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1、正月十七学案班级:姓名:13Section IVCommunication Workshop & Culture Corner单词集释板块据据英文科戈和首字母播示幫出下列单词1. d_ 1have or 仲p胆冷 m diffcrml opinionfrnm someonn* el*«e2* si 丹 biJiildinij for悴32 contitctedl with a jjarLieul-ikr placeor ardi4. dl; Ti背u購如on m sirguTn<'nt on a subject5* s:wlm works on a: ship:

2、鼠 m£ J1 mH polt on which, the 劭dh ofbg艮fin ei ship arc hun串7t e3 (he power ihni 帝 uhus Uy used m mod4errt bujldin» to pruiVKig Liht and tojoinkt ii卅rhin鹿* work!SB ps the act of protnetin耳 Or stale of bcinprotected:9. mtF io or at whatever place» positionor HiiuatinitI:10, m1 io 'i

3、iiccrcci m doiriK Mb.盲脅爲僅旬培养睛雄*(教材原句 > Rea di each other's report and see if you : giee or dittgric with them.圍谨下曲加牛人的罐告*右一F祢同恿述挞反対他: KJ的意址.j<nw. 见不一致.羸见不舍:山 Hill fthd I often djarec but wu' r-c OQlI : trkndf.比尔和拢常fllf羸见,但我 <还昱好朋友”V disUrw wjih sb- (tin about/ever sth.)臺于集审)毎案人當JI品一

4、童I:© Thty tiicLd to reach a sen leTnm t be3ii*E they(iiflEr<!+d Im much with tach oihr «hattl ; iht price.泄II耒嗟达醴詡过.園为他们罐此在析的裁: 坟太尢*:(3)They were whal iht)K>akul 吕 imvd.他心对书中的世法意見车一致.;Q) To my dijtApixiLtiimeni f tht loud b日ei dia i greei with me.令找先电的烏这2, debate音習诵悝甸堵罪诸厘 責背诵佳句培器ift感

5、啊材庐句 In adrtiiiim lv the supplks for the longjourneys * * *丁養遵行的生橋盘盘外“觸活例句 >ln adtlilioil to reading (nr knuwJudge, we rend for htn *nd irmpiratinn.徐了获取迪恨.我灯阖读还能轄剑乐程和眞C鲜牯例诃)靳.idditicn La giving fteurAl introducing Lr: cumpnilcrh,【he cCiurs-. aJu provtdus praccica txperieTHfe,禳课程际了大我仆幣吐辅朗识外还按供比晖鸞I

6、T 的朝耕易混更范失戻比较 in j-dd.iiian.h in fiddilion to是斤词竝ffr*柞剎词用.相并亍词 阿II,总囂不臨乐名同直畀 检任柯曲蜡一般位于两卒的子屮 同克徃于苛叢R的箴物不适件黑:(勢rt【指iftii.JSift算)不一致(J)The reports Irum TV :iViosp from the Internet,电魏上的扭逋与互麻网上的不Mb,'>>> Word family |:diirrchbk adj,不合肯的i議梱处的(HagreemtMiT皿曲见不一Pt*不同之址Which of I hem Km mon muiia

7、】 taint i» opu tn dcbf)lcL他们之中难甕布音乐氏賦还木祚定CDTkere is _ whctKcrsCutknLs cun use cilpExiftes at sdiocil, 针神学牛屈否醴在桂内便用手机廉开广樂堆“(2)vt. &vi,论UelMtB with tbu导臬人爭議/#论血1)曲住whcLhtH to do uth. 盘P是帀僦粧审fj) 1 don't want to dehite uirith you about thi issue.我不患戟此同题与昧朋址We areor 四1 to 四 skimBthis winter.

8、我f 敢葬着争年华天她沓去淆舌*背睛佳旬培养谱處敘林息甸Hn 38 years of travelling, he hod nioii- uged tc shfire the glory cif Chinn with mnny differ- tni cuuEitrivs.在餉年的就梅中.他巳成功地与其他创束共同分 辛了中国的荣躍.<1).心屹设祛.対忖.址璋(幫与an. mikL be aNeniunftgc (u du mL逵法做威掘車龙指Q难时审 (D Thankfully( I mannrd to get thranffh ht kume and The pnin was war

9、ih if in the irnct 堂好"我设袪訂完了比祕.为吐做出的黔办世段冇 白费.Eh” _ herself underipod tnRnflijih.JfcttttJti英话戟剧人理解了自已的賣更.(2)b黑囂.管玫©We need people who are A(x)d al marwiRi哄我f品翌矗良殊卯的人*it朗練易濯防范失茸比较 try lo do sthP( manKF W dooy io do訂九(I调錚力吸韭f «i+H, T 强洞蚌聚matitige lo do nrh.强调姑址*讼生做曲建审用maniifie或iry填空To li

