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1、试述矿井提升机毕业论文中英文资料对照 外文翻译文献试述矿井提升机毕业论文中英文资料对照外文翻译文献_导读: nhoistdesign,primarilythroughthedesignmeasurestoimprovetheoperationof hoistsafetyandreliability.inthispaper,inherentsafetytheoryisappliedinthede signofminehoist,toproposedthedesignmethodbyusingthesoftodem design methodsabstract一as a modern securi

2、ty design, inherent safety means that equipment and facilities is able to contain the inherent fundamental features to prevent accidentsmine hoist is the most important equipment in the coal production.hoe and abroad inherent safety is reflected in hoist design, primarily through the design measures

3、 to improve the operation of hoist safety and reliabilityin this paper, inherent safety theory is applied in the design of mine hoist, to proposed the design method by using the softine hoist is the equipment to carry coal, gangue, materials, ents along the rockshaft, the only ine throat.mine hoist

4、is a large-scale reciprocating machinery anc 5 6 7 8 9 10 试述 矿井提升机毕业论文中英文资料对照外文翻译文献_(2)导读: thedesignofminehoist,toproposedtheinherentsafetydesignmethodbyusethe softofinherentsafetyoriginatesthedevelopmentofal production and coal production efficiency, but also relate to equipment and personal safety

5、 in recent years, mine hoist failures and accidents have happened at home and abroad ine hoist are higher, and its mechanical manufacturing technology and electrical control technology has been an important research area to the international machine building industry and the electric control industr

6、y.inherent safety means that equipment and facilities is able to contain the inherent fundamental features to prevent accidents.inherent safety lies in design, throughcontinuous improvement, to prevent accidents due to the equipment itself failures.inherent safety is reflected in hoist design, prima

7、rily through the design measures to improve the operation of hoist safety and reliability.in this paper, inherent safety theory is applied in the design of mine hoist, to proposed the inherent safety design method by use the soft of inherent safety originates the development of world space technol 5

8、 6 7 8 9 10 试述矿井提升机毕业论文中英文资料对照外文翻译文献_(3)导读: inherentsafetyminehoistminehoistmainlyincludsthe,transmissi onsystemanddrag,protectionsystemsandotherponents.totheinherentsafety minehoistdesign,mainlythemechanicalsystem,controlsystemandmonitorsy stemisthemajorparttoconsidered.a.i ogy in the 1950s.the con

9、cept is an understanding of safety culturethe concept of inherent safety produced after the ajor safety concept in many industrialized countries since the mid 20th century.inherent safety design as the basic method of hazard control, by selecting safe materials, process routes, mechanical equipment,

10、 devices, to eliminate or control hazards source rather than relying on ;additional; security measures or management measures to control them.as inherent safety design, firstly analyze and identify hazards that may occur in system, and then choose the best methods to eliminate, control hazards, ainl

11、y includs the , transmission system and drag, protection systems and other ponentsto the inherent safety mine hoist design, mainly the mechanical system, control system and monitor system is the major part to considereda.in-depth investigations to find malfunction the concept of inherent safety is r

12、equired safety all the time in the produc 5 6 7 8 9 10 试述矿井提升 机毕业论文中英文资料对照外文翻译文献_(4)导读: pthresearch,fullyunderstandingthesituation,trythebesttoreduceoreliminatet hefaultinthedesign. afterin depthunderstandingofresearch,designproduct.b .mechanicalsystemthetra ditionalmethodofproducthaslongdesigncycle

13、,highcosts.hoent has little malfunction as much as possible during the operation and has long normal operation cycle length.hoent, the most important thing is understanding enough to the equipment, especially in inate the fault in the design.after in-depth understanding of research, design product.b

14、.mechanical system the traditional method of product has long design cycle, high costshoethod of modeling, simulation first and then builds the physical prototype therefore, the virtual design is the developing trends of mechanical desig n.in mechanical system design, the application of virtual prot

15、otype is used to design mine hoist, not only speeded up the design process, also simulated a variety of conditions to the virtual prototype to discover design faults, to improve thedesign, to improve mine hoist performance.mine hoist mechanical system is posed of spindle, roller, reducer, motor, bra

16、kes and 5 6 7 8 9 10试述矿井提升机毕业论文中英文资料对照外 文翻译文献 _(5)导读:ontrolsystem(tkd-aastherepresentative).tkdcontrolsystemisposedofrelaylogiccircuits,largeaircontactors,tachometergeneratoretc.,ulation softulate and optimize the design.specific process sho design ccontrol system design mine hoist control system in

