高二英语(下)阶段综合测试四(Unit 17一Unit 18)_第1页
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1、高二英语(下)阶段综合测试四(Unit 17一Unit 18)单项选择(共20小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C和D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.It was not a serious illness, and she soon it. A. got over B. got on with C. got around D. got out of it2.I have done much of the work. Could you please finish in two days? A. the rest B. the other C. another D. the

2、 Others3.The most important thing about cotton in history is part that it played in Industrial Revolution. A. /; / B. the; / C. the; the D. a; the4. Such a camera can be _ to take photos both in sunny days and in cloudy days. A. adapted B. fitted C. suited D. adjusted5. I accept that he is not perfe

3、ct, I do actually like the person. A. While B. Since C. As D. If6.I don't think there is much sense them advice. They won't take it. A. to give B. to giving C. in give D. in giving7.The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain as the plane was making a landing. A. seat B. seating C.

4、 seated D. to be seating8.Robert is said abroad, but I don't know what country he studied in. A. to have studied B. to study C. to be studying D. to have been studying9.-How would you like your coffee? - . A. It's well done B. Very nice C. One cup. That's enough D. The stronger, the bett

5、er10. you are leaving tomorrow, we can eat dinner together tonight. A. For B. Now that C. Once D. When11.If David carries on working like this, he'll sooner or later. A. break down B. break away from C. break up D. break out12.I felt very disappointed when my repeated request that I join the clu

6、b was _. A. replaced B. resisted C. rejected D. removed13. The young man always drives so carelessly. There is some _ danger while he is driving. A. secret B. mysterious C. potential D. harmless14.When I watched the film, I slowly became aware of the fact cultural differences couldn't stop peopl

7、e understanding each other. A. which B. where C. whether D. that15.There came the news that the visiting team had gained a victory the home team with a score of 4 to 3. A. against B. toward C. upon D. over16. I have invited 50 guests to the party, but actually _ came.A. twice more thanB. twice as mu

8、chC. twice as many D. as many as twice17. Protection of the environment is more than just a(n) _ of discussing its problems. We need to take action to get rid of them. A. thing B. matter C. incident D. affair18. When we offer these people jobs, we must _ their abilities and skills so that they are a

9、ll fit for these jobs. A. ask for B. call for C. allow for D. send for19 .I was told that there were about 50 foreign students Chinese in the school, most were from Germany.A.study; of whom B.study; of themC.studying; of themD.studying; of whom20. She was educated at Beijing University, _she went on

10、 to have her advanced study abroad.A. after which B. from which C. from that D. after that完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) The child in the hospital bed was just waking up after having a throat operation. His throat 21 ,and he was afraid. However, the young nurse 22 By his bed smiled so 23 hat the little b

11、oy smiled back. He 24 to be afraid. The young nurse was May Paxton 25 e was deaf. May Paxton graduated 26 the Missouri School for the Deaf near the year 1909.Three years 27 she went to see Dr. Richardson about 28 nurse.Dr Richardson was one of the founders of Mercy Hospital of Kansas City. 29 had ne

12、ver heard of a deaf nurse. She told May that her 30 would be very low and that the work would be 31 . However, May said that hard work did not frighten her. Dr. Richardson was 32 her, and accepted May as a student nurse.Dr. Richardson never 33 her decision. 34 ,she was so pleased with Mays work that

13、 she later accepted two other deaf women as student nurses. The 35 was Miss Marian Finch, who was hard of 36 .The second was Miss Lillie Bessie. These three were 37 “the silent angles(天使) of Mercy Hospital” during the 38 they worked there.Dr.Richardson often 39 her faith in the girls ability to lear

14、n nursing. She wrote to May,“For three years, you have been with us It is wonderful to me that no man. 40 or child ever,to my knowledge, made a complaint(投诉)against you”21.A.cut B.burt C.wounded D.darnaged22.A.standing B.jurnping C.lying D.crying23.A.shyly B sadly C.cheerfully D.weakly24.A.continued

15、 B.began C.stopped D.forgot25.A.for B.so C.and D.but26.A.as B.from C.with D.in27.A.later B.before C.ago D.then28.A.seeking B.changing C.hiring D.becoming29.A.You B.She C.We D.He30.A.money B.check C .pay D.price31.A.easy B.disappointing C.joyful D.difficult32.A.angry with B.sagtisfied with C.sorry fo

16、r D.ashamed of33.A.regretted B.thought of C.liked D.believed34.A.In fact B.In a hurry C.In surprise D.In public35.A.one B.others C.first D.other36.A.reading B.hearing C.listening D.writing37.A.offered B.chosen C.told D.called38.A.year B.month C.time D.term39.A.spoke of B.said C.heard of D.noticed40.

