



1、学习必备欢迎下载高兴学英语三年级上册重难点unit 1: hello.重点单词 :1.hello你好5. apple 苹果2.hi你好6.banana 香蕉3.goodbye7.cat 猫再见4.bye再见重点句子 : ( target )1.hello.你好. 2.hi.你好.3.i m gogo.我叫 gogo.4.i m tony. 我叫汤尼5. what s your name.你叫什么名字? 你的名字是什么? i m jenny.我叫珍妮;6. nice to meet you, tony.汤尼,见到你很兴奋;7. goodbye, tony.汤尼,再见;8.i m = i amun

2、it 2:my classroom重点单词 :1.table桌子2.desk书桌3.chair椅子4.book书5.pencil铅笔6.ruler尺子7.dog 狗8.el ephant 大象9. f ish 鱼重点句子 :(target )1.what s this.这是什么?it s a desk/a book.它是一张书桌 / 一本书;2.and this.那这个呢?oh, its a ruler.哦,它是一把尺子;3.its = it is重难点:a table/desk/chair/book/pencil/ruler an apple/elephant五个元音字母: aa, ee,

3、ii, oo, uuunit 3: animals重点单词 :1.an elephant大象 2.a panda 熊猫 3. a monkey猴子 4.a lion狮子5.tiger老虎6.a rabbit兔子 7. g irl女孩. 帽子 8.hat帽子9. i ce cream冰激凌10.animal动物重点句子 :(target )1.is this a panda.这是一只熊猫吗?yes, it is.是的,它是;no, it isnt.不,它不是;2.what s this.这是什么?its a bird.是一只小鸟;3.is this a bird.这是一只小鸟吗?no, it i

4、snt. it s a dog.它是一只狗;不,它不是;4. isn t = is notunit 4: my family重点单词 :1.family家庭2.mother妈妈3.father爸爸4.grandmother外婆/ 奶奶5.grandfather外公/ 爷爷 6.sister姐妹7.brother兄弟8.friend伴侣9.j uice果汁10.kite风筝11. l ion 狮子重点句子 :(target )1.whos she.她是谁?shes my mother. 她是我的妈妈;2.whos he.他是谁?hes my friend.他是我的伴侣;3.hello, jenn

5、y.你好,珍妮;4.how are you.你好吗?im fine, thanks.我很好,感谢;5.how about me.我呢?youre my friend.你是我的伴侣;6.this is my. his name is./ her name is.6. who s = who isshe s = she ishes = he is you re= you areunit 5: happy birthday重点单词 :1.a balloonballoons 气球2.a candlecandles 蜡烛3.a presentpresents 礼物4.a cookiecookies 小甜

6、饼5. one two three four five six seven eight nine ten6. monkey 猴子7.noodle 面条8.orange 橙子重点句子 :(target )1. how old are you, gogo. gogo,你的几岁了?im ten.我十岁;2. this is my brother.这是我的兄弟;3. how old is he.他几岁了?hes seven.他七岁;4. count the candles.数蜡烛;5. you re nine.你九岁了;yeah, that s right.是的,对了;6. how old is yo

7、ur sister.你的姐妹多大了?she s eight.它八岁;unit 6: lets sing.重点单词 :1.fly飞2.read阅读3.sing唱歌4.draw绘画5.swim 游泳6.cook烹饪7.panda 熊猫8.queen 皇后, 女皇9. r abbit兔子重点句子 :(target )1. can you read.你会读书吗?yes, i can.是的,我会; 确定回答 no, i can t. 不,我不会; 否定回答 2. what about you.你呢?3. but i can fly.但我会飞;4. yeah. lets sing.是的. 让我们唱歌吧;u

8、nit 7:food and drink重点单词 :1.cake 蛋糕2.noodles面条3.ice cream雪糕4.bread面包5.rice米饭6.milk牛奶7.sun 太阳8.t iger老虎9. u ncle舅舅10.v iolin小提琴重点句子 :(target )1. what do you like, tony.汤尼,你喜爱什么?i like juice.我喜爱果汁;2. what do you like,jenny.珍妮,你喜爱什么?i like cake. yum.我喜爱蛋糕;好吃!3.i dont like ants.我不喜爱蚂蚁;4.let s go.让我们走吧;u

9、nit 8: sports重点单词 :1. soccer足球 2.baseball棒球 3.football橄榄球4. tennis网球 5.basketball篮球 6.ping-pong/table tennis乒乓球7. watch 手表8.box 盒子 9.yellow黄色 10. zoo 动物园重点句子 :(target )1.do you like tennis.你喜爱网球吗?no, i dont. i like baseball.不,我不喜爱;我喜爱棒球2.hey tony, do you like soccer.嘿,汤尼,你喜爱足球吗? yes, i do.是的,我喜爱;3. don t = do not学习必备欢迎下载culture 2: animals and countriespandapolar bearkangarooeagleelephantchinacanadaaustraliathe usindia缩写abc:基础学问 / 字母表/ 美国广播公司中国农业银行bbc: 英国广播公司prc:中华人民共和国 hk:香港uk: 英国usa/us:美国 un:联合国cd:光碟 dj:节目主持人kfc:肯德基am:上午


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