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1、关于引导方式的行动研究报告姓名: 实习学校: 任课班级:高一(一、研究原因:实习期间我总共上了 9节课,通过指导老师和组员的评课以及自己观看录像, 我发现口己的课堂存在很多问题,如教师话语混乱,没有逻辑,条理不清,甚至 出现语法错误等。其屮问题最大的是对学生的引导方式不够合理,当学生回答不 上来我的提问时,我通常只是让学生读一下课文中的原句,然后我用中文翻译一 下原句,没有进行进一步的解释和引导,帮助学生理解隐含意思。根据研究表明,成功的课堂引导应符合以下要求:1课堂上,注意启发学 生积极参与教学活动,不断深化课前设计的教学内容,使学生要成为积极理解和 独立思维的主体。2.o在解决某一问题时,

2、教师一般耍按照课文的内容、学生的 特点和自己的总体设计灵活运用教学方法,做出适当的选择。而我的课堂引导没 有达到这些要求,为了解决这个问题,我有必要展开关于引导方式的行动研究, 使自己的课堂教学得以改善。二、调查方式:课堂话语分析和指导老师及组员听课评课反馈我于2012年11 h 7 f1在高一 (14)班上了人教版必修一 unit 5, reading 的内容,课后指导老师和组员都对这节课进行了评课反馈,我也将这节课的录咅 转写岀来进行了话语的调查和分析。三、调查结果和数据分析:1报告调查的总体情况:通过在高一(14)班上的unit 5, reading这一堂阅读课的话语分析,我总结 了我这

3、堂课的调查结果:作为一堂阅读课,在教学过程中,我没有教授学生相应 的阅读技巧。当学生对某一课堂提问产生一种怀疑、困惑、焦虑、探究的心理状 态时,我没有采用合理的方式去引导学生,启发学生去思考问题。(1)阅读技巧。我耍求学生扫读全文后,概括每部分的大意,然后填空。但 是读前我没冇进行阅读技巧的传授,所以学生读完以后都不能概括出来。在细读 的时候,我也没有在读前告诉学生要抓住哪些关键信息进行思考,导致读后我讲 解完implied meaning吋,学生仍然存在困惑。(2)引导。这节课不成功的很大原因在于教师的课堂引导方式不够合理。通 过分析,我发现有以下明显的特点:a. 只关注部分基础较好的学生,

4、忽视了大多数学生。当多数学生对课堂捉问 感到困惑不解时,我没有给学生充分的思考、理解和内化的时间,却急于说出答 案。b. 对部分内容的讲解没冇一个很清晰的思路,对学生的引导目的性不强,部 分讲解话语甚至逻辑不严谨,出现较多语法错误。c. 部分提问难度偏大,要求学生从文木屮的字面意思屮挖掘出隐含问题。.为帮 助学生理解,我设计了流程图,但多数学生对流程图中的各个条目不理解,导致 学生对教师提问的意图不明确,我不加引导就呈现答案。2、数据分析:我针对我的“引导方式”做了如下分析1. 我没有给学生充分的思考理解时间,却急于说出答案。典型例子:t: what problem did elias hav

5、e in finding a job when he went to nels on man dela for advice in 1952?ss: no passbook.t: anything else?(ss keep silent,学生不能回答,教师立马呈现答案)t:he had poor education and no passbook to live in johannesburg2引导只针对部分成绩优异的学生,而忽视了多数学生,学生积极参与度不高。 典型例子:t: they firstly broke the lawsi: peacefully.t: but this was

6、not si: allowedt: they chose to answer si: violence with violenee.t: their final goal is for what?(ss keep silent)t: to get the same rights as white people.3对题干本身的讲解不够到位,学生对提问意图不明确,而教师的引导方式只是 呈现答案。典型例子:(此题要求学生细读第五段,完成流程图)t: but is that the only reas on? read the last sente nee together.t: so nelson

7、mandela's (ss keep silent)t: qualities 品质,right? his qualitiesinflueneed him a lot and made him realize to make black and white people si: equal.四. 研究计划和行动方案:1、研究计划实施阶段实施时间实施地点实施对象实施方法数据统计与分析方法第阶段2012.11.14高一 (14)高一 (14)全体学生课堂实录分析釆用文本分析的方法分析课堂实录第二阶段2012.11.27高一 (14)高一 (14)全体学生课堂实录分析采用文木分析的方法分析课堂

