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1、精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching plan教师学科教案20 -20学年度第一学期任教学科:任教年级:任教老师:xx市实验学校精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching planUnit 3 Life in the future【教材分析】本单元以“Life in the future为中心话题,旨在通过本单元的学习, 让学生大胆发挥想象, 对人类今后的生活环境,生活方式进行猜测,并在此基础上,对人类的种种活动进行反思, 提倡环保生活意识。同时让学生学会过去分词作定语和作状语的不同用法。最后让学生将本单元所讨论的话题和推测手法相结合,学习怎样写report。

2、Warming Up部分利用一个关于 住”和行”的对比研究表格引导学生回顾过去,认识现 在和展望未来。通过这一活动,引发学生对过去, 现在和未来的思考, 使学生对将要阅读的 文章有个知识准备。Pre-reading部分让学生充分运用发散思维,先列举当今世界人类面临的一些突出问题, 然后要求学生思考为什么会产生这些问题,这些问题中哪些在未来社会仍然可能存在,哪些将会被克服,哪些将会恶化。为下面的阅读做了铺垫。Reading部分通过一封发自未来的电子邮件,讲述了作者 Li Qiang怎样安全到达 朱来 世界”,他对 朱来世界”的印象,以及 朱来世界”的日常生活方式和交通工具情况。阅读时 要把重点放

3、在 朱来世界”生活与当今生活的不同点上。Comprehending部分设计了三个教学活动来加深学生对Reading部分的理解。第一个活动要求学生通过阅读找出朱来世界”在以下几个方面的变化:跨时空旅行,交通,住房,城镇环境和空气质量。接着让学生在此基础上得出自己的结论,哪些变化好,哪些变化不好, 并说明理由。第二个活动要求学生通过阅读来判断Li Qiang对朱来世界”的态度是乐观的还是悲观的。学生要在文中找出支持自己观点的论据,尽可能说服别人。第三个活动让学生想象一下Li Qiang将会去参加哪些活动。这样既鼓励学生展开丰富的想象,又为Using Language部分的语篇学习做了铺垫。Lear

4、ning about Language部分突出了本单元的一些重点词汇及语法。首先通过完成语篇 来考查学生运用本单元词汇的能力,并且通过练习,让学生区分两种动词短语,一种是以动词为中心的词组,另一种是以介词为中心的词组。语法部分要求学生主动找出阅读语篇中的重点结构过去分词作定语和状语,然后加以应用。Using Language部分涵盖了听,说,读,写四项语言基本技能。要求学生通过阅读I HAVE SEEN AMAZING THINGS 一文,对Li Qiang旅行的第三站有个总体的印象,并能找出部分细节知识。SUMMING UP 部分归纳了本单元的主要学习内容并让学生自我检测一下学习效果。LEA

5、RNING TIP 部分告诉学生在讨论时记笔记的好处和方法。【课程标准要求掌握项目】词 汇1 .四会词汇Expect, aspect, constant, constantly, remind, jet, previous, tablet, capsule, opening, surrounding, lack, ache, mask, bend, press, swift, swiftly, master, sight, flash, switch, optimistic, length, extraordinary, extraordinarily2 .认读词汇jet lag, flash

6、back, expertise, hover, pessimistic, enormous, imitate,3 .词组take up, remind . of ., lose sight of ., catch sight of ., sweep up, speed up, assist in4 .重点词汇constant, remind, lack, sight, assist, require, settlement, previous, swiftThe past participle as the attribute语 法and following him to collect a

7、hovering carriage driven by computer.The past participle as the adverbialWorried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days.Hit by a lack of fresh air, my head ached.Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.重占八、句子1. This is similar to the “jetag “you get when flying, but instea

8、d it means you keep getting flashbacks from your previous time period. P172. Well-known for their expertise, his parents company named “Future Tours” transported me safely into the future in a time capsule. P183. He handed it to me and immediately hurried me through to a small room nearby for a rest

9、. P184. He was swept up into the centre of them.5. I found later that their leaves provided the house with much-needed oxygen. P188. Everyone will get twice as much personal space as in flats on land. P589. Only when the robot cleaner touches objects can they be moved. P59育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰Period 1 W

10、arming upTeaching Aims:1. Learn some new words and expressions.2. Know the more advanced forms of transport and life in the future.Teaching Methods:1. Inductive method2. Pair work & group work3. CompetitionTeaching Procedures:Step 1 Lead-in1. The teacher can start with daily greetings and try to

11、 lead in some words in this unit.Q1: Where do you come from? Do you live in the downtown or in the countryside?Do you live in a comfortable surrounding?Is it a suitable location for people to live in?What is it made of? (brick, stone, steel, glass, wood, plastic, bamboo, mud ').2. Q2: No matter

