



1、过去完成进行时过去完成进行时与过去完成时的用法很相近, 它通常表示某个过去正在 进行的动作或状态,持续到过去某个时刻,还未完成,一直持续到之后的 当前才结束He had been waiting for two weeks He was still waiting (有一个 表示一段时间的状语)Up to that time he had been translating those books ( He wa s still translating at “that time ”)He had been writing the letter till two o'clock He w

2、as now thirty years old He had been gambling since he was ten ( He was still gambling at thirty )He had been standing there in the sun (没有时间状语)He had been thinking about his marriage 不过这种时态并不一定表示这个过去动作将持续下去:He came back at seven He had been waiting for her two hour s( At seven he did not wait any mo

3、re )He stopped swimming He had been swimming for the last three hoursShe had been suffering from a bad cold when she took the exam. 她在考试之前一直患重感冒。Had they been expecting the news for some time?他们期待这个消息有一段时间了吧?Rafael was scolded even though he hadn't been doing anythingwrong.尽管拉斐尔没做什么错事,但他还是挨骂了。20

4、05 年 过去完成时 /过去完成进行时1. He练习:more than 5,000 English words when he entered theuniversityat the age of 15.A. haslearned B. would have learned C. learned D. had learned(2005/ 北京 /24)2. Theyon the program for almost one week before I joined them, and now weon it as no good results have come outso far.A.

5、had been working; are still workingB. had worked; were stillworkingC. havebeen working; have workedD. have worked; are still working(2005/ 江苏 /29)3. Fatherfor London on businessupon my arrival, so I didD. had lefn't see him.A. has left B. left C. was leaving(2005/ 福建 /28)4. When the old man to w

6、alk back to his house, the sun _ itself behind the mountain.A. started; had already hidden B. had started; had already hidd enC. had started; was hiding D. was starting; hid (2005/ 湖北 /22)5. The policeman's attention was suddenly caught by a small box which placed under the Minister's car.A. has been B. was being C. had beenD. would be(2005/ 广东 /32)6. Hurry up! Alice and Sue are waiting for you at the school gate. Oh! I thought they wi


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