17、A.person B.wornan C.boy D.girl.阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,共40分) 阅读下列短文,从每所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D )中选出最佳选项A The wedding took place in a Birmingham hotel. The bride and her father arrived in a new black American sports ear. Her father looked nervous and uncomfortable in front of the cameras. The bride wore a silk weddi

18、ng dress. She smiled nervously at the waiting photographers and went to room on the first floor where she met her future husband for the very first time. Carla Germaine and Greg Cordell were the winners of a radio station's competition. The aim of the competition was to tlnd two strangers prepar

19、ed to marry, without having met each other. Miss C.ermaine, 23, is a model. Mr Cordell, 27, is a TV salesman. They were among the two hundred people who entered for a peculiar "experiment" organized by BMRB radio in Binningham, England. Greg and Carla were among eight finalists who were in

20、terviewed live on radio. They took a lie detector(测谎仪) test and the station 'also spoke to their friends and family about their personalities. The competition judges included an astrologer(占星家) who declared that they were suited. The couple celebrated their wedding with a wedding breakfast and a

21、 party for 100 guests in the evening, but not everyone shared their joy. Miss Gennaine's mother looked anxious throughout the wedding and Mr Cordefl's parents are reported to be less than delighted. Organizations, including the marriage guidance service Relate, have criticized(批评) the marria

22、ge. As one person put it, "We have enough problems getting young people to take marriage seriously without this. Marriage should always be about love." The couple are now on a Caribbean honeymoon followed by journalists. Their other prizes include a year's free use of wonderful apartme

23、nt in the centre of Birmingham, and a car. But will it last?41. How did the couple's parents react to the wedding? A. The bride's mother shared their joy. B. The bride's father felt uncomfortable about the wedding. C. The bridegroom's parents were quite delighted. D. The bridegroom&#

24、39;s parents were not that joyful.42. Some experts believe that . A. marriage without the couple's meeting each other first ends up in failure B. young people nowadays are too careless about marriage C. taking a lie detector test can not solve all the marriage problems D. most young people take

25、marriage seriously except this couple43. One of the prizes for the couple is . A. to spend their honeymoon wherever they like B. to use an apartment free for some time C. to have a wedding dress free D. to own an American sports car44. Which of the following is the best title of the passage? A. Two

26、Strangers and a Wedding B. A Wedding Based on Love C. A Short-Lived Marriage D. A Well-Matched CoupleB People had known about steam power :for hundreds of years. But they did not know how to apply it to machines. About 300 years ago, some engineers discovered that they couldnt use steam power to for

27、ce water out of deep mines. This helped miners dig deeper than ever. But little more was done with steam power until one man, James Watt, discovered to make steam turn a wheel. When he was a boy, James Watt's parents had scolded(责骂 ) him for playing with mechanical things. There were few advance

28、d machines then And almost nobody could make a living by fixing them. So Wart's parents thought that playing around with machines was a waste of time. But someone asked Watt to repair a steam coal-mine pump. Watt fixed the pump and he began to build models of other pumps. Once Watt had built his

29、 first steam engines, steam power was used to do many things. Machines were built that could weave(编织), grind(磨) flour, drive a boat or a train, and even make other machines. Nearly anything that needed pushing or turning could be powered by steam. Within 50 years of Watt's invention, steam engi

30、nes were producing and transporting things in ways that were impossible by hand, wind, or water power.45. Steam power was not used to turn a wheel until A. three hundred years ago B. it was applied to the mining industry C. James Watt grew into a very clever boyD. James Watt found out a way of doing

31、 so46. As a boy, James Watt A. was fond of playing with mechanical things B. was often scolded for playing with steam C. was often scolded for playing with complicated machines D. couldn't make a living by fixing complicated machines47. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage'

32、;? A. To Watt, playing around with machines was a waste of time. B. Nobody asked watt to repair steam coal-mine pumps. C. When Walt was young, his parents didn't allow him to play with machines. D. Fixing machines was beyond Watt's power.48Since the invention of James Watts steam engines, Aw

33、ind power has been of no use to man Bwater power has not been used any longer Ceverything has been able to be powered by steam Dsteam power has been widely usedC40 years ago the idea of disabled people doing sport was never heard of. But when the yearly games for the disabled were started at Stoke M

34、andeville, England in 1948 by Sir Ludwig Guttmann, the situation began to change.Sir Ludwig Guttmann, who had been driven to England in 1939 from Nazi Germany, had been asked by the British government to set up an injuries centre at Stoke Mandeville Hospital near London. His ideas about treating inj

35、uries included sport for the disabled.In the first games just two teams of injured soldiers took part. The next year, 1949, five teams took part. From those beginnings, things have developed fast. Teams now come from abroad to Stoke Mandeville every year. In 1960 the first Olympics for the Disabled

