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1、翻译英文山地车租借协议mountainike rent agreement三亚凯莱仙人掌度假酒店为客人提供租借山地车的服务,为了双方的切身利益,请租 借人遵守以下条款:mountain bike rent service is available at cactus resort sanya. to assure the interests of both sides, the borrower shall observe the following terms and conditions.1. 租借人将不损害三亚凯莱仙人掌度假酒店及其业主、雇员的权益,并将放弃曲于使用酒店 租借设备引起的或

2、相关的对三亚凯莱仙人掌度假酒店及其业主、雇员的追究责任权;1. borrower shall pay a deposit in full to the renter upon signing of the rent agreement. no deposit is necessary for ten ants of cactus resort sanya, who shall show their room card. customers not staying at cactus resort sanya shall pay a deposit of rmb 1000/bike, which

3、 will be refunded when the bike is returned in complete and intact conditi on;2. 租借人应于租借协议签署之时,向店方交付足额押金。本酒店住店客人免交押金,但需出 示房卡证明,丿占外客人需交付押金人民币1000元/辆,归述租借设备时需保证设备完整及 无损坏,酒店方可退还押金给租借人;2. borrower shall pay a deposit in full to the renter upon signing of the rent agreement. no deposit is necessary for t

4、enants of cactus resort sanya, who shall show their room card. customers not staying at cactus resort sanya shall pay a deposit of rmb 1000/bike, which will be refunded when the bike is returned in complete and intact condition;3. 未成年人在使用山地车的过程中,必须冇成年人陪同;3. minors shall be accompanied by adults for

5、using the mountain bike;4山地车不能骑至泳池和海边沙滩区域,不得离开亚龙湾国家旅游度假区范围;4. mountain bike shall not get anywhere near the swimming pool or beach area, norbeyond the yalongwan national resort area;5. 在公路上骑驶请遵守交通规则,请靠右非机动车道或在步行道上行使,以免发生危险;5. please observe traffic rules on the road and ride on the non-motor vehicle

6、 lane or pavement on the right side to preve nt dan ger;6. 高速行使或下坡急刹车时,请勿使用前刹车,以免重心向前发生危险;6. please do not use the front brake when you have to stop abruptly during riding at high speed or riding downhill, in order to prevent danger caused by gravity shift;7. 如山地车在骑驶过程中遭到损毁或丢失,由租借人承担赔偿责任。但山地车属于正常使用

7、范围内损毁的,可免除租借人责任;(赔偿价格附后)7. borrower shall bear the liability for damages if the mountain bike is damaged or lost in riding. however, borrower can be exempted from the liability for damages if the mountain bike is damaged in normal use; (list of damages is attached below)&租借前请仔细检试山地车的完好,如租借人在使用过程

8、中,非因山地车的质量问题而引起 的意外伤害,店方将不承担任何责任,店方只对因山地车质量问题造成的人身伤害或财产 损失承担责任;8. please check the condition of the mountain bike carefully before renting. the renter shall bear no liability for any accidental injury caused to borrower not because of the quality of the bike, and will only be liable for pers onal in

9、 juries and property losses caused by the quality of the bike;9山地车租借时间09: 0018:00,超过归还时间10分钟的,按照另1小时计算。9. rending period: 09:00-18:00. 10 minutes after the renting period shall be calculated as an hour.出借方:三亚凯莱仙人掌度假酒店租借方:以上条款是否接受?(请用丿表示)是口 否口客人签名:房间号:起止时间: 年 月 日 时 分至 年 月 日 时 分renter: cactus resort s

10、anyaborrower: do you accept the above terms and conditions? (please use 7)yesn nonsignature: room number: from min. h. d m yto min. h. d m y康乐部自行车赔偿价目表list of damages for mountain bikerecreation department名称单位价figiant菜篮个rmb80tongyon 锁把rmb60双人车刹车内线条rmb60双人午刹午外线管条rmb60单人车刹车内线条rmb50单人午刹午内线管条rmb50giant外

