已阅读5页,还剩8页未读 继续免费阅读




1、浅谈新时期水土保持产业化发展王晶' 杨伟超(黄河勘测规划设计有限公司环境与移民工程院 河南 郑州450003)摘要:本文从水保产业化的历史及现状出发,全血论述了当前水保产业化存在的实际问题,并对水保产业 化今后发展作了展望。提出应选准产业,进行区域化布局,遵循“以区域定产业,以产业定基地”的原则, 总结成熟模式与经验,兴办经济实体,依靠科技提高效益,并协调生态经济社会三效益之间的关系,促进 水土保持产业化健康发展,进而促进区域经济发展。关键词:水土保持产业化市场模式水土保持产业化是以防治水土流失为前提,以市场盂求为导向,以利益驱动为动力,围 绕区域资源优势,优化组合生产要索,实施区域化

2、布局,综合性开发,社会化服务,企业化 管理,逐步形成种养加、产供销、客商贸一体化的生产经营体系(贾天会,1998)。它是水 土保持走向市场的崭新经营方式(石长金,2001);是小流域综合治理在市场经济条件下的 必然选择;是水土保持行业深化改革面临的新课题;是水保发展的必由z路。1水土保持产业化的发展历史及现状水土保持产业是以侵蚀劣地治理与开发为c任,有别于其它任何产业,其认识路子和经 济效益方面,正经历着一个从无到冇,由浅入深,由小到大的发展过程(刘海峰,1999)。 其产生于流域治理。流域治理经历了由分散治理小流域集中治理(小流域单纯防护性治理一小流域规模化开发治理一小流域经济形成)小流域治

3、理为大流域治理和结合的过程。流域治理是为了充分发挥水土资源的牛态效益、经济效益、社会效益,以流域为单 元,在全而规划的基础上,合理安排农、林、牧、副各业用地,刚也制宜的布设综合治理措 施,对水十资源进行保护改良和合理利用。1980年4月,水利部总结山西吉县小流域治理 经验,在该县召开了全国水保小流域治理座谈会,拟定了水土保持小流域治理办法,小 流域是指流域而积在30kn?以内的闭合集水区。从此,水保工作进入了以小流域为单元综合 治理的新阶段。小流域治理目前已在全国各省市推广,先后开展治理的小流域有1万多条,总面积40 多万kn/。小流域治理,既符合自然规律乂符合经济规律。以小流域为单元,投入相

4、对集中, 可以进行规模治理,加快了治理速度,一般的年治理速度在3%以上,高的可达10%15%, 比面上治理速度至少快23倍以上,同时治理效率也高。80年代初期,黄土高原兴起以八 承包治理水十流失的热潮,这是农村家庭联产承包制在水土保持工作中的具体运用,是农民 群众的创造,也是水土流失治理方式的一个大突破。随着包户责任制的兴起,农民要求从 治理中尽快得到实惠,因此探索了在治理的同时注意开发利用,很快见到了效益。这种治理 |王品(1981j:男,山西运城人,硕士,从事水土保持与生态恢复与重建研究工作。 与开发相结介的方式促成了小流域经济的形成。小流域经济是将小流域内的口然资源进行优化配置,科学而合

5、理地为小流域高产出注入 生产要素,发展适应市场的支柱产业,以及种养加、产供销、贸工农等的经济体系。它是水 土保持走向市场的崭新经营方式。水保产业化是众多小流域经济的联合体,在发展种植业、 林果业、畜牧业的棊础上,逐步发展形成自己的拳头产甜和主导产业(孙建轩,1997)。产 业化发展是水土保持持续发展的根本。众多实践证明在一定市场导向下小流域经济必将发展 为水保产业化。现阶段各地也都在进行此方面的试点工作,虽然有些地方己找准了口c的拳 头(主导)产品,但总的来说,由于受诸多因索的彫响利制约,水土保持产业化还没有形成 较人的规模优势和经济优势,也没有较成熟的模式和经验,还处于起步阶段。2当前水土保

6、持产业化发展过程中出现的问题总的來说,水保产业化开展的不多还处在初级阶段,其主要问题农现在以下几个方而:(1)政府宏观调控措施不够;资金扶持不够;政策支持产权、法律制度等不健全;没冇良 好的市场机制引导;(2)农民索质不高;农民投资水保的积极性没有充分调动;(3)水保部 门没有专门的经济协作机构,不能对农民进行技术等培训;(4)科技部门(高校和研究机构) 制定的规划很多不切合实际情况,不容易开展;(5)没冇发育良好的市场。2.1各地区发展不平衡从现阶段发展来看,各地区发展不平衡。有些地区已有成熟的模式和经验,形成了口己 的规模优势,也可以说己经实现了水保产业化,但有些地区受政策不到位等因素制约