8、实录2、行动方案备课阶段,教师对所提问题耍预先估计学生的各种回答和反应,设计相应的 引导方式,而在课堂上教师要观察学生的反应,对引导方式做出适合的调整,如: 提问更多"wh”形式(以who, what, when, which, where, how等词开头)的 细致的小问题。启发式(教师说出前半句,启发学生说出下半句)。翻译形式(英译汉或汉译英)。图表、流程图等更直观的形式。提示关键词。提问本身的调整。对一些比较复杂的提问,教师可以采用不同的形式重述问题, 或者将问题简单化、具体化。学习策略的灌输(阅读技巧、听力技巧等)五、研究过程:第一阶段:在备课阶段,我根据教案和课件将课堂主要

9、教师话语写下来,其中特别关注 我的每一个课堂提问,认真思考每一个提问对学生的难易度,提前预备一套引导 方案。课堂上,我根据学生的反应和回答,选择相应的引导方式。1、数据分析:提问主要引导方式具体步骤引导结果qi: what was elias' job in 1952 when he was 12 years old? what was elias' job?启发式t: he got a job in a.? ss: a gold mine.学生能得出 答案,教师引 导成功。q2: why did elias worry about his new job?/ss: becau

10、se new job.t: why he worried about?(ss keep silent and feel puzzled)t: because he had no passbook to live in joharmesburg. do you still remember?t: turn to page thirty-four, the 2nd para. can you find the answer? thirty-four page thirty-four.教师直接给 出答案后,学 生仍感到困 惑,引导失 败。q3: unfair situation, 不公平的待遇启发式

11、t: they had no right to .(ss keep silent)t: the 4th para, page 34t: they had no right to vote or choose their leaders.t: no right to choose.si: the jobt: yes, the job they wan ted.t: they also had no right to decide.ss: decide the parts.tdecide where they lived.t.they also had no right to .ss: grow

12、food.t: yes, grow food.这个提问的 答案冇四个 要点,教师先 是-11:学生对 答案进行定 位,然后教师 说出而半句, 启发学生说 出下半句。答 案屮的三个 耍点学生能 通过教师的 引导得出。q4: do you know the reason why nelson mandela formed anc youth league?翻译形式 (汉译英)ss: why?t:为了黑人的平等,怎么说?ss: fight for black people. /fight for equal.tfight for black people to get the equal right

13、s.为了黑人的平等, agree?根据中文,学 生能翻译出 答案來,教师 引导成功。q5: listen to the tape and summarize the global idea学习策略的灌 输(听力技巧)t: ok, once agai n, and pay attention to the first sentence and the last sentence, first sentence and the last sentence.t: can you catch?ss: no.t: once again, only the first para, and pay atte

14、ntion to the first sentence.t: now?s2: elias joined anc youth league t: yes, why elias joined anc youth league.文章的大意 一般出现在 文章的首末 段,教师在训 练听力的时 候为学生灌 输了适当的 技巧,引导成 功q6: who can tell methe reason why eliasjoined anc youthleague?翻译形式(英译 汉)及启发式t: ok, firstly, black people had to get a passbook, right?ss:

15、yes.t:他们只有拥有了 passbook才 能居住。so they had no freedom to live.t: secondly,他们不能选择他们 想要的工作。white people sat in their offices, black people worked underground. so they had no freedom to work, right?ss: yes.t: thirdly, they can't get the best schools & doctors. so they had no freedom to.s3: live.t:

16、 yes, also live, for life.t: so elias joined anc youth league to get the same rights. ss: equal.t: yes, equal rights as white people.这个提问是 针对听力文 本的主题,教 师采用了两 种引导方式, 并根据文木 中的关键信 息,引导学生 思考主题,并 最终得岀主 题。2、对本阶段方案实施效果的总结和反思:1. 虽然仍有个别提问,没能给学生充足的思考时间,只关注到部分学生。但多 数提问开始关注全体学生的反应和回答,学生开始积极参与教学活动。2. 能够根据学生在课堂上的

17、反应,对引导方式作出适吋的调整,能根据实际情 况较灵活的运用各种引导方式。3. 在引导的过程,教师考虑到学生的英语听力较差,表达教师话语时放慢了语 速,教师口语相对之前的阅读课有了一定的节奏感,并且借助肢体语言(手势) 帮助学生理解。总的來说,我的课堂引导有了较显著的改善,从课堂效果來看,学生基本上能 在我的引导卜理解提问的答案,这节课的课堂引导基本上符合要求。3、对下一步行动方案的调整:1. 引导的时候要关注到多数学生的反应,根据他们的反应在课堂上做出适当的调 整,或者重复引导。2. 加强教师口语方面的技能,教师话语要更加流畅简洁,减少语法错误。3. 在备课的吋候可以预备多套引导方案,如果第

