1、英语毕业论文题目新闻方向英语论文英语毕业论文题目新闻方向浅析一个陌生女人的来信中女主人公的爱情观the heroine' s view of love in a letter from an unknown woman 施媛 讲 师61朱菊芹讲师61 60 61及格小妇人中的乌托邦女性主义思想utopian feminist idea in little women 任虎军 副教授 72 李龙泉副教授80 80 77中摇滚精神对中国青年的影响the inf luence of rock* n' roll spirit on chinese youth 朱菊芹 讲师 72 施 媛
2、讲师72 80 75中感情因素对外语学习的影响affective factors upon feign language learning黄友明讲师68阳光武副教授62 68 63及格瑞普凡温克与桃花源记的思想乐园分析an analysis of the imaginary paradise in rip van winkle and records ofthe peach blossom source 李弘教授 75 庄严讲师 65 70 71 中 试析鲁宾逊不虔诚的宗教观robinson crusoe' s religious conversion 朱晓芸 讲师 63 杨艳艺 讲师
3、61 63 63及格 乡情,亲情,友情一一艾米莉悲剧探因paradox in emily' s personality - an analysis of emily* s tragedy ina rose for emily李澎湃 讲师65向蓉 讲师61 60 62及格 电影字幕翻译策略一一以霸王别姬字幕翻译为例on strategics of movic subtitic translation-a case study of subtitlctranslation of farewel 1 my concubine 魏涛讲师 80 樊秋涛讲师81 78 79中分析到灯塔去中两位女主
4、角的性格an analysis of female characters in the lighthouse 蒋倩讲师 69 黄慧讲 师65 62 65及格网络新词对现代汉语的影响the influences of internet neologisms on modern chinese language 李淑 蓉讲师65王健讲师66 56 61及格从成长小说方面分析哈克费恩历险记an analysis of the adventures of huckleberry finn fiom the aspect ofinitiation story郭洁讲师73李海英讲师70 65 69及格选秀
5、类电视真人秀节目在中国的繁荣the boom of the real i ty tn of talent contest show in china 蒋倩讲师 76 黄 慧讲师88 70 76中东方快车谋杀案中的犯罪心理学分析psychology of crime in murder on the orient express 吴维俊 讲师 67 叶 小英讲师60 63 64及格 美国人领养中国孤儿现象分析an analysis of americans* adopting chinese orphans 李澎湃 讲师 72 向 蓉讲师63 68 69及格美国宪政中民主制度的渊源the ori
6、gins of democracy in american const i tut ional ism 李澎湃 讲师 63 向 蓉讲师60 70 65及格 解析英语初学者的学习动机an analysis of motivation for english beginners 殷和素 副教授 70 李澎 湃讲师75 75 73中 霍顿的矛盾心理分析an analysis of holden's complex characteristics 向蓉 讲师 68 李澎湃 讲 师60 60 63及格从文化差异解读中美女性形象一一姚木兰和郝思嘉的比较the difference between
7、chinese and american female imagesa comparison between yao mulan and scarlett o' hara from the perspective of culture 那 瑛讲师64向蓉讲师70 65 66及格 无声之有声一一为蝴蝶梦中瑞贝卡申冤the sound of wordless: redressing a grievance for rebecca in rebecca 李 弘教授80庄严讲师70 75 75中反叛与逃避一一对麦田里的守望者的尝试性分析rebel 1 ion and escape: a ten
8、tative analysis of catcher in the rye 王健 讲 师68李淑蓉讲师70 69 69及格名利场的艺术特色artistic features of vanity fair 黄慧讲师 60 蒋倩讲师 79 70 68 及格 女人,你的名字是强者the strong, the name is womanan interpretation of the four heroinesin the thorn birds邓邦华讲师74赵蓉讲师67 72 72中 浅析交际语言教学法的优势on the advantages of communicative language t
9、eaching 阳光武 副教授 70 王 明树副教授78 78 75中浅析嘉莉妹妹中的自然主义atcntat ivc analysis of naturalism represented in sister carrie 陈敬贤 讲 师78董俊杰副教授63 75 74中鲁宾逊漂流记与蝇王中荒岛经历的对比a comparison of the adventures on the islands in robinson crusoe and inlord of the flies向蓉讲师73李澎湃讲师70 70 71中英语广告中的目的论the skopos theory in translat i
10、on of engl ish advert isement into chinese 黄 慧讲师80蒋倩讲师78 72 76中鲁宾逊克鲁索性格研究the characters of robinson crusoe 靳涵身 教授 74 程玲 讲师 70 60 68 及 格太阳照样升起反映迷惘代的心声the sun also rises reflects the voice of the lost generation 杨红 讲 英汉翻译中英语词汇的情感意义之翻译the affect ive meaning of engl i sh words in engl i shchinese transl
