1、最新Word中考英语模拟试题(满分:120分时间:100分钟)、单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)()1 Are you thirsty? Yes, PleaSe give US.A. three bottle Water B. three bottle of Water C. three bottles of Water D. three bottles of WaterS()2.Fruit is good for health,so I often have breakfast With OneA. CandyB. CakeC. bananaD. hamburger()3.Li Qiang
2、ishonest boy. He WantS to beUSefUI PerSOn When he grows UPA. a, anB. an,aC. a : aD. a: /()4. Your UnCle is Very good at cooking! How did he learn it? He learned it by.A. himB. himselfC. herD. herself()5.Mom Won't let DiCk go outhe PrOmiSeS to be back by 10:00 tonight.A. ifB. Whe nC. SinCeD. unl
3、ess()6. _ desks are in the CIaSSroom. Yeah, there are 29 StUdents in my class.A. SiXtyB. FiftyC. FortyD. Thirty()7. IS Julie as tall as you? No,she isn't.She'sthan me.A. tallB. shortC. tallerD. tallest()8. I know Old Joe lives. We are SUPPOSed to ViSit him from time to time. The n he Won'
4、;t feelA. alone, aloneB. l On ely, Ion elyC. Ion ely, aloneD. alon e, l On ely()9. Didn't you See the“ No Parklng' On the right? Sorry,I didn't.But now I know Parking .A. WaS n't allowedB. is n't allowedC. won't allowD. does n't allow()10.of youto keep together because yo
5、u may get lost.A. Every, hasB. Every, haveC. Each, hasD. Each, have()11.Mr. WU Said heUS to the zoo the next week.A. would takeB. will takeC. takeD. takes()12. Mario, your mobile Phone is ringing. Wait a minu te. It's dan gerous for USit while cross ing the street.A. an SWeri ngB. to an SWerC. a
6、n SWerD. an SWered()13.1 a big house for my family if I a lot of mon ey.A. would buy, have B. would buy, had C. will buy, hadD. will buy, will have()14.Which of the followi ng SentenCeS is correct?C. When We met. He did n't Say hello.D. We Went out, headed for the bus stop.()15.- What do you thi
7、nk of the two PairS of shoes?-I Won't take them. They aretoo bigtoo small.A. not only; but alsoB. both; andC. n either; norD. either; or()16.1 t's a Iong time agoI SaW you last time.A. Whe nB. SinCeC. forD. that( )17. Your father's n ever bee n to other CoUn tries, has he?. He pla ns to
8、go abroad aga in this summer.A. No, he isn'tB. Yes, he isC. Yes, he hasD. No, he has n't( )18.D on't Wait for people to be frien dly, show them a frien dly PerS On you are.A. WhatB. howC. Whe nD. Where( )19. EXCUSe me. Could you PIeaSe tell me? Sure. Go along this Street and turn left. I
9、t's On your right.A. Whe n I Can get to the bookstoreB. Whe n Can I get to the bookstoreC. how I Can get to the bookstoreD. how Can I get to the bookstore( )20.I t's a good idea to Send the old books to the ChiIdre nn eed them.A. WhiChB. whoC. WhatD. Where二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)Wang Lin g,a middl
10、e school girl,felt angry With her Pare nts after gett ing a boy's Phone call.“ Adiscuss homework.We talked for just a few minutes21 my Parents got mad, ” Said the girl.“ TheyaISkkffildthe boy.I Said I did n' t,but they would n't believe me.” Wan g's trouble is no t 23 at all because
11、PUPPy love(早恋) beComes a big headache for both Pare nts and schools.They 24 that PUPPy love will be bad for study. Many StUde nts Say they Understand 25 Parents and teachers are so nervous about PUPPy love.But some think they are going too far. “ WeVe our OWn thoughts and We know What to 26 With it,
12、 ” SaWIang Ling. Another girl,Jiang Ting,liked making friends With boys. “ Boyand girls Can 27 from each other, ” SSIaid. “ MmOther ask me to StUdy hard.However,she 28StoPS me from making friends With boys.” OnCe Jiang told her mo¾9erfalH 初 loveWith a boy.Her mother let Jia ng make her OWn 30 S