18、-种引导方式不能帮助学生理解, 可以换一种引导方式。第三阶段:在备课阶段,我充分考虑到学生的基础,所以对每一个提问都设计了多种引 导方式备案。课堂上,一旦发现学生存在困惑,我抓住时机,选择恰当的方式去 引导学生。1、数据分析:提问主要引导方式具体步骤引导结果qi: do you still remember what the passage is about?启发式t: it tells us the amazing history of.ss: amber room.t: yes, amber room, a cultural relic of two countries .ss: germ

19、any and russia.学牛能得出答案, 教师引导成功。q2: finish the table川不同的形式 重述问题t:我们先来讲一下表格里 的内容,第二段提到了 3 个人物,who?s: frederick (学生对人名 的读音有困难)t: frederick 1, frederick william 1, and peter the great.t:这篇文章是关于amber room 的,so what happened to the amber room? and where did happened, in which country?t: now read the 2nd p

20、ara, and finish the table. read the 2nd para carefully,读第 二段,完成表格的前三行。这个题干要求学生 完成图表,但图表 本身形式比较复 杂,所以教师对图 表的item做出了 解释,之后学生能 准确回答,所以教 师引导成功。q3: the missing of the amber room流程图以及启 发式t: time, which year?ss: sep. 1941t: yes, sep. 1941t: where?ss: near st petersburg t: yes, st petersburg.t: and what did

21、 russia ns do?ss: furniture.t: they were only able to remove some.ss: some furniture.t: and small.ss: art objects.t: what did nazis do?ss: stealt: stole the room itself :(详见附录)教师利用流程图, 把琥珀屋消失的过 程更直观地呈现给 学生,使学生一冃 了然。教师引导很 成功。q4: sum up the history of the amber room流程图以及捉 问更多“wh” 形式的提问v.first who made

22、 the amber room? who, which king?si: frederick 1t: frederick 1, he made the amber room. then he died, the amber room belongs to whom?si: frederick william 1t: but frederick william 1 didn't decide to keep it.ss: give to peter the great.t: yes, he gave it to peter the great as a gift.作为礼物 给了彼得大帝。

23、return what did peter the great 勿?作为冋答彼得大消 给了德国什么?ss: best soldiers.(详见附录)教师采用流程图使 琥珀屋的历史更直 观明了;通过“wh” 形式的提问,学生 对每一个历史事件 有了深入的了解。学生通过教师的步 步引导,可以总结 琥珀屋的历史。q5: do you know the reason why it was rebuilt?翻译形式 (英译汉)t: and it has survived for a long time. amber room 是不 是存在了很长的一段时间。ss: yes.t: it has some v

24、alues. the amber room 是不是有些 艺术价值?ss:是t: can you find some information about its artistic value?艺术价值t: cultural relic told people some things in the past. jc 化遗产告诉我们过去发生 的i些事件,amber room 是不是也冇一些历史意(详见附录)采用翻译的形式, 将琥珀屋重建的问 题引屮到琥珀屋作 为文化遗产的意义 上去。学生对于目 标语的解释不能一 下了反应过來,教 师通过母语来辅助 学牛理解。教师引 导的比较成功。2、对本阶段方案实施

25、效果的总结和反思:1. 这堂课我能根据学生的反应和回答,从课前设计的引导方式屮选择比较合适的 方案帮助学生理解。2. 课堂屮的多数引导能针对全体学生,关注到他们的反应,且引导效果较为理想。3. 本堂课因为考虑到学生的基础,借助了过多的母语进行引导,冇些过于迁就学 生,降低了对学生的要求,不利于学生养成良好的英语阅读习惯和思维方式。4本堂课也借用了图表和流程图,与第一堂阅读课相比,这堂课对图表和流程图 本身进行了解释,使学生明白设计这些形式的意图,且借助了合理的引导方式 帮助学生得出图表和流程图所需要的答案。3、对下一步行动方案的调整:1.避免陷入一句话屮既有英文又有屮文翻译的引导模式屮,提前准

