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1、Documentation and Due Diligence 文件提供和 尽 职 调 查M&A in China 并购在中国Prelude 序 言Documentation and Due Diligence 文文 件件 提提 供供 和和 尽尽 职职 调调 查查A Case For Proper Documentation案 例:适 当 提 供 文 件1DocumentationRespect for the Rule of Law in China 遵遵 守守 中中 国国 法法 律律A Gentlemans Agreement? 君君 子子 协协 定?定?Documentation

2、 mandatory under law? 提提 供供 适适 当当 文文 件:件: 法法 定定 义义 务?务?CRITICAL DOCUMENTS2DocumentationDocumentation is driven by deal structure:Type of TransactionAsset acquisitiontype of structuretype of target investment vehicleKey Acquisition DocumentationSale and purchase agreement (sometimes known as “asset a

3、cquisition agreement)Equity interest acquisitionSale and purchase agreement Subscription agreementEquity interest acquisition(by way of new subscription of equity interest)CRITICAL DOCUMENTS3DocumentationType of TargetInvestment VehicleWholly-owned foreign enterpriseKey Constituent DocumentationArti

4、cles of associationEquity joint venture enterpriseJoint venture contractArticles of association Co-operation joint venture enterpriseJoint venture contractArticles of association Joint stock companyArticles of association 关 键 文 件目标投资机构的类型: 外国全资企业 合资企业 合作企业 股份有限公司 关键章程文件:公 司 章 程合 资 合 同公 司 章 程公 司 章 程

5、关 键 文 件Acquisition Documentation-Essential Terms and Conditions-收购协议中的必要条款4DocumentationSale and Purchase / Acquisition Agreement(“S&P Agreement”) 购购 买买 /收收 购购 协协 议议Requirements under law法法 律律 要要 求求Acquisition Documentation-Essential Terms and Conditions-收购协议中的必要条款5DocumentationSale and Purchase

6、 / Acquisition Agreement(“S&P Agreement”) 购购 买买/ 收收 购购 协协 议议What needs to be included in an S&P Agreement?收收 购购 协协 议议 的的 内内 容:容: v Contracting partiesv 合合 同同 缔缔 约约 方方v List of assetsv 资资 产产 清清 单单v Equity interestv 股股 份份 v Acquisition completion proceduresv 完完 成收成收 购购 程程 序序Acquisition Documen

7、tation-Essential Terms and Conditions收购协议中的必要条款6DocumentationSale and Purchase / Acquisition Agreement(“S&P Agreement”) 购购 买买 /收收 购购 协协 议议v Rights and obligationsv 权权 利利 和和 责责 任任v Breach liquidated damages?v 约约 定定 违违 约约 赔赔 偿偿 金金v Dispute resolutionv 争争 议议 解解 决决v Date and place of executionv 执执 行

8、行 的的 时时 间间 和和 地地 点点Governing law? 法法 律律 适适 用?用?Acquisition Documentation-Essential Terms and Conditions-收购协议中的必要条款7DocumentationSale and Purchase / Acquisition Agreement(“S&P Agreement”) 购购 买买 /收收 购购 协协 议议v Representations and Warrantiesv 陈陈 述述 和和 保保 证证 条条 款款Key Provisions in an S&P Agreemen

9、t 收收 购购 协协 议议 中中 的的 关关 键键 条条 款款Acquisition Documentation-Essential Terms and Conditions-收购协议中的必要条款8DocumentationSale and Purchase / Acquisition Agreement(“S&P Agreement”) 购买协议购买协议/收购协议收购协议v Undertakingsv 承诺承诺Key Provisions in an S&P Agreement购买协议中的重要条款购买协议中的重要条款Acquisition Documentation-Esse

10、ntial Terms and Conditions-收购协议中的必要条款9DocumentationSale and Purchase / Acquisition Agreement(“S&P Agreement”)购买协议购买协议/收购协议收购协议 v Asset listing in the case of asset acquisitionv 资产清单资产清单在资产收购的情形下在资产收购的情形下Key Provisions in an S&P Agreement购买协议中的重要条款购买协议中的重要条款Acquisition Documentation-Essential

11、 Terms and Conditions-收购协议中的必要条款10DocumentationSale and Purchase / Acquisition Agreement(“S&P Agreement”)购买协议购买协议/收购协议收购协议v Group structure in the case of equity interest acquisitionv 集团结构集团结构在股份收购的情况下在股份收购的情况下Key Provisions in an S&P Agreement购买协议中的重要条款购买协议中的重要条款v Consideration, Payment/Cap

12、ital Injectionv 对价,支付对价,支付/注资条款注资条款 Acquisition Documentation-Essential Terms and Conditions-收购协议中的必要条款11DocumentationSale and Purchase / Acquisition Agreement(“S&P Agreement”)购买购买/收购协议收购协议Key Provisions in an S&P Agreement购买协议中的重要条款购买协议中的重要条款v Indemnity / Compensation provisionsv 补偿补偿/赔偿条款赔

13、偿条款Acquisition Documentation-Essential Terms and Conditions-收购协议中的必要条款12DocumentationSale and Purchase / Acquisition Agreement(“S&P Agreement”)购买购买/收购协议收购协议Key Provisions in an S&P Agreement收购协议的重要条款收购协议的重要条款v Governing Law and Dispute Resolutionv 争端解决和法律适用争端解决和法律适用Acquisition Documentation-

