



1、专四语法真题集1.独立主格结构1 Agriculture is the country ? s chief source of wealth, wheat_ by far the biggest cerealcrop.a. is b. bee n c. be d. being2. Time_, the celebrati on will be held as scheduled.a. permit b. permitt ing c. permitted d. permits3. There_nothing more for discussi on, the meet ing came to a

2、n end half an hour earlier.a. to be b. to have bee n c. being d. be4. _ no cause for alarm, the old man went back to his bedroom.a. There was b. Since c. Being d. There being5. The country ? s chief exports are coal, cars and cott on goods, cars_ the most imports ntof these.a. have bee n b. are c. b

3、eing d. are being(1994 An swers: d b c d c )II.定语从句1. Above the trees are the hills,_magnificenee the river faithfully reflects on thesurface.a. where b. of whose c. whose d. which2. They overcame all the difficulties and completed the project two mon ths ahead of time, _VI.OPT箱辑可修改somethi ng we had

4、 not expected.a. which b. it c. that d. what3. He is quite worn out from years of hard work. He is not the man_he was twenty yearsago.a. which b. that c. who d. whom4. We? ve just in stalled two air-c on diti onersin our apartme nt,_should make greatdiffere nces in our life next summer, a. which b.

5、what c. that dthey5. Have you ever been in a situation_ you know the other person is right yet you cannotagree with him a. by which b. that c. in where d. where6. Firms that use computers have found that the number of staff_ is needed for qualitycon trol can be substa ntially reduced.a. whose b. as

6、c. what d. that7. I ? ve never been to Lhasa, but that? s the city_ .a. I ? d most like to vis让b. which I like to visit mostly c. where I like to vis让d.I ? d like much to vis让8. She remembered several occasions in the past _ she hadexperie need a similar feed ng.a. which b. before c. that d. whe n19

7、989. The physicist has made a discovery,_of great importa nee to the progress of scie nee andtech no logy.a. I think which is bthat I think is c. which I think is dI think that is10. I have n ever bee n to London,but that is the city_ W.O可編轲可修改a. where I like to visit most b. I11 This compa ny has n

8、ow in troduceda policy_a. which b. where c. whether d. what12. Only take these clothes_ reallyn ecessary.a. as were b. as they are c. as they were d. as are13. _is often the case with a new idea, much preliminaryactivity and optimistic discussionproduced no con Crete proposals, a. That b. It c. This

9、 d. As(An swers: 1-5: c a b a d 6-10: daccb11-13: bbd)III.状语从句1)让步状语从句1 _ I like economics I like sociology much better.a. As much as b. So much c. How much d. Much as2. Fool_ Jane is, she could not have done such a thing.a. who b. as c. that d. like3. _ I sympathize, I can ? t really do very much t

10、o help them out of the difficulties.a. as long as b. as c. while d. even4._he n eeded money for a new car, he decided not to borrow it from the bank.? d most like to visita. Much as b. Much though c. As much d. Though much5._, he is ready to accept suggesti ons form differe nt sources.a. In stead of

11、 his no table con tributi ons b. For all his no table con tributi onsc. His making no table con tributi ons d. However his no table con tributio ns(An swers: 1-5: d b c a b )2)结果状语从句1. Does Ala n like limburgers Yes. So much_ that he eats them.a. for b. as c. to d. so2. The brillia nee of his satire

12、s was_ make even his victims laugh.a. so as to b. such as to c. so that d. such that(An swers: d b)3)方式状语从句1 She did her work_ her manager had instructed.a. as b. untilc. when d. though(An swers: a)4)原因状语从句1 Mr. Wh让e works with a chemicals import and export compa ny,but he_ for this in dustrialfair,

13、 since he is on leave.a. has worked b. works c. has bee n work ing d. is work ing5.0可编牺可修改(Answers: d)(此题选项主要是时态方面的,但能否做出正确选择取决于对since从句的判断)5)条件状语从句1 You won? t get a loan_ you can offer some security.45.0可编训可修改a. lest b. in case c. uni essd. other tha n2._time, he ? Il make a first-class tennis pla

14、yer.a. Having b. Given c. Giving d. Had3._ I was very much mistake n, there was someth ing wrong with Louise.a. Uni ess b. As c. Though d. Since(An swers: 1-5: c b a)6)比较状语从句1. The experiment requires more money than_a. have been put in b. being put in c. has been put in d. to be put in2. There ough

15、t to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of mountainclimbing than_ in thepublic mind today.a. exists b. existc. existing d. to exist3. he in door swim ming pool seems to be a great deal more luxurious tha n _a. is necessary b. being necessary c. to be necessary d. it is necessary(Answers: 1-3: c

16、 a c提示:than = than what;记住:than后跟的是比较状语从句)IV.1)名词性从句同位语从句1 There is no doubt_ the company has made the right decision on the sales project.a. why b. that c. whether d. when(An swer: b)55.0可編惋可修攻2)表语从句1 Intellect is to the mind_sight is to the body.a. what b. as c. that d. like2. He is_as a “ bellyac

