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1、 Unit12 Dont eat in class(A) Name_ Class_ Score_重点句型和日常交际用语:1. Dont eat in class!2.Can you wear hats in school?Yes,we can./  No,we cant.3.Do you have to wear a school uniform at school? Yes, we do./No,we dont4.Do your homewor

2、k after school.新课程教育网版权所有  5. No talking! 一 听句子,选择正确图片。(10分) 1 2 3 4 5 二 听问句,选择正确答语。(10分) 1A.Yes,I can B.No,I cant C.Yes, I am 2. A.Yes,I have B.Yes,I do C.Yes, I can 3. A.Thats all right B.That sounds good C.Sorry, Mr Smith 4. A.do my homework B.Yes, I do C. No, I dont 5. A.OK B.Your

3、e lucky C. Right三单项选择(10 分)( )1. When you leave, please turn off _.A. all the lights B. the all lights C. the lights all D. all light( )2. We cant listen to _ in class. A. music B. the music C.musics( )3. Tim has to _ the guitar every day. A. practice B.practices C.practising( )4. would you like to

4、go with me?1 / 21 _. But I have a lot of homework to do.A. No, I dont B. Yes, I like C. Sorry, Id like D. Id love to( )5.I cant hang out _my friends after school. A. and B.but C.with( )6. Its too hot. Please keep the windows _.A. opened B. closed C. open D. is closing( )7. My grandma is ill, so Im n

5、ot going to the cinema with you. _.A. It doesnt matter. B. Are you going to look after her?C. Im sorry to hear that. D. Dont worry.( )8. I like watching the animals _ in the zoo.A. play and jump B. ate and drankC. are eating and drinking D. are playing and jumping( )9. _ are going to the Himalays Mo

6、untains for adventure(历险)。A. Turner B. The Turner C. The Turners D. Turners( )10. There was nothing _ bats(蝙蝠) in the old house.A. much B. but C. or D. andB.四选词填空(10分)1. Hang up your _. (books / pants / pens)2. We can listen to music_.(outside/out/inside)3. On (weekend/weekends)_ , I have to clean m

7、y room.4. Put away your _. (clothes / tables / tests)5. We have too many _(rule/ rules) in our school.6. (Can / Does) _we eat in class?7. (Don't / Has to) _wear a hat to school!8. Does Bill (have to / can) _go to bed now?9. Francisco and Andre (can't / don't) _come.10. (Do / Have to) _th

8、ey wear sneakers? 五、句子配对(10分)将下列左栏中的句子与右栏中的句子配对。1. Can we eat in school? 2. Can students eat in the hallway? 3. Do we have to wear a uniform?4. Dont eat in the classroom.5. What are the rules?6. How was the food there?7. What do you think of sitcoms?8. Do I have to wear a helmet?9. Where did you go

9、on vacation?10. Does Mo have to go to bed by 10:00?A. Yes, they can.B. Yes, she does.C. No, we cant today.D. Yes, you do.E. Museums.F. Sorry, sir.G. Yes, we do.H. Dont arrive late for class.I. It was awful.J. I love them.六完形填空(10分) The best woman in the world is my mother; the sweetest sound in the

10、world is mother's voice.Each day when I get back home from school, I see my mother 11 in the kitchen tiredly and happily. I really want to give her 12 embrace (拥抱). Mother often said:" Parents don't want a return from their 13 . The one thing they hope to see is their kids have a happy

11、life." My mother is different from my classmates' mothers. When she 14 me, she was nearly 42 years old. When I become a university student, my mother will be 60 years old. My mother has been in 15 health for a long time. She suffers from a very serious illness. Maybe she will never fully re

12、cover (痊愈). 16 she still works hard for me every day. I want to help her but don't know what I can do or 17 to start. Each time my mother can't get up from her sick bed, I feel 18 and don't want to go to school. But mother always says to me lightly: "You must go to school. I can 19

