



1、b.阅读下面短文,在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。(每空格 限填一词)(本题共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)susan is my friend from america. she is 14 years old now. she is 59 inscience and good at it. every summer she60with her parents. she believes3that travelling is an important part in her life. of all the places she has travelled, she likes i

2、xmdon best because it is 61 modern and beautiful. she has learnedthat china is a large countiy with lots of places of interest. this july, her62_are coming to china. em very happy (hat they will first come to our city. they will stay 63 for 3 days. i will show them around the city. then they will fl

3、y tobeijing. fm sure they'll have a nice time in china.三.在短文的空格内归人适当的词,使其内容通贩,年空格限泊一词.( )it is a chinese traditional custom that people eat mooncakes at the time of the mid-autumn festival . one 1 about it is almost 700 years old . in the century z the chinese planned a surprise attack against (

4、表their enemies at the time of the festival . the messages for the attack were put into cakes . the cakes were passed from one person to 2 each person read the messages and knew when and where the attack would 3 _ . at last the chinese won the victory .mooncakes are still eaten during the mid-autumn

5、festival . however, the fillings (窿簿 of the mooncakes now are not messages r but foods such as meat ; fruitsand duck eggs .4 the fifteenth day of the eighth month of each chinese year ,5 and friends come together and enjoy the beautiful moon . shops are crowded with people and the smell of mooncakes

6、6the air. many people goto a place where they can see the moon dearly . large parks and the seaside are popular places . once there , people have a picnic dinner , eat mooncakes and watch the moon rise .(二)i go to the cinema a lot . i often go alone ,1 sometimes my friend rosecomes , too . my husban

7、d 2 comes with me he is always too busy ! i buychocolates to 3 during the film . i usually _ 4 these night films very much . i dont want to see the 5 film twice , but sometimes i do if it/s reallygood .vi.阅读(-):短文填空(一空一词,共10分)most people get the weather information from radio and television71. thr r

8、adio and television stations usually get the reports fromweather experts( but one nidio station in america gets the weather reports from an unusual kind of weather expert called sundy. in 72, sundy is a dog.7and he can only tell 73 there will be rain or not. every morning, his owner tells the rudio

9、announcer (邠员)sundy' s weather report. then the announcer tells his listeners.how does sundy tel 1 his owner? if he _ 74 al home in the morning, it will ruin. if he goes outside> it will not rain. sundy ' s reports ure oftei 75 _correct than those weather experts, . he is a good weather d

10、og.59-63 inieresled, travels, both, family; here三.(一)1. story 2. another 3. happen / start / begin 4. on 5. families 6. fills(二)1. but 2. never 3. eat 4. enjoy / like / love 5. same7l75 reports , fact, whether, stays, morea 阅读下面短文,在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺.(每空限填一词)(本题 共5小题;每小题2分,满分i。分)most people go on h

11、oliday in the summer, and they like to go somewhere 66.so it ssurprising that the ice hotel, in north sweden, is so popular with tourists in the 67. thu icehotel in northern sweden isn t open in the summer. in68.it isn't even there. every april thehotel melts and every november it s rebuilt. the

12、 floor, roof and walls are69 made of ice.visitors to the hotel 70 in beds made of ice and sit on ice chairs and eat from plates of ice. itis very cold, so visitors have to wear special clothes.b.阅读下面短文,在短文的空白处填入一个适当的词,使其内容通顺。i love travelling by plane. going to the airport is very exciting. you look

13、 at the66 of places andthink that you could go67in (he world. then you find your _68 number and go lo【he gate. ybu gelon 69 and find your seat. taking off is noisy.but it s silly to be afraid. on a long flight, they provide food,so passsagers aren't travelling on empty70. however , it isn't

14、very good, so i don t depend on it.l sually i make my own sandwich to take with mec.阅读卜.面短文,在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使或内容通顺。(每空限填 一词)once a frenchman go io england. he knew 39_ a liulc english. one day when he was 40_ by the tabic of a restaurant and having lunch, he he aid a 41_“look out!" so he pul his

15、head out of the _42 to find out what was happening outside. just then a basin (盆)of dirty water poured (泼)over liis head. he was very angry. the man passing by laughed at him and he got even 43_. at last a woman told him that “look out!* in english means "be careful!md用读不面短文,在空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每

