



1、3.1 text-related questions1) what will you do to get well prepared for an earthquake?i will regularly check and reinforce my home, place heavy objects in low positions, attach cupboards and cabinets to walls, and fasten doors so that we will not open accidentally during an earthquake. i will have su

2、pplies of water and food at home and at work, store one week's food, store several gallons of water and have something that can clean water and kill bacteria, so water from other sources can be made safe to drink. i will also prepare some survival supplies including a radio receiver, a torch, ex

3、tra batteries, first aid supplies, a spade, a tent, some rope, and warm clothing. i will have a fire extinguisher handy. plus, i will work out an earthquake emergency plan which includes a meeting point outside of the area. last, i will have all of my family members call to check in with a friend or

4、 relative who lives more than a hundred miles away.2) how do you see one's academic performance at school inrelation to their future achievement?personally, i think one's academic performance at school doesrtt affect his future achievement too much one's academic performance at school do

5、es reflect his hard-working and leaning ability to some extent. but in the society, we need more abilities like management, ability to cooperate, creative thinking and so on. so one's academic performs nee at school just reflects his potential to be successful, not determine his future achieveme

6、nt.3) what's your understanding of fame and fortune? and what do people seek fame and fortune for?in my mind, fame is face, statue, reputation and honor while fortune stands for wealth, money and benefit. people seek fame and fortune just because fame can meet people's vanity while fortune c

7、an meet people's desire for material benefit. people cannot resist not only the lure of drowning in fame's imperial glory but also being poor or lone so people will seek fame and fortune endlessly.4) what study habits seem to be common among successfulstudents?successful students are all ini

8、tiative to study. so they put their heart into study and develop many good habits of studying: before class, they will do some preview the new knowledge; during class, they will ask some questions which confuse them when previewing; after class, they will review it in time to strength the memory; wh

9、en learning new things, they will take some notes; and they will write dow n the key points the teacher stresses in class 5) do you want to be a boss who is starting a company or anemployee with a high salary?actually, i want to be an employee with a high salary. it seems that the answer will reflec

10、t that pm short-sighted and out of ambition. but actually i know it is more suitable for me. first, a boss needs the quality of management, ability to cooperate, creative thinking and so on, while i'm not equipped of them sec on d, i want to have a long term development of my own major. third, i

11、 think being a boss will be very busy, tired and worried all the time, and i'm bored of that. last, i just want to make enough money in stead of being a millionaire, so i don't n eed to undertake such a large burden like a company.3.2 dialogue or presentation1) a problem of students9 class a

12、bsence or lateness often occursin this semester; discuss it with your partner and offer some suggestions to handle it.a: hey, do you find that our english teacher is very angry this morning?b: of course no wander she was so angry, so many students were late for classa: actually not only this morning

13、, it often occurs in this semester.b: it is a real problem, it not only shows students1 disrespectful for teachers, but also develops their bad habit of being not punctuala: yeah, our school should take some measures to solve it, like deducting their credits or criticizing them in publicb: it sounds

14、 effective. but if then, these students may cry for their credits at that time. a: so school should also develop their sense of being punctualb: to the point. actually many students are late for school because they play games or chat until too late the night before if they can sleep earlier, theyll

15、not be late.2) share the opinions with your partners about college campus romance a: did you hear that jim and lisa got together last week?b: really, sounds beautiful. its so romantic. m so envious of thema: romantic? how can you think like that?b: why do you say so? i think one is very blessed to f

16、ind his true love.a: but ifs not the right time and the right place campus is for us to study, not enjoy roma nee.b: youve a real bookworm. we can't keep studying all the time in our part time. we can do something to relax or enjoy ourselvesa: but when you love a girl, you mind and life will be

17、filled with her and you will not have energy to study any more.b: if you really love each other, you will en courage and support each other in stead of taking each other's studying timea ok, maybe you are right.3) finding a job, further study or going abroad, what's yourfuture career and how

18、 will you prepare for it?a: the seniors are going to leave now.b: yeah, two years later, we are also leaving.a: what are you going to do after graduation, find a job, go on studying or even go abroad?b: i want to go abroad to go on study, you now i am longing to go abroad. and i've been prepared

19、 for the tofel.a: sounds great, you will achieve the goal.b: thank you, what about you, do you want to go on studying?a: don't mention it. you know, the endless tests almost drive me crazy. i just want to find a job with a good salaryb: then you'd better note some good companies in advanee.a

20、: of course i will.4) speaking from your own experience, discuss the advantagesand disadvantages of online learning with your partnera: the semester is going to the endb: yes, have you finished your english online learning.a:l finished it just two days ago, you know, at this time the computer room i

21、s always filled with students.b: i finished it several weeks ago, you know, i like it very much.a: like it? i think it very boring and useless. many students are playing in the computer room.b: if you put your heart into it, youll find that you can learn a lot through online learning. it's a tot

22、ally different way of learning english from learning in class. after all, a teacher will teach many students, and she will not take much notice of you.a: but when i face up with some word usage or grammar problems. i can't understand it while there's nobody for me to ask questions but in class, i can ask the teacher.b: so online learning also


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