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1、(周末英语提高培训)仁爱版七年级上Unit 1 Topic2 综合训练一、重点知识精讲精练 【短语】1)_ _= come from 来自 ; _ English 用英语; _ number 电话号; 我的电话号码_ telephone number 你的电话号码 _ telephone _ _ me 劳驾,请原谅:; _ name 你的名字 ;我的名字_ name2)特殊疑问词: _什么; _哪儿;_谁 3)国家名词:古巴:Cuba; 中国:_; 加拿大:_; 日本:_; 英格兰 :_ ; 美国:_4)已学的人称代词:主格我:_; 我们:_;你;你们: _; 他

2、:_; 她:_; 它:_; 他们:_;宾格 我:_; (我们:us;你;你们: you ; 他:him; 她:her; 它:it; 他们:them_;) 形容词性的物主代词:我的:_ ; 你的,你们的:_ ; (他的his;她的her;它的its;他们的their) 5)are not =_ ; is not _ ; I am =_ ; what is =_; name is =_ ; he is =_ ; she is _ ; they are _; who is _ ; where is _ 6)表示对人的尊称(放在姓前):用于对未婚女教师的称呼:女士 _ ; 王老师:_ Wang; 高老

3、师:_ _用于男子姓氏或姓名前:先生 _ ; 王老师_ ; 格林先生:_ Green用于对已婚女教师的称呼:Mrs夫人、太太 ; 格林太太:Mrs Green7) 数目字:zero _ _ three _ _ _ _ nine _ 电话号码的读法:直接读数字 6857324 : six eight five seven three two four ; 6978456 _ : _ 1879564231 _【本话题Topic1 语法精析】 1 本单元的语法:be动词的各种形式用法 be : _ _ _Be动词用法口诀我(I)用am,你(you)用are,is连着他(he),她(she),它(it

4、);单数名词用is,复数名词全用are.变否定,更容易,(be)后加not就可以;变问句,往前提,句末问号莫忘记.疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑.主谓一致:主语是第三人称单数,be用“is”;主语不是第三人称单数,be用“are”(I除外、用“am”).即: I am . you are . We are . He is . She is. It is . they are.用am, is , are 填空第 12 页1. I _from China.2. Her name_Jane.3. They_ in England.4._ you from Washington D. C. ?5. S

5、he _a doctor.6. Are you from Japan? Yes, I _.7. He _a teacher.8. His name _ Michael.9. _he a student?No, he isn't.10. What_ her name?11. We _ in China. 12. Hi! This _ my teacher. And that _ Helen.13. Where _ you from ? I _ from the USA.14. Where _Shapingba? It _ in Chongqing.15. Where_ he from ?

6、 He is from Chengdu.16. Jim _ in Beijing.*17. You and I _ in Chongqing.18. Tom and Yumiko _ in China .19. _ you from Shanghai? Yes, we _./ No, we arent.20. _ she from Guangdong? Yes, she _. No, she _.21. What_ your name? My name _ Li Lei.2. be动词的肯定句 基本语序:主语+谓语(be+表语)(注意翻译汉语意思体会)Im a teacher. Shes fr

7、om Hainan. (Shes =_)Hes from Beijing. (Hes =_)Its in China. (Its =_)Theyre from Japan. (Theyre =_)Youre from Cuba. (Youre =_)Were in Canada. (Were =_)This is Helen. Thats Jim. (Thats =_)This is Helen. Thats Jim. My names Li Lei. (names =_)3.be动词的否定句:在be动词后加not:即am not ; is not= isnt ; are not = aren

8、t将下列句子变为否定句:Im a teacher. Im _a teacher.Shes from Hainan. She_ from Hainan.Hes from Beijing. Hes_from Beijing. Its in China. It_ in China.Theyre from Japan. They _ from Japan.Youre from Cuba. You_ from Cuba.Were in Canada. Were _ in Canada. This is Helen. This_ Helen.Thats Jim. Thats _ Jim.My names

9、Li Lei. My names Li Lei.4.一般疑问句一般来说,把肯定句中的“be”提到句首,句末加“?”。注意回答:例如:Is she Maria? Yes, she is.   No, she isnt.   Is he Tom?  Yes, he is . No, he isnt.*但遇到Im和were要变为Are you 。?Im from Japan. Are you from Japan? Yes, I am. (注意I am

10、不能_) No, Im not. (注意Imnot= I amnot)将下列句子变为一般疑问句:Im a teacher. _ _ a teacher ? Yes, I _. No, _.Im from Canada. _ _from Canada? Yes, _ _.Im Wei Hua. _ _Wei Hua? No, _ _. Im Li Lei.Shes from Hainan. _ she from Hainan? Yes, she _ . No, she _.Hes from Beijing. _ he from Beijing? Yes, he _ . No, he _.Its

11、in China. _ it in China? Yes, it _ . No, it _.Theyre from Japan. _ they from Japan? Yes, they _ . No, they_.Were in Canada. _ you in Canada? Yes, we _. No, we arent.This is Helen. _ this Helen? Yes, _ _. No, it isnt.Thats Jim. _ that Jim ? Yes, it is. No, _ _. *My names Li Lei. _ yout name Li lei? Y

12、es, it is. No, it isnt.5.特殊问句特殊疑问词+一般问句语序?(划线提问) 本单元以特殊疑问词what/where/how/who练习例如:  Where is Beijing? Its in China.    Who is he / she? He is Michael./ She is Jane.  Whats your name? My names Jim.

