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1、Test Paper for Unit (3S2B)I.Grammar 35%Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.1. According to a Swiss psychologist, those who choose blue _ the test are calm and in control, and prefer a

2、 peaceful life.2. When the boy told his father he didn twant to go to university, his father saw _ and became very upset.3. Black, the color _ with fear, is worn to funerals in the USA and Europe.A. has associatedB. associatingC. associatesD. associated4. Red, green, orange and yellow are _ the main

3、 “appetite colors”that help persuade people to buy more food.A. thought of asB. looked asC. regarded to beD. thought of to be5.The bride in Europe should wear white, _ virtue and purity.A. as representsB. that is a color ofC. which was a symbol ofD. which symbolizes6.Many people are still _ Steve Jo

4、bs though he _ for nearly half a year.A. in mourning of; has diedB. in mourning for; has been deadC. in mourning of; has been diedD. in mourning for; died7.He held a party last night, _ a mess in his apartment.A. this causedB. which causingC. thus causingD. so caused8.The dog was picking at a bone,

5、trying to get _ meat was still there.A. whicheverB. thatC. whateverD. how9. They haventmade any decision on _ they are going to do to deal with the waste and control pollution.A. whatB. thatC. ifD. which10.We hold the same view _ he has investigated will throw light on the puzzling question.A. thatB

6、. whatC. that whatD. which11._ all these inventions have in common is _ they have succeeded.A. What; whatB. That; thatC. What; thatD. That; what12._ to the old is to give great comfort to them.A. Little can I doB. What can I do littleC. The little of which I can doD. The little that I can do13._ wil

7、l take part in the reading contest will be announced at tomorrow s meeting.A. WhoeverB. WhomC. WhichD. Who14. Although most of them have no doubt _ he will pass the exam, I still think there is something about _ he has really got everything ready.A. whether; thatB. that; whetherC. that; thatD. wheth

8、er; whether15. _ fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differences from one aspect.16. _ made the school proud was _ more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities.A. What becauseB. What thatC. That whatD. That because17. Next door to ours _, who used

9、to be my father. s teacherA. that lives an old manB. does an old man liveC. where lives an old manD. lives an old man18.Not only _ the appetite, but it also makes customers feel active.A. does red stimulateB. red stimulatesC. red can stimulateD. is red stimulated19._ other people say, he sticks to _

10、 he thinks is right.A. No matter what; whatB. What; whateverC. Whatever; thatD. No matter what; that20.Do you know _ Mr. Smith s address is?- He may live at No. 25 or No. 35 of Queen avenue. I m not sure of _.A. what; whichB. where; whichC. where; whatD. what; where21.It is generally considered unwi

11、se to give a child_ he or she wants.A. howeverB. whateverC. whicheverD. whenever22._ all behavior is learned behavior is a basic assumption of social scientists.A. NearlyB. That nearlyC. whyD. what23.Only when I left my parents for Italy_how much I loved them.A. I realizedB. I had realizedC. had I r

12、ealizedD. did I realize24._ makes no difference _ he will attend our wedding.A. It; thatB. That; whetherC. It; whetherD. That; that25._ they go swimming in the sea, they will still be excited.A. Next timeB. It is the next timeC. The next time whenD. For the first time26.It is quite natural that a st

13、ranger _ in _ .A. gets lost; so big a cityB. get lost; such big a cityC. will get lost; such a big cityD. should get lost; so big a city27. At least 17 people are reported _ in the ever recorded worst snow that struck southern area the other day.A. that were killedB. to be killedC. killedD. to have

14、been killed28. Your personality is mysteriously _ the color you prefer.A. bound up withB. caught up withC. come up withD. kept up with29. - We do not know how this world come into _ .- No, but that s none of our business. Its the scientistswork.A. fashionB. beingC. forceD. effect30._ the heat of the

15、 sun, nothing could live.A. If onlyB. In case ofC. But forD. Thanks to31.After two hours walk on such a hot day, we were _ tired.A. not a bitB. not a littleC. a bitD. a little32.How many colors does a barber s _ usually have?A. symbolB. signC. personalityD. character33.The young women is quite _ and

16、 she plans to get a doctor s degree in her twenties.A. energeticB. adventurousC. ambitiousD. powerful34.Hearing your words, I felt rather _ . Which of the following isIMPROPER ?A. injuredB. hurtC. woundedD. offended35. It was not because I was afraid of those tough guys _ it happened to be my usual

17、stop at which I would get off the bus then.A. but thatB. that becauseC. but alsoD. but becauseII. Cloze 15%Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Is there a job f

18、or you after college? What does the world of work keep in store for you? That36 in large measure on who you are.If you ve enjoyed your studies in English and history, 37, you ll be glad to know that ina recent survey by Hobart and William Smith Colleges in New York State, a majority of CEOssaid that

19、 the liberal arts(文科)are essential for38critical thinking and problem-solvingskills. If you thought college was for acquiring specific work skills, only 37 percent of the CEOsin the survey agree with you.If you plan to start your career as a secretary, be aware that this job is undergoing tremendous

20、39 . In offices where secretaries have not already been eliminated, the40role of a clerk isnow unrecognizable. Most bosses41their own mails and meetings and travel plans, thanksto e-mail and the Internet, so secretaries are42taking on higher-level tasks such as draftingcontracts and handling custome

