1、华尔街基础英语lesson 3652. hi, there this is going to be just so romantic. we have our tickets to pairs53. we have our passport and here we are, outside bright on train stati on.54. “brighton railway station: as they say in britain.55. good, honey, yoitre learning! right, so we are going to get a train to
2、newhaven, and then we get the ship to france56 but i still want to buy an american newspaper. i didnjt fiael one yesterday.57. never mind, honey.58. i haven't seen an american newspaper since we left the states and i want to read about baseball results.59. i know honey, you've hold me alread
3、y, well, alright, if we have enough time the ship goes at 10:15 and its already 9:20 now.60. ill just ask someone where the train goes from. excuse me, where is the train to newhaven, please?61. platform 6. thank you. the train5s over there, on track 6. this is going to be so romantic!62. is this ou
4、r worry honey, it only takes 15 minutes to get to newhaven. thafs when the romance really starts.64. any way, what about my newspaper.65. can you get one on the ship? the train's leaving in a couple of minutes.66. alright.67. this is so exciting! don't you think?68. yeah, but rd still like t
5、o know about baseball results华尔街基础英语lesson 371. oh, hello, miss hartman! so you "re back already. where is miss tomora?2. she is still in tokyo. she is stay with her parents.3. oh, i see. is she all right?4. yes, she is fine5. well, how was your visit to japan? it's a very interesting count
6、ry, isn't it?6.1 don't know. i only stayed here for 3 days7. only 3 days? but you left here 3 weeks ago.8.1 know. i spent a week at washdon airport and 10 days at tokyo airport, just waiting for plane9. dear, my poor girl. thats terrible. would you like a coffee?10. yes, please.11. here you
7、are, miss hartman. 10 days at the airport, really. that kind of thing never happened when i was a girl.12. so they had airport back in 1850, did they? well, well.13. sorry, i didn't quite hear that.14. oh, never mind.15. by the way, when is miss tomora coming back?16. you see, my sister's co
8、ming to stay next week and if miss tomora isn't going to be here.17. she will be back on sunday afternoon.18. oh, i see. well, never mind.华尔街基础英语lesson 381. here you are dea匚 i've made some more toast. well, christmas will be there soon.2. really? why, what's the date today?3. it's d
9、ecember. 17th, theres only eight days left4. well, well, well5. aren91 you going to ask me a question?6. whats question?7. oh, really, men arc terrible! you don't know what i want for christmas, do you?& oh, er.sorry, susan, whats would you like for christmas?9. that's better, harry! 1 &
10、#39;d like some new clothes, new clothes for the new me! and what shall i get for you, my attractive detective?1(). oh, i think fd like a new raincoat.11 ok. let's go to the shop then! and wc need to go to the bank first, so i can get canadian dollars.-.12. what do you think of this dress?13. fm
11、 afraid i don't know much about fashion.14. fll just go and try it on, i think, fll be right back.15. how can i help you, sir?16. oh, pm alright, thanks17. are you looking for anything special?18. no, fm here with my.myer.friend.19. oh, i see.20. well, how would you like me in this dress? shall
12、i dance for you?21. won't you be cold in it?22. you're so unromantic! alright, fll try another one on. fll only be a moment!23. how about this one, then?24.1 think i prefer this one25. yeah, i think this one's better too. but the other one was prettier, i think, no, this pretty too, ok,f
13、ll take it.26. thanks, harry! do you think i can have a sweater too, pleasa?27. which color would you like?28.1 think fd like yellow, yes, yellow-like the morning sunshine29. excuse me!30. yes, madam?31 have you got one of these sweater in yellow?32. what size arc you, please?33. size 28.34. no, i
14、39;m sorry, we haven51 got size 28 in yellow we're only got green, or blue.35. green? oh, no, 1 dont want to look like a salad! fll take a blue one, please 36. here you are, madam. that'll be $89.95, please.37. it's alright, pm paying here,s my card.38. thank you, sir. will you first com
15、e this way, please?39. then we can go to the merts department.40. hmm. that's quite a nice blue coat.41. that coat? oh no, not that coat!42. it alright, susan. i won't buy it if you don" like it.43. no, fvc just remembered roger's got one of those coats. and i thought.44. you cry wh
16、at?45. i thought: we're here in this shop, having a good time, and he's in prison! it's not right! poor man.46. look susan, rogers in prison becausebecause (hat's the right place for him! anyway, fm sure he never thinks about you!47. yes he does! i'm sure he does! harry, i must g
17、et him something for christmas. he's all alone there 4& look, fll make him a christmas cake, and go and see him in prison. will you drive me there?49. you5re joking!华尔街基础英语lesson 3950. will you come in and say hello?51. what! certainly not! fll wait in the car.52. alright-scc you in about an
18、 hour ,thcn.53. have you come to see one of the men here?54. that's right, his name's roger temple55. are you a relative of his?56. yes, i'm his wife.57. what have you brought with you?58. it's just a christmas cake! i made it for him.59. hmmlet me have a look60. ok, you can go and see him now.61. merry christmas, roger!62. hello, susan!63. i've brought you a present.64. what is it?65. it's a christmas cake. i made it just for you, roger.66. there's nothing inside it. it's just a cake.67. well of course! wh
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