已阅读5页,还剩87页未读 继续免费阅读




1、姚村中学初一英语组校本课程教研尽管新教材在小学就设置了英语课,但是由于主客观因素的共 同影响,使得升入初中的学生水平参差不齐。因此,初一英语教师的 责任重于泰山,我们肩负着给学生打基础的重任,而且由于英语课程 的特殊性,我们必须兼顾学生的听、说、读、写能力共同发展。1. 实施目的中学阶段,英语学科作为考试科目,有着不可替代的重要地 位。它作为一门语言学科,有着自身的一些特点,如要求学生掌 握一定的英语基础知识之外,必须具备一定的听、说、读、写技 能,形成一定的综合语言运用能力。现行的新目标初中英语教材 中的Integrated SkilIS就是将听、说、读、写糅合在一起的综合操 练课。但Int

2、egrated SkinS只有1课时,时间非常紧迫,学生达不 到充分操练的目的,特别对各班的学生来讲,久而久之,在听、 说、读、写方面将呈现严重训练不足的结果。基于此,建议在木 校初一年级实验班及时开设英语校木课程,以满足各班学生得以 充分操练,全面提高阅读能力的目的。2. 背景分析(1)木届初一各班新生来源以农民子弟为主,他们小学大多 数在农村小学就读。农民子弟生在农村、长在农村,由于地域的 文化局限、家长文化水平的局限、教育条件的局限,他们呈现知 识少,能力弱等特点。在本次初一新生摸底测验中,初一(二)、 (三)班的均分只达六十多分,远远落后于语数两门的均分。(3)新课标的能力要求。英语课

3、程标准(实验稿)(以 下简称课标)指出:“从三年级开设英语的学校,3、4年级 应完成一级目标,5、6年级完成二级目标;7-9年级分别完成三、四、五级目标;高中阶段完成六、七、八级目标。”据此,初一 学生应完成三级目标。三级目标要求学生在阅读能力上达到五点:1. 能正确地朗读课文。2.能理解简短的书面指令,并根据要求进 行学习活动。3.能读懂简短故事和短文并抓住大意。4.能初步使 用简单的工具书。5.除教材外,在能具体明确、文从字顺地表达 自己的意思,能课外阅读量因累计达到4万词以上。3. 实施过程(1)实施教材:由于新目标英语教材的局限性,备课组决 定在初一实验班开设以阅读课为主的校木课程。经

4、过集体精心挑 选,确定使用上海外语教育出版社的英语快速阅读第一册为 阅读课教材。(2)教材内容:英语快速阅读是一套从美国最大的教 育出版集团之一一一麦格劳一希尔出版公司引进的课外阅读教 材。书中的阅读文章内容涉及天文地理、历史经济、数学生物等 数十个学科,集知识、趣味性于一体,能保证学生对不同学科的 兴趣。每篇阅读文章中较难词汇及其解释以及部分专有名词在前 面几页列了岀来,文章的后而都配有精心设计的阅读理解练习, 供学习者及时检查阅读效果。文章语言纯正地道,练习设计科学 合理,不仅能提高学生的阅读能力,更能帮助学生开阔视野,扩 大知识面。书中所有的阅读文章都围绕两个基木概念展开:第一,变化 是

5、生活的一部分。第二,某些变化比其他变化发生的快。每一部 分都包含36篇短文和两篇较长的文章。每篇短文后都设计了 7 个题目,题型有选择和填空。两篇较长的文章是用来“just for f Im"后面没有练习。一般每篇文章的词汇在3-5个,最多也没有 超过10个。全册书共列出生词共280个左右,每个词汇都使用 英文注解,这是与其它阅读教材最大的不同之处。新目标初一英 语教材的词汇量只有500个左右,如果学完英语快速阅读第 一册,对于学生的词汇量是一个很大的补充。4. 实施意义(1)符合新课标精神。新课标指出:“英语课程要力求合理利用和积极开 发课程资源,给学生提供贴近学生实际、贴近生活、