17、her”一he ? s always complaining about something.a. who is known b. whom is known c. what is known d. which is known(An swer: a c)3)宾语从句1 Who_ was comi ng to see me in my office this after noona. you said b. did you say c. did you say that d. you did say2. After _seemed an endless wait, it was her tur

18、n to enter the personnel manager? s office.a. that b. there c. what d. it3. The team can handle whatever_ .a. that needs handling b. which needs handling c. it needs handling d. needs to behan died4. We can assign the task to_ is capable and trustworthy.a. whomever b. who c. whom d. whoever(An swers

19、: 1-5: b c d d)IV比较级和最高级1 Fat cannot change into muscle_ muscle changes into fat.a. any more thanb. no more than c. no less than d. much more than5.0可编训可佟改2. It is not so much the language_ the cultural background that makes the book difficult to un dersta nd. a. butb. nor c. as d. like3. John is_ h

20、ardworking than his sister, but he failed in the exam.a. no less b. no more c. not less d. no so4. Language belongs to each member of the society, to the cleaner_ to the professor.a. as far as b. the same as c. as much as d. as long as5. Wester n Nebraska gen erally receives less snow tha n_Eastern

21、Nebraska.a. in b. it receives in c. does d. it does in6._the two, Bob is_student.a. Of, more diligent b. In, more diligentc. Of, the more dilige nt d. In, much more dilige nt7. She has taken great pains to conceal her emotions,and thereby made them_ conspicuous.a. all the more b. all the much c.all

22、more d. all much(Answers: 1-5: a c a c c(IV.虚拟语气1 The ope ning ceremony is a great occasi onis esse ntial_ for that.a. for us to be prepared b. that we are prepared c. of us to be prepared d. our beingprepared2._for the fact that she broke her leg, she might have passed theexam.? t it been c. Was it

23、 not d. Were it not5.0可编牺可修改3. “What courses are you going to do next semester”T don? t know. But it ? s about time_ on someth ing”a. I ? d decide b. I decided c. I decide d. I? m deciding倒装)6-7: c a)a. Had it not been b. Hadn4. All of us would have enjoyed the party much more if there_quite such a

24、crowd of peoplethere.a. weren? t b. hasn ? t been c. hadn5. If you have really been studying English for so long,it ? s about time you _ able to writeletters in En glish. a. should be b. were c. must be d. are6.If your car_ any atte nti on duri ng the first 12 mon ths, take it to an authorized deale

25、r.a. shall need b. should need c. would need d. will need7.He left orders that nothing_ touched until the police arrived here.a. should be b. ought to be c. must be d. would be8.I was to have made a speech if_ a. I was not called away b. n obody would have called me awayc. I had not bee n called awa

26、y d. n obody called me away9.I_ the party much more if there hadn? t been quite such a crowd of people there.a. would enjoy b. will have enjoyed c. would have enjoyed d. will be enjoying10. We could_ him w让h a detached house when he came, but he had specifically asked for asmall flat.a. provide b. h

27、ave provided c. not provide d. not have provided? t been d. wouldn ? t be门.0可塢轲可修改11 _, he would not have recovered so quickly.a. Hadr? t he been taken good care of b. Had he not been taken good care of c. Had not he bee n take n good care of d.Had he bee n not take n good care of12. _your timely ad

28、vice, I would never have known how to go about the work.a. Uni ess b. But for c. Except for d. Not for13. It was recommended that passengers_smoke during the flight.a. not b. need not c. could not d. would not14._ you were busy, I wouldn? t have bothered you with my questions.a. If I realized b. Had

29、 I realized c. I realized that d. As I realized(An swers: 1-5: a a b c b 6-10: baccb11-15:bbab)VI._反意疑问句1.She would have bee n more agreeable if she had cha nged a little bit,_a. hadn ? t she b. hasn? t she c. wouldn ? t she d. didn ? t she2.Do help yourself to some fruit,_youa. can? t b. dont c. wo

30、uld nt d. won ? t3. When you have finished with that video tape, dont forget to put it in my drawer,_a. do you b. will you c. don? t you d. won ? t you4. You and I could hardly understand,_a. could I b. couldn? t you c. couldn ? t we dcould we(An swers: 1-5: c d b d)14VII.致主谓一致1. It is futile to dis

31、cuss the matter further, because _ going to agree upon any thinga. neither you nor I are b. neither you nor me isc. n either you nor I am d n either me nor you are ( An swer: c )VIII.时态1)现在完成进行1 Jack_from home for two days now,and I am beginning to worry about his safety.a. has been missing b. has b

32、een missed c. had been missing d. was missed2. For some time now, world leaders_out the n ecessity for agreeme nt on arms reduct ion.a. had been pointing b. have been pointing c. were pointing d. pointed(An swer: a b )2)现在进行1 How can I ever concentrate if you_continually_ me with silly questionsa. h