13、myself." Hearing this, I wonder if I am not a good son. The 20 thing I can do is to give her a warm embrace after school.( )1. A. cooking B. cook C. cooks D. to cook( )2. A. a B. an C. the D. /( )3. A. parents B. friends C. kids D. relatives( )4. A. was born in B. born to C. gave birth to D. ha

14、d birth on( )5. A. good B. well C. poor D. nice( )6. A. But B. And C. So D. Or( )7. A. where B. what C. how D. that( )8. A. happy B. afraid C. good D. nothing( )9. A. look for B. look out C. look at D. look after( )10. A. one B. only C. best D. worst七 阅读理解(30分) (A)仔细阅读短文,将正确的答案填在题前的括号内。A teacher ask

15、s his students to write about their dreams. One boy writes seven pages. He wants his own farm and a large house on it. But his teacher tells him, "You are daydreaming. Do it again." Several days later the boy hands in the same article. "I don't want to give up my dream even if you

16、 fail me." Years later, he makes his dream come true.One day, the same teacher takes some students to the boy's farm for camping. Seeing the big farm, the teacher feels sorry: "I once told you not to daydream. Luckily, you never gave up." ( )1. The teacher asks his students to _.

17、A. dream B. write about dreams C. tell stories about dreams( )2. What does the underlined sentence mean? A. Your dream will never come true. B. You're sleeping. C. Your article is pretty good.()3. The second time, the boy hands in the same article because he _. A. wants to make his teacher angry

18、 B. doesn't know how to write C. won't give up his dreams()4. After many years, the boy _. A. is still daydreaming B. owns a big farm C. loses his life()5. We can tell from the story that _. A. dreaming is not good B. your dream may come true if you don't give up C. daydreaming can make

19、you rich (B)阅读短文,判断正误,对的(T),错的(F) A boy goes to study in Japan. He finds a part-time job in a restaurant. Many Japanese students also work there. Their job is washing dishes (餐具). It's an easy job, but the boss (老板) says: "You must wash every dish seven times." At first, the student is

20、 careful. The boss is happy with him. After one month, the boy finds that the boss doesn't check (检查) very often. He thinks,"There's no difference between five times and seven times." So he just washes five times. He works very fast. The boss is even happier. One day, a Japanese st

21、udent asks him why he can wash so fast. The student tells him the secret. The Japanese student is surprised (吃惊的) but doesn't say anything. A few days later, the boss knows about it and fires (解雇) the boy. The boy goes to other restaurants, but all of them say, "Go away! You are not honest

22、(诚实的). We don't need you." The boy is sad, but he can do nothing now.( )1. The boy works as a chef in a restaurant.( )2. The boss wants the young man to wash the dishes five times.( )3. The young man washes the dishes five times and he works very fast.( )4. The Japanese student tells the bo

23、ss about the young man's cheating.( )5. The young man is not an honest person.(C)阅读短文,填空What does a helper in the kitchen do? Make things easier? Not Junie B. In fact, she makes things more difficult in the story "Boss of lunch"!Things start when Junie brings her new lunch box to schoo

24、l. She loves the animals on the box, so Junie opens and closes it in classes. Junie couldn't wait to eat the food at lunch time. Her mum made the food for her. But all the other kids buy lunch from the school cafeteria. Their lunches include cookies! Cookies are Junie B.'s favourite!So Junie

25、 rushes to the kitchen to find Mrs Gutzman, her "snack lady" from kindergarten days. Mrs Gutzman invites her to become a kitchen helper. Junie couldn't be happier! She puts on mitts (手套) and starts work the next day! She gives out napkins and wipes (擦) the tables. But she also tells st

26、udents the food has a bad smell! No one wants to eat now. Will Junie lose her job? Or can she still be a good helper? The story of the fun girl will keep you laughing through all 77 pages!1. The name of this story book is _. 2. There are _ pages in this book.3. Junie opens and closes her lunch box i