11、胎条rmb130内胎条rmb60zefal泥板付rmb180giant半铝脚踏付rmb80giant单人车后拨链条器个rmb210giant单人车变速刹车手柄付rmb260鞍座个rmb130山地车边支架支rmb80ciant儿童座椅个rmb180单人午链条条rmb130辐条条rmb10车圈个rmb150把套付rmb80双人车导轮支架套rmb80双人车牙盘付rmb80单人车牙盘付rmb260双人车连体飞轮套rmb130单人车飞轮个rmb210注:其他物品损坏由工程部估价后按价赔偿。nameunitpricegiant basketonermb80tong yon lockonermb60inne

12、r brake wire of tan dem bicyclepiecermb60brake cable of tan dem bicyclepiecermb60inner brake wire of single person bicyclepiecermb50inner brake wire housing of single person bicyclepiecermb50giant cover tyreonermb130tyre tubeonermb60zefal mud flappairrmb180giant semi-aluminium pedalpairrmb80rear der

13、ailleur of giant single person bicycleonermb210gear brake handle of giant single person bicyclepairrmb260saddleonermb130side support of mountain bikeonermb80ciant children's seatonermb180chain of single person bicyclepiecermb130spokepiecermb10rimonermb150han dlebar grippairrmb80guide wheel suppo

14、rt of tandem bicyclesetrmb80crankset of tandem bicyclepairrmb80crankset of single person bicyclepairrmb260joint freewheel of tan dem bicyclesetrmb130freewheel of single person bicycleonermb210note: damages of other items shall be compensated according to the estimates of engineering department.翻译俄文山

15、地车租借协议orobop apeh/ibi rophoro bejiocmne/ia三亚凯莱仙人掌度假酒店为客人提供租借山地车的服务,为了双方的切身利益,请租借人 遵守以下条款:otejib kaktyc pe3opt cahbh npenaraet oct刃m ycjiyrw apehbi rophoro beuocwneaa,从门刃 3ainwtbi >kh3hchho ba)khbix mhtcpccob o6chx cropoh, apcharop cjicuyct cosjiioatb cjicyjomnc llpabmjia:1. 租借人将不损害三亚凯莱仙人掌度假酒丿占及其业

16、主、雇员的权益,并将放弃由于使用酒丿占 租借设备引起的或相关的对三亚凯莱仙人掌度假酒店及其业主、雇员的追究责任权;1, apehnatop he syuet bpenhtb nhtepecob otcjih kaicryc pe3opt cahb>i k ero bjiaejibua, pa6othhkob, h otka3bibaetc« ot npaba npnbnekatb oteub kaicryc pe3opt cahb只 h ero bjianenbua, pagothwkob k otbeiy, bbi3blbacmomy h3 kcliojib3obahhh a

17、pchaobahhofo osopyobahwh2. 租借人应于租借i办议签署之时,向丿占方交付足额押金。本酒丿占住丿占客人免交押金,但需出 示房卡证明,店外客人需交付押金人民币1000元/辆,归还租借设备时需保证设备完整及无损 坏,酒店方可退还押金给租借人;2, apehatop aojdkch onjiatwtb octatohhbifi 3ajior otenio bo bpemm nonwcahhm orobopa apehti. oct久m hauiero otcjim he hjokho onnathtb 3ajioi; ho cjieyet noka3atb kjiioh hom

18、epa, npwe3)kak)mhe aojitkhm onjiatmtb 3ajior b loooioaheh/beji, bo bpemm bo3bpata apehaobahhoro o6opynobahn刃 zjojdkhm o6ecnehhtb coxpahhoctb h hepa3pymaemoctb, npn takom ycnobhh, otejib cmo>ket bephytb apeh/iatopy 3ajior3. 未成年人在使用山地车的过程屮,必须有成年人陪同;3, hecobepmehhojiethne npn hcnojib3obahnn rophoro

19、bejiocnne/ia hyaiotc 久 b conpobo)k/iehhh b3pocjibix.4. 山地车不能骑至泳池和海边沙滩区域,不得离开亚龙湾国家旅游度假区范围;4, e34htb ha rophom beuocnnee he cnenyet b sacceiih n 3ohy njim>ka mopa, hejib3m bbie3>katb m3 3ajiwba hpakoha hauwohajibhoro kypopthoro okpyra.5. 在公路上骑驶请遵守交通规则,请靠右非机动车道或在步行道上行使,以免发主危险;5, cosjuo/taiite npa