13、o On Jia ng found that She did n't like him any more because the boy WaS not as good as What She had thought before.()21. A. beforeB. Un tilC. Si nce()22. A. thatB. howC. Whether()23. A. com monB. Stra ngeC. clear()24. A. showB. imagi neC. worry()25. A. WhyB. WhatC. who()26. A. playB.doC. deal()
14、27. A. SPeakB.lear nC. stop()28. A. neverB.ofte nC. SOmetimeS()29. A. needB.shouldC. might()30. A. an SWerB. problemC. decisi On三、阅读理解(每小2分,共40分)AMobile Phone has become a problem for high SChoolS.Some high school StUdents in AUStralia are not allowed to Carry mobile PhoneS duri ng school hours.Mobi
15、le pho ne USed among ChiIdre n has become a problem for the school years.Several ChiIdre n have got mobile PhoneS as ChriStmaS PreSe nts from their Pare nts,a nd more StUde nts will Want them. Marry Brown,a headmaster,said that mobile Phone WaS a distraction( 分心事)to StUdents during school hours and
16、it also gave teachers so much trouble in their class rooms,Teachers Were also Say ing that SOmetimeS StUde nts might USe phone message to Cheat during exams. She Said some schools had tried to ban mobile Phones.Some Parents felt Unhappy because they could n't get in touch With their ChiIdren Man
17、y teachers Said StUdents should not have mobile PhoneS at school.But there WaS a good reas On that they could leave their pho nes at school OffiCeS.They also Said they Were easily lost and Were a distraction for StUdies.Many people Say that they Understand Why Parents would Want their ChiIdren to ha
18、ve pho nes,but they think schools should let the StUde nts know Whe n they Can USe their mobile Phon es.()31.Some high schools in AUStraIia have StOPPed StUdents from Carrying mobile PhoneS .A. Whe n they are at home B. Whe n they are free C. Whe n they are at school( )32.What does the world“Cheat ”
19、 mean in Chinese in this passage?A.作弊B.核对C.查询( )33.Some ChiIdren get mobile phones from .A. their friendsB. their fathersC. their Pare nts( )34.Some Pare nts felt Un happy because they could n't duri ng school hours.A. USe their mobile pho nes B. get in touch With their ChiIdre n C. help the tea
20、chers With their work()35.The PaSSage tells US that.A. StUde nts should n't have mobile pho nes at school except for some SPeCiaI reas ons.B. it is importa nt to ban StUde nts from USing mobile PhoneS at home.C. some Pare nts felt Un happy because they could n't USe their PhoneS at school.BI
21、f you Want to do a school PrOjeCt on ChiIdren's rights( 权禾U), you Can look on the Internet for some information. A Un ited Nati OnS WebSite Can ShoW you Ple nty Of USefUl in format On for the ProjeCt.The Un ited Nati OnS lists the rights Of Children. Most CoUntries agree all of them, but some Co
22、Untries do not. The following are some of the most important rights of ChiIdren:ChiIdren have the right to be PrOPerIy fed, clothed and SheItered ( 庇护) by their family. If their family Can't do so, the gover nment should take resp On Sibility.Childre n have the right to an eduCati On and mediCal
23、 Care, WhiCh should be PrOVided by the government.Children must not be Cruelly PUniShed ( 惩罚)by their Parents or anyOtherS.Children have the right to expect the government to PrOteCt them from all kinds of abuse ( 虐待) and negleCt (忽 略) .No Child Under fifteen should be made to fight in an army. ChiI
24、dren have the right to be PrOteCted from being made to work too hard to make money for other PeoPle.In some CoUntries ChiIdren do not have these rights. ManyyoUng ChiIdren are made to work Iong hours in faCtories and on farms. In some CoUntries there are so few SChooIs that onIy rich ChiIdren get an
25、 eduCation. There are not enoUgh doCtors or nurses to help many ChiIdren When they are siCk.The rights of ChiIdre n are, therefore, the rights people thi nk ChiIdre n should have. They are not always the rights ChiIdre n really have.()36._ agree With the United NatiOns' list of ChiIdren's ri