10、ve a tirdhhy hie. yuu shouldtoeat more mit.为了健康生活,你应诫案吃忒果*®Wp io gel 10 the airport in limex敦们设狂段时心到f Hl场.2fi.強词桥歸I- had fl bntf _ (辩论)ati wlmthr prnat to accept tht* offer-2. H yo» (不岡證)on tht plum you cnnyoLir vivws uuw.3. rhv acivTy is(经*1D well4. h i? tLar ihax h 話 a waste of电 hi. Hip

11、Lroihcr 也 a goodf 水乎匕IL单句语法厲空1. His Jc&th bu” biDutjhl jboul a debfltf smonK |>eo-plc Fahic And htidth*r2. Rnimtr you sari* h Ckitksfyou go.3. The tour guide finally managed <m<ilwL)tht visitors believe th” safety of ihe bunwErf? |urnp* ing.4 Ewen if yiau disagreethem中 youpttreni!*'

12、 MntJt arc worth listening to.短语荟萃板块3,口 吧 l 即 pin ion1. the (口 鼻 su5. in addiiion6. boiLtdin adci Lian無蘆,支持 反对来;依里人的j&WL在沿而临试ft"之外(还有*到蛆上'注翻上;上衣车 或E机箱弁半M爵in addition to 議±*(W”)址執I_ _逐起谁舟词丼后建*谓比It,饲子 in Edition tn ft其宾语,童.丸牡栢巧于话wulJ 山 和 btsidv用 in addition ft in addition io 黑空Thrp f

13、lro mnnynrrrund the milw(y *U-lion. , thtn- ure omt newly-buiJl iialcts there.火$站附址4HH*裔店*此外+还肩-垄新锂的 旅检您? tk匕卿 tra<itianAl jcHvilka. wetiavc a widc> ran即 uf choicesm iravrllinRnnd vijiiiinj our rclitives or friends.US 了这啣持烧淸动外现门冇匹广的逸拘Li?f如说 的和出滦亦应;现莖込4:I isiams;in my upiTiian, h hr. in additio

14、n on hcwirdl» thf nninf、cn lhe lint thwnt arc jix:oilier Apphcnntb.;2. I ilw plan while he is against it.;3. Thtie were more iban two hundred pas»t:ii|cr5i*.v: 4* he 也 an CMCcllnt dancer,;U:单旬语法睚;I-Huw l!讷 ihc bsv 两 much weight 聃炖 vxpected?:In rididitkm tojuggedfor sewnJ n;ilw every day.【

15、2. For liukidnyfi, many people visii diuse islands iht cv*玳 of Austnilia*R1;3* The 离hip wi-ni dawn with 片11 前舅 crewsibm翼L4. In(D apiEtiurii we skouM 诅kc wj-nte:measureji io reduce air pGlkiilinH.塩皇二j聖解构板罐旬世展示 When he died in 1435. the lorirs of his travels iiuidv him nnr of Chinn's moi famous sa

16、ilors.半他于M35年A世时.他的瞬苻故惧便他贼为中 国呆書窑的水于之一.興例宵诵1The news that he wrs ndmivted to Beijing University mridr his parunl卜 very hjq)»yk 他被尤京人举城取的消IH出也的立卅很岛兴"Whtii he di«i in 1435. the stories or his travels made him on< “I* China's uhk4 umous siiikirs 当他于1435年去尴时.施的議行故班憧也底为中 国理著名的水手之一.本

17、旬申便用了 makc + V; ijj (>f, /f>rvn» > + 配 i/i补足 /do dunv uJ;.片便某人/某物化L; Wu made fom jnomlcjr of our class, 我们选简螂作我冊的驸衣.ll 衬olhnig will nuke iir ch&nge my mind.:什么血改空不了費的上意。ii H© tried io mjikc himscir:他尊it捷自己的话彼别人折明白.'点津miike sb. do sth.中du为下帶io呻不 :怛在植劝帝虫申.不定式背曲要新LO.(1)I k wa

18、s madefor iivelv hoursevtry duy.他M天址筮工作“个小时.勰译旬子1.她无陆計:人听汕她的卢音.frtwke+宾语4done)2-惑丸啦足il戦发笑“右加山”良涪+ da3,昨入他把膚同弄脏| (inake+ift+dJj.)正月十八复习学案I必背句子1. What if somebody in my group isn' t doing any work?2. So L ' s good to learn how to do it now.3. Couldn ' t have said it better myself.4. If not

