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1、六年级上册单词表unit 1unit 2restaurant 餐馆restrontstop'misiz3:lihelmitmest mastscience 科学 saiens museum 博物馆mju'zi:8m post office 由b局peust ofis bookstore 书店'buksto:(r) cinema 电影院 / 'sineme/ hospital 医院hospitl crossing 十字路口 krosir turn 转弯 / tan/ left左 / left/straight 笔直地 / streit/ right右/ rait/

2、ask问a:skinteresting 有趣的:mtrestirjital ian 意大利的i'taelienpizza比萨饼pi:tsestreet 大街;街道 / stri:t/ get到达 / get/gps全球(卫星)定位系统ldi: pi: es gave ( give的过去式)提供;交给/ geiv/ feature 特点fi:tje(r)follow 跟着fdle far较远的fa:(r)tell告诉 / tel/ on foot 步行 on fut by (表示方式)乘bai bus公共汽车bas plane 飞机plein taxi 出租汽车 taeksi ship

3、(大)船fip subway 地铁 sabwei train 火车trein slow 慢的sleu down 减少;降低daunslow down 慢下来sleu daun stop 停下 mrs 夫人 early 早到的 helmet头盔 must 必须wear 戴wee(r)attention 注意atenjnpay attention to 注意pei atenjen tu: traffic 交通 traefiktraffic lights 交通信号灯 traefik laits germany 德国'd33:me nifast 快的fa: stferry 轮渡ferialas

4、ka阿拉斯加州(美国州名)e laeskemunich慕尼黑(德国城市)'mjumik sled 雪橇sledpapa westray帕帕韦斯特雷岛scotland 苏格兰'skotlendunit 3 visit 拜访 vizit film 电影film see a film 看电影si: e film trip 旅行trip take a trip 去旅行teik e trip supermarket 超市 su:p0ma:kit evening 晚上;傍晚 i:vnirj tonight在今晚ta nait tomorrow 明天ta morou next week 下周

5、 nekst wi:k dictionary 词典 dictionary comic 滑稽的 komik comic book komik buk(儿童的)连环画册word 单词w3:dword book单词书 postcard 明信片 pqustka:d lesson 课lesn space 太空 speis travel (尤其长途)旅行 traevl half 半ha:f price 价格praismidautumn festivalmid o:tem festivl中秋节 together 起 tegede(r) get together 聚会get te gede mooncake

6、月饼'mu:nkeik poem 诗 peuim moon 月亮 mu:n unit 4 studies 'stadiz(study的第三代称单数形式)学习 puzzle 谜 pazi hiking 远足haikir pen pal 笔友haikir hobby 业余爱好pen pael idea 想法;主意ai die amazing 令人惊奇的e meizir shall表示征求意见fol goal 射门gel join 加入d3oin club 俱乐部klab share 分享fee(r) canberra 'kaen bare堪培拉(澳大利亚首都)unit 5f

7、actory工厂'faektriworker 工人w3:ka(r) postman 邮递员 paustmen businessmanbiz nosmae n商人;企业家police officer 警察po'li:s ofise fisherman 渔民 fifamen scientist 科学家 saientist pilot 飞行员 pallet coach 教练keutj country 国家kantri head teacher 校长hed 'ti:tfo sea 大海si: stay 保持stei university 大学 ju:niv3:seti gym

8、体育馆d3im if如果珂 repo rter记者n'po:怡(r)use 使用ju:s type 打字taip quickly 快速地 kwikli secretary 秘书 sekrotri unit 6 angry 生气的 aerjgri afraid 害怕 e'freid sad 难过的saed worried 担心的;发愁的 warid happy 高兴的 haepi see a doctor 看病 si: e dokte wear 穿wee(r)more 更多的mo:(r)deep 深的breath 呼di:pbreqtake a deep breath teik