17、cludes start, run, brake, etc., the requirements in control system are: in normal hoist operation, participation in hoist speed control, brake the hoist ergency, can quickly slooving roller and fix roller respectively ent level and changing rope, so that, moving roller ove ine hoists in china (more

18、than 70%) use the traditional electric control system (tkd-a as the representative)tkd control system is posed of relay logiccircuits, large air contactors, tachometer generator etc., which is a touch control 5 6 7 8 9 10试述矿井提升机毕业论文中英文资料对照外文 翻 译 文 献 _(6) 导 读 : systembasedonplctechnologystructureshoa

19、inlyincludingthefolloainplcco ntrolcircuits,hoistroutedetectionanddisplaycircuits,speeddetection,andsign alcircuits.theplcofthemaincontrolcircuitsusesmitsubishifx2nseriesinja panoredsyste m.after years of development, tkd-a series of electric control system has formed its oulti-line, causing hoist p

20、arking and accidents occurred due to electrical fault.itsubishi fx2n series in japan ore domestic applicationsfigure 2 plc electric control systemd.monitoring system design to ensure safe operation of the hoist, except for selecting the reasonable operation design parameters, the use of advanced con

21、trol system, should also monitor the technological parameters on regular, conscientiously do performance test aster the hoist performanc 5 6 7 8 9 10试述矿异提昇机毕业论文中英文资料对照 外 文 翻 译 文 献 _(7) 导 读 : usedbyindustry,academiaandresearchlaboratories,acceptedasthestandardd ataacquisitionandinstrumentcontrolsofte

22、, eliminate hidden danger, avoid unnecessary lossesin addition, the hoist operation state can be improved to ent technology is puter-based instrumentation and measurement technology, is loaded some softilar appearance and performance of the actual independent instrument. the user operating the puter

23、, like manipulating a especially conventional electronic devices designed theirsthe essence of virtual instrument technology is that hardplement and expand the functions of traditional instrumentslabvieent engineering ming and development environment, also knoia and research laboratories, accepted a

24、s the standard data acquisition and instrument control software.labview not only provides and plies with all the functions of hardware and data acquisition ca 5 6 7 8 9 10试述矿井提升机毕业论文中英文 资料对照外文翻译文献_(8)导读:rs-485protocol,andbuilt- inlibraryfunctionssupportfortcp/ip,activexandothersoftminglanguage,it pr

25、ovidesasimple,intuitivegraphicalprogrammingmode,savesalotofdevelop men ttime,haspletefunction,bestembords munications of gpib, vxi, rs-232 and rs-485 protocol, and built-in library functions support for tcp / ip, activex and other softming language, it provides a simple, intuitive graphical programm

26、ing mode, saves a lot of development time, has plete function, best embodied style of virtual in strument.in response to these circumstances, developed a mine hoist integrate performance monitoring system based on virtual instrument labvieent soft, enables the folloe, displacement, oil pressure, del

27、ay time and other relevant parameters in digital, and display speed, acceleration, traction, displacement and hydraulic curves.(2) dynamically monitor the hydraulic oil pressure and oil pump running station, based on these parameters to avoid important braking system failure(3 ) test brake air trave

28、l time, relay delay time and other time parameters (4) inquiry to the measured curve and hoist param 5 6 7 8 9 10 试述 矿井提升机毕业论文中英文资料对照外文翻译文献_(9)导读:3):50- 52.(inchinese)lijangbo.studyoftestsystemofpositecharacteristicofdevic esbasedonvirtualinstrument.adissertationsubmittedtohebeiuniversityof engineer

29、ingfortheacademicdegreeofmasterofengineering,2007.(inchin ese)aster of engineering, 2007(in chinese) 3 wang chengqin, li en 5 6 7 8 9 10 试述矿井提升机毕 业论文中英文资料对照外文翻译文献_(10)导读:往复式机械。它本 身操作性能的优点和缺点不仅直接影响到正常的产量和煤炭生产效 率,而且关系着设备和人身安全。近年来,在国内外发生的矿用提升 机失效和意外情况,已经让煤炭企业付出了沉重的代价。因此,生产 技术和矿用提升机的安全性越高,那么它的机械制造技术与电气控 制技术就会成为一个国际机械建筑行业和电气控制g baoxing et al.random vibration testing system of hoisting gear based on virtual instrument.coal mine machinery, 2008(4) :118-120.(in chinese


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