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1、一,例文分析:.(二) -.点a下 是光明中学的示意 图;请依据示意 图 图后的说 明写一篇 100 词左 右的短文,登到该中学 的网页上;l is is an area of 130 muand the teacs is trs.下.题:1是.光明.中学的?2.的.?的.物是?3.的短 ?请.短;b下篇.洲的文章:( 1)and deep sn-. maybe. one dice.( 2)lies in the farth. estwithe. cover.ice and deep snow all year round. , itnent in the wor. m-s live ther

2、e. , ding iron, coal and so on. that is why peopl . esay. maybe. one daymany more poepl. e.下.题:1.篇.文章 好?2.态?3.积人口?c下 一.篇 文章,好.;whr was setup.ed the area.d下一篇.文章.题;-n. to e. , 的 学.明上. 学 ;写一. 们的 伴侣 j. im,;点 .下:( 1) .:下.午3 点 30. 分;( 2) .点:东风 2.2 5 号, 明家;( 3) . 下图.告知 j. im.明家;留意:( 1).写 , 注明.的: 2003.4月 9

3、 日;( 2)说.明 分.点;( 3)字数: 100 字左 .右;april .9th2003dear jim,-c ult to find your way to his home. take a nogate1. .句式?2. .的词.的.;二,总体:1.一.点.,. ,;,,hua人.们物.物的.; 的.,一上. 下下. 上,.,.; 的.,到.体到.到.体到.分说明.;2.,.物体.的物;3.留意.词的.4.祈使句;5.,. 人口文风.点. 一下.,点., 使文章 点.突,详略得当, 结构紧凑,意明;句式.,防止都 i. t 开头;6.文章.好的.法:一.;a 1. there. is

4、 a tall shelf. on the left of my room.( on the right. of, in the front. of, near the windo. w, )2. above. the bed, ther.e room, )is a large. paint.ing of the blue sea. ( on the right. of the3. next to it is a bed. ( in front. of it, at the back of, in the middl . eof, to the right. of )4. they are o

5、ppos. ite the door. ( on the left / right. of the room. )5. the offic. ebuild. ing is in the east of the campu.s. ( in the south. of, to the west of, in front. of, behin. d, at the back of, )b 国家,城市 7. china. is locat. ed in asia. ( be situ.a tedbe surr.o unde.d.e.by, lie to the east of )of this cit

6、y is 100,000.c10. when you come out of( get toreac.h)11. cross. the stre.e t(river. )(keep walki. ng alon.gwalk down)12. turn right. at the end of bridg. estre.e t into river. side road.( the seco.n d traff. ic light.s, the firs.t cros.s ing, )13. take the first. turn.ing on your left.( take the pat

7、h which.cros.s es the rive.r.).15. you ll see ( find ) it d :/our schoo. l is locat.ed at 于 the foot of a green.hill. l lies at the foot ofhill.3.,.1) in front. of the schoo. l is a beaut.iful garde. nwith a libra. ry on its left and a labor . atory.on its right.2) behin. d the gard.e n is the clas.

8、s room build. ing.3) at the back of the schoo. l are the stud.e nts dormi. tory and the dinni. ng-hall, in front. of which.lies the large. spor.try.s fiel.d .en a and b.6 on the left of it it is.; on the right. is; behin. dit stand. s /e图.1) it is not very diffi . cult to find your way from the frie

9、n .dship.hote.lto the stat.ion.2) when you get out of the hotel. , turn left and walk down the stree. t unti.l s.you see the3) turn right. at the thir.dcros.s ing/turni. ng, and you will see a post offic. eat the corn.er./ite to it.4) go stra.ight ahea.dunti.lyou get to the end of the stree. t.5) pl

10、ea.s eget acro.ss the brid.g e and go east.ward. 6) no.25 bus will take you right . ther.e.7) it will take you about . 10 minut. es to get ther.e.8) it s abou.t 10 minut. es walk /ride from here.9) no.25 bus will take you right . ther.e.四,范文背诵:1. 是 .明,到.国伴侣 ro. bin 的 . ,中说.于 6 月 .3日. 到.,示.;.一, 法们.;,

11、ro.b in.意中.告知. 到 家.,说明 家.403,到.家中.们, 后告知.们于 6. 月 5 日.;求:1短文.文字说明 .的点.;2短文.图中示的 .式说.明;3式.;4字数: 100 字左 .右;mmay 25,2004,r that.rt, you can tin is next tng you at home.i'll be back on june 5th.ds to you all.i ng i live,li ming2. 是一.,请依据. 示意图一.一.,说明.的点.的.;说明: 1避.于东.,风,.人,.物.;2.,. 国.;留意: 1文章.图示.;2字数:

12、100 词左 .右;3词汇:风scen.e ry; 4文章开头 .;,emen,ain has vtin.away from here,-g, play golfat the foot oftheyear.you.3. ,国盛顿中学们学校;请依据下的 示意图供的息 ,人们学校的 .规划 ;留意: 1. 开头 结.写好 2. 词数 :100 左右 .;动 绿体育馆 2.0 058 月动 ,预绿计8 月.数学 1.9 95成,共40,.学.备学. 学化. 物.物 .于.学.中,使.办公化艺术馆2.0 06,图 馆 刚 成带带绿 带绿 带校 aml. as you can see, ing ourl

13、 ,in 2006.ing, west oat the end of this year.- t, 2006.s.4. tian. an men squa.r e 题写一.篇短文;1上.上.2广积4. 4.;3广.图;广;4谈感受;词汇:城 .:tian an men gate towe.r.堂: the chai.r man mao memor. ial hall人.碑: the monum. ent to the peop.l es hero.e s人城.人.碑博物堂.堂馆north.zhan.gsqua.r exin and i arriv. ed in beiji. ng last s

14、atu.r day. on the same day we visi.ted tian anme.nsqua.r e.it is one of the large. st squa.r ess. onthe north.of it is the red tiananme.ngate towe.r . on the south.is the grand. chair.man maomemor.ial hall. at the cente.r stand. s the monum. ent to the peopl. es hero.e s. on one side of thesqua.reis

15、 the grea.thall of the peopl. eand on the othe.rthe museu. m of chine. se hist.ory.milli . ons of peop.ledream.of visit. ing the squa.r e. ever.ythin.gther.eremin. ds us of the hist.ory of our strug. gle and insp.i res us to work still. hard.e r.5. jim.是学. 学,.学. 国;,到的.,中.日的.,jim 写.一;学的. ;于. 学,请.下 图留

16、意:字数100. 120 左右 ., 开头 结 .,字数.;词汇:物园b.on.dear jim,l .l a-inthe site spot.hop.li ming6. 是. ;朋.友.人公.园野餐to have a picni. c;们的 国.伴侣 pe.t er.;请 依据下. 的示意图 ., 写 短. ,告知公.园后.到们;词数 80100;june lst,1995dear pete.r ,we're so glad you're comin. gto join us on sunda. y. here is how you can find us. we'l

17、l have ourpicni. c in the peopl. e's park. you know where . that is, don't you. after . you enter. the park bythe main gate, walk strai. ght on till you come to a strea. m. cros.s the stre.a m and turn righ.t . after.walki. ng for a while. you'll come to a hill.walk arou.nd to the othe.r side of the hill.there.you'll see a lake. we'll have our


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