26、ghts.A. All CoUn triesB. A few CoUn triesC. No CoUn triesD. Most CoUn tries( )37.The Underlined word "respOnSibiIity” in thegpssseans.A. SOmeth ing people have to doB. SOmeth ing people Want to doC. SOmeth ing people know how to doD. SOmeth ing people love to do()38.WhiCh of the following Sente
27、nCeS is TRUE according to the passage?A. Pare nts should PUniSh their ChiIdre n.B. ChiIdre n should make money for other people.C. GoVernmentS should PrOteCt ChiIdre n from n eglect. D. ChiIdre n Un der SiXtee n should not fight in an army.( )39.Some ChiIdren can't get an education because .A. t
28、here aren't eno Ugh schoolsB. there are no schoolsC. they come from rich familiesD. they Want to work in factories()40.What's the main idea of this passage?A. ChiIdren are made to work Iong hours on farms.B. The Un ited Nati OnS WebSite is USefUI for the school project.C. ChiIdren have the r
29、ight to be PrOPerIy fed, clothed and SheItered.D. The United NatiOnS has IiSted the rights it thinks ChiIdren should have.CAS We kno w,more and more tee nagers are beg inning to somke .It SeemS that young people think smok ing is Very cool.There are many reasOnS for this,for exampIe,fiIms.Many actor
30、s smoke in the films and this Can lead teenagers to think smok ing Can be cool.Ma ny young people believe that smok ing makes them look cool.It's PrObabIy true that smok ing helps them look older.Doctors Say that not only SUgar and alcohol but also smok ing is bad for your Skin .Do you最新Wordreal
31、ly Want to See Wrin kies On your face at a young age?Do you really think that Smok ing WiIl make you as Cool as you think?Do you really believe that he or She will like someOne that SmeiiS like a factory?ThiS is SimPiy a bad idea.Besides CaUS ing Can cer,smok ing Wiii also make you Ugiy and sad.Ther
32、efore,boys and girls ,forget about smok in g!D on't even Start .If you are smok in g,give it UP as quickly asPOSSibie.Why no t live a healthy life WithOUt smok ing?()41.Some young PeOPie think smoking is cool because .A. many actors smoke in films.B. Smoking Can make them look younger.C. smok in
33、g Can make them groW UP quickly.()42.We Can Iearn from the PaSSage that besides smoking,Can make PeOPie look older.A. fruit and SUgarB. cola and SUgarC. SUgar and alcohol()43.What does the Underlined Word“alcohol ” mean in Chinese?A.苏打水B.毒品C.酒()44.Which of the foiiOWing about smoking is Not true?A.
34、It Can CaUSe cancer. B. It Can make PeOPie groW up. C. It Can make PeOPie sad.()45.What's the Writer's OPinion On smoking?A. YoUng PeOPie ShOUid n't smoke.B. Some teachers think smok ing is cool.C. ACtOrS ShOUid smoke in the films.DMany PeOPie today like reading StOrieS about UFO.Many Pe
35、OPie in different CoUntries are StUdying the UFO.There are some differe nt Say ing for UFO.Am Ong those Say in gs,the most POPUiar One for UFO is that UFOS areStra nge CreatUreS(生物) to the earth from other stars.We Can Caii them alie ns.UFO SCie ntists and many PeOPie believed this Saying.Some PeOPi
36、e Said that they SaW a few UFOS Ianding on the earth.They Seemed to be ObjeCtS rather like big PiateS.Some PeOPie Said that they SaW some Stra nge ViSitOrS Coming out of the UFOs.Some PeOPie make mistakes Whe n they Say they have See n UFOS high in the sky.Perhaps they See a Weather ballo On Or an U
37、n com mon Pia ne or the light they See in the Sky comes from the groun d.Sometimes they See the light from the moon .But these are a lot of OtherS We Can't Understand.lt may take many years to find a Ciear anSWer and then PeOPie Wiii give UFO another name.()46.Only SCientists are interested in S
