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1、郑州航空工业管理学院research on application of bpr in chinese companies学号120507212姓名李纪康二0 四年十一月七号research on application of bpr in chinese companiesabstractwith the high-speed development of economy and technology, the market competition. our country enterprise how to face from customers to improve the level

2、of consumption, the same competition between businesses, as well as the political, economic, cultural and social environmenl change, enterprises must re-examine their own industrial structure and business processes. and based on the idea of bpr for business process engineering, strengthen to build t

3、heir own core competitivenessthe first part of this paper expounds the function and meaning on the implementation of business process in the enterprise the second part starting from the concept of bpr, and lead (he implementation of process engineering principles, methods, theories and the basic ste

4、ps of implementing bprthe third pail with real example in this paper, the significance of enterprises to carry out business process engineering through to the enterprises are faced with the problem, take a systematic approach to the existing organization and human resources processes, marketing mana

5、gement, financial management processes, the structure of the manufacturing process of the further, as the process engineering theory provides a new method in the use of a wider area and implementation1 the signiflcance and role of process engineering in the enterprise toimplementli significanceenter

6、prise business processes arc usually described as a value chain, competition not only in enterprises and between enterprises, but between the respective value chain. only with the ability to manage the enterprise value chain of each link of the enterprise to occupy the core advantage in the fiercely

7、 conipetitive environment reconstruction and business process that matches the operational mechanism and organizational structure, realize the effective management and control of the enterprise, can make the enterprise really focus on the structure of the process, to eliminate traditional management

8、 only pay attention to some point and ignore the disadvantages of the process structure1.2 function3.1.3 to realize the change of function to the business process management, business process engineering emphasizes geared to the needs of the business process management. the business review and decis

9、ion making in business process execution, shorten the length of the flow of information and time, the customers and the market reaction speed is improved. 33.1.4 pay attention to the overall optimal system thought. business process engineering based on the overall process of global optimal target de

10、sign and opiimizaiion of process activities, reduce invalid or nomvalue added activities as much as possible3.1.5 to establish flat organizations business process engineering require companies to design business process first, and then according to the process to establish the company's organiza

11、tional structure, minimize the useless of the intermediate links (use: mergers, simplify j. 1( can not only reduce costs, more important is to improve the operation efficiency of the organization and the market reaction speedgive full play to the individual in the role of the entire process, decisio

12、nmaking focal point is located in the business process execution of business process engineering, the emphasis on the quality of personncl, business processes and to emphasize group cooperation ability, success will be treated as personal success and process as awhole.2 the method of process enginee

13、ring theory3.2.1 the concept of process engineeringprocess engineering bpr (business process engineering) called the business process engineering. michael hammer and james sees in the book engineering companies - regeneraiion" definition of business process engineering is hon the whole process

14、of enterprise business process engineering is the fundamental rethinking and radical rcdcsign. thus, such as the cost and speed can be obtained to measure the achievement of a dramatic performance the” fundamental ,m thoroughness11 hdramatich and "process” is the definition of four characterist

15、ics of attentio n.3.2.2 the implementation of business process engineering principle(1) engineering principle(1 )ccntcr to the principle of process oriented, it is the purpose of process engineering for functional transformation process.3.2.2. adhere to the people-centered mo del of team to process

16、as the center of enterprise, the process of review and decision making some choices, so enterprises must be people-orienied, employees can belter to make decisions and audit.3.2.3. the principle of customer orientation is the existence of an enterprise, the company has a strong customer under the pr

17、emise to grow and strong, so the enterprise should be a potential customer as to a certain height. 2.2.2engineeringprocess engineering is the core principle of the direct change the direction of the fundamental principle, and the operational principle is the guarantee to conduct the principle of cha

18、nge the operational principle is the guidance wc avoid dccision-making mistakes in the process of engincoring. main operational principles arc: to those who use the results of production to participate in these processes involved in decision making, to merge similar process together.3.2.3 the proces

19、s engineering theorysystematic transformation method and the new design method is a basic and important of business process engineering of the method. the choice of two methods is the entcrprisc itself. may need to consider the following several problems, economic environment and fierce competition

20、between businesses3.2.4 process engineering implementation steps3 application research3l,the company the status quot of cabinet put oneself in another production system(1) the production management problems that exist in the analysis 33design, process improvementthe implementation of (he process eng