16、空一词do you know anything 1 the moon? the moon is smaller than theearth, but the sun the much bigger than the earth. ilie moon is far i yom the earth. il's 380.000 kilometers 2. from ihe eanh. the moon looks 3 acake. there is no air on the moon, so (here are no living things (here. the side of the

17、 moon to the sun is very hot, while the other side is very cold. people can jump higher on the moon than on the earth and walk 4 easily there people can't live onthe moon. they have been to the moon. it 5 more than three days to get tothe moon by spaceship.a 66, cool67, win侬 m tact 69hl70. sleep

18、 b66-70 list, anywhere, flight, board, stomachsc39. only 40, sitting 41 ,voice 42, window 43,angricrdabout away like more takes(a)b.阅读下面短丈,在短文的空格内填入适当的词使其内容逋地. (每个空填一词)on a cold winter afternoon 11 was walking home from a surpermarket i was feeling a little tired is i was carying my shopping mgs. th

19、ey were su heavy i decided to stop to have a rest in the park j walked towards the gale of the park noticed a man walking out of the restaurnnt in front of me .he was holciingei paper bag hr walked to a nearby dustbin (均圾箱)and started looking through it.i suddenly felt sad . i knew the man would tak

20、e hi that he could get , so i went up to him andhim some fruit. the man , with wrinkles (皱纹) on his face , looked upin surprise and took what i gave him,a big appeared on his face and i felt very happy . then he said "wow ! first someone gave me this sandwich then ihis drink , and now some deli

21、cious fruil . this is my daughters lucky day . thank you, boythen he went, singing a songjust then , i understood what the saying "giving is getting- really meant. everyone in the world needs help , everyone can offer help and everyone will be helped by showing kindness. giving sometimes doesn&

22、#39;t cost, but iit means a lot to the people who you help.the man's happiness at that moment comes into my mind every time i have the chance to help others .the i i tor the lord of the re卒 arc very different in the ncwpiipcrthey said k was excellent and that ihc special effects were terrific.12

23、.on the radio they said it was disappointing (令人失望的).they 13that the special cftccis were fantastic, but they said the battles weren't frightening ai 14 because (hey were badly done. the 15 reviewer said rhefilm was tou long, and it became boring.(a).that ,gave, smile away, much(b)11 reviews 12

24、however 13 agreed 14 all 15 radio根据下列短文内容,在短文后的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整。然后把答案做在答题卡上对应的横线 上。most people like watching tv. there are many different kinds of tv programs, such78 newsreports, sports shows and movies. some79 help us to receive a lot of information. theycan help us know the news all over the wor

25、ld. they have increased 80 knowledge and changedthe way we learn about the world today.but81 tv too much has a bad influence on us. many people watch tv instead of 82out for healthy outdoor activities. theylose themselves in tv programs. they have 83 timeto have sports. it is not good for their heal

26、th. it also 84 up too much time and keeps usawayfrom our study. andnot everything on tvhas positive (正面的)effects on viewers. sometvprograms are not suitable for children. they show crime (暴力)and others that are 85 for children.parents should help their children choose the proper programs and help th

27、em go out to do more exercise. 78.as_79._programs_ 80._our_81.watching_82._going_ 83.little_84.takes 85._time_ 五、短文填空题的实例分析are you able to send a letter with pictures and sounds to someoneanywhere in the world without putting a stamp on it? w(1)e mail you can just do that . using a c(2) you can send

28、 e-mail quickly and easily . the post is much s(3)than e-mail . e- mail can send i(4)message to the other side of the world in seconds. e mail is easy to useand it s(5)time and money the differences in time in different parts of the world do not matter w(6)sending email . it is twentyfourhour servic

29、e that you can send an mail at any timeof the day or n (7) . no one has to be t(8)to receive e-mail. it d(9)matter if yourfriends are in bed when you send an e-mail to them , or you are seeing a f(10)at the cinema when they send an e-mail back .1. with ,意为“使用" e mail。2.发送email , 一定要使用电脑,所以应填computer0 3.通过阅读上下 文及本句可知,此处应填形容词的比较级slower 0 4.根据句可知,email应发“它的”信息,所以填its 。5. 所以填saves。6.此处意为“世界上不同的时间、不同的地区对于何时发送emai1没关系,所以应填when 7,此 处应填night ,与dav相对应。8.根据上文可知“不需要有人在那儿接收电子邮件”,所


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