38、tUdying the UFO.()47.The most POPUiar Say ing is that UFOS may Carry Stra nge CreatUreS from other stars.()48.It is Ciear that some SPaCe ViSitOrS from other StarS are Iiv ing among us.()49.Sometimes PeOPie may think unu SUai Pia nes as UFOs.()50.We have had a Ciear Un dersta nding of UFOS so far.51
39、.1 began feeling(尴尬的)When I realized that I had made SUCh a StUPid mistake.52.1 (取消) my appo in tme nt With a den tist yesterday because of the bad weather.53. The message WaS so (可相信的) that everyOnein OUr class believed it.54. Don't tell a lie! Nobody should be(愚弄).55. The(发现)of oil in Shandong
40、 WaS excit ing n ews.56. Nodd ing the head means a.57. Lare sour but they are my favorite fruit.58. The SCientists eall the IeaVeS Under the microscope(显微镜).59. He ShOWed great CWhe n he jumped into the river to SaVe the child.60.1 will dmy Pare nts if I fail the exam in ati on.五、 按要求改写句子,每空一词(每小题2分
41、,共10分)61. By the time She got up, her mother had go ne to work.(对画线部分提问)her mother done by the time She got up?62. When I got home, my mother had cooked dinner.( 改为否定句 )When I got home, my mothercooked dinner.63. Have you ever been late for school?(给出否定回答) No,.64. Jim has OWn ed the backpack SinCe h
42、is tenth birthday.(对画线部分提问)has Jim OWned the backpack?65.1 WaS about to go UP to my office. At that time I decided to get a COffee first.( 合并为一句 )I WaS about to go UP to my OffiCeI decided to get a COffee first.六、 语法填空(每小题1分,共10分)66.Stude nts should n't be allowedout On school ni ghts.(go)67.1 t
43、's a goodfor US that We can't miss.(cha nce)68.1 got my fin gersby accide nt.(pierce)69.1 t's notto Skate On the thin ice.(safety)70. He n eedstime With frien ds.(spe nd)71. They always walk to school in Stead ofbikes.(ride)72.ln the past,black ChiIdrenin SePerate schools from the White
44、ChiIdren.(educate)73.I'm lucky toas the mon itor of my class.(choose)74.1 bought a Pair offor my mother On her birthday.(earri ng)75.1 t's not easy for me to make this(decide).七、选词填空(词汇运用)(每小题1分,共10 分)最新Wordgo make Iike Same in do Pare nts Stay buy SUCh for becauseNoWadayS more and more Chin
45、 ese tee nagers find life more difficult WithOUt their Pare nts.They don't know how76housework.Because their Pare nts do almost everyth ing for them at home.This is a big problem.Joy is 14 years old. One day her Parents77away On bus in ess(出差),so they asked Joy78homealon e.At first She thought S
46、he would be happy79her Pare nts Were not in. She could do What She liked.But itWaS SiX o'clock80the after noon, She felt hun gry.“ Oh,it's time81SUPPer.Where Can I get my fo(Said to herself.Later She found some food in the fridge,but She did n't know how to cook.At that mome nt,she misse
47、dher82Very much.At last She could Only go to the SUPermarket and83some food to eat. Manyteen agers are the84as Joy.So I thi nk they should lear n some basic life skills,85as cook in g,clea ningtheir rooms or dress ing themselves PrOPerly.They should n't depe nd too much On their Pare nts.八、书面表达(
48、10分)电视剧虎妈猫爸引发热议,以下是你们班同学的一些见解,请你给中国日报的教育专栏写一封信,介绍同学们的看法并分析原因,然后谈谈自己的观点。1/3的同学父母应该严格帮助养成良好习惯,;让我们少犯甚至避免犯错。其余同学父母不应过分严厉让我们自己做决定,允许我们有更多时间发展爱好。我的观点需要父母关爱,像朋友一样相处;(再自拟一条)注意:1.词数100左右。短文的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;2.短文须包括所有要点,不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺;参考答案(满分:120分时间:100分钟)一、 单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)1-5 CCBBD 6-10 DCDBC 11-15 ABBAD 16-20 DCACB二、 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)21-25 ACBCA 26-30 BBACC三、 阅读理解(每小2分,共40分)31-35 CACBA 36-40 DACAD 41-45 ACCBA 46-50 TFTFT四、根据句意及汉语提示,完成句中所缺单词(每小题 1分,共10分)51.embarrassed52.ca nceled53.believable54.fooled55.discovery56.agreeme nt
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