21、ineering of il after a field investigation io make specific steps generally divided into the following several steps, process engineering strategy decisions - a process engineering team that decide the aim of process enginccring, busincss process diagnosis, process engineering and implementation pla

22、n.(1) plate processing situationa company cabinet put oneself in another position sheet production system of processing mainly adopts flexible manufacturing system (fms). fms production system with a high degree of aulomaiion, the whole process is smooth, the consistency of the product, size, shape

23、and position has a high precision but in the specific process of this system, the operation personnel, working environment, the proccssing of alarm system and daily maintcnancc of system has the high requirements, specific production process is: sheet of stereoscopic warehouse storage to use automat

24、ic feeding device is plank divide plank of initial alignment using magnetic chuck plate production line feed plate punching and cutting, bending plate processing complete plate parts inventory management(2) plate surface treatment statuswhen plate processing good will send sheet parts surface treatm

25、ent workshop, surface treatment on plate parts. the purpose is lo remove plate surface impurities such as sticky oil engine-grease, rusty spot, lo prepare for next spray paint on the surface of the plate the surface of the plate processing mainly antirust treatment and galvanized:(1) the antirust pr

26、ocessingon plate surface antirust processing, go through the following steps to complete: degreasing, water washing, cleaning, washing water, watch, phosphating, running water lo wash, hot waler washing, drying in more than a few process has special processing tank. but treatment facilities for 20 3

27、() years old, in the company periodically updating equipment, failed to timely to update proccssing groove(2) galvanized processinggalvanized switch is mainly used for processing, because the cabinet put oneself in another's position of the working environment is a bad situation, often to galvan

28、ized processing surface, can prevent the surface rust. the main process in addition to the oil tank, water tank, stainless steel processing, sink, sink, passivation tank, tank, heat sink.its operating environment and process condition and surface processing workshop antirust proccssing workshop, equ

29、ipment is obsolete, the operating environment is mixed and disorderly, the operator is lazy and undisciplined 3.2.5 plate surface spray coating the status quowhen plank in fms production line through punching, bending, trimming processing. then after surface treatment workshop of antimst and galvani

30、zed processing, plank that access to the painting workshop for cabinet put oneself in another surface spray treatment. specific spraying process is: hangs taiwan - spray - drying - out - receiving. the spraying equipment is imported system, after installation and debugging good, has been running for

31、 three years in a row, in this three years of operation, lhe system appeared a few limes larger fault, with the help of the technicians and operators one by one, ruled out fault, but which produce a series of small problem has not been solved thoroughly.3.2.6 cabinet put oneself in another assemblyt

32、he conipany has advanced assembly workshop, a computer and manual control monitoring alarm system, all parts after processing lo make a unified assembly to the assembly shop various assembly parts more clutter in the large piled in the workshop, the assembly staff to get the assembly tasks according

33、 to oneself, according to the type of cabinet put oncsclf in another position of parts of collar and classification. cabinet put oncsclf in anothefs specific assembly process is: holds pillar - after loading plate - the side panels - installed clapboard, wiring, the front panel.3.3.1 the problems ex

34、isting in the plate production3.3.3. board in the warehouse storage cost problem lack of material requirements planning3.3.4. when (he plate processing after the completion of the inventory in this workshop and sheet transfer problems exist in the stagnation of the products, affect the efficiency of

35、 the whole production process3.3.5. the service training for opcrating personnel is not enough due to improper operation, after the system appear alarm will not be able to handle problems in time, making the whole system in processing the interrupt and make the fms utilization rate is not high3.3.5

36、problems existing in the plate surface treatment(1) operation conditions, equipment is too old(2) management is too loose, machining efficiency is low, the operation personnel quality to be improved(3) in the painting workshop in the transfer of goods in the course of the processing of blocking or p

37、rocess bottlenecks3.3.6 the board the problems existing in the spraying process(1) there was a problem with the professional operators, pre-service training do not reach the designated position, the equipment to operating personnel did not make the device performance, led to the set of equipment of

38、performance does not fully utilized, also makes the problems in the process of operation, canrt handle in time(2) the existence of paint waste phenomenon, caused by equipment maintenance is not complete.3.3.7 the problems existing in the cabinet put oneself in another position in the assembly proces

39、s2. of the line in the assembly process is restricted to assembly efficiency.3. assembly operator proficiency on the assembly efficiency.3.1.1. cabinet put on eself in ano lher position the problems existing in the production process each link cohesion the whole cabinet put oneself in another* posit