36、were held in Rome, in the same place as the normal Olympic Games. Now, every four years the Olympic Games for the Disabled are held, if possible, in the same place as the normal Olympic Games, although they are organized separately. In other years Games for the Disabled are still held at Stoke Mande

37、ville. In the 1984 wheelchair Olympic Games,1064 wheelchair athletes(运动员)from about 40 countries took part. Unfortunately, they were held at Stoke Mandeville and not in Los Angeles, along with the other Olympics.The Games have been a great success in helping the progress of international friendship

38、and understanding, and in proving that being disabled does not mean you cant enjoy sport. One small source(来源)of disappointment for those who organize and take part in the games, however, has been the unwillingness of the International Olympic Committee(委员会)to include disabled events at the Olympic

39、Games for the able-bodied. Perhaps a few more years are still needed to persuade those fortunate enough not to be disabled that their disabled fellow athletes should be included.49. The first games for the disabled were held_after Sir Ludwig Guttmann arrived in England.A.40 yearsB.21 yearsC.10 years

40、D.9 years50. Besides Stoke Mandeville,surely the games for the disabled were once held in_.A.New YorkB.LondonC.RomeD.Los Angeles51.This text tells us that Sir Ludwig Guttmann_.A.is an early organizer of the games for the able-bodied.B.is welcomed by the British governmentC.is an injured soldierD.is

41、from England52.From the passage,we may know that the writer is_.A.one of the organizers of the games for the disabledB.a disabled person who once took part in the gamesC.against holding the games for the disabledD.in favour of holding the games for the disabledDThe agriculture revolution in the nine

42、teenth century involved two things:the invention of labor-saving machinery and the development of scientific agricultureLabor-saving machinery naturally appeared first where labor was scarce(not widely seen)。“In Europe,”said Thomas Jefferson,“the object(purpose)is to make the most of their land,labo

43、r being more than enough”It was in the United StatesThere-fore,that the great adventures in nineteenthcentury agriculture machinery first came. At the opening of the century,with the exception of a crude plow(铸铁犁),farmers could have carried practically all of the existing agricultural tools on their

44、 backs;by 1860,most of the machinery in use today had been designed in an early formThe most important of the easy inventions was the iron DlowAs early as 1790 Charles Newbold of New Jersey had been working on the idea of a eastern plow and spent his entire fortune in introducing his inventionThe fa

45、rmers,however,were not interested in it,claiming that the iron poisoned the soil and the weeds grewNevertheless,many people devoted their attention to the plow,until in 1869 James Oliver of South Bend,Indiana,turned out the first chilledsteel plow53. What is the main topic of this passage? Arule nee

46、d for all agriculture advances to help feed a growing population Brule development of saver machinery demanded by the labor movement CMachinery that contributed to the agriculture revolution DNew Jersey as a leader in the agricultural revolution54The underlined word “ naturally ”in the first paragra

47、ph is closest in meaning to A. unsurprisingly Bgradually Cquickly Dsafely55Which of the following Call be inferred from what Thomas Jefferson said in the first paragraph? AEurope was changing more quickly than the United States BEurope had greater need of farm machinery than the United States did CT

48、he United States was finally miring out of good farmland。 DThere was a shortage of workers on United States farms56Why did the farmers reject Newbolds plow? ATheir horses were frightened by it BThey preferred lighter tools CIt was too expensive D.They thought it would destroy the landE Have you ever

49、 dreamed of having a fashionable watch of great value?A small watchmaker in Switzerland in 1922 designed the first automatic(自动的)watch to show the day, month, and date, Only seven of these splendid watches were ever made and these watches were almost lost to history. Today, it is so hard to get an o

50、riginal (首批的) watch that some watch historians are even willing to offer $ 200,000 for one.These watches attracted a lot of people for their splendid color, fashionable style, and new uses in the 1920s. The owners of the watches were admired and set apart from the crowd. Because the number of the or

51、iginal watches is very limited, owning such a watch will make you feel very special.Today, you are offered the same kind of watch with improvement. It has a 24-jewel mechanical(机械的) movement, the kind desired by watch collectors, The watchmaker has made the movement of the watch much more modern wit

52、h an automatic rotor(上弦装置) so that the watch never needs to be wound by hand. The watch comes in a very beautiful case with a crocodile design on it. To get a watch in such a perfect design means to get a chance to know a piece of watch- making history and to wear such a watch will show your persona

53、l taste and social position. You can get the watch either in person or by mail at an affordable price. You will also receive good service from the watch seller. If you are not satisfied with the watch after you get it, you may simply return it within 30 days. Dont miss the chance to realize your dream.57.The original automatic watches are valuable because . A.the watches were made many years agoB.the watches were made by a Swiss watchm


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