11、at ion 王 明树副教授80阳光武副教授75 70 75中“龙”的翻译the translation of chinese long(龙)李海英 讲师 75 叶小英 讲师60 62 67及格双尖的语用分析a pragmatic analysis of pun 杨红讲师 86 程玲讲师 82 80 83 良黑暗之心中的矛盾contradiction in heart of darkness 杨艳艺 讲师 78 朱晓芸 讲师69 68 72中畸形社会铸就畸形人格一一对照等待戈多与阿q正传preposterous personality in absurd world-a comparison
12、between wait ingfor godot and the true story of ah q 郭洁 讲师 74 杨红 讲师 509英语毕业论文题目新闻方向中式英语的表现及中式思维对其的影响the manifestations of chingl ish and the influence of chinese thinking modeon chinglish钟蕾讲师66刘芳讲师68 60 62及格分析野性的呼唤中的自然主义an analysis of naturalism in the cal 1 of the wi id 施媛 讲师 62 朱菊芹 讲 英汉比喻的文化養异及其翻译
13、策略cuitural di fferences in english and chinese metaphors and relevanttranslation strategies 一熙讲师 69 李江讲师 70 68 70 中略论如何用奈达的功能对等理论处理广告中的文化因素the employment of nida' s funct ional equivalence in translat ing cui turalfactors in advertisement 一熙 讲师 68 李江 讲师 75 70 70 中高中英语新教材创设情景激发学生内部动机new senior en
14、glish for china in grade one creates the context to stimulatestudcnts, intrinsic motivation 刘芳讲师 70 钟蕾讲师 68 68 69 及格 功能翻译理论指导下的英汉旅游宣传翻译chinese-english tourist publicity translation guided by functionalistapproach李龙泉副教授78任虎军副教授65 70 72中对亚哈悲剧的分析an analysis of the tragedy of ahan董俊杰 副教授73陈敬贤 讲师78 72 73
15、中解读儿子与情人中花的象征意义an interpretation of f1 ower symbols in sons and lovers 朱晓芸 讲师 65 杨 艳艺讲师68 70 68及格济慈希腊古瓮颂中的永恒美beauty of eternity in keats1 s ode on a grecian urn 任虎军 副教授 70 李 龙泉 副教授82 80 76中cont rast ivc studies between chinese and english phat ic communi cat ion 李 龙泉副教授72任虎军副教授62 61 66及格黑人寻根的漫漫长路the
16、 long road to find blacks* roots 程玲讲师 62 杨红讲师 74 78 71 中 英汉动物词汇内涵意义的比较分析a comparative analysis of connotations on english and chinese animalterms杨红讲师71程玲讲师70 71 71中日常生活中常用委婉语的比较a comparative study on english and chinese euphemisms in daily life 李海英讲师65叶小英讲师69 62 65及格分析荒野的呼唤中不同阶段巴克的个性特征an analysis of
17、 characters of buck at different stages in the cal 1 of thewild叶小英讲师60李海英讲师70 65 64及格女性主义的典范一一解析红字中的白兰a mode 1 of feminismhester prynne in the scarlet letter 黄慧讲师65蒋倩讲师73 71 69及格浅析欧亨利短篇小说的语言手段the language devices employed in 0 henry, s short stories 赵蓉 讲师 69 邓邦华讲师62 66 66及格当经典遇上流行一一比较电影哈姆雷特和喜玛拉雅王了wh
18、en classic is challenged by popularitycompai"c hamlet with prince 剖析纯真年代中纽兰阿切尔爱情失败之原因an analysis of the reason of newland archer, s fai lure in love in the ageof innocence樊秋涛讲师68魏涛讲师66 66 67及格语言中的性别歧视:起源,表现以及其中性化sexism in the english language: the causes, mani fest at ions andneutralization程玲讲师
19、65杨红讲师78 72 70中孔子和柏拉图之治国思想比较及其对当今社会的启示the comparison and edification in governance ideas of plato andconfucius邓邦华讲师71赵蓉讲师82 74 74中论电影指环王中弗罗多的双重性人格frodo* s ambivalence in the lord of the rings 赵蓉 讲师 80 邓邦华 讲 师68 75 76中呼唤新闻道德的回归on the return of journalistic ethics 魏涛 讲师 65 樊秋涛 讲师66 68 66及格浅析莎翁悲剧特点在麦克白
20、中的体现an analysis of the characteristics of shakespeare, s tragedy in macbeth 那瑛讲师66赵蓉讲师83 76 71中失败婚姻的受害者一一分析儿子与情人中的威廉和保罗the viet ims of abort ive marriage the analysi s of wi11iam and paulsymbo 1 ic meaning of color vocabulary in chinese and english culture 程 玲讲师63杨红讲师62 60 62及格浮生若梦,为欢几何一一论林语堂快乐哲学的可行
