



1、形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的用法当两种物体之间相互比较时,我们要用形容词或副词的比较级当相互比较的物体是三个或三个以上时,我们就要用形容词或副词的最高级。形容词、畐恫的比较级和最高级的变化规律:1. 单音节形容词或副词后面直接加-er或-esttall taller tallestfast faster fastest2. 以-e结尾的单音节形容词或副词直接加-r或-stlargelarger largestnice ni cer n icest3. 以-y结尾的形容词或副词,改-y为-i再加-er或-estbusy busier busiestearlyearlier earliest4.

2、 形容词或副词是重读闭音节时,双写最后的辅音字母,再加-er或-esthothotter hottestbig bigger biggest5. 多音节形容词或副词前面直接加more或mostdelicious more delicious most deliciousbeautiful more beautiful most beautiful6. 不规则变化good (well) better bestbad (badly) worseworstmany( much)-more-mostlittle-less-least形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的句子公式:1比较级(1) 形容词:物体

3、A + am / are / is +形容词比较级 + than +物体B.I am taller tha n you.Pasta is more delicious tha n pizza.(2) 副词:物体 A +行为动词 +副比+ than +物体B.Cheetahs run faster tha n goats.He studies better tha n me.2.最高级1) 物体 A + am / are / is + the +形最高级 +比较范围(of +人/物,in + 地方).I am the tallest in the class.Pasta is the most

4、delicious food of the three.2) 物体A +行为动词+副词最高级 +比较范围(of +人/物,in +地方)Cheetahs run fastest in the world.He studies best of us.形容词比较级练习题(一) 写出下列形容词与副词的比较级与最高级形式:longwidefatheavyslowfewbrightly-badlyfarquicklyhappy-unhappy (二) 用所给词的正确形式填空1. Of the two girls, I find Lucy the(clever).2. Gold(黄金)is(little)

5、 useful than iron( 铁).3. My sister is two years(old ) tha n I.4. John ' s parents have four daughters, and she is the(young) child.5. The(cheap) bags are the not usually the best on es.6. The short one is by farexpe nsive of the five.7. The boy is not so(in teresti ng) as his brother.8. Dick sin

6、gs(well), she sings(well) tha n Joh n, but Marysings(well) in her class.9. She will be much(happy) in her mew house.10. This dress istha n that on e.(expe nsive)(三) 翻译句子:1 . 本书跟那本书一样有趣。This book isthat o ne.2. 你游泳没有你弟弟好。You can ' t swimyour brother.3. 今天比昨天冷的多。 It istodayit was yesterday.4. 这个故事

7、比另一个有趣得多。This story isthan thatone.5. 他比我大两岁。He istha n I.6. 这个故事不如那个有趣。This story isthan that o ne.7. 她的身体状况一天天好起来。She is gett ingeveryday.8. 他对英语越来越感兴趣。He is beco mingEn glish.9. 他吃的越多,人越胖。The more he eats, thehe gets.10. 你的问题是两个中比较难的那个。Your question isof two.4答案一) 写出下列形容词与副词的比较级与最高级形式: longer lon

8、gest wider widest fatter fattest heavier heaviest slow slower slowest fewer fewest more brightly most brightly more bably most bably farther farthest more quickly most quickly happier happiest unhappier unhappiest (二)用所给词的正确形式填空:1. cleverer 2.less 3.older 4.youngest 5.cheapest 6.more 7.interesting8.well,better ,best 9. Happier 10. more expensive(三)翻译句子:1. as interesting as 2. As well as 3.much colder today than 4. Much more interesting


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