27、n classes because _.4. Junie helps Mrs Gutzman _ and _.5. Junie tells kids the food smells bad, so _.八书面表达(10分) 假如你(Peter)和你的网友(Alex)正在聊天,谈论你们学校里的规章制度。请你编造一个对话。Unit12 Dont eat in class(B)Name_ Class_ Score_一(A)听短文,选择正确答案。(10分)1. Ben doesnt have to wear uniforms, but he cant wear_.A.sweaters B.red so

28、cks C. T-shirts2. Ben has to eat_.A. in the dining hall B. at home C. outside3. Ben has to study _.A. gym B.English C. soccer rules4. Ben cant study_.A.French B. math C.science 5. Ben has to go to _ classes.A. reading B. cooking C. physical education(B) 听Emily与朋友的一封信,根据信的内容写出Emily的家规.(分) Emilys Rule

29、s Example: Get up at five oclock in the morning.二.单项选择(10分)1. In our school, we dont have to _ the uniforms.A. wear B put on C. have on D. dress2. - June looks unhappy, whats wrong?- She cant watch TV _ school nights. A. in B. at C. on D.3 . As students, we cant _ late for class. A. get to

30、 B. arrive at C. arrive in D. arrive4.My teacher says students cant _ music in the classroom.A. hear B. hear to C. listen D. listen to5.Tony doesnt feel relaxed because there are too _ rules at the school.A. many B. much C. lots of D. some6. I have to go to bed _ 10 oclock. A. by B. to C.on D. in 7.

31、-Look at the sign there, what does it mean?- Dont _ swimming, its dangerous.A. going B. went C. go D. goes8. -John, dont _ after school. - Sorry, Mum.A. watching TV B. watch TV C.to watch TV D. watches TV9. You cant eat_ outside.A. at B. C. in D. on10.- Do I have to_ early in the morning, Dad? - Sur

32、e. A. to get up B. goes to bed C. go to bed D.get up三.根据答句, 写出相应的问句.(10分)1. Q:_?A: No, I cant . I can watch it on weekends.2. Q:_?A: No, I can only go out on Saturday and Sunday nights.3. Q:_?A: Not too early. I often go to bed at 9:00.4. Q:_?A: Yes, they can come to my house.5. Q:_?A: Yes, I do.四.

33、完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分) Some students think taking notes by hand is too tiring. So they use digital cameras to take pictures of the 11 that their teachers write on blackboards. Some even use digital recorders to record 12 teachers say in class. The kids are smart to 13 technology. They might think there a

34、re too many notes to take. They might think that teachers write too fast. Anyway, they are trying to find ways to make things 14 . But do digital cameras or recorders really make taking notes easier?Not really. Before you 15 the notes from digital cameras, there are a lot of things to do. You have t

35、o find a computer to download the photos. You have to 16 a printer to print the photos out on paper. To listen to the 17 from a digital recorder is even harder. There is usually noise with the sound. You will have to listen to it several times 18 you really make everything clear. Actually, taking no

36、tes 19 hand can help you remember and understand what you are learning. In order to 20 time in taking notes, you can choose the most important things or what puzzles you. You don't have to write everything. Don't be afraid of taking notes by hand. Try to learn a really effective way.( )1.A.

37、words B. notes C. hands D. problems( )2. A. that B. which C. what D. how( )3. A. make use of B. come up with C. get on with D. look down on( )4. A. harder B. easier C. more D. less( )5. A. read B. say C. look D. watch( )6. A. find B. found C. finding D. finds( )7. A. noise B. sounds C. voices D. pho

38、tos( )8. A. before B. after C. while D. when( )9. A. in B. on C. at D. by( )10. A. keep B. have C. run D. save五.阅读理解阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(20分)(A)Who's Peanut? In the story "Peanut", she's a small dog. But there's something special (特殊): the dog has a big interest in smells (嗅觉)! Peanut