7、,还没 有达到预期目标。也冇些地区由于管理和引导不当,造成了人为的二次流失。2.2资金扶持不够,农民投资水保的积极性没有充分调动有些专项资金不到位,政府投资少,不能很好的开展资金的二次使用(治理厉土地拍卖 得的钱再投入治理),形成良性循环;另外水保产业化的开展一大部分要农民投入资金治理, 但由于政府没有良好的审场机制、宏观调控措施不够等原因,农民投资水保的积极性并没有 充分调动。2.3政策支持产权、法律制度等不健全有些地区没有明确治理后产权问题,治理者也心存戒律,主要是没有合理的合同机制。 笔者认为应采取多合同机制供开发者选择。2.4农民素质不高我国农民普遍接受各种教育的机会少,素质较低,这决

8、定其在经营管理上仍带冇传统农 业阶段的农民索质特征,很难学握有关先进技术和知识,使得科研成果难以顺利转化为现实 牛产力(贾天会,1998)。水保部门没有成立专门的经济协作机构(办工厂等),不能对 农民进行各种技术培训和引导,没有提高劳动者素质,也没有带动农民群众脱贫致富。2.5科技部门规划不明确高校和研究机构制定的规划并没有协同经济等部门作市场调查等,规划成果不容易开 展。2.6市场发育不好市场是调控资源配置的有效手段,健全的农产品市场可提高农八扩人资源投资的积极 性,规范农村集体资源市场,有利于资源的合理集中,从而解决规模效益低以及对资源投资 少的问题。土地等资源的市场规范,不仅使资源更加合

9、理集中,解决了规模效益问题,而 且还rh于责、权、利的统一,农民在市场机制下使资源在开发和利用的同时。更加注重资源 的治理与保护,达到资源的培植与永续利用相统一(贾天会,1998) 53水土保持产业化发展展望3.1应着重在治理区发展,明确它是区域经济发展的重要途径,把提高农民收入作为最终 目标水土保持的主要任务是治理水土流失,建设高产稳产基本农田,营造大地植被,创造良 好牛态环境,实现资源可持续利用。水上保持产业是以侵蚀劣地治理与开发为己任的,重在 水土流失的治理,在治理的基础上开发,才能达到社会、生态、经济三效益的统一。21世 纪,水土流失区居民要从温饱达到富裕,就要在综合治理的同时下人力气

10、将低效或无效的侵 蚀劣地改造为高效的优质土地来发展各具特色的产品,发展水保产业。因此今后应在生物、 工程、耕作三大措施结合的基础上,在水土流失治理区开展水保产业化。在侵蚀劣地区建立 确实能增加农民收入,减轻农民负担的水保产业,促进区域经济的发展。3.2认识到它是一项基础产业,应在今后强化和定向培育农业、矿产业以及加工业因为提供生活和再生产的必需品,而成为第一,第二基础产业, 水利也是其它经济活动和人民生活得以维持和发展的物质基础也应是基础产业。推而广z, 水土保持事业所保持、改良以至开发出來的生态平衡的环境,也是人类化产,纶活所离不开 的,必不可少的,因而这些部分也是基础产业(刘海峰,1999

11、)。并可以从以下几个方面体 现其基础产业及经济效益:从侵蚀劣地上治理、争出的土地;小工程蓄水;自己在经 营土、水中的多种牛物产帖等第三类物质的消费和出售中,获取经济效益;向受水保工程 防护的城镇、工矿、水电站等收取防护补偿费;社会公益事业的国家投入、社会集资等等 ri综上所述,水土保持产业应以基础产业来抓。3.3应充分借鉴有成熟模式和经验地区的做法,多种模式促发展甘肃省的沙棘产业化已成为当地的一项龙头产业,“沙棘产业化,建立行业支柱产业” 课题已列入廿肃水利厅的科硏计划并运行,年产值在数千万元以上。从一个侧面开始展现出 “奇沙棘,多功能,人产业”的魅人前景和水土保持产业化的突破口地位。山西吉县

