人教版英语Go for it 九年级中考复习之定语从句复习_第1页
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人教版英语Go for it 九年级中考复习之定语从句复习_第3页
人教版英语Go for it 九年级中考复习之定语从句复习_第4页




1、人教版英语Go for it 九年级中考复习之定语从句复习一、 课型描述:中考复习课二、 教学目标:1. 语言知识目标:复习并使用初中阶段要求掌握的由关系代词that who which 构成的定语从句,明确三个关系代词的不同用法。2. 语言技能目标:能够结合本课所设计的各个复习环节,能够做到在阅读中发现定语从句、理解定语从句,并能把定语从句使用到句子写作中。3. 学习策略目标:通过小组成员或同桌间的探究与合作,学会总结语言规律并加以使用。三、 教学重难点:1. 教学重点:了解中考要求掌握的由关系代词that who which 构成的定语从句的不同用法,并能在阅读材料中发现定语从句和理解定语

2、从句的意思。2. 教学难点:能把定语从句使用到句子写作中。四、 教学过程Step1 lead in:T: 用含定语从句的句子谈谈自身情况I am a teacher who/that teaches English in No. 7 Middle School. Im also an outgoing person who/ that likes making friends. Step 2 presentation(向学生展示一张本人大学时期的照片,外表形象变化较大)this is an old photo, the people in the photo are my classmates

3、 and teachers in the university, do you know who is me ? can you guess? Now, let me give you some tips:(教师一边说一边课件照片旁展示几个含定语从句的句子让学生才出照片中的我是谁?)I was a happy girl. I had short hair.( I was a happy girl who had short hair) I liked wearing a hairpin and jeans.( I was a girl that/ who liked wearing a hai

4、rpin and jeans) 引导学生从照片中找出过去的我。Step 3 task 1引导学生根据课件中的提示语用定语从句与组员谈谈自己好朋友的情况,使用先行词是人的定语从句实行描述。(根据实际情况选择男女版本实行讨论)T: Can you tell us something about your best friend? (use the attributive clause)Model1:My best friend is a girl who/ that has _hair. She usually wears _. She is a/an _ girl who is also goo

5、d at _.Model2:My best friend is a boy who/ that has _hair. He usually wears _. He is a/an _ boy who is also good at _.活动形式:6 人小组实行,操作过程:组内成员互相分享协助修改指正,各小组派代表向全班汇报。Step 4 guessing game (whos my favorite star?)教师边说边在多媒体课件上展示几个句子,进一步熟悉先行词是人的定语从句用法:My favorite star is a singer.He is a young man that/ wh

6、o is good at singing rap.He isnt handsome but many people like him.This young man who/ that doesnt sing clearly is very famous now.教师展示句子后继续展示几张明星的图片,与学生互动并引导学生猜出此人。Step 5 task 2 (pairwork: what kind of music and posters do you like?)教师边展示课件中的图片边做示范:T:what are these?Ss: theyre posters .T: what are a

7、bout?Ss: they are about movie stars.T: so I like posters that are about movie stars. Because I like watching movies.How about you ? discuss in pairs.同桌完成后抽几个同学想全班展示。然后以同样方式呈现和讨论music。学生在此步骤中用先行词是物的定语从句进行表达。Step 6 listening practice 教师展示一幅九年级unit9 里面的一幅图画,让学生观看图画中的物品,提示jacket book movie poster 这几样东西,

8、降低学生听力练习的难度要求学生听出主人公Michael 之所以喜欢这几种物品的原因,完成表格中的定语从句填空练习,练习中包括了先行词是人和物的定语从句。由于录音较快,如有需要可重放一遍。What Michael likes? Why he likes it?jacketHe likes clothes that are unusual.bookHe likes writers who explain things well.movieHe likes movies that are scary.Step 7 practice ( who has robbed Michaels purse?)1

9、. 教师展示一幅钱包的图画,this is Michaels purse, but someone has robbed it? Can you help the police to find out the robber? 教师再展示几个抢劫嫌疑人的头像,问 which of these men do you think is the robber? 让学生带着悬念完成以下任务 2. read the conversation between Michael and the policeman, then check your answer. Can you find out the rob

10、ber?(学生可在手中的study card 中阅读对话)Policeman: Does any of these men look like the robber (who) you saw?Michael: er-. Im not sure.Policeman: look carefully. What about the one who is wearing sunglasses?Michael: No, it wasnt him. The man (who) I saw had black hair.Policeman: Was it long?Michael: No. he had

11、hair that was quite short. And he had very small eyes.P: Can you remember anything else about him?M: Yes. He had a mouth that was quite small.P: How about his nose?M: Oh. His nose was very big.P: Is this the man that you saw?M: Yes. Thats him. Thats the robber?学生仔细阅读对话后从四幅图画中找出robber. 并要求学生发现和找出对话中所

12、用到的定语从句。3. read & write Use the imformation from the conversation to complete the police report.This robbery happened at 3 oclock in the afternoon on Friday, May 1. Michael was doing his shopping. He had a black purse that has some money in it. As he came out of the bank, a thief robbed his purs

13、e. He then ran away with it. Michael said that the robber is a man who had black hair. He also said that his hair was quite short. His eyes and his mouth were very small, but his nose was big. We have caught a man who matches Michaels description. The robbers name is Derek. 此填空练习考一考学生对定语从句的理解能力和写作能力

14、。Step 8 Summary根据九年级教材要求,结合同步练习,复习总结关系代词that who which 在定语从句中的用法,通过总结让学生进一步明确三个关系代词的用法。Summary:定语从句修饰人或者物(先行词是名词或者代词)Summary1 先行词是人1. the man is called robber. He robs things.the man who/that robs things is called robber.2. the scientist is very famous in the world . we meet her yesterday. the scien

15、tist who/that we met yesterday is very famous in the world.Summary2 先行词是物3. I like the posters. They are about singing stars. I like the posters that/which are about singing stars.4. the dress is new. She is wearing it.the dress that/which she is wearing is new.Homework : 如课堂有时间就当堂完成,如时间不够则留待课后作业完成。

16、translation( 填入所缺的定语从句)1. 我喜欢能随之跳舞的音乐。I like music that I can dance to.2. 他更喜欢演奏安静轻柔歌曲的组合。He prefers groups that can play quiet and gentle songs.3. 我喜欢自己写歌的音乐家。I love musicians who can write their own songs.4. 这个看起来酷酷的男士是我的数学老师。The man who looks cool is my math teacher.5. 那个正在跳舞的小女孩是我的表妹。The little girl who is dancing is my cousin.五、 板书设计如下:以多媒体课件作为主要展示和引导,教学过程中在右边板书本节课标题和语法要点。多媒体课件展示定语从句先行词:名词或代词指人:who 或者 that指物:which 或者 that六、 课前预测


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