12、where you live, I am wondering how do you usually go to school? (by bike, by car, by bus-)Bikes, cars, buses and so on can be used to carry people or things from one place to another place, and they are called vehicles. What other vehicles do you know?carriage, ambulance, jeep, airbus, train, truck,

13、 motorcycle, fire engine, 3. Now let's take a look at the screen to learn about the development of all the means of transportation.sedan chair - carriage - bicycle - motorcycle - car - train - aeroplane - space craftStep 2 Pair workAs we know, no one can stop the wheel of history. Our society ke

14、eps advancing, so what will happen in the next one thousand years, especially consider the following fields: transport/Work/ Finance and currency/ Languages/ Environment/ Education /Houses/Communication(Discuss it with your partners and then fill in blanks in p17 )Give Ss some pictures to help if ne

15、cessary.Step3 DiscussionJust now, you offered me a beautiful picture of future world. It is full of imagination and wonders.But as we know, each coin has two sides. We may meet with some problems in our daily life.1 . Discuss what problems we are facing, and make a list of the problems human beings

16、are facing today. Discuss it in groups(cancer/ AIDS/ pollution/global warming and so on)2 .Which problems will still be there or even worse in AD 3005? Why do you think so?3 .Everything has advantages and disadvantages. What should we do to make sure we will have a bright future?(We should be lifelo

17、ng learners and accept the changes, appreciate what is new and different, making great efforts to make our dreams come true.)Homework1. copy new words2. Preview reading textPeriod 2-3 ReadingTeaching Aims:Knowledge Aims:Ss can have a good understanding of the text through the exercises.Ability Aims:

18、Ss can grasp some reading skills.Ss can develop the ability to describe what to see and hear.Emotional Aims:Ss can be stired imagination for the future life and be encouraged to work hard for the bright future.Teaching difficulties1. Know the meanings between lines and beyond lines.2. Learn differen

19、t reading skills for different reading purposes.Teaching aids:Multi-mediaTeaching procedures:Step 1 Lead-inAppreciate the song Whatever will be will be ”1 .What is the song about? The little girl was wondering whatever will be, can you give the answer? Use your heads and good imagination to describe

20、 your future life. You can refer to the questions if you like.(Showing the questions on the screen.)1. Where will you live in the future?2. How will you travel in the future?3. Where will you work and study in the future?4. What kind of money will you use?5. Will you still get sick?I enjoy your imag

21、ination about future. Some people are looking forward to the wonderful future, Now, let's read a new passage, in which there is a boy who has gone to the future in AD3008.He will tell us the first impressions what he has found in the futureStep 2 Fast readingQS: 1. Who are mentioned in the text?

22、 What is relationship between them?Q2: Which changes are mentioned in the text?time travel - transport - air quality - religion - clothing - eating - houses - townsStep 3 Reading for details1. Before the journeyQ1: How many people are mentioned in the text? Who are they?Q2: When did the writer write

23、 this letter? And to which year did he travel?Q3: Why did Li Qiang travel to the year AD 3005?Q4: What did Li Qiang suffer from?Q5: How did Li Qiang feel? What makes him feel better?Q6: Where did they arrive?2. During the journey精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching plan1) In the capsule:Climb through the ro

24、und opening - comfortable seats - calming drink - lay relaxed - we rose slowly from the ground - complete the journey - 1000 years later - ?2) Out of the capsuleConfused by the new surrounding, I was hit by the lack of fresh airQ1: How did Li Qiang overcome the lack of fresh air?1. Hovering carriage

25、: .Q2: How did the hovering carriage float?Q3: How can a person move swiftly?2. “A large market ”Q4: What were people doing there?Q5: What happened to Li Qiang?3. A large buildingQ6: What is a time“lag ” flashback?3 After the journey(Arriving home, he showed me into a large bright, clean room.Descri

26、ption of the house: brown floor, soft lighting, trees, leaves, computer screen, tables, chairs, green wall Q1: How did the author feel after visiting the special house?Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.Step 4 Consolidation1 Put the statements into correct order. ( C - A - D - B )A. We

27、are transported into the future by a comfortable time capsule.B. I arrived at Wang Ping s home and everything in his house made me surprised.C. I won a travel to the year AD 3005.D. I have my first try to master a hovering carriage.2 A telephone interview with Li QiangAsk the students to discuss in

28、group of six and raise as many questions to Li Qiang as possible.Some questions about the problems in future life are recommended.Step5 Discussion1 Show some pictures of various kinds of pollution to the students to arouse their awareness of environmental protection and then ask the students what ha

