已阅读5页,还剩74页未读 继续免费阅读




1、分工分工Part One: 定义,内容结构,词汇特点 刘昌厚刘昌厚 孟祥孟祥雯雯Part Two: 文本类型、功能 潘静静潘静静 严欢严欢Part Three:翻译原则及策略 张振波张振波 朱科威朱科威Part Four: 翻译方法 刘柔廷刘柔廷 汪丽娟汪丽娟Part Five: 注意事项及总结 陈礼吉陈礼吉 王爽王爽第1页/共79页I. definition,contents,syntactic features第2页/共79页Foodstuff Instruction 定义: 一种常见的说明文,是生产者向消费者全面、明确地介绍产品名称、用途、性质、性能、原理、构造、规格、使用方法、保养维护

2、、注意事项等内容而写的准确、简明的文字材料。第3页/共79页食品说明书食品基本信息食品内容成分食用储存方法相关资质证明生产厂商信息第4页/共79页Contents of Foodstuff Instructions: 食品名称(Food) Name 成分/配料Ingredients 功能Functions 营养成分Nutrition Information 储存指南:Storage Instructions 适宜人群Targeting Group 用法 Usage 规格 Specifications第5页/共79页 保质期Durability/Preservation/Shelf life 生

3、产日期 Production Date:(On the seal) 净含量 Net Content /Net Weight 产品标准号 Standard Code/ Executive Standard No. 生产商 Producer 生产许可号 Produce Licence No. 产地 Place of Origin 邮编 ZIP/Postcode 电话 TEL 电子邮件 E-mail 第6页/共79页第7页/共79页第8页/共79页第9页/共79页特点及作用特点及作用 特点(一)目的性(二)科学性 (三)条理性 (四)通俗性 (五)实用性第10页/共79页作用: (一)宣传产品,指导

4、消费 (二)扩大消息,促进消费 (三)传播知识,创造品牌第11页/共79页Lexical Features 词汇特点词汇特点一、固定性: 相关技术术语在同一行业中是固定的,约定俗成。第12页/共79页 二、专业性: 相关技术术语是某一专业领域中特有的词汇术语所具有的专业特性。第13页/共79页Syntactic Features大量使用祈使句:特别是在其指示说明部分频繁使用祈使句,且大多省略主语。Liangban rice noodles: noodles into boiling water will soak in 3-4 minutes after the loose with cold

5、 water too cold, joined at the Liangban seasonings to food, unique flavor. 凉拌米粉:将米粉放入开水中浸泡3-4分钟,松散后用冷开水过冷,加入随意的凉拌佐料拌匀即可食用,风味独特。 第14页/共79页第15页/共79页在语态上,中文食品说明书一般使用主动语态,而英文食品说明书中多用被动语态。第16页/共79页类似.(原料)is/are selected from.的句型则经常出现在英文的说明书中。第17页/共79页句子结构、时态简单: 食品说明书讲究言简意赅、通俗易懂,避免繁杂冗长。第18页/共79页II.Text Fu

6、nctions and types of Foodstuff Instruction 第19页/共79页Text Functions and texts of Foodstuff Instruction Peter Newmark divdides the functions of language into 3 major types: informative,vocative, expressive. Accordingly, texts can be divided into 3 types: the informative text , the vocative and express

7、ive text.第20页/共79页 The informative text includes reported ideas or theories. 精选优质的鸡蛋、牛奶和小麦,令蛋黄派中富蛋白质; 松软香甜的蛋糕裹住新鲜的蛋黄夹心口感柔软细腻. High-quality eggs, milk and wheat were selected to make the pie in rich protein; Soft sweet cake wrapped in fresh egg yolk giveyou soft and delicate taste.第21页/共79页 The vocat

8、ive text includes instructions, publicity, propaganda, persuasive writing (requests, cases, theses), possibly popular fiction, whose purpose is to sell the book/ entertain the reader. 第22页/共79页 绿箭口香糖,含百分之百天然薄荷,使你口气清新自然! Green Arrow gum, containing one hundredpercent natural mint, makes you breath fr

9、eshand clean!第23页/共79页 As Newmark explains, few texts are purely expressive, informative or vocative, and most include all three functions, with an emphasis on one of the three. Before identification of the t e x t t y p e , a l l f u n c t i o n s o f foodstuff instruction are analyzed and describe