21、性floating lifc a dream0n the fcasibi1ity of lin yutang's merryphilosophy杨红讲师82程玲讲师78 70 76中论好莱坞影片中的黑人形象the stereotype of the black people in the ho 11 ywood fi 1ms 李澎湃讲 师70向蓉讲师80 76 70中大地之女一一对啊,拓荒者!中女主人公亚历山德拉成功的分析daughter of the landanalysis on alexandra, s success in 0pioneers!庄严讲师80李弘教授75 75 7
22、7中该怕谁一一几部好莱坞恐怖片中圣经元素的分析分类whom to fear?overview of the biblical elements in a select ion ofho 11 ywood horror movies李澎湃讲师60向蓉讲师60 75 66及格恐惧与欲望一一厄舍府的倒塌中罗德里克人物心理分析fear and desire psychoanalysis of roderick in the fal1 of the houseof usher庄严讲师80李弘教授85 80 81良儒家文化的牺牲品一一京华烟云中姚木兰人物形象分析the suppressed woman b
23、y confucianisman interpretation of the imageof yao mu 1 an in moment in peking 邓邦华讲师 79 赵蓉讲师 75 80 79 中 探索中的勇士一一麦田里的守望者中霍尔顿成熟一面的表现the brave warrior in exploration the mature side of holden in thecatcher in the rye郭洁讲师72邓邦华讲师69 75 73中 英语毕业论文题目新闻方向黛西米勒中的欧美文化冲突分析an analysis of the euroamerican culture
24、conflict represented in daisymiller向蓉讲师75李澎湃讲师76 70 73中如何激发中学生学习英语的积极性how to motivatc the initiativc of student to learn english 殷和素 教授62黄慧讲师63 70 65及格美国幽默-美国人追求平等的旗帜american humora banner of americans, pursuing of equal i ty 李j彭j拜 讲师76向蓉讲师62 70 71中分析人间天堂里艾瑞尔的悲剧an analysis of amory, s tragedy in thi
25、s side of paradise 向蓉 讲师 66 李澎湃讲师60 60 62及格一个小时的故事中门的象征意义the symbolism of the door in the story of an hour 李海英 讲师 70 叶小英讲师70 65 68及格飘中男主角瑞特巴特勒的性格分析an analysis of rhett butler' s characters in gone with the wind 钟蕾讲白象似的群山里的象征主义on symbolism in hills like white elephants 庄严讲师 70 李弘教授75 75 73中离开是对小美
26、人鱼最好的结局departing is a comic ending for the little mermaid based on the analysisof the story陈敬贤讲师65董俊杰副教授60 65 64及格西方反犹主义原因浅析a look on anti-semitism in the west傅晓薇副教授85郑晓薇副教授76 75 79中从麦琪的礼物看欧亨利的写作技巧an analysis of 0 henry* s writing skills in the gift of the magi 朱晓芸讲师66杨艳艺讲师63 73 68及格圣经中象征主义典型一一圣经之红a
27、 typical example of symbolism in bible-mredm 邓邦华 讲师 75 赵蓉 讲师75 72 74中如何通过电影赏析提高英语专业学生的自主学习能力how to improve english majors, independent study abi1ity through filmappreciation李江讲师80 一熙讲师78 80 80良简析哈克贝利费恩历险记中哈克对吉姆和奴隶制态度转变的原因an analysis of the reason of huck' s change of attitude towards jim and中西文学
28、中龙的主流形象比较comparison of dragon ' s mainstream images in chinese and englishliterature李江讲师70 一熙讲师70 65 68及格通过对简爱与苔丝的对比看生态女性主义的意义signi ficance of eco-feminism from the comparison between jane and tess 李弘教授60庄严讲师73 75 69及格小说爵士乐中乔特雷西的悲剧原因an analysis of the reasons of joe, s tragedy in jazz 朱菊芹 讲师 61
29、施 媛讲师61 80 69及格汤姆叔叔的小屋里的基督精神christ iani ty in uncle tom* s cabin 朱菊芹讲师 68 施媛讲师 64 65 66 及 格试论电影字幕翻译的策略及其技术限制st ratcgics for subt i tlc translat ion and technical limi tat ions in someenglish films郑晓薇副教授65傅晓薇副教授68 56 62及格雷斯勒斯中快乐原则解析an analytical exposure on the pursuit of happiness in rasselas 王明树 glj 教授75阳光武副教授78 78 77中论盖茨比的美国梦破灭on the disil lusionment of gatsby, s american d
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