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1、限制性定语从句教学设计 The restrictive attributive clause Teaching background:Our students have learned the attributive clause since middle school. But that is not the important point in the middle school.The attributive clauses that they have learned are easy and simple sentences. The attributive clause is di

2、vided into two parts, the restrictive attributive clause and the non-restrictive attributive clause. There are more things they have to remember.Teaching ideas:1. The attributive clause is included in unit 4 and unit 5 in book1.The students will learn the attributive clause(using the relative pronou

3、n that , which, who, whom, whose) in this class2. The students have learned the attributive clause before. It is not so difficult for them to understand the usage of that ,which and who. But they have to do more exercises to help them use the attributive clause and deal with the exercises.Teaching g

4、oals:let the students learn and use the attributive clause(using the relative pronoun that , which, who, whom, whose), especially in their daily life.Let the students learn to translate the restrictive attributive clause into Chinese.let the students finish the exercises-simple selection and learn h

5、ow to deal with single selection(the attributive clause)Teaching important points:The usage of the restrictive attributive clause(relative pronoun, that who whom which whose)The understanding of the restrictive attributive clause.eHow students deal with the restrictive attributive clause in the exer

6、cises.Teaching difficult points:That ,who部分特殊用法。Teaching tools: normal teaching toolsTeaching procedures:Step1 Lead in1. Greetings: teacher greets to the students. Teacher makes a conversation with the students who is on duty.2. Lead in the topic “the restrictive attributive clause ”by using an Engl

7、ish motto-“Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.”世上无难事只怕有心人3. Explain the relative pronoun “who” and the usage.这一设计自然地将学生带入到了学习情境中,可以有效减轻学生们的学习焦虑感。这种师生互动也容易快速消除师生之间的陌生感。在导入定语从句时,我没有先将语法概念告诉学生,而是直接以名言呈现定语从句的用法,不仅直观清楚,省时高效,也锻炼了学生直接用英语思维的能力和运用所学语言的能力。Step

8、 2 the restrictive attributive clauseDivide the students into 4 groups, and organize a competition .Round1 Required Question: let the students find out the restrictive attributive clauses in Part1 .If the students answers is right ,they will get 5 points per sentence. If their answers are wrong, the

9、y will have 2 points deducted.Answer keys: 1. 3. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12Round2 Quick Response: let the students translate the restrictive attributive clauses. They should put up their hands quicklyIf the students answers is right ,they will get 5 points per sentence. If their answers are wrong, they won

10、t get any point.Answers keys:1 Tom 是跟我同一个班的朋友。3 我们共同分享我们所拥有的一切。7 他有一张像苹果一样的圆脸。8 我修好了他那张腿坏掉的桌子。9 他喜欢阅读著名作家写的小说。10 他骑着他爸爸在他生日时送的自行车去上学。11 我永远不会忘记我们一起度过的时光。12 我也永远不会忘记这个给我带来欢笑和泪水的男孩。Analyze the usage of the following relative pronoun, that ,who, whose which whom.important points:part1 第一句 先行词(指物)前有adj

11、最高级修饰,只能用that Eg. It is the most delicious food that I have ever eaten. 这是我所吃过最好吃的食物。part1 第三句 everything为不定代词,指物,做先行词用that。不定代词指人 用who Eg. He didnt tell me anything that is important.他没有告诉我任何重要的事情。 Eg. She is the one who studies hard and studies well.她是学习又努力又好的学生。在定语从句的教学环节中,我让学生以小组竞赛的方式在文章中发现定语从句,

12、总结定语从句的用法。符合新课改的要求,把课堂还给了学生。并且打破了传统的语法教学填鸭式教学法。让学生走出枯燥乏味的语法学习,语法的学习和兴趣相结合。Step 3 . exercisesRound3 .part2 on the paper. Quick ResponseIf the students answers is right ,they will get 5 points per sentence. If their answers are wrong, they will have 2 points deducted.Answer keys:aaccd解题思路:1.判断是否为定语从句(

13、先行词)2. 找出从句所缺成分(主 宾定 表状)-选关系代词/副词3.看先行词指人指物语法知识的联系继续沿用第二阶段的小组竞赛形式,提高了学生的参与度。让学生活学活用、趁热打铁。Step4 .Homework Part3 on the paper作业是合并句子。让学生能够把学到的知识灵活运用。 板书 A B C DThe restrictive attributive clauseNothing is difficult to the man who will try.Eg. It is the most delicious food that I have ever eaten. Eg. H

14、e didnt tell me anything that is important Eg. She is the one who studies hard and studies well.The restrictive attributive clausePart 1. Reading (find out the restrictive attributive clauses in this passage and analyze the usage of the following relative pronoun that,which,who, whom, whose )(1)Tom

15、is my best friend who studies in the same class with me. (2)He is 16 years old and he is a handsome boy. (3)We share everything that we have. (4)We always learn together and help each other. (5)He is smarter than me.(6) It is he who helps me a lot with my study. (7)He has a round face which looks li

16、ke an apple. (8)His desk whose leg is broken is repaired by me. (9)He likes to read novels which were written by famous writers. (10)He goes to school by bike which his father gave him as a birthday present.(11) I will never forget the days which we spend together .(12) I will also never forget this

17、 boy who bring me laughters and tears. (13)Tom promise that he will keep in touch with me. (14)He tells me that a friend is easier lost than found. Part 2. Single selection1. This is the dictionary _ mum gave me for my birthday. A. which    B. what   C. whose   D.

18、whom2. The book _ he bought yesterday is very interesting.  A. /     B. why     C. when     D. what3. The young lady _ we met yesterday is our new maths teacher.   A. what   B. whose    C. whom &

19、#160; D. which4.Women _ drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a greater chance of having heart disease than those _ dont. A. who;/       

20、           B./;who                 C. who; who               D./;/5.I 

21、was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, a city_name will create a picture of beautiful trees and green grass in our mind. A. which          

22、0;          B. of which            C. that                      &

23、#160;D. whosePart 3. Combine the following sentences together1. I have a girl friend. Her hair is brown and curly.2. I live in a big house. The windows of the house face north.3. I love this book. This book was written by Mark Twain.4. I want to help those people. Those people are homeless and poor.5. The girl is my friend. The


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