



1、苏教牛津版五年级上册英语Unit 1 The first day at school第1-2 课时课题5AUnit1 B Look, read and learn C Ask and answer第一课时1.能听、说、读以下单词: toilet, garden, table tennis room,知识与能力reading room, swing, slide。三 维 目2.了解 There be 句型的一般疑问句形式及回答,并能初步运用。标过程与方法培养与锻炼自主学习的能力,分享学习资源,和同伴共同完成学习任务。情感与态度学习英语的兴趣浓厚,敢于用英语进行交流和表达。1.听 U1 B 部分录

2、音,试读以下单词:toilet,garden, tabletennisroom, reading room, swing, slide。2. 试用 there be 句型翻译下列句子。教学预习作业教室里有一台电脑。资源书橱里有一些书。3.比较 There is a piano near the window. There are some bookson the piano.和 5A U1 C 部分句型有什么不同。教学准备单词卡片、 PPT、投影仪、录音机、练习纸学程预设导航策略调整反思A. 热身导入 (2 分钟)Chant:操练该 Chant,鼓励组内自编。There is a book o

3、n the desk.S: There is a book on the desk.There are some desks in the room.There are some books in the bag.There is a pencil box in the bag.There is a bag on the chair.There are some pens on the book.Therearesome picturesontheB. 预习展示 (4 分钟)wall.1. 每大组派一人板书预习作业中的翻译句子。其余学生判断评价。2. 抽读单词。齐读和个别朗读相结合。读单词。C

4、.教师导航 (14 分钟)a. words1. 听录音,跟读单词。2.纠正错误发音。读单词。( 3.根据学生实际情况,教师指导学生相互纠正发音。拼读、记忆部分单词。教师介绍单词记忆法。1在 sing 中加个 w 就是 swing like 变 lide ,加 s 是 slide ten 加上 nis 变成 tenniscar变 gar ,加 den 是 garden)b. sentences1. 小组内讨论新的翻译句子。教室里有一台电脑吗?书橱里有一些书吗?2. 教师板书两组句型。There is a computer in the classroom.Is there a computer

5、in the classroom?There are some books in the bookcase.Are there any books in the bookcase?教师出题,学生练习。There is a book on the desk.There are some pencils on the book.3. 教师板书疑问句的回答。Is there a computer in the classroom?Yes, there is. / No,there isnt.Are there any books in the bookcase?Yes, there are. / N

6、o,there aren t.(简称:首尾呼应)4. 口头练习 C部分的四幅图。D.合作探究 (6 分钟)a. 用 “there be ”造句。肯定句单数: There is a/an复数: There a re some 一般疑问句单数: Is there a/an?复数: Are there any?b. 小组展示。c. 教师小结注意点。 E. 融会贯通 (5 分钟)阅读对话,回答问题。A: Welcome to our school!B: Oh, it is big and clean.A: Yes. There are 24 classrooms and a( 根据自身情况选择部分单词

7、拼读、记忆。 )( 介绍自己记忆单词的方法。)小组活动。对比两组句型得出结论:There is 变成了 Is there ,There are 变成了 Are there,some 变成了 any学生进行 pair work练习。Is there a?Are there any?学生观察划线部分: Is 开头的回答时 is 结尾; Are 开头的回答时 are 结尾。小组讨论,用身边的实物进行造句练习。展示时其它小组作点评。根据对话内容回答问题。1. Are there 24 classrooms in the school?2. Are there any reading rooms?3.