6、贝占 近时代的内容健康和丰富的课程资源,要积极利用音像、 电视、书刊杂志、网络信息等丰富的教学资源,拓展学 习运用英语的渠道。”(2)有利于学生的发展。“学生的发展是英语课程的出发点和归宿。英语课程在目 标设定、教学过程、课程评价和教学资源的开发等方而都突出 以学生为主体的思想。”(新课标)学生的发展是学生 自我实现的需要,将大大有于学生英语综合技能的发展,同时 有助于提高学生的英语成绩。我组逐周进行如下训练:第一周:听力实践课目的:通过听英语对话,提高学生的听力水平。以下为听力的内容的简要概述1、根据学生要求,让他们听一些他们感兴趣的日常生活对话。2、听对话之前,给出这篇对话的keyword

7、s ,并给出一些重要的 表达方式。3、听完一遍后,让学生用英语复述出他们各自听懂了的内容。4、再将对话完整地播放一次,然后将一些对对话的理解有影响的 句子以及生活中常用的单词、短语、句子进行反复播放,使学生能有 深刻卬象并能记住。第二周:听力理解课目的:将听力技巧付诸于实践,通过听磁带,回答问题。以下是听力技巧的简要概述1、给学生讲解在听力考试中的一些听力技巧。1)首先应将所要听的内容浏览一遍,做到对所听内容心中有数。2 )在听到自己没听懂的语言点时,不要急,也不要继续将注意力 停留在那里,应将注意力集中到下一个要听的目标。3 )在听一篇短文时,不要只注重某一个语言点,应侧重于对全篇 短文的理

8、解。2、分发材料,让学生先浏览题目。3、播放磁带,听完后订正答案。接着让学生自己讲解刚听时是怎 样将我们所学的技巧应用进的,有没有一定的帮助。4、老师根据材料,具体讲解在听力中所遇到的问题,让学生有更 深层次的理解。5、布置课后作业,让学生自己找听力材料,然后根据所学技巧进行实践。听力训练试题I、听句子选择与图示意思相符的选项,听一遍。(每小题各1分,计5分)ABCABC()3.ABCII、情景反应根据录音选择正确的应答语,听一遍。(每小题1分,计5分)()1. A. Ifs great.B. It's boring. C. Ifs cloudy.()2. A. She,s writi

9、ng.B. She,s a nurseC. She,s fine.()3. A. He IiVeS in Tokyo. B. He COmeS from Paris. C. mfrom TOrOnto.()4. A. I Iike them Very much. B. TheyYe clever. C They,redan gerous ()5. A. I'm a waiter.B. I'm happy.homework.C.丨 do myIII、对话理解 根据录音内容及问题选择正确的答案,听两遍。(侮小题1分,计6分)()1.ABC()2. A. Playing basket

10、ball B. Cleaning the ClaSSrOOm. C.DOing homework.()3. A. In the POIiCe StatiOn B. In the TV StatiOn.C. In thebank.()4. A. Windy.B ClOUdyC. SUnny()5.IV、短文理解 根据录音内容选择正确的答案,听两遍。(每小题各2分,计14分)PaSSage A()1. TOday is.A. SatUrday morning B. SUnday morning C. SUndayafter noon()2. There are many PeOPle fromA.

11、 England and CanadaB. AmeriCa and JaPan C. Canadaand AUStralia()3. The driver(司机)is.A. an AmeriCanB. a ChineseC. a man()4. PeOPlein the busA. are talking to each other(相互)B. are ViSiting the GreatWall(长城)C. are IiStening to a manPaSSage B()5. Whose(谁的)family PhOtO is this?A. Linda,s B. Mike's.C.

12、 Gina and Linda,s.()6. WhiCh is the right order(正确顺序)pictures?B、LiSten and ChOOSe the answers(听录音,将答案填在横线上)5A. 1,4,2 B 2, 1,4 C. 3, 4, 1()7. WhO is the Ietter for?A. Gina.B. Mike. C. Linda.A、LiSten and ChOOSeWhat you hear.)1、 AN rainingB、 WatChingC、 PIaying()2、 A. TOrOntOB> MOSCOWC、 CairO()3、 A W

13、eatherBX WindyC Wearing()4、 A、 I' m thingB、 mdrinking C、 I' m IOOking()5、 A betWeenbehindC、 beforeC、听对话,回答问题。10分()1、What day is it today ?A、 Friday B> SatUrday C SUnday()2、 Where is the Pay PhOne ?A 、 It' s next to the IibraryB、 It, S next to theSUPermarket C> It' s across from

