1、人教课标版六年级数学下二单元教案(the two unitlessonplanofgrade six under the people's curriculum standard edition)this article is contributed by shangzhuang6docdocuments mayexperiencepoor browsingon thewapside.it isrecommendedthatyou firstselecttxt, ordownload thesource file to the local view.topics and teachin
2、g contents, teaching objectives, process, methods, emotions, attitudes, teaching notes, knowledge and skillsrecognition and surface area of cylinders class hourfour1.makestudentsunderstandthecharacteristicsofthecylinder, can understandtheplaneofthecylinder;know thedevelopment of the side of the cyli
3、nder. 2. understand the meaning ofcylinder side area and cylindrical surface area, and grasp the calculation method of cylinder side area and surface area. 3., according to the relationship between the surface area and the side area of the cylinder, the students learn to apply theknowledge they have
4、 learned to solve the simple practical problems. exchange students to observe through operation, process, calculation of thrust, understand the cylinder lateral area and the meaning of cylindrical surface area, calculation method of master cylinder lateral area and thesurface area of the culture spa
5、ce concept of students, stimulate students' interest in learning mathematicsteaching process, design, presupposition, teaching pathfirst, review: produce all kinds of plane graphics, so that students can figure out how to calculate the figure area. themethod ofsolvingthecirclearea isemphasized,a
6、nd themethod of solving the circumference of the circle is given. two, 1.new class inducts the new class teacher hand has won a cuboid shape and cube shaped objects, take the question: what is the shape of the object in my hand. what are their features. somefeatures to guide the students to review t
7、he cuboids and cubes. the teacher shows an example of the legend: observe what these objects are. what are their characteristics.student activity forecaststudents are familiar with the circle's perimeter and area formula: s = pi r2, c = 2 pi r or c = pi d.alternative schemeremind students of cub
8、oids and cubes of knowledge. presupposition teaching approachstudent activity forecast alternative schemeunderstanding of 2. cylinders. after holding a cylindrical object, the student observed the result of his observationswitha cylindricalobject.knowtheoutsideofthecylinderand speak out the result o
9、f your observation. the difference offeatures and cuboid and cube. students: cuboids and cubes are three-dimensional graphics surrounded by plane; and has a cylindrical surface, a two surface is a circle, from the topto the bottom of the same thickness, etc.point out: along the lines of these cylind
10、rical objects the object like this is called a cylinder, or a cylinder. in thisclasswe'llcome tolearn thenew solid figure.pointout that the resulting figure is the geometry of the cylinder.1 understanding the bottom students found that: teacherscylindrical upper and lower two out of a cylinder:
11、please view surface is flat, and they are exactly the sameobservation, the two round of the cylindrical upper and lower surfaces of thetwo iswhat.what characteristic.the teacherpointedoutthat the top and bottom sides of the cylinder are called theunderside of the two faces. mark the bottom of the ch
12、art andthe center of the circle of the two circles o, and point out that the cylinder we have learned is the abbreviation of the straight cylinder, i.e., the thickness between the two bases,fromtoptobottom,hightothebottom.the studenttouchedthe side of the cylinder 2 to recognize the side face and fo
13、undthatthecylinderhad a curvedsurface.letthestudentstouch the surface around the cylinder so that they can see that thecylinderhas a curvedsurface.itispointedoutthatthecurvedsurface of the cylinder is called the lateral surface. mark the side of the picture. 3 recognize the height of thecylinder so
14、that the student looks at the cylindrical object and points out that the circlepresupposition teaching approach student activity forecast alternative schemethe distancebetween thetwo bases ofa column iscalledheight. then mark theheighton themap. question:how manycolumns are there in height. between
15、them, the student observed, "what isthe height of the column." they're all equal. let studentsunderstand:therearecountlesscolumns ofhigh,studentstake out their own learning tools, two of the same table, they areequal.each studentpointsoutthetwo sides,sidesand heightsofthecolumn.3.the s
16、ideofthecylinderunfoldedthe planner: weknow the cylinder,sir.there isa cylindricalcontainerhere. what do you thinkthiscontainerismadeof.to guidestudents toanalyzetheirmodel,analysisofstudentsintheirhands out of the cylindrical model, flanked by expansion plan. lateraldevelopment of a cylinder. the t
17、eacher showed the tin and cuta mark ofpaper alonga highbox.then he opened itand unfolded it on the blackboard. it was a rectangle.teacher:afterthisunfoldedrectangle,it'slengthand width. what'stherelationshipbetween thelengthoftherectangleand the cylinder. the width of a rectangle is equal to
18、 the heightof the circle. teacher: then how about the cylinder side area. next, let's calculate the side area and the surface area of the cylinder.side area of4.cylinders.teacher:thesidearea ofa cylinder, as the name suggests, is the area of the side of the column.theteachershows the sideofthecy
19、linderand shows the sideof the cylinder, pointing out the size of the side of thecylinder.teacher:fromtheabove experiment,we can see that it is easy for the students to observe and see the growth. thearea of the rectangle after the expansion and the square area of the cylinder are equal to the side