19、, then your group should arrange to meet outside of school hours and choose a time that ' s best for most people in the group.5. Some animals, like dolphins or bees, have ways of communicating, but only humans like using Ian guage for fun.6. .they could only use their voices like small babies do

20、.7. But there are probably more that we haven' t discovered yet.8. If there is more tha n one defi niti on, use the con text to help you decide.9. At weekends, he usually goes to the gym, and does different kinds of sports with his frien ds.10. He enjoys watching baseball games and tennis, but h

21、e hates watching boxing. He thinksit ' s too dangerous.11. He prefers skati ng to_sw imming.12. His favorite sports star is Yao Ming. He admires him very much.13. The Viki ngs were the first Europea ns to reach America.14. According to the old stories of Iceland and Norway, Eric the Red was forc

22、ed to leave Iceland because he had committed a murder, for which he got into trouble.15. He returned to Iceland and told people there about Greenland. He persuaded some people to go back with him to Greenland.16. They achieved this long before Columbus ever set sail. Eric set sail once aga in, this

23、timewith 25 ships, of which only 14 made it to Gree nland.17. In the year 1002, when Eric the Red' s son Leif was planning a trip further west, Biarniwas the man with whom Leif discussed his pla ns.18. Leif followed Biarni ' cferections and sailed to what is believed to be the coast of prese

24、nt -day Canada.19. He then sailed further south to an island which is now known as Newfoundland.20. They are the first records we have of Europea ns saili ng to the Americas.21. Mr. Johnson apologized for the mistake. We complained to him.22. The Antarctic is covered with snow and ice all year round

25、. Men know little about it.短语回顾I.1. keepmind 记住2. fill 填写3*one's own 独自地,独立地Look _査阅;抬头往上看5. more 不止;多于不只是*不仅仅& as soon 尽快II.Lsail启航2* according根据,依照3* £Cttrouble陷人麻烦,陷人困境4 make it到达5, in search寻找,寻求6. be known作为而岀名,被称为,被叫作7. succeeddoing sth*成功地做某事8. be.the control of在的控制之下L deal处理2. b

26、e responsible(doing) sth.对f做)某事负责3. make a 谋生4. two hours 每两小时£. watch 注意当心丫小心6 on the one hand the other hand 一方面一,另_方面*7+ length在长度方面IV. 有意讲得通2. the edge of在的边沿f濒临1. go 下去;(船等下沉4. allonce突然,忽然乩the direction of 朗着"的方向5. bring _ 往 conclusion 使结束7. pick 取*接牧V.赞成、支持反对据某人看来.依臬人的在沿海地区除之外(还有一)

27、到船上,在船上;上火车或飞机等L be2, be_S*one's opinion4= the coast5 in addition6 *board单词拼写/语法填空With so many people with guns these djiysi it's really(令人惊恐的)in the USA.2. J chink you should (道歉)to yourbrother for being so rude to him*3. Please call my secretary to f 安排ameefinfi this afrernoon, or whenever

28、 it is convenient to you*4. I tried io 劝服him to talk to hisparents* but he said no.5. As an (不岀料的)author* it isrTl easyto get your book published,乩 They had a (航空)in space last yearwhich was quite successful.7* (銀终)he was tired of trying $o hard.S.Some of our students (参加;参与)inthe 2014 Guinness Worl

29、d Records Day activities,9. He dreams of becoming an (探险家).10. The duck disappeared (在?K下)theinstant I saw单旬语法填空1. Climbing is very excitingi but many people feet (frighten) at it.2t Nowadays teenagers are not content to stand and appreciate wrorks of art they prefer to partici' patethem.3. Arme

30、d with the tnfonntion you have gatherer!» you can set about(prepare) your business plan.Some effective inesures have been taken to prevent the house price going up too sharply.I believe it wanhi be longthe houseprice falls down.5. A cook will be inmicdiaicly fired if he 也 found(smoke? in lhe ki

31、tchen.6, The director > Lu Chunn * npoloeizcd_I he reporters not conn ng to attend thepress conference on time*7_ Whiiiwe move the couch over there?Dotf t yqn hint the room will look larger?8. The weather turned out to be very good. was more than we coulH expect.A He didn't agree with me al f