21、r service problems. Those willing to expand their43shoulddo well.If you are a woman interested in lawenforcement ( 执法 ) , note that some states and cities areworking hard to reach44standards forfemale applicants. Although most smallsuburbanpolice departments are deeply traditional, and some are45eve

22、n to employ woman, amongthe nationlargest forces about 15 percent of the officers are female,five times as many as ageneration ago.Degrees in sports management are also46. Two hundred U.S colleges and universities,10 times as many in 1985, now47undergraduate courses in sports management, and somehav

23、e advanced degree programs. At some schoolyoucan also combinean MBAin sportsmanagement with a law degree.48, if you ve set your sights on a traditional MBA, takehart. MBArecruitment ( 招聘 )is way up, and salaries are49. But money isn t all today s MBAs are looking for. A recentstudy of nearly 1,800 M

24、BA students in the United States and Canada found that 68 percent50the statement,“ My family will alwaysbe more important than my career.”36. A. concentratesB. dependsC. takesD. passes37. A. by comparisonB. as a resultC. for instanceD. in return38. A. developingB. discouragingC. confirmingD. appreci

25、ating39 A. troublesB. painsC. testsD. changes40. A. activeB. smallC. usefulD. traditional41. A. awaitB. handleC. transferD. classify42 A. increasinglyB. unwillinglyC. diligentlyD. intentionally43. A. horizonsB. activitiesC. organizationsD. operations44. A. mediumB. highC. fairD. legal45. A. keenB. r

26、esolvedC. reluctantD. qualified46. A. on displayB. at an endC. at restD. on the rise47. A. cancelB. offerC. registerD. drop48. A. ContrarilyB. ConsequentlyC. FinallyD. Strictly49. A. competitiveB. moderateC. fixedD. regular50. A. give outB. agree withC. wonder aboutD. focus onIII Reading(8%)Directio

27、ns:Read the followingpassages.Each passage is followed by several questions orunfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choosethe one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.If you are a male and you are reading thi

28、s, congratulations: you re a survivor. According tostatistics, you remore than twice as likelyto die of skin cancer than a woman, and nine timesmore likely to die of AIDS. Assuming you make it to the end of your natural term, about 78 yearsfor men in Australia, you ll die on average five years befor

29、e a woman.There remany reasons for this typically,men take more risks than women and are morelikely to drink and smoke but perhaps more importantly, men don t go to the doctor. Men aren t seeing doctors as often as they should, says Dr. Gullotta.“ This is particfor the over- 40s, when diseases tend

30、to strike.”Gullotta says a healthy man should visit the doctor every year or two. For those over 45, it should be at least once a year.Two months ago Gullotta saw a 50-year-old man who had delayed doing anything about his smoker s cough for a year.“ When I finally saw him it had already spread and h

31、e has since died from lung cancer, says. “ Earlier detection and treatment may not have cured him, but it would have prolonged his life. ”According to a recent survey, 95% of women aged between 15 and early 40s seea doctoronce a year, compared to 70% of men in the same age group.“ A lot of men think

32、 they re (invincible不可战胜的)”, Gullotta says.“ They only come inwhen a friend drops dead on t he golf course and they think,Geez, if i t could happen to him,”Then there s the ostrich approach.“ Some men are scared of what might be there and wouldrather not know,” says Dr. Ross Cartmill.“ Mostmen get t

33、heir cars serviced more regularly than they service their bodies, Cartmill”says. He believes most diseases that commonlyaffect men could be addressed by preventivecheck-ups.“Regular check-ups for men would inevitably place strain on the public purse,”Carmill says.“ But prevention is cheaper in the l

34、ong run than having to treat the diseases. Besides, the ultimatecost is far greater; it s called premature death.”51. Why does the author congratulate his male readers at the beginning of the passage? A. They are more likely to survive serious diseases today.B. Their average life span has been consi

35、derably extended. C. They have lived long enough to read this article.D. They are sure to enjoy a longer and happier life.52. What does the author state is the most important reason men die five years earlier on average than a women?A. Men drink and smoke much more than women.B. Men don t seek medic

36、al care as often as women. C. Men aren t as cautious as women in face of danger. D. Men are more likely to suffer from fatal diseases.53. Which of the following best completes the sentence“ Geez, if it could happen to him,A. it could happen to me, tooB. I should avoid playing golfC. I should conside

37、r myself luckyD. it would be a big misfortune54. What does Cartmill say about regular check-ups for men? A. They may increase public expenses.B. They will save money in the long run.C. They may cause psychological strains on men. D. they will enable men to live as long as women.Class_Name _ No. _IV.

38、 Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words in the table. (12%)console universal take heart amuse stem from tragic depend on distasteful appeal pester dread compensate1. His _ performance caused a roar of laughter in the audience.2. A lot will _ how she responds to the challenge.3. As we

39、all know, music has been called the_ language.4. The financial problems of European universities _ their near-total reliance on the public purse.5. For years, my wife _ me to take her to Europe for shopping.6. I _ going to dancing parties because I m afraid of losing face as a poor dancer.7. Though I didn tpass the test, I can _ myself with the fact that I'm not alone.8. Small business should _ at the government's new tax laws.9. The comp


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