已阅读5页,还剩1页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?短语归纳1. kind of 有几分,有点儿 2. be from / come from 来自于3. South Africa 南非 4. all day 整天5. for a long time 很长时间 6. get lost 迷路7. places with food and water 有食物和水的地方8. cut down 砍倒 9. in (great) danger 处于(极大)危险之中 10.walk on two legs 用两条腿走 11. things made of ivory 由象牙制成的东西 12.a s

2、ymbol of 一个的象征13.lose ones homes 失去某人的家园 14.killfor 为而杀死15.a lot 很;非常用法集萃1. Why? 为什么? Because 因为 2. let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 3. want to do sth. 想要做某事 4. one of + 名词复数 之一 5. forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事 6. forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事 7. help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事8. be friendly to sb. 对某人友好u 知识详解 辨析 be from

3、 及come frombe fromBe是连系动词,句式的变化是由be来完成的,be 有人称和数的变化I am from Shanghai.我来自上海He isnt from England。他不是来自英国Are you from China?你来自中国吗?come fromCome 是实义动词,句式的变化需借助助动词do/does 来完成,谓语动词come 受主语影响Mary comes from America.玛丽来自美国They dont come from China。他们不是来自中国Does Mary come from America?玛丽来自美国吗?u 语法详解 形容词的用法形

4、容词修饰名词,用以说明事物或人的性质或特征,通常在句中做定语、表语等。考点一:形容词做定语,用于修饰名词或代词 one,ones等,位于名词或代词之前,若修饰不定代词放在不定代词之后。Eg. These are interesting books.这些是有趣的书。I want some big ones.我想要些大的。There is something interesting in todays newspaper. 今天的报纸上有一些有趣的内容。考点二:形容词作表语,放在连系动词(be/ look/feel/ sound/ taste等)后,构成系表结构,即“连系动词 + 表语”,说明主语

5、是什么样或怎么样。eg. That sounds good. She is so friendly.考点三: 一些形容词和定冠词the 连用,表示一类人或事物,相当于一个名词;另外形容词前可用very,too,a little 等表示成都的词修饰。Eg. He often helps the old. 他经常帮助老人 You are too lazy.你太懒了话题写作The Animal I LikeThere are many kinds of animals in the world. What animal do I like? Lets know her.Many people lik

6、e her very much. I also like her. She is from China. She is very cute. She doesnt eat grass and meat at all. She eats bamboo every day. She is so nice. She is black white. She has two big black ears and eyes. And she also has black legs and arms.What animal is she? She is a panda. I like panda very

7、much. Do you like her? What animal do you like?Unit 6 Im watching TV.短语归纳1.eat out 出去吃饭 2. read a newspaper 看报纸3. talk on the phone 通过电话交谈 4. listen to music 听音乐5. use the computer 使用电脑 6. make soup做汤7. wash the dishes 洗餐具 8. kind of 有点儿9. go to the movies 看电影 10. make dinner 做完饭11.drink tea 喝茶 12.l

8、ive with sb. in 和某人一起住在13.make zongzi 包粽子 14. the night before 前一天夜里15.Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 16. read a story to sb. 读故事给某人听17.a picture of 一张的照片 18. talk show 脱口秀19.swim in a pool 在游泳池里游泳 20.watch on TV 在电视上看21.at home 在家用法集萃1. What + be+ 主语+ doing? 正在做什么? 主语+ be + doing sth. 正在做某事。2. Id love /

9、like to do sth. 我愿意做某事。3. any other + 可数名词单数 其他任何一个4. wish to do sth. 希望做某事5. study for a/an .test 为考试而学习u 语法详解1. 现在进行时:表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作。标志词:now, Look!Listen! Itsoclock . at the moment, right now肯定句:主语+be+现在分词(主语在前be在后,现在分词跟着走。)否定句:主语+be+not+现在分词一般疑问句:be+主语+现在分词特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+be+主语+现在分词+其他?注意; 现在进行

10、时的结构:主语+be+Ving. (be动词和动词+ing两者缺一不可)考题形式:(1) 已知be动词,考后面的动词形式(要加ing);(2) 已知后面的动词+ing, 则前面用be动词。(3)动词现在分词的变化见下表:词尾情况变化方式例词一般情况加ingplay玩playing do做doing go去going jump跳jumping sing唱singing ski滑雪skiingsee看见-seeing以不发音的e结尾去e加ingmake做making take拿到taking like喜欢liking come来coming write写writing dance跳舞dancing

11、have有having close关closing以重读闭音节结尾的动词,中间只有一个元音字母,词尾只有一个辅音字母双写最后一个辅音字母再加ingswim游泳swimming sit坐sitting run跑running get得到getting put放putting begin开始beginningjog慢跑jogging以ie结尾的重读开音节词,变ie为y+ -ingdie死亡 dying lie 说谎 lying tie 系 tying话题写作Its seven oclock in the evening. Kates family are all at home. Kate is doing her homework. Her father is reading a book. Her mother is watc


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