1、Welcome to Our ClassFree TalkWhat would the schools be like in humanstown?Unit 3 Using Language1.Wherehashebeen?-Aspacestation.2.Whatamazingthingshasheseen?-Athoughtpad,amachineandmanufacturingrobots.FastReadingFastReading1 Why does the space station spin slowly in space? A. To look more beautiful.B
2、. To look for something worth researching.C. To imitate the pull of the earths gravity.D. To get away from the earths gravity.CFastReading2Howdothespacecitizenssendtheirmessages?A.Byusingatypewriter.B.Byusingletters.C.Byusingpostcards.D.Byusingathoughtpad.DFastReading3Whichofthefollowingshowstherigh
4、rC.therewillbenodesertD.peoplecanuseplasticbagswithoutlimitsBFastReading5Whowilltaketheplaceofworkersinthe31stcentury?A.Therobots.B.Themanagers.C.Thespacemen.D.Thespaceships.ACareful ReadingCareful ReadingCareful ReadingModern Inventions of the 31st Century Only to be seen on the Space Station 1. qu
5、ick,efficient2. environmentally friendlythoughts must be clear or messages may be mixed upadvantagesdisadvantagesinventionthoughtpadcommunicationModern Inventions of the 31st Century Only to be seen on the Space Station a waste machineturns them into several grades of useful material; Nothing is was
6、tedWaste DisposalinventionadvantagesdisadvantagesNoneModern Inventions of the 31st Century Only to be seen on the Space Station 1 no waste2 no pollution3 no environmental damagePeople must live in space settlements to monitor the robotsadvantagesdisadvantagesManufacturingManufacturing robotsinventio
7、nGroup work Draw and describe your own robots to your partners. Name: My robot is called What it is like: looks like (with) How it is used: I programme my robot to Advantages: can help me Disadvantages: The (only) limitation is thatshowsb.around1. 带某人到处(看看)2. 最新的发明3. 最新式的交流方式 4. 排除杂念5. 向前移动up-to-dat
8、einventionthelatestformsofcommunicationclearonesmindmoveonTranslate the following phrases6. 因某事而责备某人7. 处理8. 环保的9.工作实践10.完成任务blamesbforsthperformtasksworkpracticesenvironmentallyfriendlydisposeofspacestationwastemachinerobotsthoughtpaddispose ofprinciples,ecologygreedy, swallowseveral gradesrecyclego
9、odsrepresentativessettlementsplace,clear,press,thinkquick,efficient,environmentallyfriendlySummaryHomeworkThank you for attention Inthefirststop,Isawthethoughtpadusedfors_messages.Nextstop,weareintheenvironmentarea.Thereisa_machinewhichcans_allthewasteavailable.Thet_stopshowedushowthegoodsarem_byr_.
10、wasteendinganufacturedhirdobotswallowSummaryItwasmyfirstvisittoaspacestation.Describedasane_roundplate,itspinsslowlyinspaceto_(模仿)thepulloftheearthsgravity.Theg_showedusthreestops.SummarynormousimitateuideScanning What is the space station like? Why did the space station spin slowly in space? How ma
11、ny inventions did the guide introduce us? What are they? It is an enormous round plate.To imitate the pull of the earths gravity.Three inventions. They are thought pad, waste machine and manufacturing robots.Scanning How are the messages sent in the 31st century? How was the rubbish dealt with in th
12、e How was the rubbish dealt with in the space station?space station? How does the waste machine work?How does the waste machine work?Place the metal band over ones head, clear ones mind, press the sending button and the next instant its sent.Theres a system where the waste is disposed of using the p
13、rinciples of ecology.The giant machine swallows all the waste available and the rubbish is turned into several grades of useful material, such as “fertilizer” for the fields and “soil” for deserts.wh-clausedoing sth.疑问词to doSth. as/to be n. (pron.)ConsiderLanguage PointsLanguage PointsLet me conside
14、r. 让我仔细想想。I am considering the purchase of car. 我在考虑买一辆车。We must consider giving it a try. 我们应当考虑试一试。We should consider what to do next. 我们应当考虑一下怎么办。2. Inside was an exhibition of the most up-to-date inventions of the 31st century. 里面正在展览31世纪的最新发明。 表示地点的副词 如there, here, inside, outside等,位于句首时,句子要完全倒
15、装。 e.g.: Here comes the bus. Outside are several naughty boys.Language Points3. You place the metal band over your head, clear your mind, press the sending button, think your message and the next instant its sent. 你把金属带放在头上,整理思路,按下发送按钮,然后想着你要发送的信息,刹那间信息就发出去了。Instant n. “顷刻,刹那”Ill be back in an insta
16、nt. 我马上就回来。 Instant adj. “立即的;立刻的” (通常作定语)I dont like to drink instant coffee. 我不喜欢喝速溶咖啡。 Language Points4. A giant machine, always greedy for more, swallows all the waste available. greedy adj. 贪婪的 He looked at the shop window with greedy eyes. 他用贪婪的眼光看着商店的橱窗。 The greedy little boy ate all the candy at the party. 那个贪吃的小男孩把宴会上所有的糖果都吃光了。Language PointsGroupworkDraw and describe your own robots to your partners. Name: My robot is called What it is like: looks like (wit
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