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1、2020年岳阳市中考模拟试题英语提醒语:考生注意:本学科试卷共有76小题,总分120分,时量90分钟。第一部分听力部分A)图片理解 从每小题所给的三幅图中选出与你所听到的对话内容相同或相近的图画。A. $20.B. $30.C. $40.()7. Who likes koalas?A. Grace.B. Alice.C. Nancy.()8. How does Alan go to work?A. By car.B. By bus.C. On foot.()9. What do they have for dinner?A. Chicken soup.B. Fish.C. Beef.()10.

2、 What color is Alice 's pen?A. Blue.B. White.C. Green.第二节 听下面两段对话,每段对话后各有几个问题,选择最佳选项回答问题。听下面一段对话,回答第 11、12小题。()11. Where is the woman from?A. Germany.B. Russia.C. America.( )12. How long does it take from the woman 's country to Germany?A. Four hours.B. Three hours.C. Five hours.听下面一段对话,回答第

3、1315小题。()13. How was the weather in Rome?A. Rainy.B. Windy.C. Sunny.()14. Who did the woman stay with?A. Some old friends. B. Her family members. C. Her workmates.()15. How was Nick ' s weekend?A. Boring.B. Busy.C. Relaxing.C)笔录要点 根据你所听到的短文内容,完成下面的表格,每空不超过三个单词。B)对话理解 根据你所听到的对话内容,选择最佳选项回答问题。第一节 听

4、第6至第10段小对话,回答第 6至第10小题。( )6. How much is a pair of trousers?An invitation of a (16)ReasonsTo celebrate the moving into the house.Date of the partyOn (17)Time to come(18)The (19)_of the houseHighbridgeThings to bringHome-made(20)第二部分笔试部分II知识运用A.单项选择(10*1)()21. I think taking online classes is useful

5、way to study.A. aB. anC. the( ( (B. 30-year-oldB. sometimesB. orB. sittingB. where8. A. way9. A. exercise0. A. at60169III阅读技能A阅读判断(C. 30-years-oldC. oftenC. butC. eatingC. whatC. problemsC. waterC. forF。)dropped.ong them, Qinghai, Guizhou and the rest of the provinces opened()22. Good music can touc

6、h both your heart and .A. meB. myC. mine()23. Would you like some, sir?No, thanks. I have had much.A. orangesB. yogurtC. teas()24. Frozen II(冰雪奇缘 2) is cartoon I have ever seen.A. interestingB. more interestingC. the most interesting()25. Please the TV. I can hardly hear the news.A. turn onB. turn u

7、pC. turn down()26. Some special hospitals in Wuhan in February, 2020.A. was builtB. were builtC. are built()27. - How can we protect ourselves on holidays, doctor? You should avoid to crowded places with so many people.A. go outB. to go outC. going out()28. It's said that 5G is coming.Amazing!go

8、od news!A. What aB. WhatC. How()29. Nowadays, middle school students know .A. how they can show love for their parentsB. how can they show love for their parentsC. that they can show love for their parents()30. - Wish you a happy summer vacation!A. Of course.B. The same to you.C. That's all righ

9、t.B.完形填空(10*1)Many of us like delicious food. But with the rapid development(飞速发展)of our society, 31 Chinese people are changing their eating habits.Because of busy work, young people in China used to 32 quick meals online. Zhang Xiaoyan, a 33 woman from Nanjing was one of them. She usually ate in t

10、he office and 34 cooked at home on weekdays. Even on weekends, she would prefer takeaway food. In this winter, she had a vacation and stayed at home for a long time. Now she cooks for herself. Cooking by myself is sometimes quite time-demanding(费时的),35 it is necessary for me to have a healthy diet n

11、ow. " Zhang told ChinaDaily(中国日报).Instead of 36 at fast food restaurants, cooking at home has become a trend(趋势)all over the country. Some even share food videos on their WeChat Moments(朋友圈)37 face-to-face dinner isnot possible. They believe this is one of the most common 38 to say hello to eac

12、h other. It ' s known to all that doing sports makes us healthy, and healthy eating habits are as important as 39. As long asthese habits are good 40 our health, perhaps we should keep them from now on.( )31. A. muchB. a lot ofC. a little( )32. A. buyB. sellC. have)33. A. 30 years old)34. A. har

13、dly)35. A. and)36. A. waiting)37. A. whenWalmart B. ways396 Baling StreBt airB202睥510 14:30cashier desk : 006 cashier: 001023 5*tem犍视文内容判酬mber误,正确的填PriceT,错误的填English notebooany pa2ts of China openeQ ysanools, again because the numbers of.T-shirt COVID T9 confirmed cases(新盅0Ab WanW仞On Thursday, Marc

14、h 26th8.00byipaovincs told the public that they werepreparing for starting the new schooiqeryua.nAm1 amount: xinjiaAgSRadyuaready starte(chcl!Se;es;0while schools in late March or early April.Welcome back again !It is exciting news as well as a great challenge for teachers and students because they

15、have many new rules to follow in order to keep healthy. At school, students are asked to have their temperature checked every day, keep a distance of one meter from each other, and each wears a face mask every day. And the first lessons for students are about epidemic prevention(疾病防疫 )and health car

16、e. All the students should learn them well when they start classes.However, with more and more provinces have been reported with zero growth( 零增长)of COVID-19 cases, people all wonder when they can take off the face masks and do all activities normally as they used to. In Zhang Wenhong ' opinion,

17、 although the situation has been in good control since the end of April, we still need to be careful and we'd better still wear face masks in public places.()41. Many parts of China planned to close schools because the numbers of COVID T9 confirmedcases dropped.)42. Seven of the ten provinces op