14、Essential Terms and Conditions-收购协议中的必要条款13DocumentationSubscription Agreement(“Subscription Agreement”)增资协议增资协议Key differences between a Subscription Agreement and an S&P Agreement增资协议和购买协议的重要区别增资协议和购买协议的重要区别Establishment Documentation-Essential Terms and Conditions-公司发起的文件准备- 必要条款14Documentati

15、onSino-Foreign Equity Joint Venture Contract中外合资经营企业合同中外合资经营企业合同Requirements under law法律要求法律要求Establishment Documentation-Essential Terms and Conditions-公司发起的文件准备- 必要条款15DocumentationSino-Foreign Equity Joint Venture Contract中外合资经营企业合同中外合资经营企业合同Establishment Documentation-Chinese and English version

16、s-公司发起的文件准备-中英文文本16DocumentationEnglish and Chinese versions - which should prevail?英文和中文文本英文和中文文本-哪份有优先效力哪份有优先效力?Establishment Documentation- Total Investment Amount and Registered Capital17DocumentationMandatory RatiosTotal Investment Amount US$3 millionRatio of Registered Capital toTotal Investme

17、nt Amount70% US$3 million but US$10 million50% (subject to a min. of US$2.1 million where total investment amount is less than US$4.2 million) US$10 million but US$30 million40% (subject to a min. of US$5 million where total investment amount is less than US$12.5 million) US$30 million331/3% (subjec

18、t to a min. of US$12 million where total investment amount is less than US$36 million) 17Documentation法定比例法定比例投资总额投资总额 小于等于三百万美元小于等于三百万美元 注册资本占投资总额的比例注册资本占投资总额的比例70%三百万美元到一千万美三百万美元到一千万美元之间元之间 50%(例如:当投资总额少于例如:当投资总额少于4。2百万美元时,注册资本不得少于百万美元时,注册资本不得少于2。1百万美元)百万美元) 一千万美元到三千万美一千万美元到三千万美元之间元之间 40%(例如:当投资总额

19、少于例如:当投资总额少于12。5百万美元时,注册资本不得少百万美元时,注册资本不得少于于5百万美元)百万美元) 三千万美元以上三千万美元以上 331/3%(例如:当投资总额少于例如:当投资总额少于36百万美元时,注册资本不得少百万美元时,注册资本不得少于于12百万美元)百万美元)公司发起的文件准备- 投资总额和注册资本Establishment Documentation-Capital Injection-公司发起的文件准备-资本注入18DocumentationEstablishment Documentation-Essential Provisions-公司成立的文件准备- 必要条款1

20、9DocumentationArticles of Association公司章程公司章程Provisions closely track those in the Joint Venture Contract合资经营企业中与公司章程紧密相关的条款合资经营企业中与公司章程紧密相关的条款Board composition and decision-making procedures董事会的组织和决策程序董事会的组织和决策程序Establishment Documentation-Sino-Foreign Co-operation Joint Venture-公司发起的文件准备-中外合作企业20D

21、ocumentationSpecial Features特别之处特别之处Other Documents 其 他 文 件21DocumentationIn the context of an acquisition 在在 收收 购购 中中 的的 文文 件件 内内 容容v Resolutionsv 决决 议议v Audited financial reportv 财财 务务 审审 计计 报报 告告v Technical services agreement or technology transfer agreement (if relevant)v 技技 术术 服服 务务 协协 议议 或或 者者

22、 相相 关关 的的 技技 术术 转转 让让 协协 议议v Employeesv 雇雇 员员Due Diligence 尽 职 调 查22Due DiligenceDue Diligence an essential part of pre-negotiation preparation 尽尽 职职 调调 查查 谈谈 判判 前前 准准 备备 的的 必必 要要 部部 分分v Why is due diligence essential?v 为为 什什 么么 必必 需需 尽尽 职职 调调 查?查?Due Diligence 尽 职 调 查23Scope of Due Diligence 尽尽 职职

23、调调 查查 的的 范范 围围v Due diligence can be broadly categorised into legal due diligence and financial due diligencev 尽尽 职职 调调 查查 可可 以以 广广 泛泛 地地 分分 为为 法法 律律 尽尽 职职 调调 查查 和和 财财 务务 尽尽 职职 调调 查查v The main focus of the legal due diligencev 法法 律律 尽尽 职职 调调 查查 的的 主主 要要 关关 注注 点点Due DiligenceDue Diligence 尽 职 调 查24Du

24、e Diligence Checklist 尽尽 职职 调调 查查 清清 单单Due DiligenceDue Diligence审慎调查25Corporate Investigations公司调查公司调查v Are these necessary and when do you obtain them?v 是否需要和何时获得?是否需要和何时获得?v To what extent can the reports be relied upon?v 报告在多大程度上可信?报告在多大程度上可信?v Instructing the corporate investigatorsv 公司调查的说明公司调

25、查的说明Securing Your Right to Documents and Information保证获取文件和信息的权利保证获取文件和信息的权利v Typical issues and difficulties facedv 典型问题和难点典型问题和难点Due DiligenceDue Diligence审慎调查26Securing Your Right to Documents and Information保证获得文件和信息的权利保证获得文件和信息的权利v Hiding behind the clout of confidentialityv 隐藏在机密背后的信息隐藏在机密背后的信息v When all attempts failv 当所有的尝试都失败时。当所有的尝试都失败时。v Beware of “back-door” qualifying of the representations and warranties through the use of Disclosure Letterv 注意到披露函中陈述与保证条款中所含的注意到披露函中陈述与保证条款中所含的“后门后门”What do you real


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