29、ve caused those environmental problems in groups.Q1: What problems are we facing now?Q2: What have caused those problems?2 Show some advanced and imaginative inventions to the students, and try to arouse their imagination to design specific objects for a better future life HomeworkSummarize the text

30、English weekly page 4 part 1,2Period 4 language pointsTeaching aims:Learn expressions & phrasesLearn. language pointsDifficult and Important Points:1) Language points2) The usage of “ take up and sweep ”Teaching Methods:Presentation & PracticeTeaching Procedures:Step 1 Revision1 Before the j

31、ourneyQ1: How many people are mentioned in the text? Who are they?Q2: When did the writer write this letter? And to which year did he travel?Q3: Why did Li Qiang travel to the year AD 3008?Q4: What did Li Qiang suffer from?Q5: How did Li Qiang feel? What makes him feel better?Q6: Where did they arri

32、ve?2 During the journey3 ) In the capsule:Climb through the round opening - comfortable seats - calming drink - lay relaxd - we rose slowly from the ground - complete the journey - 1000 years later - ?4 ) Out of the capsuleConfused by the new surrounding, I was hit by the lack of fresh airQ1: How di

33、d Li Qiang overcome the lack of fresh air?1. Hovering carriage: .Q2: How did the hovering carriage float?Q3: How can a person move swiftly?2. “ A large market ”Q4: What were people doing there?Q5: What happened to Li Qiang?3. A large buildingQ6: What is a “ time lag ” flashback?3 After the journey(A

34、rriving home, he showed me into a large bright, clean room.Description of the house: brown floor, soft lighting, trees, leaves, computer screen, tables, chairs, green wall Q1: How did the author feel after visiting the special house?Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.Step 2 language poi

35、nts1. I still can t believe that I am taking up my prize that was won lasatryeTake up 开始做,占用, 选修a. When does the manager take up his job?育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰b. he has take up art in collegec. He decided to take p photography as his career.Take off 脱下, 起飞Take over 接管Take to喜欢上,对产生好感a. Helen always helps

36、 her mother even though going to schoolmost of her dayA. Takes up B. makes up C .saves up D. puts up2.1 have to constantly rub my eyes to remind myself that I have traveled to the year AD3005我得不断擦拭自己的眼睛来提醒自己, 我已到了公元3005 年Remind: to make someone remember something that they must doRemind sb about sth

37、 提醒某人某事Remind sb to do sthRemind sb that/ where/how3. As a result, I suffered from time lag ”As a result:because of something that has happened结果, 由于 的结果e. g He worked hard, and as a result, he got promoted quickly.Suffer from: to experience 患有为 一 所苦。he suffer from headache.suffering n.痛苦,劳苦 suffera

38、nce n.容忍, 忍耐4. This is similar to the “ Jeltag ”you get when flying. Bit instead it means you keep getting flashbacks from your previous time period.这种病有些像乘喷气式飞机高速飞行时所引起的时差反应那样, 所不同是是, 它意味着你的脑海里不停地从以前的时间断地直往回闪去Similar /Be similar to:与相似A cat is similar to a tiger in many respects.similarity n. 类似,相似

39、similarly: adv 相似地, 同样地b. Keep doing something: 继续做某事It kept raining for a weekc. Flashback: 闪回, 倒叙The event in his happy family life are shown in flashback.5 .he was swept up into the center of them and my link with him was broken as I was carried up to top of a high building nearby.Sweep up:本意是打扫,

40、清扫,经常引申为横扫,掠过”等意思The leaves were swept up into the air by the wind6 . Switch :n 开关 where is the light switch?vi. 转换, 改变:he got tired of teaching and switched to writing storiesswitch off 把关掉, 不听,不理睬switch on: 接通, 把开关打开 Switch out:关上7 .As if by magic= like magicHe jumped so high as if by magic8 . You

41、 may find it difficult as this is your first time travel trip当你第一次做这样的时间旅行时, 可能会感到有些困难Find it difficult: 结构为“巾nd侵语+宾补”宾补可以是形容词, 不定式, 动名词, 从句I found him to be much younger than I expectedDo you find him very bright?I find it hard to talk with himI find it very easy to learn English well.Sentence patt

42、ernsWorried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few daysWell known for their expertise, his parents company named “ future tours ” transported me sainto the future in a time capsule.Confused by the new surroundings, I was hit by the lack of fresh airArriving home, he showed me into a la