10、d. Based on analysis of the communicative purposes and discourse strategies, it could be seen that foodstuff instruction has the following t h r e e f u n c t i o n s : 第24页/共79页(1) informative function: providing information of the foodstuff; (2) vocative function: stimulating readers to purchase t

11、he product as expected;(3) aesthetic function: creating a sense of beauty to please readers. 第25页/共79页Informative Function provide consumers with basic information of the exact nature and characteristics of the foodstuffname and brand of the productweight or volumea list of ingredients, nutritional

12、informationname and physical address of the manufacture/ distributor第26页/共79页Informative Function 信息功能信息功能 重庆芝麻杆本品选用糯米、大米、芝麻、 植物油精制而成。香甜不腻,酥脆爽口,曾多次荣获大奖,并已列为重庆 特产之一。Chongqing Sesame CandiesWe chose sticky rice, rice,sesam, vegetable oil as its main materials. The sesame candies are sweet but not grea

13、sy, crispy, tasty and refreshing. It has won many prizes and has been listed one of specialities of Chongqing City. 第27页/共79页Vocative Function The foodstuff instructional text functions as marketing tool to persuade a large group of people known as the target audience to buy the foodstuff step by st

14、ep. First , to attract the potential purchasers attention, then through introducing the foodstuff, the text increasingly arouse readers interest and stimulate their purchase desire by highlighting foodstuff history or origin, service rationale of the foodstuff or the manufacturer, as well as the dis

15、tinguishing features and value of the foodstuff.第28页/共79页Vocative Function The foodstuff instructional text functions as marketing tool to persuade a large group of people known as the target audience to buy the foodstuff step by step. First , to attract the potential purchasers attention, then thro

16、ugh introducing the foodstuff, the text increasingly arouse readers interest and stimulate their purchase desire by highlighting foodstuff history or origin, service rationale of the foodstuff or the manufacturer, as well as the distinguishing features and value of the foodstuff. 它保持了酱香浓郁,典雅细致,协调丰满,

17、回味悠长等贵州茅台的特点。 It possesses unique style and flavor and is an extremely enjoyable drink. 第29页/共79页to purchase thefoodstuff proper language and structureprinciple of vitality, health, happiness and goodnessAesthetic Function第30页/共79页please the senses of the consumeractual or imagined soundactual or im

18、agined sound often employ rhetorical devicesonomatopoeiaassonancerhymealliterationintonations第31页/共79页德芙精心挑选多种夹心,包裹在丝滑香浓的巧克力中,款款精制独特,带给您浓浓回味! Dove chooses various kinds of filings covered in silky and fragrant chocolates, which brings you unique flavor and long aftertaste.第32页/共79页食品说明书的翻译原则及策略 第33页

19、/共79页食品说明书的翻译原则 第34页/共79页食品说明书翻译存在问题的原因1.译者不理解原语文本的固定表达和功能译者不理解原语文本的固定表达和功能2.目标语文本没有传达出原语文本的各项功能目标语文本没有传达出原语文本的各项功能3.译者对中英食品说明书的一般性特点理解不够译者对中英食品说明书的一般性特点理解不够4.鉴于上述原因,比较合理的翻译原则如下:鉴于上述原因,比较合理的翻译原则如下:第35页/共79页1.“忠实、准确”原则TextTextText要做到译文忠实、准确,首先要在遣词造句方面加以注意。 食品说明书的语言一般大都简洁浅显、明白晓畅,译者在处理其中的语词时并无多大困难。不过,这

20、并不意味着说明书的翻译就高枕无忧。倘若不小心,译者还是很容易掉入某些“陷阱”的。 例如,我国的酒类根据酒精的百分比含量不同,将白酒分为38、52、60等等。有译者将38、52、60酒译为the 3852,60。外国人未必清楚中国白酒的度数实为酒精的百分比含量。所以,最好改译成the liquors containing 38,52or 60alcohol。第36页/共79页保持译文的准确性还离不开对原文文体风格的忠实再现。请在此添加段落内容请在此添加段落内容 对于那些用语简约规范、文风朴实的食品说明书,译者通常要坚持以“简”译“简”的翻译原则;在处理文字优美的食品说明书时,译者则应尽力避免以“

21、简”译“美”,而遵守以“美”译“美”的翻译原则。第37页/共79页Eg:贵州糍粑,精选上等糯米,香甜不腻,酥软爽口,口感细腻,是贵州有名的风味小吃。 Gui zhou Ciba Cake, chooses refined glutinous rice as its material, sweet but not greasy, soft, refreshing and tender. Its a renowned snack of Gui zhou city. 第38页/共79页2.“可读性可读性”原则原则 说明书翻译的主要目的是实现纽马克所说的祈使功能。要做到这点,译者就必须考虑如何使译文既

