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1、- - 作文语境高频词汇检测一、201年江苏真题作文范文(1) the bo-fficeioe f iesemovie winese a ontanticrase romabout 1 blion yuai 212to ver 40 billio in21. hoevr, tat rase sloweddown i 6. th eaons behindthisare vri us. t fast ecoomic velopmen before 016 wasprobably th most o f engine drvinth ontant rowt in the bx-ffic ncme t

2、he alatio of ew tecologes and thewide appealofmovie ss coudlo con forhe increse.ho er, hia saw a line in ts eonoi gowth rate last year. and he itene ireasd opons or ie lves. conequen y, sme viewrs en to tur awafrom cnema,e ng osower oth. chinas ecno xecd o gro t mdiumspedi thecomg yeas, s a inreas i

3、s osbl inthe ivtmntnhe movindustr andth nmbr f qulitymvie. theefoe, ts bx-ffce come lprbably enjoya slght i ae. 二、2017 年江苏真题作文范文 (2)asis ndcadn the raph, the bx-officeico of c- - inese fil s ncreas d onstanlyfro2 2 to 15,but its rowth,o raso o a ther,owed do in 20. te incrain the -ofiecme canbe atti

4、buted a nub f facors. te ualtyof lifeasimprvd a watin film is garded a good mns of entertainm n. esid ,fiig chnologys dvancedand moruaity flms re o offer . mor oe, the interne plays an iportant part . ontheiternet, pele can sek nfomtiona t heir favorte sars andbuytickets ata dsunt as ll,which isot t

5、ime- vg andeonomic . wev, he fl aktay witness slodown in th nutre. cinms avegradua ly iven wy th ris of th nterne adcellphnes , ad the tickprice i one icrea. heefore, the film i dustry shoud make gr atereffort o attat more veers. 三、 016 年江苏真题作文范文() on-ine vtng be mesinceasinglpoular , ad mnompetitio

6、nsepep involv d in i. sbenicil t somepoe,whilet p hrs ino a dl move whehert vote orot. n my opinn,olin votin is an neparbepat of m- - drnlfe an shud e elcomed, sncei is no or thana wytoartici ate in ulc l t makes odiffer ncefom odnavoting eets, inwhich aidats g aroud t ek sppor in ad tion,te iterne

7、make surveyin and voting easy a cnveiet,rgrdl ss f time and pace. fu ermore, voting on theinteret aes instt f dackpossib.to b honst, voters oetme felanoyed, no bcushe hate ting, u becau eheyare d ed btweeemotia fainess . gswil turn forth eter ifeanwok ousoe arti patin esfor pope to oby.heefore, old

8、a posiiatiu t rds oinevoting. 四、2016 年江苏真题作文范文( 2) iterne oing qie popular nowaas. ny ple areoehat puzzle a e netive side f theotin,aouh e are ui py withi,and activ din it. in mypion, intenet otin has bgun to hoits gtive impac s on ole ad socty. firsy, peplmayfel forcedwen sked to do hngsth the ont

9、ntto. s l, vtng f tis kin does notde nd o th strong poi - - s of homp tors, ut thr on ow mnysocal-netwokin resocs thyha.thirly, th ote oven th coptitrs in mayases ae psily taken advatagof b thergaizers for commeial purpos . ot,internet oi,oome xnt, is unfair , i mol, ndant betusted. therefo e, rles

10、soul be worked u and stictl observe. everyoe n ur soiety shoud elpths in ne, but it i more imotat to beiceeandearnest. 五、201年江苏真题作文范文 trafficisse isa hrd tt cack itot onlyfets our verydlife, but m y also hreatenpeple lives. three selectionspesnd above are yical examples. quie few thing ive rise to t

11、he traffprbem n it ofthlrgescaeconstuctio of oads an ihwas, thereis ll muhofor mpoveent,because o theeve increasng umbeof car ths ears. wht s worse,sm drivs, clssand pedesrians d not thiit vit l toy trfi rues. in fc,tafic rulesarpart of th es aegulton closely raeo puicordr. wihout the, eoplecould ne

12、njoy har ony r the counrywoudbe n os. - - trues lne dt ecure a ord ry soiety. iti thepl wo obeythuls tha matteit i evrybodys uty to bservethemto kee or soci i order andoingonthe righ track . 六、2014 年江苏真题作文范文( 1) toay,re and more eng ishworsfindteir wayinto tchnse angua e. ee dictionary of cnteporr c

13、insicues 239 ngish wodss e eople uprit while ot ers do t. enerall, i am in a r of e nclusion. as the number of englh lernrs ion the ie, it s odifficultfohem to undrstnthese words ichnee context. besides,it is, on ome casios, morecon iet o usngsh wrd. mos people nowada use “it” insteadof i trnain“ in

14、xjishu.” i ou globlilage,we ca see that it s not uncommnforoe aguage o orow ors fm othe lanuges n egish, er aremany rdsboroed folatin, frech,or ev n chinse.in ac, chinese a neer sopped aingwords fromoelaguag s,say, “ganbu” o “minz u” omjpanese. o,t s safe to c lude t t it i rasnbe inclue enish which

15、 fa itatesdaiy commuication. - - 七、2014 年江苏真题作文范文 (2)wit englishwodsgetting oplr i bot meda nillif , chnse ic onayha included 9 o hem,eavng theblc dedio t opongroups: “for” ad “agint. ” i teno tak the “ganst ” sie for wo r ons. frstl,ti c sion has acualy pllute our mther tn .sonr o ter, man english

16、accen wil rise andfall w t fourchinese tonean,rulsdo tll us how top oce suchenglsh-turedcinse words as “ fi ” and “ou” in iee wy! se nl, uch a incluio agivrise topejdices of the e tedagan thoe with li tle knoled f ngi jus for nelutaton, whil coleg tues tke “bye -by” for gnte when atingrom eah other,

17、 itmaunconscius ut theeelng of someone w o s e to “aijian.”in sot, not onyhathe ilusi poione chinee, it a asbing aot ditne be wen the chinese pe pe. 八、213 年江苏真题作文范文people lebrate erh daydiff rently. i icture 1,a man is ring o puup abnner on a nel tree srroundedy umps,bu n ai,hilepit e 2shows a coule hppily - - planting trst essage cnveyd here i clar: “acion seak loudr tan words ” our ear h is suferig severedage. shoudwe jstpay ip serviceor tak pactial maure tortct it? the answ is defiite th latt. ediate actions oudb taken, lik stopingttin down tees, to etter the envirmn. aions a


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