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1、Beautiful GuanYin in the MoGao GrottoesSmiling Buddha in the Maijishan GrottoesBuddha of Brightness in the Longmen Grottoes Compassionate Buddha of QingzhouBrief Introduction Buddhism found its way to China around the first century and has since exerted a significant, far-reaching influence on Chine

2、se culture. The splendid Buddhist artistic works are important component. The statues of the Buddha are found in many places across the country. Yungang grottoes, one of Chinas four most famous Buddhist Caves Art Treasure Houses, is located about sixteen kilometers west of Datong, Shanxi Province.It

3、 exists 53 caves, most of which are made during the Northern Wei Dynasty between 460 and 494 AD, and over 51, 000 stone sculptures.Features of the Buddha in Maijishan The statues are wrought with as many human features as possible. The countenance of the statues expresses calm compassion. The majori

4、ty of the statues nod and smile in a natural manner, and their robes are smooth as if flying. 4932100785The statue of the Buddha of Brightness “卢舍那卢舍那佛佛”智慧广大,光明普照智慧广大,光明普照Compassionate Buddha of Qingzhou Buddha statues from the northern Qi Dynasty was one of the most exciting archeological findings

5、of 20th century China. These statues have been exhibited in Germany, France and the United States, arousing great interest among viewers. A painted Buddha statue with a mysterious smile and moving luminosity.The discovery of the Qing Zhou Grotto transported smiles from a thousand years ago to todays

6、 human world.Name of GrottoesLocationTime of the BuddhasRepresentative Buddha(s)Facial Expressions of the Representative Buddha(s)MogaoDunhuang,east of present-day LanzhouFrom the 4th century to the 14th centuryGuanyin or the Godddess of MercyFaint smile and a bright and benevolent expressionMaijish

7、anSoutheast of Tianshui City in Gansu ProvinceFrom 535 to 556The main Buddha statue in Grotto 44Smiling mysteriously and kindlyLongmenThe southern suburbs of Luoyang, Henan ProvinceFrom more than 1,500 years agoThe Buddha of BrightnessFaint smile with the corners of his mouth slightly upturned and a

8、 serene expressionQingzhouQingzhou of Shandong ProvinceFrom 550 to 577The Buddha with his left foot on a lotus footing and his right foot on his left knee, the statue in the sitting postureCalm, sweet and reserved smile观音曾发誓要普度众生,然而众观音曾发誓要普度众生,然而众生芸芸,观音颇有力不胜任之感。生芸芸,观音颇有力不胜任之感。于是观音分身成四十二个大慈大于是观音分身成四十


10、Background Information China was experiencing one of the most traumatic periods in its history, with endless wars claiming the lives of countless people, and the survivors plunged into an abyss of suffering. These statues face the despondent secular world with smile, which gives people faith in life

11、.华严经华严经:“佛土生佛土生五色茎,一花一世界,五色茎,一花一世界,一叶一如来一叶一如来” 佛曰:佛曰:一花一世界,一木一浮一花一世界,一木一浮生,一草一天堂,一叶生,一草一天堂,一叶一如来,一砂一极乐,一如来,一砂一极乐,一方一净土,一笑一尘一方一净土,一笑一尘缘,一念一清静。缘,一念一清静。 Why Buddha is always smiling? 佛祖拈花佛祖拈花 迦叶微笑迦叶微笑 一天,在灵山会上,大梵天王以金色菠萝花献佛,并请佛说法。可是,释迦牟尼如来佛祖一言不发,只是用拈菠萝花遍示大众,从容不迫,意态安详。当时,会中所有的人和神都不能领会佛祖的意思,唯有佛的大弟子摩诃迦叶尊者妙

12、悟其意。破言为笑。于是,释迦牟尼将花交给迦叶,嘱告他说:吾有正法眼藏,涅椠秒心,实相无相,微妙法门,不立文字,教外别转之旨,以心印心之法传给你。 释迦牟尼佛祖在大庭广众之下,像这样一言不发,只是带在和他那不动生色的微笑,从容不迫,宁静安详,其中微妙究竟何在? Why Buddha is always smiling? 佛祖拈花佛祖拈花 迦叶微笑迦叶微笑 其实,释迦牟尼这里所传示的,正是一中无言的心态一种至为安详,静谧,调和,美好的心态,这是不呢国内用任何语言和行为来打破的。这种心态纯净无染,无欲无贪,坦然自得,乐观自信,无拘无束,不着形迹,不可动摇,与世长存即所谓“真如秒心”,亦即“普照一切、

13、含藏万法”的根本佛法正法眼藏之所在。所以迦叶与佛祖在灵山会上心心相印,仅只拈话微笑而已,没有任何其他的表示,但一切尽在不言中,此时无声胜有声。而释迦牟尼最后对迦叶所嘱咐的话,也正好是对这种心态的最好证明。 峨嵋山峨嵋山灵灵岩寺岩寺:开开口便笑,笑古笑今,凡事口便笑,笑古笑今,凡事付之一笑付之一笑大肚能容,容大肚能容,容天容天容地,于人何所不容地,于人何所不容Conclusion Generally speaking, Buddha statues always emphasize natural and calm facial expressions, but the sculptors of the Qingzhou statues placed more emphasis on t


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