18、ened schools in late March or early April.)43. There are no rules for students and teachers to follow in order to keep healthy.)44. Teachers will tell students about epidemic prevention and health care when they start classesin the school.()45. We can take off the face masks in public places accordi

19、ng to Zhang Wenhong.B阅读选择(5*2 )阅读下面的材料,完成 46-47小题。AJane went shopping yesterday. The following is her receipt( 发票).this special Chinese food. the U.K.It is said that a man in the U.K. will drink three cups of tea on a day. What 's more, Chinese food is also conquering(征服)the stomachs of Englishm

20、en. Dumplings and spring rolls( 春卷)are their favorite food.Although these kinds of Chinese food have become more and more famous in the world, they taste totally different from what we usually eat in China. Over the years, the smart Chinese cooks have made changes to traditional Chinese food and let

21、 more and more foreigners love our food!51. Do all the countries love the same Chinese food?52. What's the most popular foreign food in Japan?( )46. When did Jane go shopping yesterday?A. In the afternoon.B. In the evening.C. In the morning.( )47. How much is an English book?A. 6 yuan.B. 12 yuan

22、.C. 8 yuan.阅读下面的材料,完成 48-50小题。B53. How does Kung Pao Chicken taste?54. How many cups of tea will an Englishman drink in a week?55. Who make more and more foreigners love Chinese food?( )48. You can by calling 8120079.For. rrent a houseBo hangEnAeOrncnssesC. buy some bookie(A)two -bedrcomhhoesenglish

23、 classesnclasses.Three sets of booksit a. as near Nm/HiSatsrdool60 au a0:00 amron Friday C. at1ooAalmeWnaSdndayful( CPMWeZmnggatt 8h20nfo9mation from J_no at 82_3369.Click to know more:Timestoryboom. 400 p.m.TBmwebsite a.m. -11:30 a.m. on weekendstionarWD补全短文(5C 阅读答问(5*2) 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。Chinese food

24、in the worldWith the development of China, more and more Chinese food has gone to the world. However, different countries have their special tastes about Chinese food. Come and have a look! JapanJapanesepeople love Sichuan cuisine(菜肴).Although Japanese people don't like spicy food, Mapo Tofu has

25、 become the most popular foreign food in Japan. If you go to Japan, you may feel surprised to find that there are so many Sichuan restaurants . Lin Hui is a teenager from Yueyang. 73. 当他很小的时候: 他与他的父母游遍了全世界。Last year, hepassed the exam and became a student in a middle school. Although he is busy with

26、 his schoolwork, he likes to do something special in his spare time. 74.Some people may worry it can get in the way of their study. However, he does well in all subjects, especially nature and science. He is popular among his classmates because he knows a lot besides the books. Also, he can speak se

27、veral languages. 75.He thinks it is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books.71.2 )QR code(二维码)yes or noWalking along a common street in China, you will easily find people hold their phones, scan(扫描) something and take away the products.(56). But Chinese people are used to

28、 it QR code .(57) . However, people did not pay much attention to it until the new century. Entering the 21st century, people start to use QR code widely. (58). If you make a new friend, the first thing you should do is to scan his or her WeChat code; If you go to the supermarket, you don 't hav

29、e to bring some cash(B金)because you can use WeChat payment or Ali payment(支付宝).(59).However, some people are afraid of using it. (60). It 's much easier to spend more money if you don't use cash. Also, some bad people can use QR code to get your information - your name, your phone number and

30、 even your address.What do you think of QR code? Do you like to use it?A. If you want to know some information of a product, just scan the QR code.B. QR code was first invented by a Japanese company in 1994.C. People all over the world use QR code.D. If you are a foreigner, you may feel surprised be

31、cause people don 't pay cash.E. Nowadays in China, QR code can be found in every corner of the society.F. The first reason is that you can't control your spending.G. They think QR code is dangerous.56-60E阅读填空(10*1 )Learn to Smile When You Are Under Much PressureThese days, more and more stud

32、ents are living under great pressure.Many Chinese know Zhong Nanshan is the hero (61) beat SARS in 2003. Zhong (62)from a family of doctors. His dream is always to save as many lives (63)possible. In 2003, when SARS hit China, he volunteered to treat patients and asked other doctors (64)send their m

33、ost serious cases( 病 例)to him. Zhong Nanshan played an important (65) in the war against SARS. After a few months, his plan saved thousands of lives.Seventeen years (66), Zhong is once again leading an expert team to deal (67) the new coronavirus.(68) this new illness is very dangerous, Zhong worrie

34、s little about his own safety. This time, he is trying his (69) to save people. He became the first expert to tell the public that the illness can be spread between humans. Thanks to him, his team developed a rapid test kit (快速检测试剂盒)that can show results in 15 minutes.Zhong Nanshan has been working

35、for over 60 (70). He is a good doctor and respected by all the people in China.6162636465 66 67 68 69 70IV写作技能A.翻译语篇(5*2)Study trips are becoming more and more popular these days. 71. People can not only get plenty of knowledge but also improve their ability to take care of themselves. In ancient ti

36、mes, some famous people and poets(诗人)were already fans of study trips, such as Kong Zi, Xuan Zang, Du Fu and so on. 72. 李白 是中国最著名的诗人之一。 He also succeeded writing many poems in his study trips.2020年岳阳市中考模拟英语答案1-5 CCBAC6-10 ABCBB11-15 CCCAB16. party17. July 14th18. Seven thirty (7:30)19. name20. strawberry ice-cream21-25 ACBC


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