32、irst* but I managed to persuade hirn (wign) lhe agreementlater,10. JShfdl we go for a drink at one o'clock this af- turnoon?Sorry I cfinh( make_* Will twoo'clock he OK?II .语法填空A teacher once told each of her students to bring a clear plastic bag and a large bag of potatoes to school. 1 every

33、 person that the 总【udEiitg refused to forgive in their life« they 2(vliousr) hpotatoi wrote on 3 the name of rhai person and the date* and then put it in the plastic bag. Some of their bags were quite heavy*They were then (old to carry these bags with them everywhere for one week* 4(put) thembe

34、side their beds at night t on their ear seats when driving, emd next to their desks at work.louring this time* 5 they carried (he bags around with them, they realized whf,< a weight they were carrying and 6 they needed to pay attention all the time* so as not to forget them or leove them in 7( em

35、barrass) places Ofcourse* the potatoes were becoming 8 (rot) * and smelled very bad,This 15 the same as the price we pay for keeping our pain and 9 (happy) with us! Forgiving others is not only a Rift to them, but also a very good gift io 10!1.273.4. 5._6.7 8.9.10t正月十九 复习学案 IIUnit 7 词汇同步测试Learning t

36、o learn 参加 vi. 最终,终于 adv.当今的,现代的adj.填写 行为,行动n.评估,评价vt. _旅行,旅程n.安排,准备vt. _讲授,演讲n.chimpanzeen. _制动器,刹车n.dolphinn. _道歉vi.符号,手势n.南极洲打猎,猎杀v. 演员n.Lesson 2女演员n.使污染 vt.作者,作家n.污染 n. 收集,收取n.过度捕捞 n.拳击运动n.工业的 adj.农业的 adj.Unit 7化学物 n.Warm up禁止 vt.滑雪 vi._完全 adv.滑水 n. _对付 vt.windsurfingn. _部,系,局,部门n.令人惊恐的,骇人的adj.谋

37、生 在水下,供水下用的adj.答案,解决办法n.港口,海港 n._Lesson 1讲演,演示 vt._精神n.智力,理解力 n.探险家n.有灵性的,聪明的adj.水手,海员n.Vikingn.Lesson 3航海,航空n.iceberg n.启航seal n. 祖先,祖宗n.有活力的 adj._起航penguin n. 公元n. coral n. furtheradv._发现 n.根据,依照crab n.陷入麻烦,陷入困境教育 vt.说服,劝服vt.现代的,最新的adj.到达吸引人的地方 n寻找,寻求吸引 vt.不知道的,未知的adj. 注意 鲨鱼 n. 折扣,减价 n.戏法,把戏 n.mel

38、t vi.(长度、数量)为,测量 vi& vt长度,长 n.男生 n.厘米 n.Lesson 4barrel n.whirlpool n.可怕的,令人厌恶的 adj.浮,漂 vi.令人感到恐惧 vt.逃脱,逃跑 vi恐怖,恐惧 n.灵魂 n.幸存,生存下来 vi.突然,忽然 恢复正常,康复 vi.(因恐惧、疼痛、兴奋等)尖声喊叫vi下沉,沉没 vi取,接载 不能的,不会的 adj.辨认出 vt.大洋洲 n.对立的人 (物 );反义词 n.网 n.渗漏,泄漏 vi.Communication Workshop 运动场,体育场 n.辩论,争论 n.当地的,地方性的 adj.店主,店东 n.

39、海湾,湾 n.野生生物 n.意见不合,不同意 vi.定语从句和其它从句综合练习1.1 still remember the ni ghtI first came to the house.2.1 ' II never forget the daywe met each other last week.3. Mr Black is going to Beiji ng in October,is the best seas on there.4. I will n ever forget the daysI spe nt with your family.5. I ' ll nev

40、er forget the last daywe spent together.6. This is the schoolI used to study.7. Do you still remember the placewe visited last week?8. Do you still remember the placewe visited the pain ti ng exhibiti on?9. Have you ever bee n to Hangzhou,is famous for the West Lake?10. Have you ever bee to Han gzho

41、u,lies the West Lake?11. Tom will go to Shanghai,live his two brothers.12. I live in Beijing,is the capital of China.13. There was a timethere were slaves in the USA.14. It is the third timeyou have made the same mistake.15. It was in the streetI met Joh n yesterday.16. It was about 600 years agothe

42、 first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.17. The momentI saw you, I recognized( 认出)you.18. This is the very novel about we' ve talked so much.19. This is the wayhe did it.20. Who is the stude ntwas late for school today?21. Whoknows him wants to make friends with him?22. What else was there in my brotheryou didn' t like?23. He liv


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