need to ?9. do morning exercises 做早操 ( do eye exercises 做眼操)exercise n 操练、练习可数复数 exe

36、rcises n 锻炼不可数vi 锻炼i always exercise in the morning. 10. a quarter past eight 八点一刻一刻钟 quarter 半小时half ( half an hour)时间的表达:不超过半小时(包括半小时) 分钟数 + past+ 钟点数half past eight 超过半小时(60-分钟数) + to + (钟点数 +1) ten to eight 11. chat with sb about sth和某人聊天(have a chat with sb )12.each other 相互,彼此学习必备精品知识点13.have

37、a good time 玩的开心=have a great time/enjoy oneself 14.be nice to sb 对某人友好类似结构: be good/friendly/kind to sb 15. in the playground 在操场上(英) on the playground(美)16.practise doing sth 练习做某事practise sth 练习某事(注: practise只能做动词, practice可以做动词或名词)17.wish sb to do sth 希望某人做某事(注 没有 hope sb to do sth )best wishes

38、致以最美好的祝愿类似 all the best 万事如意wish+从句i wish that you can learn english well.=i wish you to learn english well. wish sb sth wish you good luck 18.would like to do sth 想要做某事 = want to do sth 缩写d like 补充: would you like .?表示意见建议肯定回答: yes,please. 或者 yes,i d like/love to 19.at 6 years old= at the age of 6

39、询问年龄:how old are you? i am 20.have (much) time to do sth 有(许多)时间做某事have no time to do do sth 没有时间做某事have enough time to do sth 有足够的时间做某事have some time to do sth 有点时间做某事21. go roller skating 溜旱冰go skating 滑冰go skiing 滑雪22.once a month 一月一次twice a month 一月两次three times a month 一月三次month的复数 months 23.

40、visit a/the museum 参观博物馆24.go on a picnic 去野餐(go on picnics )25. get ready for sth 为做准备 =be ready for sth be/get ready to do sth 准备做某事26.be good for 对有好处反义 be bad for 对有坏处27.learn a lot about 学习许多关于 的知识learn to do 学习做某事learn from sb 向某人学习28.too much homework 太多作业too much 做限定词修饰不可数名词做副词,修饰动词she talks

41、 too much too many 限定词 修饰可数名词复数too many students much too 副词,修饰形容词或副词表示“ (实在)太” much too cold太冷了29. help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事help sb with sth 帮助某人某事30. around the world/ all over the world全世界travel around the world周游世界三、句子1. it is time for breakfast. 该吃早饭了。 /吃早饭的时间到了it is time for sth. 是的时候了 it is

42、 time for sb to do sth. 是该干 的时候了2. shall we go walking in the hills? 我们去山里散步吧?shall we do. 我们干 吧?= what/how about doing?4. some dogs just dont know how to have fun. 有些狗就是不知道怎么娱乐。know how to do sth 知道如何做 7.our school starts at eight in the morning from monday to friday. 周一到周五,我们的学校生活从每天早上八点开始学习必备精品知识

43、点8.usually we do morning exercises first. 通常我们先做早操。9.they are all nice to me. 他们都对我很好。10.after class, we often chat with each other or play in the playground. 课后,我们经常相互聊天或者在操场上玩。11.we often read books on tuesday and thursday .我们通常在周二和周四读书。12.we practise after school on wednesday afternoon.星期三下午放学后,我

44、们会练习(排球)。13.we always have a good time at school. 我们在学校总是过的很开心。18. i would like to tell you about my life here. 我想要告诉你这儿的生活。19. i often play football with my friends on saturday afternoon. 星期六下午我经常和我的朋友们踢足球。20. we have a school football match in autumn every year. 每年秋天我们有一场校足球比赛。21. my friends and i

45、 always have great fun then.那时我和我的朋友总是玩的很开心。22. sandy does not have much time to play tennis. 桑迪没有许多时间打网球。23. millie sometimes goes roller skating, but she is not good at it. 米莉有时去溜旱冰但她并不擅长它。24.-how often do you go on a picnic? about once a month. how often 询问频率对 once a month 提问,用 how often do you 对

46、 once 提问用 how many times do you 拓展: how long 询问时间长短how long does it take you to do homework? 25.what do you like to do at weekends ?你周末喜欢干什么?27. i hope everyone can come and watch the game. 我希望每个人都能来观看比赛。28. wish our team good luck! 祝我们队好运!29. they are good for us. 他们对我们有益。30. they help us get ready

47、 for the day. 他们帮助我们为一天做准备。31. i can learn a lot about the world. 我可以了解这个世界的许多事情。32. we always have too much homework. 我们总是有太多的家庭作业。四、其它1 月份:january, february, march, april , may, june , july, august, september ,october,november,december (in)季节: spring,summer,autumn/fall, winter (in)星期:monday,tuesda

48、y,wednesday ,thursday,friday,saturday,sunday (on)2. on 的用法星期on sunday/monday/tuesday日期,某一天on 1 september 某一天的早中晚on a cold morning/sunday evening 特定的节日一天on childrens day 3. in 的用法早中晚in the morning/afternoon /evening 月份in january/february/march/april季节in spring/summer/autumn/winter 年份in 2008/2009/1998