14、 the SUPermarket()3、What, S Jinl doing?A、read B> He' S WatChing TV.C> He' S PIaying COmPUtergame.()4、What does BilI Want to be in the future ?A、teacher B> Arl actor C> A driver()5、Where are they talking ?A、 In the IibraryBX On the StreetAN It' S exciting B. It' S interest

15、ing.C>It, s delicious.C、 across from the SChOOI .D> LiSten and ChOOSe ()1、 What does JOhn do ?AN He is a teacher B、He' S a COOkC He is a worker.()2、What does he speak?A> ChineSeEngIiSh C、 A and B()3> HOW does he think about his WOrk ?()4> DOeS he Iike PeOPIe to eat his food?C * SO

16、rry , We don,A Yes, he does B、No, he doesn' t t know()5、 HOW SO you think about his food?AN It' S delicious . B、It' S interesting CS It, S COId 第三周:阅读理解课目的:通过阅读教材,进行阅读训练,并完成阅读10篇。实施方案:A. 备课组在每次阅读课前进行集体备课,集中商讨阅 读课文中呈现的生词、句型、语法、难句、文化背景等,并 以书而形式纪录下来。B阅读课每三周开设一次,由本班级英语教师负责讲 授。每次阅读课安排两节课时即90分

17、钟,完成阅读课文4-6 篇。整册书共76篇文章,预计全部完成需要30节课时。C 阅读课之前要求学生先预习词汇,阅读课的形式以 读写为主。其中教师也可以穿插一些听说活动,如教唱英文 歌曲、观看英文版动画片、英语演讲表演等。这些都可以激 发初一学生学习英语的浓厚兴趣。D.及时评价校木课程实施效果。每学期通过阅读竞赛 等活动检测学生阅读水平,评选阅读能手,并建立学生阅读 能力档案库,对其进行三年跟踪追击。通过这种效果反馈对 校木课程作及时调整。(2)英语学习离不开阅读,在中考比分中,阅读己占45%。能善于运用已学的知识迅速、高效地做好阅读理解这一题型的学 生极少,考卷中失分最多的也是这一题型。经过分

18、析,学生的错 误类型主要分为以下几种:A. 学生因词汇量储存不够而不能理解整篇文章。B. 学生能基木读懂文章,但因语法知识的欠缺在一些诸如时 态、时间的先后顺序等关键处判断出错。C. 学生有能力通读全文,但因中西方文化的差异造成理解错。D. 学生阅读速度太慢,往往因时间不够造成心急乱答题。以下为阅读材料的内容1、有意识地对学生进行专门的快速阅读训练。训练前教给学生略 读和浏览的技巧。略读就是将视线停留在表面来得到一个大意,不要 求注意每个细节;浏览就是找寻相关信息,不要求阅读每字每句。2、要求学生放弃逐字逐句的阅读习惯,集中注意力抓住整篇文章 的大意,不再纠缠个别词语或句子,进行整体阅读训练。

19、3、 再教给学生一些猜生词的方法:定义猜词法,反义猜词法,同 义猜词法,构词猜词法。4、最后让学生根据所学的方法去完成阅读10篇。(1)The day WaS Iike any Other day in his life, TOm WaIked PaSt the ShOP On the Street comer. He StOPPed to IOOk at the front row Of shoes, and he felt happy to See that the Pair Of ShOeS he Wanted Very much Were Still there.LOOking dow

20、n, he felt SOrry for himself. He really Wanted to have them for his birthday.He Sadly WaIked away and thought how to tell his mother about it. He knew She WOUId give him anything he Iiked if She COUId BUt he also knew Very Well She had IittIe money He decided not to go home at once, as he IOOked WOr

21、ried and his InOther WOUId notice (注意)it. SO he Went to the Park and Sat On the grass. Then he SaW a boy in a Wheel Chair (轮 椅) He noticed that the boy moved the Wheel With his hands TOm IOOked at him CarefUlIy and WaS SUrPriSed to See the boy have no feet. He IOOked at his OWn feet. “ Ifs much bett

