1、session #20244march 15, 2006alliance 2006 conferencenashville, tennessee234567 8 located in norman, a city of 100,000 residents, located 20 miles south of okc. enrollment on norman campus: 24,569 faculty & staff fte: 3,9359 total norman campus budget: $511,240,169 total norman campus sponsored p
2、rograms: $122,890,9741011 hrms was the first erp module implemented moved from a legacy system with on-line capabilities hrms department vs financials department (funding source) decentralized functions approximately 500 department sponsors many “non-sponsors” using legacy system12in-house system cr
3、eated in oracle departments and sponsors fed from financials “roles” were developed for hrms sponsors given access to their departments to add “proxies” for their departments. allowed us to have row level security in ps based on roles assigned to proxy in fams.leveraged existing system when financia
4、ls was implemented developed roles for financials enhanced the process for updating security in ps13141516 must have an emplid in hrms to access fams. must have an emplid in hrms to be designated a proxy. create proxy gives individual same abilities as sponsor. fams is used for the security of an in
5、 house personnel action form (paf) system as well as hrms and financials.1718 sponsored program departments = xx5xxxxxx teams of sponsored program specialists are responsible for groups of sponsored program departments “grants and contracts teams” captures the members of the teams “grants and contra
6、cts departments to teams” captures the departments that belong to each team19fams does not govern the security of all employees. financial support services internal auditing purchasing20create record / page definitions for the deptid / project authorization tables.create search / add views to select
7、 / retrieve deptids / projects that a campus user has access to, based upon the authorization tables.modify prompt tables in record definitions to use custom security views.modify identified component definitions to use custom security views.211.peopletools customizations2.interface / data requireme
8、nts3.detail design custom field definitions and translate values custom record definitions customized record definitions custom view definitions customized components custom page definitions4.custom interface batch process sqr5.modified delivered sqr reports 6.row level security7.maintenance22custom
9、 field definition - ou_gl_authcode. auth code translate values: 001 financials inquiry only 002 requisition add / update / cancel 003 requisition approve 004 po receiving23custom record definitionsou_gl_deptauth captures deptid(s) and corresponding fund codes per user id. data retrieved from fams, u
10、pdated by batch process.ou_gl_projauth captures project(s) and corresponding fund codes per user id. data retrieved from fams, updated by batch process.24customized record definitions:prompt tables pointed to custom views.enforces row level security by retrieving deptids / projects for specific auth
11、 codescfcc2_aks_sbrinq_crit_tbljrnl_error_reqjrnl_panels_wrkjrnl_panels_wrkpo_actg_ent_wrkpv_recv_filterpv_req_hdr_wrkreq_actg_ent_vwreq_hdrreq_hdrreq_hdr_vwreq_inq_wrkreq_ln_distribreq_pnls_wrkreq_recon_sel25custom view definitions:various custom views cloned from original viewsretrieves deptids /
12、projects for specific auth codes.ou_gl_dauth_vwou_jrnl_hdr_vwou_inq_edall_vwou_gl_pauth_vwou_jrnl_npst_vwou_inq_epall_vwou_gl_spdath_vwou_kkq_bdld_vwou_po_dauth_vwou_inq_dall_vwou_kkq_bdll_dvwou_po_pauth_vwou_inq_dauth_vwou_kxcp_bd_vw1ou_po_rqstr_vwou_inq_pall_vwou_kxcp_gl1_vw1ou_req_srchou_inq_paut
13、h_vwou_kxcp_po2_dvwou_rqid_actg_vwou_jrnl_all_vwou_kxcp_po2_vw1ou_rqstr_act_vwou_ jrnl_date_vwou_speedtyp_vwou_speedauth_vwou_jrnl_hdr_fvwou_xcp_inq_srch26customized components:changed search records to custom views retrieves deptids / projects for specific auth codes.journal_entry_ie journal_fs kk_
14、inq_bd_detail kk_xcp_bd kk_xcp_gl1 kk_xcp_po2 requisitions27custom department auth page:28custom project auth page:29sqr process that:updates ps financials security tables with user roles:psroleuserreportsuperusereopp_userou_gl_inq_campus - financials inquiry only ou_po_reqadd_campus - requisition a
15、dd / update / cancel ou_po_reqappr_campus - requisition approveou_po_recv_campus - po receivingps_rolexlatopr30updates department and project authorization tables ou_gl_deptauthou_gl_projauth with authorized deptid / project values and auth code information from fams. 31retrieves fund code for the d
16、eptid / project id from the peoplesoft speedtyp_tbl. inserts the appropriate fund_code into the authorization tables.updates the ps_requestor_tbl and the requisition setup section of the user preferences (ps_opr_def_tbls).note: in order to retrieve data efficiently, fams must have a last update dttm
17、 stamp on every row that it stores. this enables the ps financials system to retrieve data based on a date or a date range.32gls7002 - general ledger activityfin2001 - journal entry detailgls7011 - journal error reportgls8005 - budget transaction detailgls8010 - budgets / actualsgls8020 - budget sta
18、tus reportgls8510 - ledger details report33permission lists and roles were developed to control campus user access to the maintain requisitions pages. row level security then ensures that the campus user only adds, approves or changes requisitions for deptids / projects for which he or she is author
19、ized. on specific pages, when a speedchart is selected, the deptid /project_id is validated against the ps_ou_gl_deptauth / ps_ou_gl_projauth custom authorization tables to ensure the campus user has the appropriate add authority for the deptid / project selected.34when a campus users clicks on spee
20、dchart, the values are limited to what is stored in the authorization tables.35interface monitoring: should be monitored daily.can be re-run many times in batch mode or on an ad-hoc basis. can be run for a date range, or default to current dateapplication message monitoring: partial sync application
21、 message syncs the user profile (only) data between hr and financials. monitor message on a daily basis. if errors or remains in a new status, oprids may not be created in financials. 36changes to fams: changes to table structures in fams must be addressed in the fams to ps interface.the rest of the
22、 row level security code in ps will not be affected. the ps financials row level security hinges on the authorization tables ps_ou_gl_deptauth and ps_ou_gl_projauth tables. changes to these custom tables will affect row level security.37impact of patches and fixes: care must be taken not to overwrit
23、e custom search views for components and prompt table edits for record definitions. document all modifications, including sqrs. run compare reports prior to applying patches to show comments and customizations. 3839 xruoqgmc8.51+l*h!eyauwqsioflb73n-k&g#cwytvprhnd9:63n)k&g#cwysuprhnd9;53n)j%g
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