26、备好每一个引 导的句子并预测学生的反应,尽量准备其他更加简单的英文话语进行解释和引 导,帮助学生理解。2在引导的时候要注意适当的捉高音量,关键词用重音强调,放慢语速,引起学 生注意。六、行动研究的总结和综合反思:通过此次行动研究,我在课堂引导这方面得到了很大的改善。从原来的几乎 不采取任何引导方式,直接呈现答案,到第二阶段备课时我设计出多套引导方式, 并在课堂上能合理选择和成功运用,我有了较大的进步。我开始关注多数学生的 反应,引导他们积极参与到教学活动屮,为他们提供积极理解的情境,培养他们 的独立思维。虽然我的课堂引导仍然存在着许多问题(如教师技能方面,母语的适时使用 等),但我知道,作为一

27、名未来的英语老师,我的行动研究才刚刚开始,我会在 今后的教学过程中不断地完善自己。附录(三堂课的课堂引导实录)book 1, unit 5 readingqi: (t asks ss to skim for structure and fill in blanks.)t: part 1 (para 1-2): the life of elias .ss: before he met nels on man dela.t: how about part 2?(ss keep silent)t: the cha nge of elias' life after he met mandela

28、 and what man dela did in flue need him.q2:t asks ss to read part 1 and answer the qs.t: what problem did elias have in finding a job when he went to nelson mandela for advice in 1952?ss: no passbook.t: any thing else?(ss keep silent)t:he had poor education and no passbook to live in johannesburg.q3

29、: since black people were treated unfair, they decided to fight against. but why did they choose a violent way?lets read the 2 quotetogether and find out the reason.t: we know black people faced unfair situation. so what could they do?(ss keep silent)t: they had to fight the go ver nment or accept t

30、hey were less importa nt.t: so what did they choose?(ss keep silent)t: to attack the law.t: they firstly broke the lawsi: peacefully.t: but this was not (ss keep silent)si: allowedt: they chose to answer.si: violenee with violenee.t: their final goal is for what?(ss keep silent)t: to get the same ri

31、ghts as white people.q4: as a matter of fact, elias didn't like a violent way. but why elias was willing to help nelson mandela blow up some government buildings?non we read5th para carefully.t: he was (ss keep silent)t: grateful when mandela helped him .(ss keep silent)t: in trouble.t: but is t

32、hat the only reason? read the last sentence together.t: so nels on man dela's .(ss keep silent)t: qualities 品质'right? his qualitiesinflueneed him a lot and made him realize to make black and white people .si: equal.book 1, unit 5 listening (第一阶段)qi: next, what was elias' job in 1952 when

33、 he was 12 years old? what was elias' job?ss: a black worker.t: he got a job in a?ss: a gold mine.t: he is a miner.在金矿里工作q2: why did elias worry about his new job?ss: because new job.t: why he worried about?(ss keep silent and feel puzzled)t: because he had no passbook to live in johannesburg. d

34、o you still remember?t: turn to page thirty-four, the 2nd para. can you find the answer? thirty-four page thirty-four.(ss keep silent)t: ok, let's go ont: so black people at that time led a hard life, right?ss: yesq3: and they faced unfair situation. do you still remember? we talked about it las

35、t week, unfair situation,不公平的待遇t: they had no right to (ss keep silent)t: the 4th para, page 34t: they had no right to vote or choose their leaders.t: no right to choosesi: the jobt: yes, the job they wan ted.at: they also had no right to decide .ss: decide the parts.tdecide where they lived.t: they

36、 also had no right to ss: grow food.t: yes, grow foodq4: so nelson mandela appeared, he is a great person. he formed anc youth league in 1944.do you know the reason why nelson mandela formed anc youth league? ss: why?t:为了黑人的平等,怎么说?ss: fight for black people. /fight for equal.tfight for black people

37、to get the equal rights.为 了黑人的平等,agree?q5: can you catch? (t asks ss to listen to the tape and summarize the global idea.) ss: no.t: ok, once again, and pay attention to the first sentence and the last sentence, first sentence and the last sentence.t: can you catch?ss: no.t: once again, only the fir

38、st para, and pay attention to the first sentence.t: now?s2: elias joined anc youth leaguet: yes, why elias joined anc youth league. how many reasons, you catch it?ss: threet: yes, three, three reasons, you have done a good job!t: three reasons. you heard firstly, secondly, thirdly. so there are 3 re

39、asonst: the main idea is the three reasons why elias joined the anc youth league. clear?q6: any volunteer? who can tell me the reason why elias joined anc youth league? any volunteer?(ss keep silent)t: you hear the firstly, secondly, and thirdly. so there are three reasons. who can tell me three rea