40、ion in the process of production of different production department, the prominent problems between the supply and receiving is not timely delay and communication bctwccn serious problem, make the production process a series of related problems.can get from the above analysis, the company in the cab

41、inet put oneself in another position of the whole process, there are some obvious problems, in order to improve the production efficiency of enterprises, are necessary to process them into shape(1) integration of cabinet put oneself in another production, reducing parts midway parking in the process

42、.(2) rainfall distribution on 10-12, production, processing and using parallel (jit) ways, made more than zero, parts, and morea number of processes for production at the same lime3.2. improve production workshop environment, the necessary technical equipment renovation, strengthening the staff pros

43、crvicc training, according to the post scttings, in order to strengthen the management of post responsibility system, strict with on-the-job personnel to abide by the rules and regulations, increase the operating personnel operating skills and the ability to adapt and post responsibility.we add a co

44、mponent assembly department before assembly shop, make the parts to the assembly shop of components, to improve the efficiency of the final performance of assembly workshop.(1) set up dedicated regulators, the efficiency of regular and irregular the switch cabinet production process, cab

45、inet put oneself in another position of production is one of the more important. at present the company in the whole cabinet put oneself in another position in the process of production, its production process is in the traditional way of single process to the processing in the process of the change

46、 of the pattern of the modern science, is based on the manufacturing process engineering (bpr) theory was improved in view of the above factors, as well as from the cabinet put oneself in anothcr position with the company actual production process analysis, the existing process in producing a compan

47、y's cabinet put oneself in another position is indeed the need for effective improvernen. after the author's on-the-spot investigation and analysis of theory and method of use of the existing master, to transform in order to improve the production process to do the following cabinet put ones

48、elf in another position of a company: raw material procurement, warehousing, io plate processing, for the board processing according to the category of number, according to the number directly to the surface treatment workshop, plate surface processing, the products delivery plank to spray paint on

49、the surface the plank after processing die from installation, parts and components classified into assembly workshop, the overall cabinet put oneself in another position assembly - complete cabinet put oneself in another production, finished goods warehouse management.bpr在中国企业的应用摘要随这经济与科技的高速发展,市场竞争日

50、趋激烈。我国企业该如何而对來自顾客消费水平的提高,相同企 业之间的竟争,以及政治、经济、文化、社会环境的变化,企业必须审视自身的自身的产业结构和业务流 程。并合理运用bpr的思想对企业进行流程再造,加强自身核心竞争力的构建。木文第一部分阐述了业务流程在企业实施的作用和意义。第二部分由bpr的概念出发,引申出流程再造的实施原则、理论方法、以及实施bpr的基本步骤。第三部分以真实的例子阐述企业进行业务流程再造的意义。通过対企业而临的问题出发,采取系统化的 方法对现存的组织流程、人力资源流程、销售管理流程、财务管理流程、生产制造流程等进行了进一步的 构造,为流程再造理论在更广区域的运用提供了新的方法

51、和实施思路。关键词:业务流程再造 流程设计 核心原则1流程再造在企业实施的意义和作用1.1意义企业业务流程通常会描述成一个价值链,竞争不止发生在企业与企业z间,而是发生在各口的价值链之间。 只冇对企业价值链的各个环节实施冇效管理的企业才能在激烈竞争的环境中占据核心优势重构与企业流程 相匹配的运行机制和组织结构,实现对企业有效的管理和控制,能使企业真正着眼于流程的结构,消除传 统管理中只注重某个坏节而忽视整个流程结构的弊端。1.2作用3.2.2. 实现职能管理到业务流程管理的转变,业务流程再造强调面向业务流程的管理。将业务的审核和决策 定位于业务流程执行的地方,缩短信息流的长度和时间,从而提高对

52、顾客和市场的反应速度。33.2.3. 注意整体最优的系统思想。业务流程再造根据整体流程全局最优的目标设计和优化流程中各项活动, 尽可能减少无效的或不增值的活动。3.2.4. 建立扁平化组织。业务流程再造要求企业先设计业务流程而后根据流程建立公司的组织结构,尽量减 少无用的中间环节(运用:合并、简化、)。这不仅可以降低成木,更逼要的是捉高了组织的运转效率及 市场的反应速度。3.2.5. 充分发挥个人在整个流程中的作用,业务流程再造的决策点定位于业务流程执行的地方,这强调业务 处理流程中人员的素质,并强调团体的合作能力,将个人成功与其所处理流程成功作为-体。2流程再造的理论方法2. 1流程再造的概