49、 学习必备精品知识点4. at 的用法持续一段时间的节日at chrismas. at the spring festival 具体时刻at 6:00 餐饭时间at breakfast/at lunch/at dinner 年龄at 12 (years old) 5. 频率副词never 从不seldom 很少,不常sometimes 有时,偶尔often 经常usually 通常always 总是注:never 和 always是反义词often/usually和 seldom是反义词7a unit 5 要点总结一、单词1.celebrate vt/vi庆祝 2. guess n/v 猜 测

50、 (复 数 guesses) 3.dress 穿 衣 (复 数dresses)4.ghost鬼5.christmas 圣诞节 6.festival 节日7.because因为8. present=gift礼物 9. together在一起,共同10. full 圆的,满的,饱的 11. pumpkin南瓜 12.lantern灯13.inside(outside) 在里面 (外面) 14.knock 敲击 15. shout 大声说,叫,嚷16. treat招待,对待,治疗17.trick(s)诡计,把戏 18. special 特殊的,特别的 19. question (s) 问题 20.

51、firework(s) 烟火, 烟花 21. grandparent(s) 祖父母 22.radio无线电广播,收音机(复数radios)23. different adj 不同的(区别于 difficult adj 困难的)24.important adj 重要的( an important festival)25. packet小包, (一)包二、词组1.dress up as 打扮成dress up in +衣服 穿.衣服dress sb. 给某人穿衣服dress 还可以做名词表示衣服,礼服,连衣裙复数 dresses2.on that day 在那天on this day 在这天3.g

52、et together 在一起do sth together (with sb) 和某人一起做某事4.all my family/all my students/all my classmates 所有的 . all the/ones +名词5.learn about different festivals around the world 了解全世界不同的节日6. (in) the usa(the united states of america) (in united states/ amercica )7.wear masks 带面具 (wear a mask )8.paint our

53、faces 在脸上涂颜色paint vt.给涂颜色,画画paint sth 给涂颜色,用颜料涂 paint sth+颜色 把某物涂成 颜色9.make pumpkin lanterns 制作南瓜灯10.make lanterns out of oranges 把橘子制作成灯(把橘子制作成灯笼)make a out of b把 b 制作成 a =make b into a 拓展: be made from 由制成(看不出原材料,原材料发生发生性质变化)be made of 由制成(看得出原材料,原材料为改变性质)11.play a game with the people inside play

54、 (sth) with sb 和一起玩12.knock on the door 敲门13.shout at sb. 朝某人喊叫14.play a trick on 捉弄某人( =play tricks on sb=make fun of sb )15.on the evening of october 31 在 10 月 31 日的晚上 (在某天的早中晚用on)16.nice food and drinks(注意 drink 可数) 美味的食物和饮料17.ask and answer questions 询问和回答问题have some questions 有一些问题18. give each

55、 other presents=give presents to each other give sb sth= give sth to sb学习必备精品知识点19.at a restaurant 在一个餐馆20.some other nice things 其他的好东西other adj 其他的,其他人的,另外的other people其他人 other students其他学生也可以作为代词the other 另一个,其他人复数( the)others其他人21. go out for (doing) sth 外出做 = go out to do sth22.find out more o

56、n the new york radio 听纽约广播电台来发现更多的信息(1)find out 发现,找出,查明(侧重通过询问、调查、研究等发现)find 找到,发现(侧重找的结果)(2)more 做代词,表示更多的(事物)learn more about the world 做副词,表示更加,更多地practice english more 做限定词,表示更多的, have more money 23.on the radio 在广播中listen to the radio听广播24.be on holiday/go on a holiday 度假go to for a/ ones holi

57、day25.take a photo (of. ) 拍照take photos 26.watch the fireworks 观看烟花let off/set off fireworks 放烟花27.seem very happy 似乎很开心(其他系动词 look, sound, feel, smell,taste) seem+ adj 表示似乎,好像,看来seem to do 好像要做某事i seem to hear someone knocking at the door. it seems that 似乎 it seems that he didnt do his homework.28.

58、lion dance 舞狮29.at/in the school hall 在学校礼堂里30.an important holiday/festival 一个重要的假日 /节日31.let off/set off fireworks 放烟花32.red packets 红包packet 小包,捆pocket 口袋pocket money 零钱33.most chinese families 大多数中国家庭most students 大多数学生 = most of the students 34.at this time of year 在一年中的这个时候35. get new clothes

59、ready for us 为我们准备好新衣服get a ready for b 为 b准备 a 三、句子3.i want to dress up as a ghost. 我想装扮成鬼。4.what is your favourite festival? 你最喜欢的节日是什么?what festival do you like best? 6.thank you for telling me about the mid-autumn festival. 感谢你告诉我关于中秋节的事thank you/thanks for sth./doing sth. thank sb for(doing)sth

60、 8.when the evening come s, we visit houses and play a game with people inside. 当夜晚来临,我们就挨家挨户的拜访,和屋里的人玩游戏。9.if they do not give us a treat, we play a trick on them. 如果他们不招待我们,我们就捉弄他们。10.usually they give us some candy as a treat. 通常他们会给我们一些糖果作为招待candy 不可数give sb sth as a treat= give sb a treat of st


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