33、errupted b. had terrupted c. are祜terrupting d. were讪terrupting (An swers: c )IX.插入语1 Who_was comi ng to see me in my office this after noona. you said b. did you say c. did you say that d. you did say(Answer: b道题的a选项会让考生想到插入语;其实不是,这是对宾语从句屮的主语提问;做题技巧是把问句还原W.0可編轲可修改today.15成陈述句后再来处理)16X副词1 She

34、man aged to save_ she could out of her wages to help her brother.a. how little money b. so little money c. such little money d. what little money2. His strong sense of humor was_ make every one in the room burst out laugh ing.a. so as to b. such as to c. so that d. such that3. I felt that I was not

35、yet_ to travel abroad, a. too stro ng b. strong eno ugh c.so strong d enough strong(Answers:1 : d虽然答案与副词无关,但排除前三个选项需要相关的副词how和so的用法知识)2: b(类似前一题)3 : b)幻不定式、现在分词、过去分词和动名词1 AIDS is said _the number-one killer of both men and women over the past few years inthe regi on.a. being b. to be c. to have bee

36、n d. havi ng bee n2. _ is not a serious disadvantage in life.a. To be not tall b. Not to be tall c. Being not tall d. Not being tall3. _ him tomorrowa. Why not to call on b. Why don ? t call on c. Why not calling on d. Why not call on4. _ at in this way, the present economic situation doesn11 seem s

37、o gloomy.b. Looked c. Having looked d. To look5. This is an illness that can result in total blindness_ left untreated.17a. after b. if c. since d. uni essW.O可端辑可修改6.Professor Johnson is said _some significant advanee in his research in the past year.a. having made b. making c. to have made d. to ma

38、ke7.The three men tried many times to sneak across the border into the neighboring country,_ by the police each time.a. had been captured b. being always capturedc.only to be captured d. unfortun ately captured8.The Clarks haven ? t decided yet which hotel_ .a. to stay b. is to stay c. to stay at d.

39、 is for staying9._,he can now only watch it on TV at home.a. Obtaining not a ticket for the match b. Not obtaining a ticket for the matchc. Not having obtained a ticket for the match d. Not obtained a ticket for the match10._ eno ugh time and mon ey, the researchers would have bee n able to discover

40、 more in thisfield.a. Giving b. To give c. Given d. Being given11.He wasn* t asked to take on the chairmanship of the society,_insufficiently poplarwith all members, a. havi ng con sidered b. was con sidered c. was being con sidered d. beingcon sidered12. This may have preserved the elephant from be

41、ing wiped out as well as other animals_ inAfrica.a. huntedb. hunting c. that huntedd. are hunted13.In in ternati onal matches, prestige is so imports nt that the only thing that matters is to 12avoid.w.o可編轲可修改20a. from being beaten b. being beaten c. beating14. He noticed the helicopter hovering ove

42、r the field. Then to his astonishment, he saw a ropeladder_ out and three men climb ing dow n it.a. throwingb. being thrown c. having thrown d. having been thrown15. He resented_to wait. He expected the minister_him at once.a. to be asked, to see b. being asked, to see c. to be asked, seeingd. being

43、asked, see ing16. This missile is desig ned so that once_ nothing canbe done to retrieve it.a. fired b. being fired c. they fired d. having fired17. Arriving at the bus stop,_waiting there.a. a lot of people were b. he found a lot of people c. a lot of people d.people were found18. _ regular trainin

44、g in nursing, she could hardly cope with the work at first.a. Not received b. Since receiving c. Having received d. Not having received(Answers :1-5: c d d b b 6-10: c c c c c 11-15: d a b d b 16-1 & a b d)XII代词1 Your ideas,_ , seem unusual to me.a. like her b. like hers c. similar to her d. sim

45、ilar to herselfd. to be beaten212._ of the twins was arrested, because I saw both at a party last night.a. None b. Both c. Neither d. All3. It was as a physician that he represented himself, and_ he was warmly received.a. as such b. such as c. as that d. so that(An swers: b c a)刈l平行结构1 Even as a gir

46、l,_to be her life, and theater audiences were to be her best teachers.a. performing by Melissa were b. it was known that Melissa? s performances werec. knowing that Melissa ? s performances were d. Melissa knew that performing was(An swer: d)xw情态动词1. You_ Jim anything about it. It was none of his bu

47、s in ess.a. needrf t have told b. needn * t tell c. mustn11 have told d. mustn11 tell2. He_ unwisely, but he was at least trying to do something helpful.a. may have acted b. must have acted c. should act d. would act3. Much as_,I couldn? t lend him the money because I simply didn? t have that much s

48、parecash.a. I would have liked to b.I would like to have c. I should have to like d.I shouldhave liked to4. You_ Mark anythin gIt was none of his bus in ess.a. Neednt have told b. neednt tell c. must nt have told d. mustn t tell5. As it turned out to be a small house party, we_ so formally.a. need not have dressed up b. must not have dressed upc. did not n eed to dress up d. must not dress up6. The meeti ng ? s bee n can celled. Ann_ all that work.a. need to do b. need have c. neednt have


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