9、a di:p breb深深一口气count 数数kauntcount to ten 数到十kauntchase 追赶 tfeismice(mouse 的复数)老鼠/ mais/bad邪恶的;坏的baedhurt (使)受伤h3:till有病;不舒服il wrong 有毛病rorjshould 应该fudfeel 觉得;感到fi:l;身体好well sit 坐sitgrass 草坪 grcrs hear 听见hie(r) ant 蚂蚁aent worry担心;担忧wari stuck陷住;无法移动stak mud 泥pull 拉;拽pulevery one 每人evriwa n六年级英语上册常用

10、表达法在美国骑自行车的人必须头盔unitlwhere is the museum shop?博物馆的商店在哪儿?it's near the doo.r 在大门附近how can we get there?我们怎么到那儿?turn left at the bookstore.到书店左转unit2 how do you come to school?你怎么来学校的?一usually, i come on foot.通常我走路来in the usa people on bikes must wear one.don't go at the red light! 别闯红灯i must

11、pay at tention to the traffic ligh ts. 我必须注意交通信号灯unit3what are you going to do tomorrow?你明天打算做什么?going to have an art lesson.我要上美术课we're going to draw some pictures inrenmin park.我们要到人民公园去画画 where are you going?你们打算去哪儿? 一we're going to the cinema.我们打算去电影院when are you going?你们什么时候去?unit4what

12、are peter ' s hobbies?彼得有什么爱好?he likes reading stories 他喜欢读故事 does he live in sydney? 他住在悉尼吗? no, he doesn't不,他没有does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking?他喜欢猜字谜和远足吗? 一yes, he does是的,他喜欢unit5what does he do?他是做什么的?he is a businessman. 他是商人where does he work? 他在哪儿工作?he works at sea. 他在

13、海上工作。how does he go to work?他怎么上班?he goes to work by bike他骑自行车上班unit6they're afraid of him.它们害怕它the cat is angry with them这只猫生它们的气whafs wrong?怎么了?your father is ill你爸爸生病了he should see a doctor his morning他今天早上应该去看病don't be sad别伤心!六年级下册单词表un计1youngert'jagga更年轻的(young的比较级) olderfeulde更年长的(

14、old的比较级) taller'to:lq(r)j更高的。(tall 的比较级) shorterfort更矮的;更短的。(short的比 较级)longerfldrjge更长的。(long的比较级) thinnerfeine更瘦的。(thin的比较级) heavier'hevie更重的。(heavy 的比较级) biggerbige(r)m大的。(big 的比较级) smallersmo:la(r)m小的。(small 的比较级) strongerstrdip(r)更强壮的。(strong 的比 较级)dinosaurfdaineso:恐龙hallho:l大厅 metre

15、9;mi:te米。(美式英语:meter ) than3cen; 3(e)ntbbothbeu0两个都 kilograml'kibgrcem千克,公斤 courrtrysidekmtrisaid乡村 lower'laues低地(low 低) shadowfjcedau阴影;影子 smartersma:怡更聪明的。(smart的比较 级)becometbi'kam开始变得;变成unit 2cleanedkli:nd打扫。(clean 的过去式) stayedsteid停留;待。(stay的过去式) washedwoft洗。(wash 的过去式) watchedwdtjdo

16、 (watch 的过去式) hadhced有;使。(have的过去分词) had a cold 感冒slept si ept睡觉。(sleep 的过去式) readri:d读sawso:看见(see的过去式) lastla:stfi近的;上一个的 yesterday'jestedei; di昨天 beforebf fo:在之前 drankdrcer)k喝。(drink 的过去式) showfeu演岀 ma9azinemceg8'zi:n杂志 betterfbetejm好的。(well 的比较级) fasterfa:ste(r)m快的。(fast 的比较级) hotel heu&