12、采取 t “治流域,建区域,兴县域”的发展目标,并采取了选准产业区域化布置(建了水果经济 产业区和烟叶产业区);转换机制,市场化运作(引入“四荒”地拍卖等机制);推广科技, 集约化经营(提高资源利用率、土地产出率、产品增值率);创树名牌(建苹果基地),商品 化流通(出口等)的水保产业化开发新路,走出了一条富县富民富行业的康庄大道。黑龙 江东宁县建立优质水果牛产基地实现了资源的多层次增殖与持续利用|叫这些地区都发挥了 各自的优势并确定了主导产业,使龙头产业快速发展,带动了水保产业化的发展。各地应借 鉴这些地区的成熟做法,把地方水保产业做成优势产业,促进当地经济发展。笔者总结,水土保持产业化发展的

13、主要模式有:“公司+农八”(张翼,1995)型模式, “高效小流域经济开发规范型基地网+农户”型模式和“水保部门口办的经济实体+农户” 型模式。(1)“公司+农户”(张翼,1995)型模式在此基地上统一规划设计,连片集中种植,分户经营管理和分户受益,在此基地上农民 投入了治理资金,生产出的初级产品(如果类)交售给加工销售公司经过深加工成商殆进入 币场,农民从中获得经济效益,又积极的投入更多资金治理,生产出更多产品,形成良性循 环。在大部分地区已建立了林果地,但经营管理水平低,产品销售范围窄,果品售价低,经 济效益差,这就耍求水保行业协作机构培养相关人才;制定优惠政策,调动公司直接或间接 参与水

14、保治理与开发;引进外资参与水保产品的深加工,提高农民收入,带动区域经济发展。(2)“高效小流域经济开发规范型基地冋+农户”型模式此模式在很多地区已实践成功,其高效的利用了小流域内的口然资源,带动了此流域内 群众脱贫致富,不仅取得了经济效益而且获得了生态效益和社会效益。口前它已成为示范模 式。(3)“水保部门自办的经济实体+农户”型模式水土保持部门成立的产业开发公司等经济实体,为农民提供技术、种苗供应等服务,起 示范带头作用,让农民兄弟获得经济效益,对水保进行更人投资。如贵州省威宁县水保办成 立了 “威宁水保绿色产业开发股份公司”它是当地水保产业化的龙头企业。各地要人力发展 此模式。水土保持产业

15、化应多元化投资,多种模式同步发展,使之相互依托相互补充这样才有利 于形成区域化发展,专业化牛产,系列化管理,社会化服务。3.4多方筹集资金(1)落实国务院既定的投入政策(农水中拿出10-20%用于水保等),依法征收水土流失 防治费,水土保持设施补偿费'四荒”地拍卖后继续用语治理;各水利水电工程及水保流 域治理的下游耍采取按保护面枳和收益面积集资等办法,扩大资金來源,加快治理步伐。(2)指定稳定的投入保障机制和扶持政策。设法建立比较稳定的资金渠道,逐步建立水 保基金,水利基金中10-20%用于水保,农业开发基金,以工代赈等,另外银行应安排一定 数量的贴息贷款。(3)以市场经济为导向,人力

16、发展高效小流域经济,积极扶持和推进水保产业化建设, 增强农民经济实力和搞好水保基金的口酬能力。(4)改变投资结构,拓宽投资领域。扩大对外引资,充分利用吐界银行、亚洲开发银行、 fao双边或多边技术合作的贷款或赠款。3.5加强政府职能(1)深化改革,理顺关系,为水保产业化发展创造宽松的市场坏境。建立农产品价格 保护制度和风险投资基金制度;深化农村土地使用管理制度改革,如开发“四荒”应采取家 庭承包、联八承包、集体开发、租赁、股份合作、拍卖使用权等多种方式,实行“谁开发, 谁管理,谁收益”的政策,对承包者免征1-3年的农业特产税等政策;重视农村市场经济体 系的培育等;(2)iftl向市场,培植主导

17、产业,建设带动能力强的龙头企业;(3)制定优惠经济政策,集中倾斜扶持(金融、税收、财政)产业化发展;(4)坚持试点示范,加强宏观调控;(5) 增强服务功能,建立保障体系;(6) 加强法制建设,严格遵循水土保持法等法规办事。(7) 大力提高劳动者素质并重视科技力量。3.6应重视开展水土保持产业化研究工作,以科技促发展水土保持产业化是在有水土流失的劣地上发展商品经济的,首先要解决水土流失问题 150高校及研究单位应遵循因地制宜,适地适树,治理与开发相结合等原则,作好治理开发 成果的研究,提高水土流失治理的科技含量。水保部门应采取提留部分水土流失经费选拔优 秀的水保丄作者到高校培养或请专家讲课等办法