22、能有效地传递信息内容,又能在语言表达上符合译语的表达习惯和读者的审美情趣。Eg: 广济牌云片糕采用上等糯米、果料、桂花精制而成,质地绵软、片薄如蝉,色白味香,富含蛋白质、碳水化合物、磷、钙、镁、锰、维生素多种营养成分,是休闲、旅游之佳品。 “Guang ji Sliced” Rice Cake is made from fine glutinous rice, berries and osmanthus, soft, tender, flimsy, white and fragrant. It is rich in proteins, carbohydrates, phosphor, calc

23、ium,magnesium, manganese and vitamins. Its an ideal dessert for people at home or on travels. 食品说明书翻译的主要目的是实现纽马克所说的祈使功能。要做到这点,译者就必须考虑如何使译文既能有效地传递信息内容,又能在语言表达上符合译语的表达习惯和读者的审美情趣。第39页/共79页Eg: 广济牌云片糕采用上等糯米、果料、桂花精制而成,质地绵软、片薄如蝉,色白味香,富含蛋白质、碳水化合物、磷、钙、镁、锰、维生素多种营养成分,是休闲、旅游之佳品。 “Guang ji Sliced” Rice Cake is m

24、ade from fine glutinous rice, berries and osmanthus, soft, tender, flimsy, white and fragrant. It is rich in proteins, carbohydrates, phosphor, calcium,magnesium, manganese and vitamins. Its an ideal dessert for people at home or on travels.第40页/共79页Conclusion 译者在翻译食品说明书时主要不是原封不动地移植原文信息,而是实现纽马克(2002

25、)所说的祈使功能(vocative function),促进食品的销售。 鉴于说明书的语言特点和翻译目标,我们以为好的说明书译文不仅要准确、客观,还必须保证能为译语读者所接受并激发他们的购买行为。这就意味着译者在翻译说明书时至少要坚持“忠实、准确”与“可读性”这两项基本原则。第41页/共79页食品说明书的翻译策略 第42页/共79页Communicative translation attempts to produce on its readers an effect as close as possible to that obtained on the readers of the or

26、iginal.交际翻译定义: 指译作对译文读者产生的效果尽量等同于原作对原文读者产生的效果。 第43页/共79页特点 Reader-oriented and target-language-oriented It focuses essentially upon the comprehension and response of receptors Convey the basic massage to the reader 忠于目标语和目标文本 注重读者的反应 重在客观信息的传播第44页/共79页适合交际翻译的文本绝大多数信息性、祈使性、人际性,部分审美性及元语言性文本和文本片段,适合用交际

27、翻译,如非文学作品、新闻报道、科技文章、公函、教科书、报告、政治宣传品,约定俗成的交际用语的翻译。第45页/共79页About Foodstuff instructionAbout Foodstuff instructionFoodstuff instruction is an informative, vocative text Conveying the correct information to the consumerReaders response is the main criterion of assessing the value of translation 第46页/共7

28、9页使用“交际翻译”, ,译者有较大的自由度对原文采用“阐释”(explanation), ,而不是“复制”(reproduction), ,他们可不必拘泥于原文的语言形式, ,可重组译文的语言结构、排除歧义, ,甚至修正原作者的错误, ,从而使译文地道流畅, ,加强其可读性。交际翻译的实质是意译、归化、适度再创造。第47页/共79页金龙鱼A. Golden Dragon FishB. Arawana第48页/共79页原文:袋内充氮,常温避光保存。 译文:filled with nitrogen, stored in normal temperature, avoid light. 第49页/

29、共79页IV.Translation Approaches第50页/共79页翻译方法(Translation Approaches)增译(Addition)减译(Omission)改译(Adaptation)借译(Borrowing)第51页/共79页增译法是指根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,翻译时依照原文的语境、逻辑关系及目的语的行文习惯,在表达上增添一些词、句子,以便更准确地传达出原文所包含的意义。第52页/共79页涡阳苔干中国特产 Guoyang Taigan(A Kind of Lettuce Produced in Guoyang)A Local Chinese