8、Is there a table tennis room?4. Are there any slides and swings?2big playground.B: Are there any reading rooms in your school?A: Yes. There are two.B: Is there a table tennis room?A: Yes. There is a very big one. Welike playing table tennis there.B: Are there any slides and swings?A: No, there arent

9、.B: Let s go to the tabletennisroom.A: OK. Let s go! F. 反馈总结 (7 分钟)*用 a, an, some或 any 填空1. There are _ reading rooms in our school.2.Arethere_toiletsinthepark?3. There is _ slide under the tree.4. Is there _ apple in the tree?* 补全句子1. _ a teacher in the classroom.2. _ any students in the playground

10、?3. Is there a slide in the park? No,_.4. Are there any swings in your school? Yes, _ .* 翻译句子1. 学校里有一个乒乓房吗?是的,有。2. 花园里有一些秋千吗?不,没有。教师收阅。G.作业布置 (2 分钟)明确作业要求及下一堂新课目标。5. Where do they go?根据自身情况选做两个部分。(相互检查,订正错误。 )* 笔头完成 C 部分四幅图。* 预习 A 部分,听录音初步感知课文。* 试默今天所教的 6 个单词,并用 Is there ? Are there ?写不少于六个句子。3要求: 1

11、.划出疑难问题,下次小组交流。2.划出课文中出现的C部分的句型。课题5A Unit 1 A.Read and say (一 ) 第二课时1.四会掌握 day, at school, all, a lot(of), room。知识与能力三 维目标过程与方法情感与态度2. 在图片、情景等非语言提示的帮助下,理解课文,并熟读课文。3. 培养与锻炼自主学习的能力,对单词及动词的适当形式填空有初步的认识。培养与锻炼自主学习的能力,分享学习资源,和同伴共同完成学习任务。学习英语的兴趣浓厚,敢于用英语进行交流和表达。1.预习 P89词汇表,会读并记住下列单词的意思:day, at school, all,a

12、 lot(of), room, first, of , term, back, each other, building。教学资源预习作业2. 预习 A部分,听录音初步感知课文。3. 通过预习并借助有关资料完成连线题。把下列短语与相应的中文连起来。1.the first day of the new term a.回到学校2.all the studentsb.新学期的第一天3.be back at schoolc.相互见面4.see each otherd.一幢新的建筑物a new buildinge.所有的学生教学准单词卡片、 PPT、投影仪、录音机、练习纸备学程预设调整导航策略反思A.

13、热身导入 (2 分钟)学生快速抢答,注意语音。1.看图片,快速说出单词( toilet, garden)2.用 Is/Are there? Yes, there is/are.No, there isnt/aren t 造句。B. 预习展示 (4 分钟)1.检查预习作业一单词的准备情况。其余学生判断评价。2. 检查连线题。C.教师导航 (14 分钟)读单词,词组和句子。1.学习单词、词组及句子day first the first dayterm new term the firstday of the newterm读单词。It is the first day of the new ter

14、m.相互纠正发音。4all all the studentsback be back at schoolAll the students are back at school.(由学( 根据自身情况抢记这些单词,词组习单词到词组,最后过度到句子,由易到难,最后和句子,比一比,谁的记忆力最好?)实现难点的突破。)2. 出示课文挂图 (一),老师根据图问几个简单的问题以帮助学生理解课文。 Whos that girl? Whos that boy? Where are they?学生尽量作完整回答,基础较差的同 Are they happy? Why?学也可作简略回答。 Whats that ov

15、er there?(引出building并学习 )跟读,注意语音,自学课文,培养自3.听课文录音2 遍。第一遍理解,第二遍跟读,然学能力。后请学生提问,找出不懂的地方。( 引出 each other)听句子,猜出词组大意。教师可说一下句子,让学生小组讨论并猜出eachother 的意思。I help you. You help me. We help each other.4. 学生小组讨论,搞懂课文大意。D.合作探究 (6 分钟)学生做此练习时可依据课文内容。1. 用单词的适当形式填空。It is the _day of the new term. (one)There is a new_.

16、(build)2. 用动词的适当形式填空。There _(be) a book on the new term.(相互检查,订正错误。 )There_(be)alotofboysintheclassroom.3.小组展示。4.教师小结注意点。学生独立完成练习, 提高自己综合运E. 融会贯通 (5 分钟)用英语的能力。1. 完成听读训练 U1,根据上下文及首字母提示完成对话。2. 校对练习。F. 反馈总结 (7 分钟)5*用 is, are填空1. There _a garden in the school.2. There _some boys in the playground.3._there any pencils on the desk?做练习。* 根


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