20、area of the cylinder.what's the side area. teacher shows the side spread of the cylinder.presupposition teaching approachteacher: well, the flank area should be how to calculate. teacher: the bottom surface of the cylinder circumference circumference is at the bottom of the circle, if we know th
21、ebottom surface of the cylinder radius r and the height h is the flank area: s = 2 pi r h summary: to calculate the lateral area of the cylinder, the cylinder must know the perimeter and thehigh of the two conditions, sometimes the questions are given only the diameter or radius of the bottom perime
22、ter of this condition can be obtained by the computation in solving the problems should pay attention to before it again - see. the surface area of 5. teachers: please put the cylindrical,cylindricalmodel classtoproducetheirown look,cylindrical surfaceiscomposedofseveralpartswhich.teacher pointedto
23、cylindrical expansion plan, "so, what is the cylindricalsurface area."student activity forecastaccording to the relation between the length and width of the rectangleand thegirthand heightofthebottom ofthe cylinder, the lateralarea ofthecylinderis= thecircumferenceof the base * highalterna
24、tive schemestudents realize that the surface of a cylinder consists of two upper and lower surfaces and sides. students answer, makeclear: the surface area of the cylinder refers to the surface area of the cylinder, that is, the lateral area of the cylinder, plusthe area of the two bottom surface. t
25、he surface area of a cylinder = the area of the cylinder side and the area of the twelve basesthree, application of teachers: we have seen unfoldingcylindrical,cylindricalflankknow isa rectangularareathat is cylindrical, the side cylinder bottom perimeter and highproduct,and lateralareaplussurfacear
26、ea surfacearea istwo cylinderbottom,we willpractice.example 4:theteachershows: a hat, hat top 28cm, diameter 20cm, do a hat at least how much material. thanks to preserve the entire ten square cm.student group discussion: for the cylindrical surface area, but need to calculate the area of a lower su
27、rface, students answer, specify two students board, other students independentcalculation. the teacher looked at the last line patrol was properly calculated.teacher:what does thissubjectknow and what does itrequire. what do you thinkyou shoulddo. teacher:tocalculatehow manyfabrics we need to use fo
28、r this hat, we can use the method of solving the cylinder area. then, what steps should we take.presupposition teaching approach student activity forecastwhenitisdone, thecollectivecorrectionsare made. they named thestudentanswer when calculatingthefinalanswer ishow to choose.itispointedoutthatthema
29、terialused inthisproblem ismore thanthecalculatedresult.therefore,theapproximate values cannot be approximated by four to five persons. thisproblem should be preserved for a total of 100 square centimeters, and the omitted ten, even 4 or smaller than 4, should move forward one into 1. this method of
30、 approximating values is called the one in one.alternative schemesummary: in practical application, to calculate the surface area of cylindrical objects, the area of each part should be calculated according to the actual situation. such as thecalculationofchimney a sidewithironforthearea,withiron bu
31、cket is the area of the side with a bottom area, with irondrums islateralarea withtwo base area,formanycommonly used materials, a method of value, to ensure enough raw materials.four. consolidate your exercises and finish your lesson. lesson plan exampletopics and teaching content, teaching objectiv
32、es, process,method, emotion, attitude, teaching notes, knowledge and skillsvolume of a cylinder class hourthree1. through the method of cutting and merging, the volume formula of the cylinder is deduced by the volume formula of the cuboid, so that students can understand the derivation process of th
33、evolume formula of the cylinder. 2. master the calculation formula of cylinder volume and solve some simple practical problems with formula. students through hands-on operation,observation,analysis,group cooperationand exchange process, theuse ofoldknowledge ofmigration,tounderstandthevolume of the
34、cylindrical formula of the derivation process. trainstudents' abilityofstarting operation,solvingproblems and applying mathematical consciousness.teaching process, design, presupposition, teaching pathfirst, review and introduce the teacher to show the examplediagram:question:what isthesizeofthe
35、object.which volume of graphics can you calculate.student activity forecast alternative schemestudents answer: the size of the space occupied by the object1.how aboutthevolume ofa cuboid.teachers toguidestudents tothinkoftheunifiedformulaofrectangularand cubicvolume bottom area x "writing on th
36、e blackboard: rectangular volume= 2. * high bottom area to come up with a cylindrical object, named students pointed out the bottom surface, cylindrical,highside, thesurfaceis what. howmanysides doesa cylinder have. howmanybarsarethere.what abouttheunfoldingof the side of the column. how about the s
37、ide area. lateral area ofcylinder = bottom perimeter * highstudentsmay be abletoanswer thevolume ofcuboid= *width* height".the students point out the bottom, the top, the side and the surface of the cylinder. there are 2 bottom surfaces in the column. there are countless bars. the side of the c
38、ylinder is rectangular, and the lateral area of the cylinder = the circumference of the base is * highpresupposition teaching approach3. question: can you find the volume of a cylinder. two, thenew teaching1.,from thederivationofthearea ofthecircle, thinkingaboutthederivationofcylindricalvolume,teac
