



1、英中 句子1 this type of data does not offer the detailed resolution available with more expensive "high-fold data" and the ability to correctly interpret small fault ad thin bed dip is hampered by the poor resolution in some in st a nces.这种类型的数据不提供精细的分辨率,除非能提供更昂贵的“高褶皱数据”;并且,在某些悄况下,数 据正确解读微小ad薄

2、层浸入错谋的能力也被不良的分辨率所限制。2. salt diapirism drives the deformation and faulting in the overlying jurassic and triassic strata to form structures with potential to trap hydrocarbons.盐底辟作川使侏罗纪时期的表面覆盖层和三叠纪时期的地层变形和断层,形成能储存坯类物质的结构。段落the newly available 3d future prospect will be highly independent of any foreg

3、oing success or failure. the newly available 3d seismic surveys represent a significant advantage over the 2d seismic that was available for initial evaluations of blocks a and e all of the prospects reviewed have been mapped using regional exploration or sparse 3d seismic. this type of data does no

4、t offer the detailed resolution available with more expensive "high-fold data" and the ability to correctly interpret small faults and thin bed dip is hampered by the poor resolution in some instances新到來的3d勘探技术不依靠之前任何的成功或者失败。新3d地震测量比只具冇初步测量a区和e区 的2d测量有显著优势。所有捉到过的测量都经川区域勘探或者零星三维地震被制成图。这种类型的

5、 数据不提供精细的分辨率,除非能提供更昂贵的“髙褶皴数据”;并且,在某些情况下,数据正确解读 微小ad薄层浸入错误的能力也被不良的分辨率所限制。prospects target i ng the pre-salt carb on iferous and dev onian strata are defi ned primarily by 3d seismic detecti on of geological structures below the highly deformed kungurian salt sequenee. "type ii" prospects ar

6、e mapped as structural highs below the pl uncon formity the exploratio n con cept is that these highs are carb on ate buildups an alogous to tengiz, karachaga nak and kashaga n. rsc con curs that the deepest dev onian in terval (below horiz on dev2) identified by max has an atoll-like seismic charac

7、ter in the prospective areas however; overlying carboniferous and devonian intervals(carb and devi) exhibit regional seismic character and are considered sec on dary objectives the type ii prospects are about two kilometers deeper tha n the major paleozoic oil fields in the region that max considers

8、 analogous and are evaluated as sour gas-condensate reservoirs rsc considers the type ii prospects to be highly depe ndent such that success or failure at one could strongly in flue nee the cos of the others.以石岩纪盐下层系和泥盆纪地层为目标的勘探,首先用3d地震探测技术,通过探测严重变形的空谷尔期地 质结构盐的排列顺序进行初步定义。“类型1【”勘探绘制p1之f形成构造隆起的不一致性。勘探

9、理念是, 这些隆起是类似于田吉兹,甘纳克和卡沙甘汕田的碳酸盐沉积。rsc认同由max鉴定出的最深的泥盆纪间 隔(在地平线dev2以下)在预定的区域冇环状珊瑚岛类型的地展特征。但是,上覆盖的石炭纪和泥盆纪间 隔(carb和dev1)展示了区域性地震特征,被认为是次耍目标。类型ii勘探比主要的古生代的油皿深大约 2公里。max认为该古生代的油田地区与z类似,都是酸性气凝聚层。rsc认为类型i勘探依赖性很强,也 就是说,一个地方的成功或失败将会严重影响具它的coso"type 1 pre-salt targets are represented by the kuzbak and akat

10、kol features. these are interpreted by max to be localized permian tidal flat or sabka deposits, forming structural highs above the pl unconformity, entirely sealed by overlying kungurian salt. rsc supports the max structural interpretation and concurs that reservoir quality is the most significant

11、risk factor. rsc believes that the type i prospects are also highly dependent with respect tocos.“类型i ”盐下层系靶区以kuzbak和akatkol特征为代表。max解读此类特征为地区性二叠纪潮滩或盐沼沉 积,在p1z±形成构造隆起的不一致性,并完全被空谷尔期盐层覆盖。rsc支持max的构造解释,并且肯 定了储层性质是最重人的风险因素。rsc相信类型i勘探同样高度依赖coso中英句子1. 在前期zina区块汕气勘探前景评价基础上,对新采集的二维地震资料和原有二维地震资料进行联合解 释成

12、图,结合区块内完钻的zina-1井、zina-2x井钻探资料,对该区块石油地质条件进行重新认识,对 勘探前景进行新的评估,取得了一定进展,全面完成了合同的任务要求。based on the earlier stage of zina oil-gas exploration prospect evaluation, the newly collected 2d seismic data and original 2d seismic data were interpreted jointly and mapped;the misering data of drilled wellzina-2x

13、were integrated to make a recog nition of the petro geological conditions in this area. the explorati on prospect was reevaluated, certain progress was made,and themissi on requirementsof the con tract were fully completed.2. 类比bongor盆地与济纳盆地的地震剖面和反射特征,济纳盆地的地震剖而上有4个不整合界面(图1-2), 推测它们是基岩、下白垩统、上白垩统、古近系、

14、新近系z间的区域不整合界面(分别对应为tg、t4、t3、 t2)analogize the seismic section and reflection character of bongor basin and zina basin, the seismic sections of zina basin are formed by 4 different unconformity interface(figure 1-2), supposedly regionalunconformity in terface among bed rock, lower cretaceous, upper c

15、retaceous, palaeoge ne, n eoge ne (con rresp on dly: tg, t4, t3, t2).段落平面上主要发育两组断裂体系(图2-7至图2-12):即近东西向和北北西向断裂体系。这两组断裂交叉形成 断裂网络,控制了该区的构造格局。其屮近东西向的断层是济纳盆地发冇的起主导作用的断裂系统,它们 控制了济纳盆地的形成、构造带的形成、区域构造形态、构造类型、地层的沉积及:其演化;北北西向的断 裂不及北东向断裂发育,早期为共轨剪切断层,后期北西西向断层是在盆地形成过程屮起调节作用的转换 断层,对构造起到分割作用,控制局部构造的形成和形态。剖而上大都呈现为铲式

16、正断层,这些断层呈“y” 型、反“y”型、花状组合样式。plane surface mainly developedinto twofault systems(figure 2-7 tofigure 2-12): ieeast-westand north-northwest-trending fault system these two systemsintersected andfractured toform thefracturenetwork, which controlled the tectonic framework ofthis area. among them, ewfaul

17、tswerethe leading fracture systems in zinabasin fault development, theycontrolledthe formation of zina basin andthetectonic zone, as well as regional structuralmorphology, structuraltype, stratal deposition and evolution ofzin abasin; nnwfracturewas less developed tha nnefaulti ng which was con juga

18、te shearfaults in early stage.the latenwwfaultplayed a regulatory roleduring the formationofbasin; it split structure and controlledthe formation oflocal structuresand morphology. most ofthe cross sections were rendered as shovel normal faults;these faultsappeared to beytype, antij,yh type, and flower-likecombination styles. 纵向上断层分为2个级别:-级边界断层4条,控制盆地内地輕的形成和地层沉积,断距大,以南倾为主: 次级别较小


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