40、sons? you also write down some key words.t: any volunteer? ok,美伶,please. elias helped mandela?s3: no, anc youth league will help him.si: to get the rights as white people.t: yes, to get the rights as white people.t: firstly, black people had to get a passbook, right?ss: yes.t: they cannot live anywh

41、ere they wanted to live.他们不能选择他们住的地方, right?ss: yes.t: so they had no freedom.t: secondly, they can't choose their jobs. they had no freedom to work.t: thirdly, they can't get the best schools & doctors. so they had no freedom to live.t: so elias wanted to fight for black people to get t

42、he equal rights as white people. clear?ss: no.t: ok, firstly, black people had to get a passbook, right?ss: yes.t:他们只有拥有了 passbook 才能居住。so they had no freedom to live.t: secondly,他们不能选择他们想要的工作。white people sat in their offices, black people worked underground. so they had no freedom to work, right?s

43、s: yes.t: thirdly, they carft get the best schools & doctors. so they had no freedom to .s3: live.t: yes, also live, for life.t: so elias joined anc youth league to get the same rights.ss: equal.t: yes, equal rights as white people.book 2, unit lreading (第二阶段)qi: do you still remember what the p

44、assage is about?t: it tells us the amazing history of .ss: amber room.t: yes, amber room, a cultural relic of two countries .ss: germany and russia.t: germany and russia.q2: now turn to page 1. read the 2nd para, and finish the table.我们先来讲一卜表 格里的内容,第二段提到了 3个人物,who?s: frederick (学生对人名的读音有困难)t: freder

45、ick i, frederick william i, and peter the great.t:这篇文章是关于 amber room 的,so what happened to the amber room? and where did happened, in which country?t: now read the 2nd para, and finish the table. read the 2nd para carefully,读笫二段, 完成表格的前三行。t (after ss read silently): first one, frederick iss: it was

46、designed for the palace.t: yes, it was designed for the palace.t: next, frederick william i,si: give to.t: give to whom?ss: peter the greatt: in which year?哪一年?ss: 1716t: how about peter the great?ss: win ter palace.t: yes, it became part of the czar's win ter palace.t: in return, what did the c

47、zar do, in return?ss: a troop of his best soldiers.t: yes, he sent frederick william i a troop of his best soldiers.q3: do you think it is one of the wonders of the world?世界的一大奇迹。ss: yest: but it is missing, missing.si:不见了t: xj now read the 4th para, let's learn more about the missing of the amb

48、er room. amber room b勺失踪。you should find the tim巳 the place and the events.t: there two characters in 4th para, russians & nazi army.这里有两个人物,俄国人 和德国纳粹。what did they do to the amber room? read the 4th para and finish it. 读第四段,完成流程图。t (after ss read silently): time, which year?ss: sep. 1941t: yes,

49、 sep. 1941t: where?ss: near st petersburg.t: yes, st petersburg.t: and what did russia ns do?ss: furniture.t: they were only able to remove some ss: some furniture.t: and small ss: art objects.t: what did nazis do?ss: stealt: stole the room itself.德国纳粹把整个房了嘟偷走了,而俄国人只是搬走了房间 里一些家具。clear?ss: yes.t: the

50、n the put 100,000 pieces inside 27 .ss: wooden boxes.t:德国人把整个amber room拆成了十万个小物件,装进27个小木箱里。wooden, what's the meaning?ss:木质的t: yes.t: 1941年这两个国家处在?ss:二战t: yes, during the world war ii.q4: now let's sum up the history of the amber room.我们来总结一下 amber room发展的历史。t: first who made the amber room?

51、 who, which king?t: frederick si: frederick william it: no, who made?s2: made?t: frederick i designed the palace. so who made?si: frederick it: frederick i, he made the amber room. then he died, the amber room belongs to whom?si: frederick william it: but frederick william i didn't decide to kee

52、p it.ss: give to peter the greatt: yes, he gave it to peter the great as a gift.作为礼物给了彼得大帝。in return what did peter the great do?作为冋答彼得大帝给了德国什么?ss: best soldiers.t: yes, sent him a troop of his ss: best soldiers.t: and when peter the great was dead, the catherine ii owned the amber room. 彼 得大帝死后,catherine ii.ss:继承了王位t:然后她得到了 amberroom.她把amber room搬到了圣彼得堡的外而,用做她 避暑的处所。t: what did she do? she added more .t: catherine ii, she added more .t: she told her art


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