39、hers: please think about it, when we study the area of the circle,how do we calculate the area that we have learned since the calculation of the area.student activity forecastalternative schemeletthestudentsremember, thetableofeach othertalkabout. the studentsaidcircularareacalculationformuladerivat
40、ion: the circular uniform cutting, combined into an approximaterectangular, rectangular area to find out the relationshipbetween thearea ofthecircleand madethecalculationformula, then by using the derived calculation formulas for therectangulararea forthearea ofa circle.studentsdiscusseach otherand
41、thinkabouthow theyshouldbe transformed.students talk about the way they think.teacher: how do you calculate the volume of a cylinder. let's consider it carefully. can we change the cylinder into the figure we have learned to figure out its size. teacher: here we are going to study how to convert
42、 a cylinder into a graph we have learned to figure out its volume. derivation of 2.cylindricalvolume calculationformula.1ofthecylinderby the derivation method of area segmentation teacher round: infront of our circle into a rectangle for the area, now we cannotbe theend ofthecylindersurfacehad thesa
43、mesegmentation. show iconit is easy for students to think of turning a circle into a rectangle to find the area of a circle.teachers can put the bottom into several equal portions such as the sector is divided into 16 equal parts. then guide thestudentstoobserve:thehighcylinderalongthebottomofthe cy
44、linder and the column of the incision, you can get 16 equalsize. the teacher showed the students the bottom of the 16 pieces. question: now cut the base into 16 pieces. how do youmakeita rectangle.teacher:what shapes arethebottomofthe cylinder made of. "teacher: let's see the whole column a
45、gain.what shape is it made of." approximate cuboidafter the student answers, the teacher demonstrates the operation. first, just show the bottom part to the students. student: oblong.presupposition teaching approachpointout:because we don'thave enough detail,itdoesn'tlook like a cuboid;
46、 if it's divided into more fans, the more solidit is, the closer it is to the cuboid. 2 the volume formulaofthecylinderisdeduced fromthevolume calculationformula ofthecuboid.does thevolume change whenthecylinderismade up of the approximate cuboid. how about the volume of acylinder.student activi
47、ty forecast alternative schemethe student thought that the volume of the cylinder could becalculatedby findingthevolume ofthecuboidafteritwas cut because the volume had not changed. the student observed thatthe area of the approximate cuboid was related to the part of the original column the height
48、of an approximate cuboid hassomethingtodo withthepartoftheoriginalcolumn the result shows thatthebottom areaofa cuboidisequaltothebase areaof a cylinder, and the height of a cuboid is the height of a column. conclusion: the volume of a cylinder = bottom area teachers: if said the volume of a cylinde
49、r with v x s highrepresentsthebottomareaofcylinder,saidcylinderishigh, h can obtainthevolume formulaof cylinder;v = sh 3completed do:1a cylindricalwood studentsfinishbottommaterialthe area is 75cm2 long, 90cm. what's the size of it. 4 thedeformation formula of teachers: we know that the cylinder
50、 bottom area and high volume of a cylinder can be obtained, soifthestudentderivedvolume formula:weknow thatthe cylinder bottom ofthecylinderr and thecylinderradiusv = pir2hbody h, at this time, you can calculate the volume of a cylinder.3. application: show sample 6 can this cup be used to hold this
51、 bag of milk. the data of the cup is measured from insidethinking: what do you need to know first to answer this question.when calculating clearly, students should analyze the known conditionsand problems,and pay attentiontotheunifiedunits of measurement.presupposition teaching approachclearly: the
52、subject requires the volume of the cup, that is, the diameter of the bottom is 8cm, the volume of the cylinderis10cm, and thevolume iscompared with498 cubiccentimeter. the teachercan guidethestudentstoanalyzethediameterand height ofthe bottomofthecylinder,and how tocalculatethe volume ofthecylinder.
53、the calculationprocessisillustratedas follows:student activity forecast alternative schemeand then cometoa conclusion.pay attentiontounitconversion relationship three, consolidate exercises, completeexercises, and consolidate the contents of the course. four, class summarytopics and teaching content
54、, teaching knowledge, skills, objectives, teaching notes, emotions, attitudes, processes, methodscone cognition class hour oneso that students know the cone, grasp the characteristics of the cone, will look at the plan of the cone.teaching process, design, presupposition, teaching pathreview 1. ques
55、tions: what is the formula for calculating cylinder volume. what are the features of the 2. column. two.introduce the new teacher: we have learned the relevantknowledge aboutthecylinder.take a lookatthegraphsbelow. what are the features of these graphs.student activity forecast alternative scheme st
56、udent answerteacher: please take out your own prepared objects like the teacher. take a look at it and touch it. what do you think it is different from the cylinder.presupposition teaching approachthree. understanding of the 1. cone of new curriculum. the teacher pointed out that objects like this are called cones,or cones.int
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