20、bhjiam /topo)khoro abh/kchhm npw e3e no aopore, ep>khtecb npaboii ctopohbi, e3>kaiite no bejiocnnezthoii 4opo>kke hjih nemexohofi nopo>kke, h36eraiite 6e3onachoctb.6. 高速行使或下坡急刹车时,请勿使用询刹车,以免重心向前发生危险;6, ilpn e3/ie bbicokoii ckopoc hjih abapniihom t0pm03e ha ykjiohe, hejib3m nonb3obatb nepe

21、ahwii topmo3, htosbi h36e>katb onachocth ot uehtpa t刃kecth bnepea7. 如山地车在骑驶过程屮遭到损毁或丢失,由租借人承担赔偿责任。但山地车屈于正常使用范围内损毁的,可免除租借人责任;(赔偿价格附后)7, ecjim b npouecce e3bi rophbiii benocwne nobpeeh wjih notepmh, apehjjatop hecet 06久3ahh0ctb b03meiuehn« ha ce6久 ecjih nobpeehne he meinaet hopmajibhomy ncnojib

22、3obahhk), to apehatop m05kct ocbosokch ot o6x3ahhocth(ucha pa3mepa b03memehhh nphkpenjicha no3a4h).&租借前请仔细检试山地车的完好,如租借人在使用过程中,非因山地车的质量问题而引起 的意外伤害,店方将不承担任何责任,店方只对因山地车质量问题造成的人身伤害或财产 损失承拒责任;8, 从o apehabi bhhmatejibho npobephtb coxpahhocth rophoro bejiochnea, ccjih b npouecce e3bi apehatop nojiynnn

23、tpabmbi he h3-3a kanectba benochneaa, otejib he hecet hhkakoii otbetctbehhocth, otcjib tojibko hccct otbetctbehhocth 3a jiwmhblh bpeu hjiw matepnajibhblii ymep6 h3-3a kanectba rophoro bejiocwnea.9, 山地车租借时间09: 0018:00,超过归还时间10分钟的,按照另1小时计算。9, bpemm apehbi rophoro bejiocnneaa 09: 0018:00, npoh3boahtb o

24、nnaty 3a hecboebpemehhbiii bo3bpat(3auep>kka) benocwnea 3a 1 mac, ecjih 3aaep)katb 10 mmh/t.出借方:三亚凯莱仙人掌度假酒店租借方:以上条款是否接受?(请用j表示) 是口 否口客人签名:房间号:起止时间: 年 月 f1 时 分至 年 月 fi 时 分 apehoatejib: oteubkaktyc pe3opt cahbhapehatop: npnmhte bbiniecka3ahhbie npabwia?(03haqute v) 眼口 hctdrionhcb roctm: homep: cpok

25、 apehabi: bpemh apehzibi c:nac. «»ao :nac. «»康乐部自行车赔偿价目表npaiic-jinct paamepob komnehcauhh 3a bejiochnea otaena otflbixa名称 hahmchobahhe单位eahhwua价口 uehagtant 菜篮 kop3hhagtant个 uitykarmb80tongyon 锁 3amokt0ngy0n把 uitykarmb60双人车刹车内线 topmo3hbic bhytpehhhc tpocblabyxmccthoro bcjiochnc/ia

26、条 uitykarmb60双人车刹车外线管bheiuhhh tpysa c tpocamh4byxmecthoro bejiocnne/ia条 uitykarmb60单人车杀|j车内线 topmo3hbie bhytpehhme tpocbloahomecthoro benochne/xa条 uitykarmb50单人车杀ij车 内线管 bhytpehhmm tpy6a c tpocamh ohomecthoro benocnnena条 uitykarmb50giant 外胎 rnnha giant条rmb130内胎kamepa条 uitykarmb60zefal 泥板 6pbi3robwk zefal付 naparmb180gtant


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