22、er to be WithOUt ShOeS than WithOUt feet, V he thought. There WaS no reason (理由)for him to feel SO SOrry and sad. He Sent away and smiled, thinking he WaS happier.1 TOm PaSSed the ShOPA On footB by busC. by bikeD in a Car2. Why did TOm StOP in front Of the shop? BeCaUSe he WantedA. to buy the ShOeSB

23、 to IOOk at the ShOeS he IikedC. to IOOk at the ShOeS in the ShOP WindOWD to IOOk at the ShOeS On the front row3. The Pair Of ShOeS he Iiked WaS.A. too expensiveB quite CheaPC. not thereD not SOId yet4. TOm Went into the Park because heA WaS thinking how to tell his mother about itB Wanted to See th

24、e boyC. didn,t Want to make his mother WOrriedD he felt Sad5 FrOm the StOry We Can know that TOmA Iiked new ShOeS Very muchB IOVed his mother bestC. didn,t Want to go to SChOOlD didn,t Want to Stay at home(2)PeOPIe SOmetimeS Iike to read StOrieS Of dogs Very InUCh. They think that dogs are much CleV

25、erer than cats, sheep, COWS Or Other animals in their homes One Of my CIOSe friends, Bob, has a Very Iarge POIiCe dog named Jack. EVery SUnday afternoon, BOb and JaCk have a WaIk in the Park nearby. JaCk IikeS these WaIkS Very much. One SUnday afternoon, I Paid a ViSit to my friend I Stayed there fo

26、r a IOng time and my friend and I had much more talk With each Other than ever before SOOn it WaS time for them to take a WaIk in the Park. We forgot that. JaCk became WOrried about it. He WaIked around the room SeVeral times and then Sat down in front Of me and IOOked at me. BUt I Stin Paid no atte

27、ntion (;S) to him. I Went On talking With my friend. At last, JaCk COUId not Wait any IOnge匚 He Went OUt Of the room and CaIne back a few minutes Iate匚 He Sat down in frontOf me again. BUt this time, he held Iny hat in his mouth Suddenly, IUnderStOOd What JaCk meant and SO Clid my friend.1 HOW many

28、PeOPIe are there in this story?A OneB. TWOC. ThreeD FOUr2. JaCk.A is a CIOSe friend Of mineB. enjoys IOng WaIkS in the Park every SUnday afternoonC. has many CIOSe friendsD. enjoys talks in the room3. JaCk WaS WOmed becauseA he Wanted to eat SOmethingB. it WaS SUnday afternoon againC. he WaS not fee

29、ling WenD. he Wanted his master (主人)to take him for a WaIk4. JaCk took my hat in his mouth to ShOW thatA I ShOUId IeaVe the house at OnCeB he Iiked my hat Very muchC. he WaS hungry and he tried to eat itD he Wanted to have a rest5. WhiCh Of the following is true?.A. When JaCk and I Were talking, my

30、friend Clidn,t Pay any attention to USB. When I WaS talking to my friend, JaCk Clidn,t Pay any attention to USC. When my friend and I Were talking, We didn,t Pay any attention toJaCkD When my friend WaS talking to Jack, I Paid attention to them(3)Peter WaS a Small boy. He IiVed With his ParentS in a

31、 Small house nearSOme hills. The PeOPIe there Were all poor.One night it WaS Very dry and windy.When everybody WaS asleep, Peter SUddenly heard SOme noise It CameOUt from the kitchen (厨房) He got UP and WaIked to the kitchen. Hefound that the WOOd beside the StOVe 炉)WaS burning There WaS no Water tap

32、 (水龙头)in the house , SO he COUId not PUt OUt (扌卜灭)the fire He ShOUted IOUdIy to Wake UP everyone in the house. Then he ran OUt Of his house and knocked On the doors Of many houses to Wake the PeOPIe up. They all Ieft their houses quickly.At IaSt the fire WaS PUt OUt by the fremen. Many houses Were b

33、urnt. BUt nobody WaS burnt in the fire.1 Peter IiVed With his.A SiSterSB brothersC. UnCleSD ParentS2 One night he found thatbeside the StOVe WaS burningA the tableB the WOOdC. the doorD. the WindOW3 ,SO he COUld not PUt OUt the fke.A EVerybOdy WaS asleepB He COUIdntt ShOUt IOUdIyC. The kitchen WaS V