18、,建立一支高水平高素质的水保队伍,组建 跨流域、跨区域水保经济协作机构,负责研发,推广市场有潜力的产品,带动流域、区域内 的主导产业的形成。各单位应协作攻关科技难题,引进新的检测技术和手段,靠科技促发 展。4结语当前,治理水土流失的方向从单纯的防护型转为开发型,西部大开发也为西部地区带來 前所未有的机遇。因此各地区应选准产业,进行区域化布局,遵循“以区域定产业,以产业 定基地”的原则,总结成熟模式与经验,兴办经济实体,依靠科技提高效益,并协调生态、 经济、社会三效益之间的关系,促进水土保持产业化健康发展,进而促进区域经济发展。参考文献:1 刘海峰.论水土保持产业及产业化问题,水土保持通报,19

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21、001.2: 18-1916 张翼.论水土保持产业化发展,人民黄河,1995.17 (3): 48-5017 孙建轩.积极开展人流域治理开发促进水土保持产业化发展,山西水土保持科技,1999.3: 33-36soil and water conservation industrialization in the newperiodwang jing2 and yang weichao(the yellow river engineering consulting co., ltd., zhengzhou china,450003)abstract: this paper starting fr

22、om the history and present situation of soil and water conservation industrialization, its founded problems existing in development process of soil and water conservation industrialization and outlook the future development. we believe that the industrialization should select the right to conduct re

23、gional layout, its follow principle of mto the regional industry to industry for base”,we should sum up experience and maturity model set up economic entities, rely on technology to increase efficiency, coordination relationship between of ecological benefits and economic benefits and social benefit

24、s, promote thehealthy development of soil and water conservation industrialization and regional economic development, keywords: soil and water conservation industrialization; market; modelsoil and water conservation industrialization is premise of control soil erosion and market demand-oriented, in

25、order to benefit as a driving force, on the advantages of regional resources, optimize the combination of factors of production, the implementation of regional distribution, comprehensive development, social services, enterprise management, and gradually form pillar industries such as plantin aquacu

26、lture-processing, production-supply-sales and trade-lndustiy-agriculture. it's a brand new mode of operation on soil and water conservation to the market; it's inevitable choice of small watershed management in a market economy; it's a new task in facing on soil and water conservation re

27、form; it is the only way for the development of water conservatio n.1 development history and status of soiland water conservation industrializationsoil and water conservation industrialization is inferior to governance and development the eroded land as their responsibility, it unlike any other ind

28、ustry, and its understanding path and economic efficiency experiencing from scratch and easy-to-digest, steeled the development process its produced in watershed management. watershed management has process on decentralized governance 一small watershed centralized management (only small watershed pro

29、tection governance large-scale development of small watershed management economic formation of small watershed) 一-watershed management and the integration of watershed management. watershed management in order to efficiency of ecological benefits, economic benefits and social benefits of water and l

30、and resources, its to valley as a unit, reasonable arrangements for agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, the deputy industry sites on the basis of the comprehensive planning, according to local conditions laid the comprehensive management measures, to improve soil and water resources protection

31、and rational utilization. in april 1980, the ministry of water resources concluded jixian county of shanxi small watershed management experience, held a national water conservation watershed management forum in this county, the meeting has developed happroach of soil and water conservation and water

32、shed management and refers to small watershed catchment area is closed within 3() km , since then, the soil and water conservation work has entered a watershed for the unit to the comprehensive management of a new stagewatershed management is already promotion in china it has launched a small waters

33、hed2 management of more than 10,000 of the total area of over 40 million km: watershed management is in line with the laws of nature and consistent with economic laws, its a small basin as a unit, he relative concentration of investment, its way of scale governance accelerated the speed of governanc

34、e, the general rate of more than 3%, high up to 10% -15% over the fast surface treatment rate of at least 2-3 more than tripled, while the efficiency of governance is also high. the early 1980s, the rise of the loess plateau to control soil erosion households contracted the fever, which is the rural

35、 household contract system in the soil and water conservation work in the concrete application, is the creation of the peasant masses, but also ways to prevent soil erosion in a major breakthrough. with the rise of package household responsibility system, farmers request from the management as soon

36、as possible benefit, explore the governance of the development and utilization of the attention al the same time, very soon see the benefits governance and development of such a combination of the economy led to the formation of small river valleys.watershed economy is the small valley of optimizing

37、 the allocation of natural resources, scientific and reasonable for the small watershed into a high yield of production factors, in line with the market development of pillar industries such as planting-aquaculture-processing, production-supply-sales and trade-industry- agriculture it is the new mod

38、e of operation to market of the soil and water conservation. soil and water conservation industrialization is commonwealth of many small watershed economies, based on development of planting, fruit, animal husbandry, progressive development of a high-quality products and leading industries. industri