39、 likes to smell everything she can find. She even enjoys bad smells - like those from a cat, trash bag or diapers (尿布)!One day, she goes to a store with her owner (主人), Nina. Nina puts Peanut in her backpack. She likes the dog so much that she treats it as a baby.But, Tad, the toddler (刚学步的小孩) in th

40、e family, gets lost in the store.Could Peanut's nose help find the baby? Will he become a big hero? You have to read the book to see."Peanut" is full of bright, funny pictures. It brings the dog to life. It's great for beginners in English! Other easy books in "Stepping into R

41、eading" also can take kids on a great reading trip!( )1. _ is a dog.A.Peanut B. Nina C. Tad( )2. Peanut likes to _.A. eat a lot of food B. smell thingsC. catch things( )3. Tad gets lost _.A. in the storeB. on the street C. on a bus( )4. _books can take kids on a great reading trip.A.Peanut B.St

42、epping into Reading C.Peanut and Stepping into Reading( )5. The story mainly tells us_ A. how Peanut helps find the lost baby B. about an interesting book C. Peanut and Nina are good friends (B)What's the brightest star in the sky? Venus (金星). Want to know more about it? Take the "Venus Exp

43、ress"! "Venus Express" is a space probe (探测器) recently sent towards Venus by European scientists. It will study Venus's atmosphere (大气) and return photos. But before that "Venus Express" must travel about 350 million kilometres. It will reach Venus in April of next year.

44、 Venus and earth have similar weight and size. However, Venus is closer to the sun than earth. Venus is very hot. The temperature (温度) reaches 465C during Venus's day. Its atmosphere is mostly carbon (碳), which turns into acid rain (酸雨). Scientists think earth and Venus had similar beginnings 4.

45、6 billion years ago. But while the earth supports millions of lives, Venus went bad. "Earth easily could have turned out like that," said European scientist David Southwood. "It is important we find out why, and Venus Express should do that." "Venus Express" also will h

46、elp scientists to learn what might happen to earth in the future. "Venus Express" will work for two Venus days. A Venus day is about 243 days on earth. That means it will work for 486 earth days!( )1. "Venus Express" is a _. A. train B. plane C. scientific machine D. movie( )2. &

47、quot; Venus Express" can _. A. study Venus' atmosphere B. take photos and send them back C. travel to space D. do all of the above( )3. Venus and the earth have similar _. A. weight B. size C. beginning D. all the above answers( )4. The underlined word "that" refers to _. A. the s

48、un B. Venus C. the moon D. the earth( )5. "Venus Express" can help scientists find out why _. A. Venus day is longer than earth day B. Venus went bad C. Carbon turns into acid rain D. Venus is so hot六.读.答.做(30分)(A)阅读班规,并回答问题.(10分)Dear students,The following rules are for you at Cambridge s

49、chool.Please read them carefully.1. Stand up when a teacher or a visitor goes into the classroom.2. You have to be in a classroom or study places during lesson time.3. Arrive in time for the start of each lesson with the things you need so that you are ready to start work.4. Wear smart , clean cloth

50、es.No long hair for boys.5. Dont leave the school if you are not allowed.6. You cant take food and drink from the dining-room.7. Radios and personal computers can only be used in dormitory house where the house rules allow.You cant use them in class or in the library. Class 51. What do students in C

51、lass Five have to do when a teacher comes into the classroom?_2. Do students have to wear uniforms?_3. Can students leave the school if they are not allowed?_4.Do the students have to have their lunch and dinner in the dining room?_5.Where can students use their personal computers?_( B).班有班规,家也有家规.Edward是一五班的学生,聪明又顽皮,他受不了他家的家规,于是写信告诉知心姐姐(Miss Clark)他的烦恼.(20分)Unit12 Dont eat in class 参考答案Keys to unit12(A)一23451二BBCAB三ABCDBCCACB四1.pa


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