34、ery bigD there WaS no Water tap in the house4. Peter knocked On the doors Of Inany housesA to Wake the PeOPIe UPB to get SOme WaterC. to find his ClaSSmateSD to ViSit them5. hurt in the fire.A PeOPIe in Other houses WereB Peter,s ParentS WereC. NObOdy WaSD. Peter WaS(4)U YOUtre just in time, Joe. We

35、,re going to PIay COWbOyS(4二仔) and Indians, and you Can be the Indians, n One Of my COUSinS (堂兄弟)said.UHOWmany Indians?" I asked.“Oh, about a thousand n He answered, and before I COUId Say no, I WaS PUShed OUt into the night and became a thousand IndianS TWO minutes Iater I WaS running in the f

36、ields With a group Of COWbOyS behind. The ShOUtS Of U After them. Lefs CatCh the killers!, and Other SUCh TV PIay IangUage Came into my ears as I ran round a COrner and hurried into my Grandpa,s car-“We've got him, boys. Let,s go and CatCll him!”BUt no One Wanted to COlne to get me. All Of my CO

37、USinS except One Were always Very friendly with. It WaS quiet OUtSide. And I Went OUt Of the Car to have a IOOkJUSt then I heard a ShOUt , UBring the rope (绳子),and We Can burn him.,UOnIy IndianS burn PeOPIe COWbOyS” I StOPPed just in time I had almost said, UCOWbOyS hang (绞死)people.I WaS tied to a t

38、ree, and the COWbOyS Were IOOking for SOme WOOd When my Clear mother called, 4We,re learing now. ”UUntie me: I shouted. We,re going“Why did BObby Want matches (火柴)?” MUm asked When We Were in the Ca匚 U He WaS asking Dad Whether he had any. V“oh, he WaS just going t matches? MATCHES? Are you SUre he

39、Wanted matches”MOther WaS quite sure, and I didn,t Say any InOre1 HOW many ChiIdren PIayed the Indians?A One thousandB One hundredC. One groupD. One2. Why did Joe,s COUSin Say that JOe WaSjUSt in time? BeCaUSeA there Were not enough ChiIdren four the gameB the game WaS just going to StartC. none Of

40、his COUSinS Wanted to be the IndianSD they Were Waiting for JOe3. JOe didnrt Say “Cowbays hang PeOPIe.n BeCaUSeA he WaS tied to a treeB that WOUId make things WOrSeC. he WaS CaUght by the COWbOySD that WOUId make the COWbOyS angry4. WhiCh Of the following is TRUE?A One Of Joe,s COUSinS WaS IOOking f

41、or matchesB Dad didn,t Want to give the ChiIdren any matchesC. BObby Wanted to get SOme InatCheS from his fathe匚D MUm didn,t think ChiIdren ShOUId PIay With matches.5 The name Of the StOry ShOUId he U.M A JOe and his COUSinSB WhO knows What danger is Waiting thereC. COWbOyS and IndianS is a favourit

42、e ChiIdren,s gameD. HOW COWbOyS and IndianS fought in the PaSt(5)A Very new, young OffiCer WaS at a station. He WaS On his Way to ViSit his InOther in another town, and he Wanted to telephone her to tell her the time Of this train , SO that She COUld meet him at the StatiOn in her car. He IOOk in al

43、l his pockets, but round that he did not have the right money for the telephone, SO he Went OUtSide and IOOked around for SOmeOne to help him.At IaSt an OId SOIdier Came by, and the young OffiCer StOPPed him and said,U HaVe you got Change (零钱)for ten PenCe (便士)?”“Wait a moment, the OIei SOIdier answ

44、ered. He began to PUt his hand in his POCk- et, 4Tll See Whether I Call help you.""DoiTt you know IlOW to SPeak to an officer?” the young man Said angrily. “Now Ief s Stalt again HaVe you got Change for ten Pelice?"“No, Sirr the Old SOIdier answered quickly.1. The young OffiCer and hi

45、s mother IiVedA. in the Same townB. in different PIaCeSC. in another townD in the Other town2. The young OffiCer Wanted to telephone his mother to tell herA. that he WaS going to ViSit herB. Where his train WOUld IeaVe forC. What time his train WOUld arrive at the StatiOnD that he WaS then at the St

