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1、1 / 9unit 1 using language 重难点词汇详解重点词汇1. assistance n. 帮助,援助教材原文in what ways do you think the sifted climbers gave assistance to their weak-sighted or blind companions?你认为视力正常的登山者是怎么帮助他们的弱视或者盲人同伴的?经典例句any assistance you could give to the police will be greatly appreciated. 您能提供的任何帮助警方都将万分感谢。since 19

2、76 he has been operating the shop with the assistance of his brother. 从 1976年开始,他就在他哥哥的帮助下经营这个店。he was of great assistance to me with the researches for my books. 在我为写书所做的研究中,他提供了很大的帮助。he called and called but no one came to his assistant . 他喊了又喊,但没有人来帮忙。he asked us to assist him in carrying out his

3、 plan. 他请求我们帮助他实行他的计划。2 / 92. congratulate v. 祝贺温馨提示congratulate on是固定搭配,不要受汉语影响而使用介词for。教材原文listen to the latter part of barry s story where joan congratulates barry 听巴里的故事的后面部分,在这个部分琼祝贺巴里they congratulated him on his seventieth birthday. 他们祝贺他的七十寿辰。congratulations on your good exam results! 3 / 9祝

4、贺你考出了好成绩!we are getting married !我们要结婚了!congratulations! 恭喜恭喜 ! 3. access n. (接近的)方法 ;通路;可接近性教材原文adequate access for wheelchairs.为坐轮椅的人进入电影院提供充分的便利。经典例句4 / 9 gitizens may have free access to the library. 市民可以免费使用这个图书馆。only a few people have access to the full facts of the case. 只有少数几个人能看到该案的全部事实材料。t

5、he library is accessible to us. 我们可以使用这个图书馆。the new museum must be accessible by public transport. 新博物馆必须能乘坐公共交通工具到达。4. approval n.赞成,认可5 / 9教材原文i hope my suggestions will meet with your approval. 希望您能赞成我的建议。经典例句his son had a strong desire to gain his approval. 他儿子非常渴望得到他的赞许。we hope today s offer ca

6、n meet with your approval too. 我们希望今天的提议也能够得到您的赞成。he nodded in approval. 他点头表示赞成。not everyone approves of the plan. 不是所有人都赞成这个计划。his mother leaned forward and gave him an approving look. 他的母亲探身向前,对他投以赞许的目光。5. profit n.利润;好处,利益6 / 9教材原文it will also make the cinema owners happy if more people go as th

7、ey will make higher profits! 如果有更多的人去 (您的电影院看电影), 电影院的老板也会高兴,因为(这样)他们将会赚更多的钱。经典例句his purpose was to make a profit by improving the company s performance. 他的目标是通过提高公司的业绩来实现盈利。this year the airline will be hard-pressed to make a profit. 今年该航空公司将很难赢利。surely well profit from your work. 我们肯定会得益于你的工作。i ho

8、pe to profit by/from your advice. 我希望从你的忠告中得益。that business became highly profitable last year. 去年那项生意变得很赚钱。7 / 9重点结构1. mind sb. doing介意某人做 . mind 后可接“宾格人称代词 +动名词”作宾语,也可跟if 或特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句作宾语。教材原文i hope you will not mind me writing to ask if you have thought about the needs of disabled customers. 我希望您

9、别介意我写信询问您是否考虑到了伤残顾客的需要。这句话中 hope 后跟的是宾语从句,从句省略了that;从句中使用了mind sb doing 结构; ask后面跟的是 if 引导的宾语从句。经典例句i don t mind you making the noise during the day. 我不介意你在白天发出噪音。my parents don t mind what my job is as long as i am happy. 只要我高兴,我父母并不介意我做什么工作。would you mind if i came with you? 我可以和你一起去吗?8 / 92. have

10、 trouble(in) doing sth. 做某事有困难此结构中 trouble 为不可数名词,其前可加no、much、any、a little 等。另外还有 have trouble with sth.结构。教材原文earphones for people who have trouble hearing. 给听力有障碍的人提供耳机。此句中 people 后接的是 who 引导的定语从句,从句中缺少主语,指人,所以用关系代词 who。经典例句i had great trouble finding suitable food on the menu in that restaurant.

11、在那家餐馆我很难在菜单上找到合适的食物。though i have trouble in learning english, i do my best to learn it. 尽管我在学习英语方面有困难,但我尽全力去学。i have some trouble in expressing myself. 我表达起来有些困难。i have trouble with my homework. 我做作业有困难。3.suggest后加宾语从句suggest作“建议”讲时,后面的宾语从句要使用虚拟语气,从句谓语用“shouid+动词原形”,should可以省略。9 / 9在 it is suggeste

12、d that. 句型中 that 引导的主语从句及名词suggestion后面表示具体建议的表语从句、 同位语从句中的谓语都应用 “should+动词原形”, should 可以省略。surest还有以下用法:suggest doing sth. 建议做某事教材原文so i,d like to suggest that the seats at the back be placed higher than those at the front so that everyone can see the screen easily. 所以我想建议影院后排的座位应该比前排的高,这样每个人都能很容易地看到屏幕。该句中的 suggest是“建议”的意思,宾语从句使用了虚拟语气,从句谓语是 be placed ,省略了 should。经典例句 i suggested putting off the s


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