30、Specialty.第53页/共79页 以糯米、麦芽糖、芝麻和白糖为主要原料精致而成的神龙麻糖,是董永故里孝感市的传统产品,相传有近千年的历史。(神龙麻糖) “Shenlong” sesame chips,the traditional food of Xiaogan cityDongyongs hometown, is refinedly made of glutinous rice, maltose, sesame, refined sugar, and etc. It is said that it has a history of one thousand years. Dongyon

31、g was a well-known young man in Han Dynasty. The poverty-stricken young man would rather sell himself to a landlord to pay for the costs of burying his dead father. His piety moved the seventh daughter of the God of Heaven. As a result, the fairy came to the earch to be a common woman and married hi

32、m.第54页/共79页减译法是一种从全文出发根据逻辑、句法、修辞的需要在译文中删减一些不必要的语言单位的翻译方法。减译在不破坏原文精神的前提下,过滤掉某些不必要的词语句子及其成分,使译文更加简洁明了。第55页/共79页 优质西湖龙井清明太早,立夏太迟,谷雨前后,其时适中,茶香怡人,滋味醇厚,口感浓郁。 Quality Xihu Longjing TeaPicked at the right time around April,Xihu Longjing Tea produces a gentle,pure aroma, and a rich flavor. 清明(Tomb-sweeping D

33、ay) 太阳位于黄经15度,4月4-6日交节 谷雨(Grain Rain) 太阳位于黄经30度,4月19-21日交节 立夏(Beginning of Summer) 太阳位于黄经45度,5月5-7日交节第56页/共79页改译指在符合原文交际目的和文本功能下,适当地调整原文的内容和形式,以顺应目的语读者的语言和文化习惯。奈达说过:“为保存原文内容,形式要进行转换,转换的程度取决于两种语言间的语言及文化差距。”第57页/共79页l原文(米排粉食品说明书)原文(米排粉食品说明书) 本产品选用绿色优质大米为原料,采用国内最本产品选用绿色优质大米为原料,采用国内最先进的现代化米排粉生产线,综合广东省内、

34、外传统工先进的现代化米排粉生产线,综合广东省内、外传统工艺精制而成,绝不含任何添加剂等化学物质,质量上乘,艺精制而成,绝不含任何添加剂等化学物质,质量上乘,爽滑可口,烹饪方便,荤素随意,四季皆宜,蒸煮炒火爽滑可口,烹饪方便,荤素随意,四季皆宜,蒸煮炒火锅凉拌少许加辣更有一番风味。主要原料:优质大米、锅凉拌少许加辣更有一番风味。主要原料:优质大米、蔬菜、水。蔬菜、水。l 米排粉食品说明书 原料:绿色优质大米、蔬菜、水; 工艺:通过采用国内最先进的现代化米排粉生产线与 传统工艺精制而成; 特点:质量上乘;爽滑可口;烹饪方便;荤素随意;四季皆宜;不含任何添加剂等化学物质。第58页/共79页 Rice

35、-Noodle Ingredients: green quality rice, vegetable, water; Technology: combination of modern rice-noodle production line with traditional hand-made skills; Feature: premium quality, smooth and delicious, convenient to cook; suitable for all season; no additives.第59页/共79页借译是指在翻译的过程中,按照来源语言的形态结构和构词原理,

36、使用相等的规范表达或近似意义直译,是一种字对字的翻译。食用方法:直接食用/ / 开袋即食 Eating method: ready to serve (after Eating method: ready to serve (after opened).opened).保质期 Date of minimum durabilityDate of minimum durability第60页/共79页 V.(1.E-C)Attention of translation foodstuff instructions (E-C),(C-E)第61页/共79页一、明确传达产品信息译文应如实地传达食品说明

37、书上所包含的全部信息,即准确介绍商品的成分,特点,用途,及使用方法,实事求是地反映产品的实际情况,否则会造成消费者的误解,或安全事故,也达不到译文的预期功能 。第62页/共79页第63页/共79页第64页/共79页百乐可奶油威化饼干第65页/共79页二、注重语态偏好二、注重语态偏好语态上,英文产品说明书和中文产品说明书不同,英文产品说明书中则多用被动语态,而中文产品说明书一般要求使用主动语态。这是因为英文产品说明书强调的是事物的发生和存在,而通常并不注重是谁使其发生或存在。 第66页/共79页第67页/共79页动词不定式动词不定式在产品说明书中的应用相当普遍,常用以替代各种从句。当动词不定式的部分是关于产品的用途,都应当译作类似“用于”的汉语表达。Eg. To prevent the formation of fat, especia


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