46、atiOn3. He IOOked around for help because heA had no InOney to Inake the PhOne CallB did not know Where to Inake the PhOne CanC. needed SOme Change for the PhOne CallD Wanted to get Change from the OId SOIdier4 The young OffiCer WaS angry because he thought the OId SOIdier.A WaS POlite to himB WaS n

47、ot POlite to himC. didn,t know how to SPeak to himD didn't Iike to help him at all5 WhiCh Of the following is not true?A. BOth the young OffiCer and the OId SOIdier Were angry.B The young OffiCer Wanted his InOther to Ineet him at the station.C. He Wanted the OId SOIdier to SPeak to him in a POl

48、ite way.D. He didn,t know the SOIdier before.(6)The day WaS Iike any Other day in his life, TOln WaIked PaSt the ShOP On t he Street COmer. He StOPPed to IOOk at the front row Of shoes, and he felt h appy to See that the Pair Of ShOeS he Wanted Very much Were Stiil there. L OOking down, he felt SOrr

49、y for himself. He really Wanted to have them for his birthdayHe SadIy WaIked away and thought how to tell his mother about it. He kn ew She WOUId give him anything he Iiked if She COUId BUt he also knew V ery Well She had IittIe money He decided not to go home at once, as he Io Oked WOmed and his mo

50、ther WOUId notice (注:&) it. SO he Went to the Park and Sat On the grass. Then he SaW a boy in a Wheel Chair (轮椅 ) He noticed that the boy moved the Wheel With his hands. TOm IOOke d at him CarefUlIy and WaS SUrPriSed to See the boy have no feet. He IOOke d at his OWn feet. "It's much be

51、tter to be WithOUt ShOeS than WithOUt feet,he thought. There WaS no reason (理由)for him to feel SO SOrry and sad. He Sent away and smiled, thinking he WaS happier.1 TOm PaSSed the ShOP.A. On footB by busC. by bikeD in a Car2. Why did TOm StOP in front Of the shop? BeCaUSe he WantedA. to buy the ShOeS

52、B to IOOk at the ShOeS he IikedC. to IOOk at the ShOeS in the ShOP WindOWD to IOOk at the ShOeS On the front row3. The Pair Of ShOeS he Iiked WaSA too expensiveB quite CheaPC. not thereD not SOId yet4. TOm Went into the Park because heA. WaS thinking how to tell his mother about itB Wanted to See th

53、e boyC. didn,t Want to make his mother WOrriedD he felt Sad5. FrOm the StOry We Can know that TOmA. Iiked new ShOeS Very muchB IOVed his mother bestC. didn,t Want to go to SChOOl(7)m LUCy King. I am AmenCan. I'm in China With my ParentS(父 母).m in No. 10 Middle SChOOL I go to SChOOl by bike(骑自行车)

54、. OUr SChOOl is Very nice 11OVe it Very much. I have many friends at SChOOL They IOOk after me well.根据上文内容完成下列短文,使两文意思一致,每空一词。(每空1分, 共10分)ThiS is LUCy King.(61) is an AmeriCan(62). She isin China With her(63) and (64). She is a(65) in No. 10 MidClIe SChOOL She goes to SChOOl (66)(67) bike. She IOVeS

55、 her(68) SChOOl Very much. Her(69) IOOk after(70) WeIL(8) ThiS is an English boy. HiS name is Mike. He,s twelve HiS SiSter,s name is ROSe. She,s fourteen. Mike and ROSe are in No. 9 Middle SChOOL Mike is in ClaSS One, Grade One. They go to SChOOl On their bikes. MiSS WU is their Chinese teacher. She

56、 has a COmPUter. Her e-mail address is Wuli She is a good teacher. They IOVe her Very much.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。(每小题2分,共10分)1. Whats the EngIiSh boy,s name?2. HOW OId is his SiSter?3. What SChOOl are they in?4. IS Mike in Grade One?5. WhO is their ChineSe teacher?(9Teacher: Very good! WhO Can tell me Where are the COUntry CDs?Mike: GO UPStairS and turn right. The/re next to the dance CDs.Teacher: TUrn right? No, turn left. They,re next to the POP CDs. The IaSt questiOn is: Where are the jazz CD


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