13、 Whats your telephone number? Its 689754231. How are you? Im fine.1)What特殊问句My name is Maria. _ your name? My names Tom. _ _ name? My name is Liu Ting. . _ _ name? My telephone number is . _ _ telephone number? My telepnoe number is . _ _ telephone number?2) Where特殊问句 Imfrom Beijing. _ are you _? Im

14、 from Japan. _ are _ from? Im in Chongqing. _ are you ? He is from Canada. _ _ he from ? She is from England. _ is she _? They are from the USA. _ are they _? Jim is from England. _ is Jim _? Chongqing is in China. _ is Chongqing? 3)who特殊问句 Im Maria. _ are you? (注意Im Maria.= _ name is Maria. Who are

15、 you ?= _ your name?) Hes Jim. _ is he ? Shes Deng Yaping. _ _ she? This is Yang Liwei. _ is this? Thats Yao Ming. _ is that? Theyre Maria and Jane. _ are they? 4) how特殊问句Im fine. _ are you?Im OK. _ _ _?She is fine. _ is she?Hes fine. _ _ he?They are fine. _ _ they?Jim is fine. _ is Jim?【本话题主要句型巩固】1

16、. _ are you from? = Where do you come from?2.   I_ from China. = I come from China. 3.   _ you from China? = Do you come from China? 4.  

17、60;_ I in New York? Yes, you are. No, you arent.5. _you from the USA? Yes, I am. No, I am not. / Yes, we are. No, we arent. 6. _she Maria? Yes, s

18、he is.   7.   _ he Tom? No, he isnt.8.   _ it my book? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. 9.   _ they from England? Yes, they are. No, they 

19、arent. 10.   _ are you from? Im from China. Im Chinese.11.   _ is she / he from? She / He is from Japan. 12.   _ are they from? Theyre from&

20、#160;France.13.   _ is Beijing? Its in China. 14.   _ is he / she? He is Michael./ She is Jane. 15.   _are they / you? They are my teachers. /

21、60;We are Maria and Jane. / I am Diana. 二、难点讲评1. Excuse me! 对不起,打扰了!(用在事情发生之前,表示礼貌、客气) Sorry! 对不起(用在事情发生之后,表示认错)1)A: _, are you Maria ? B: Yes, I am. 2) A: Youre late for school, Li Lei! 李雷,你上学迟到了! B:Im _.三、运用策略精练精讲( )1. Where _ they f

22、rom?Theyre from China.A. isB. amC. are( )2. _ your name?My name is Kate.A. WhatsB. WhatC. Where( )3. Is she Maria?No, she _.A. isB. isntC. arent( )4. _, are you Mr. Wang?Yes, I am.A. FineB. PleaseC. Excuse me( )5. Are they from Canada?No, they _.A. areB. arentC. isnt( )6. Whats _ telephone number?It

23、s 8265-3412.A. youB. yourC. my( )7. _ are they?They are XiaoLi and Jane.A. WhoB. WhatC. Where( )8. Mary _ from Cuba.A. isB. amC. are( )9. “One one zero” 表示 _。A.火警B.匪警C.急救中心( )10. Is he Li Ping?Yes, _.A. ImB. hesC. he is四、能力培养一根据句子意思写出单词,单词的首字母已给出。1. Where are you f_?2. They are from C_.3. I'm a

24、t_. I'm at school.4. He is from China. H_name is Kangkang.5. Her name is Maria. S_is from Cuba.6. W_is Beijing?It's here.二A根据所给汉语提示填空。1. _you_(来自 ) Canada?No, I'm not.2. Where is she from?She_(来自 ) China.3. Good evening -_(晚上好)!4._ _(这是) Wang Fen.5. He is_(一个教师).B.根据要求完成句子1. My name is J

25、ane. (对划线部分提问) _ _your name?2. He is Yukio. (改为一般疑问句)_Yukio? Yes, he _.3. I'm Zhou Weilun. ( 改为同义句)_ _ _ Zhou Weilun.4. Is she Wang Mei ?(作肯定回答)_, _5. She is Wei Cheng. (对划线部分提问) _ _ she ?6. Im fine. (对划线部分提问)_ _ you ?7. He is from Canada. (对划线部分提问) _ is he _? 三单项选择()1. What's _name?A. heB.

26、himC. herD. she()2. Mr. Black_from the U. S. A.A. is B. areC. amD. does()3. Maria and Jane_from Japan.A. isB. areC. amD. in()4. Where is Nanjing?It's _Jiangsu.A. inB. onC. atD. for()5. Are you Jane?_A. Yes, I'm.B. Yes, I am.C. I am.D. I'm.()6. _ are you from?I'm from Nanjing.A. WhoB.

27、 WhereC. WhatD. How()7. _is his name?A. WhoB. WhereC. WhatD. How()8. Is she Kate?A. Yes, she isn't. B. No,she is.C. Yes, she is.D. No, she aren't.()9. I am_ China.A. toB. forC. atD. from() 10. _is in Canada.A. Toronto ( 多伦多 )B. Tokyo ( 东京)C. New YorkD. Cuba()11. Where_they from?Maria_from Cu

28、ba and Jane _from Canada.A. is;is; isB. are; is; areC. are; is; isD. are; are; are() 12. Where is Washington D. C. ?It's in_.A. ChinaB. JapanC. AustraliaD. America()13. Good afternoon!-_A. Good afternoon!B. Good evening!C. Hello!D.Hi!() 14. _where are you from?I'm from Zhuzhou.A. Good mornin

29、g,B. Good evening,C. Excuse me,D. Nice to meet you,五从B栏中找出及A栏各句相应的答语AB( ) 1. Are you from the U. S. A.? A. No, he's Zhou Weilun.( )2. Is she Jane?B. Yes, she is.( )3. Where are you from?C. No, they aren't.( )4. Where is he from?D. His name is Michael.( )5. Is he Tom?E. No, I'm from Canada.( )6. What's his name?F. They're from New York


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