43、rge bright, clean room.Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleepStep 3 Practice翻译1. 她在 1980 年走上了教学岗位。 (take up)2. 这个景色使她想起了她的家乡。(remind . of .)3. 大概过了 10 分钟,我就看不见那座桥了。 (lose sight of)4. 他被留下来清扫那些碎玻璃。(sweep up)5. 他手术后又恢复了健康了。 (back on one s feet)6. 他们马上就会回来。 (in no time)7. 她向我招了招手,好像认识我似的。 (as

44、though)8. 那里突然出现了一个穿绿衣服的青年女子。(过去分词作后置定语)9. 我恐惧地把信递给了他。 (过去分词作状语 )Homework1.作业本 unit 3 period 22.Best English unit 3精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching planPeriod 5 grammarTeaching aims1. Learn past participle used as adverbial.2. Master some important words: swiftly, unsettle, constant, remind, previous, b

45、ent, press, link. Teaching methods1. Teach grammar in real situations.2. Learn grammar through practice.Teaching proceduresStep 1 Revision and Preparation1. Ask the students to talk about the writer 's attitude towards the future life, was he optimistic or pessimistic about the future? How do yo

46、u know? Can you find some sentences to support your opinion?2. Ask the students to find out some sentences which can support the opinion that the author is pessimistic about the future life.1. .Confused by the new surroundings, I was hit by the lack of fresh air.2. Worried about the journey, I was u

47、nsettled for the first few days.3. Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.And then ask the students to finish the exercises in their textbook.P21 Ex.2. Combine these two sentences using the past participate as the adverbial.4. Ask the students to find out some sentences which can support th

48、e opinion that the author is optimistic about the future life.1. His parents company named “ Future Tours " transported me safely into the future.2. A table and chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic.3. Tomorrow you will be ready for some visits organized by the company.And then ask th

49、e students to finish the exercises in their textbook.P21 Ex.3. Combine these two sentences using the past participate as the attribute.1. Soon we lost sight of that famous astronomer. He is called Li Qiang.Soon we lost sight of that famous astronomer called Li Qiang.2. I am going to buy a painting.

50、It is copied from Vincent van Gogh.I am going to buy a painting copied from Vincent van Gogh.3. The castle is under repair. It was built in 1432The castle built in 1432 is under repair.4. I like that old private house. It is built of wood and mud.I like that old private house built of wood and mud.5

51、. The vehicle is mentioned in the book. The vehicle is unknown to me.The vehicle mentioned in the book is unknown to me.6. The room is completely empty. The room is connected to the rest of the house by a long passage.The room connected to the rest of the house by a long passage is completely empty.

52、7. The queen was sitting in a royal carriage. The carriage was drawn b four horses.The queen was sitting in a royal carriage drawn by four horses.Step 2 conclusion将过去分词作状语和作定语的用法系统归纳如下:过去分词作状语可以表示时间、条件、原因、让步、方式或伴随,有时在其前还可以带 上连词,以示明确。1 .作时间状语。2 .作原因状语3 .作条件状语Once discovered, the enemies were complete

53、ly wiped out.Moved by his words, I accepted his present.United we stand, divided we fail.育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰4.作让步状语Although tired, they continued to work.5. 作方式或伴随状语The teacher stood there, surrounded by many students.汪息:1)作状语的过去分词通常与句子的主语存在着被动关系,她所表示的动作通常和谓语 动词属于同一时间范畴,也可表示先于谓语动词发生的动作。有时为了强调先发生的动作, 也

54、可用 having been done.e.g. Having been told many times, he can't still remember it.2) .过去分词的逻辑主语要跟主句的主语一致,否则不能用过去分词作状语,应用状语从句。(误)Checked carefully, some spelling mistakes can be avoided.(正)If the composition is checked carefully, some spelling mistakes can be avoided.过去分词作定语或状语时,该分词及修饰成分相当一句定语或状语从

55、句,变为定语从句或状语从句中,该从句应该具备两个特征:1)从句的主语和主句中的先行词一致;2)谓语动词为被动语态形式。Step 3 Consolidation非谓语动词练习B 1. and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize. (2006 全国)A. Surprising B. Surprised C. Being surprised D. To be surprisingA 2.No matter how frequently, the works of Beethoven still attract people all over the

56、 world. (2006 广东)A. performed B. performing C. to be performedD. being performedC 3.and I ll get the work finished.(2007 重庆)A. Have one more hourB. One more hourC. Give one more hourD. If I have one more hourB. 4. The repairs cost a lot, but its money well.(2006 湖北)A. to spend B. spent C. being spen

57、t D. spendingC. 5.with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.(2006 江苏)A. To face B. Having faced C. Faced D. FacingB 6.When her father, the girl burst into crying. (2005 湖北)A. asking of B. asked about C. being asked D. askedD 7. The man kept silent in the room unless . (2006 浙江)


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