53、念流程再造bpr(business process engineering)全称为企业流程再造。迈克尔哈默和詹姆斯钱皮在再造 企业一一再生一书中对企业流程再造的定义为“业务流程再造就是对企业的整个流程进行根木的再思考 和彻底的再设计。从而可以获得像成本和速度等方面的业绩来衡量戏剧性的成就。英中“根本性” “彻底 性” “戏剧性”和“流程”是该定义关注的四个特征。2.2企业流程再造的实施原则2. 2. 1再造的核心原则(1) 以流程为中心坚持以流程为导向的原则,就是流程再造的h的以职能型转变为流程性。(2) 坚持以人为木的的团队模式以流程性为中心的企业,流程的审核和决策冇人抉择,因此金业必须以人

54、为本,员工才能更好地进行决策 和审核。(3) 顾客导向原则一个企业的存在,在于公司冇强大的顾客为前提之下才能生长和强大,因此一个具冇发展潜力的企业应该 将顾客至于一定的高度。表1:流程再造与传统企业原则对比流程再造核心原则传统企业原则以流程为+心以职能为中心以人为木的团队模式以工作顺序为基础的部门管理以顾客为导向以成本为导向总儿言之,流程再造的三个核心原则是相辅和成的,顾客导向决定流程再造的导向,而流程导向有要求 企业进行团队模式,这三个原则相辅相成。2.2.2再造的操作性原则流程再造的核心原则是那些指导变革方向的根木性原则,而操作性原则则是那些保证变革得以进行的原则。 这些操作性原则是指导我

55、们在再造过程中避免决策方而的失谋。主要操作性原则有:让那些利用生产结果参 与这些流程的人参与决策,把相似的流程合并起來。2.3流程再造的理论法则系统化改造法和全新设计法是企业流程再造的的基木和逼要的方法。两种方法的抉择在于企业本身的悄况。 一般需要考虑如下几个问题之后,经济环境,企业之间竞争的激烈程度。(1) 4流程再造的的实施步骤流程再造的的实施要经过实地的考察之后才能做出具体步骤。一般流程再造分为以下儿个步骤,制定战略 决策一组建流程再造小组一确定流程再造h标一企业流程诊断一流程再造的实施方案。3应用研究(2) 1、某公司柜体生产系统的现状(1) 板材加工现状某公司柜体生产系统中板材的加工

56、主要采用柔性生产系统(fms)来完成。fms生产系统由于具有很 高的自动化程度,整个加工过程比较顺畅,产品的一致性、尺寸、形状及位置等均具冇较高精度。但在该 系统的具体生产过程中,对操作人员、工作环境、报警系统的处理及系统的fi常维护等均具冇较高的要求, 具体生产过程为:利用立体仓库进行板材储存利用自动取料装置进行板材分取板材的初始定位利用 电磁吸盘进行板材流水线生产送料板材的冲孔、切边、折弯板材加工完成板件库存管理(2) 板材表面处理现状当板材加工好之后就要把板材零件送到板材的表面处理车间,对板材零件进行表面处理。目的是祛除板 材表面粘着的油坊、锈斑等杂质,为下一步板材表面的喷漆作好准备。板

57、材的表面处理主耍冇防锈处理和 镀锌处理:3.3.3. 防锈处理在进行板材表面防锈处理时,要经过以下儿道工序才能完成:脱脂一一流水洗一一除锈一一流水洗一一 表调一一磷化一一流水洗一一热水洗一一烘干。在以上几道工序中都冇专用的处理槽。但处理设施已冇 2030年的历史了,在公司阶段性进行设备的更新中,未能及时对处理槽进行更新。3.3.4. 镀锌处理镀锌主要用于处理开关柜面板,因为柜体的工作环境经常处于比较恶劣的情况之下,対表而进行镀锌处 理,可以防止表面生锈。其处理过程主要有:除油水槽一一水槽一一不锈钢处理一一水槽一一水槽一一钝 化槽 水槽 热水槽。其处理车间的操作环境与加工状态与表面防锈处理车间基木相同,设备都比较陈【口,操作环境比较杂乱, 操作人员比较懒散、不守纪律。3.1.3板材表面喷涂现状当板材在fms生产线上经过冲孔、折弯、切边处理。再经过表面处理车间的防锈及镀锌等处理之后,板 材即进入喷涂车间进行栢体表面喷漆处理。具体喷涂过程为:


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