39、al development is the fundamental sustainable development of soil and water conservation practice has proved that many in a certain market-oriented economy under the small watershed for the development of soil and water conservation industrialization. at this stage, throughout the experimental work

40、in local, although some districts have been accurately identify its leading products, but overall, due to many factors and the impact of constraints, soil and water conservation industrialization has not been a greater scale advantages and economic advantages, and no more mature models and experienc

41、es, but also in its infancy2 the problems of soil and waterconservation industrializationdevelopmentin general, the development of soil and water conservation industrialization is still at the initial stage, in the development of the main issues in the following areas: (1) government macro-control m

42、easures not enough, funding support inadequate policy support property rights, legal system does not sound good does not guide the market mechanism; (2) the farmers quality is not high, their enthusiasm is not fully mobilize;(3) soil and water conservation department has no specific economic coopera

43、tion institutions, it can not conduct a technical training for farmers;(4) development of science and technology departments of planning a lot of practical, it is not easy ;(5) not of a good market.2.1 the regional development imbalancesfrom the present stage of development, regional development unb

44、alanced. some districts have been the model of maturity and experience, developed its own advantages of scale, can also be said to have achieved a soil and water conservation industrialization, but in some districts not in place by the policy constraints and other factors, has not yet reached expect

45、ed goals even in some districts due to improper management and guidance, resulting in the loss of man-made secondary.2.2 farmers have not fully mobilize enthusiasminvestment in soil and water conservationsome special funds is not in place, the small investment, can not be good for the secondary use

46、of funds (after the land auction in the governance of the money to invest governance), forming a virtuous circle. in addition to soil and water conservation industrialization a majority of farmers to invest capital management, but because the government has not a good market mechanism, the macro-con

47、trol measures not enough reasons, farmers and water conservation investment enthusiasm did not fully mobilize2.3 policy support property rights and legal system isnot perfectin some districts not explicitly treated and property rights, governance also feel precepts, is not a reasonable mechanism for

48、 the contract. we believe that should be taken more contracts for thedevelopment of mechanisms to choose.2.4 farmers quality is not highchinas farmers generally accepted all kinds of educational opportunities for low quality, this decision in its management is still a traditional agricultural stage

49、of their quality characteristics, their difficult to grasp the advanced technology and knowledge, making it difficult scientific research achievements into real smooth productivity. soil and water conservation departments did not set up special department of economic cooperation organizations, not t

50、o farmers in a variety of technical training and guidance, not improve the quality of laborers, farmers have not driven to become prosperous.2.5 technology sector planning is not clearuniversities and research institutions to develop the plan and no coordinated economic and other departments, such a

51、s market research, planning for results is not easy2.6 poor market developmentthe market is an effective means of control the allocation of resources, sou nd agricultural market can increase farmers to expand capital investment sub-quota, standardize the rural collective resources market is conduciv

52、e to the rational concentration of resources to address the economies of scale and lower capital investment. market norms of land and other resources, its not only to focus resources more reasonable to resolve the issue of economies of scale, but also because of duties, rights, benefits the unity of

53、 farmers in the market mechanism so that resources in the development and use at the same time pay more attention to resource management and protection of resources to achieve the sustainable use and cultivate unity3 soil and water conservation industrialdevelopment outlook3.1 focus on development i

54、n the governance areamain task of soil and water conservation is to control soil erosion and construction a high and stable yield of basic farmland, plant trees, creating a good ecological environment and realize sustainable use of resources soil and water conservation industrialization is poor gove

55、rnance and development as its mission to the lies of soil erosion control, in the governance on the basis of development, to achieve social, ecological and economic benefits of reunification. the 21st century, residents of soil erosion area from food and clothing to achieve prosperity, it is necessa

56、ry to comprehensive management at the same time make great efforts will be inefficient or ineffective to the erosion of the inferior quality of land for the efficient development of unique products, development soil and water conservation industry. so future we should be based on biological measure,

57、 engineering, and farming measure, to prevent soil erosion in the area for soil and water conservation industrialization. poor erosion in the region can really increase their income, reduce the burden on peasants, and promote regional economic development.3.2 should be strengthened in future and ori

58、entationtraining because ifs basic industrybecause agriculture, mining industry and the processing industry as providing the necessities of life and reproduction, these to become the first, second basic industries, water conservancy also other economic activities and people's lives to maintain a

59、nd develop the material basis should also be basic industries by extension, the cause of maintaining soil and water conservation, improved and developed the ecological balance of environment, but also human production, which can not be separated from the living, essential, therefore these are also part of basic industries. and from the


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