17、#39;tel旅馆 fixedfikst修理。(fix的过去式) broken'breuk(a)n破损的 lamplcemp台灯loudlaud喧闹的;大声的 enjoyin'd3di; ern享受 乐趣;喜爱 staystei暂停;逗留un汁3wentwent去。(go的过去式) campkcemp野营 went camping野营。(尤指在假日) fishfij钓鱼;捕鱼 went fishing 去钓鱼 roderwd骑(马;自行车(ride的过去式) hurth3:t(使)受伤。(hurt的过去式) ateelt吃。(eat的过去式) tooktukjfi照。(take

18、 的过去式) took pictures 照相 boughtbo:t买。(buy 的过去式) gift礼物fellfel ( fall 的过去式)0ffdf从(某处)落下 labour day劳动节 mulemju:l骡子 turpan吐鲁番 couldkod; kud能(can 的过去式) tilltil直到 beach bi:tj海滩;沙滩 basket'ba:skit篮;筐 partpa:t角色lickedfhk舔。(lick 的过去式)laughed'la:fto ( laugh 的过去式)unit 4 dining hall 饭厅grassgra:s草坪gymd3im

19、体育馆 agoe,gaujmi cyclingfsaiklirj骑自行车运动(或活动) go cycling去骑自行车 iceskateaisskeit滑冰badminton' bceclmint(e)n羽毛球运动 starsta:星easy*i:zi# 易的look up查阅(在词典中或通过电脑)wokewookwake的过去式)internet ' intenet互联网 different' dif(e)r(e)nt不同的 activefcektiv积极的;活跃的 racereis赛跑 nothing*na0irj没有什么 thought0o:t想。(think 的

20、过去式) felt感觉。(feel的过去式) cheetah*tfi:t9猎豹 triptrip绊倒 dreamdri:m梦六年级英语下册常用表达法unitlthat's the tallest dinosaur in this hall.那是这个厅里最高的恐龙。it's taller than both of us together.它比我俩加起来还高。how tall are you?你有多高?i'm 1.65 metres我身高1.65米。what size are your shoes, mike?迈克,你穿多大号的鞋?your feet are bigger

21、than mine.你的脚比我的大。my shoes are size 37.我穿37号的鞋。how heavy are you?你体重多少?i'm 48 kilograms.我体重48公斤。unit2how was your weekend?你周末过得怎么样?it was good, thank you.很好,谢谢。what did you do?你(周末)干什么了 ?i stayed at home with your grandma我和你奶奶待在家里。we drank tea in the afternoon and watche dtv.我们喝了下午茶,还看了电视。did yo

22、u do anything else?你还做了其他什么事吗?yes, i cleaned my room and washed my clot hes.是的,我打扫了房间,还洗了衣服。i want to buy the new film magazine.我想买期新的电影杂志。what did you do last weekend?你上周末干什么了?did you see a film?你看电影了吗?no i had a cold.没有,我感冒了。i stayed at home all weekend and slept.个周末都待在家里睡觉。unit3what happened?怎么了

23、?are you all right?你还好吧?i'm ok now.我现在没事了。where did you go?你去哪儿了 ?it looks like a mule!它看起来像头骡子!did you go to turpan?你们去吐鲁番了吗?yes, we did.是的,去了。how did you go there?你们怎么去的?we went there by plane.我们坐飞机去的。sounds great!听上去不错!unit4there was no library in my old school.我以前的学校里没有图书馆。tell us about your

24、 school, please.请给我们讲讲您的学校吧。how do you know that?你怎么知道的?there were no computers or internet in my time.我那时候没有电脑也没有网络。before, i was quiet.以前我很安静。now, i'm very active in class.现在我在课堂上很活跃。i was short,我以前个子小,so i couldn't ride my bike well.自行车骑得不好。now, i go cycling every day.现在我天天骑车。less is more.少即是多all work and no play makes jack a dull boy.只工作不玩耍,聪明杰克也变傻。be (am, is, are) was, were 是,在 become became 成为;变得 begin began 开始bring brought 带来谚


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