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1、写作金句全国卷 I1. fit into sth与相处融洽他与足球队的队员相处十分融洽。He fitted into the football team very well. 性格随和的人容易融入社会。People who are easy-going willfit into the society easily. 约翰总是以自我为中心,与乐队成员格格不入。John is always self-centered and can fit 'intto the music group. 别担心。我相信你能融入这个中国家庭。Don't worry. I believe you c

2、anfit into the Chinese family.全国卷 II2. get to like / know / understand / realize sb / sth 渐渐喜欢 / 了解 / 理解 / 意识到某人或某事不去尝试一下,你怎么会了解或者喜欢这门学科呢?How can you get to know or like the subject without giving it a try? 你长大之后会理解父母的好意的。 (不养儿不知父母恩。) You'lgl et to understandyour parents ' good intentions wh

3、en you grow up. 等你上了大学你就会意识到中学时光是多么的宝贵。You will get to realize how valuable the high school time is after you go to college. 观看之后你会了解到学校的发展。After watching it, you can get to know the development of our school.3. find out; find out about; find out what / who etc; find out (that) 查明;弄清(情况)你一弄清楚了就给我打电话

4、好吗?Would you call me as soon as youfind out? 我梦想上北京大学,所以我想进一步了解它。I dream of going to Peking University, so I want tofind out moreabout it. 我们终于弄清了事情真相。At long last we found out what had really happened. 老师发现汤姆作弊,汤姆羞愧得低下了头。The teacherfound out that Tom had cheated, and Tom hung his head in shame. 我们会

5、全面了解学校的历史。We will find out all about the history of our school.4. be curious about sth 对某事物感兴趣be curious to know / see / hear很想知道 / 看至U / 听至U对于不要你知道的事情别太好奇。Don' tbe too curious aboutthings you are not supposed to know. 人们聚集过来,很想知道发生了什么事情。People gathered round,curious to know what is happening. 他

6、很想学习,总是准时来上课。Being curious to learn,he was always on time for every lesson. 如果你很想知道学校的历史及未来,那就请不要错过这个机会。If you are curious aboutthe history of our school or concernedabout its future, you mustn ' t miss this excellent opportunity!全国卷 III5. It is . that is sb' s fi是某人e的第一爱好。绘画是约翰的第一爱好。It is p

7、aintingthat is John ' s firs.t love 大多数运动我都喜欢,而网球是我的第一爱好。I like most sports but it is tennis that is my first love. 大多数运动我都喜欢,而排球是我的第一爱好。I like most sports, butit is volleyball that is my first love.2018 地方卷1. 我们设法找到了回家的路。(2018 浙江书面表达)We managed to findthe way to the house.2. 无论买什么,我都倾向于参考消费排名。(

8、2018 江苏书面表达)I tend to consult consumption ratingswhatever I purchase.3. 我知道你对机器人竞赛特别感兴趣。(2018天津书面表达)I know you have a special liking for the Robotics Competition.4. 我必须承认你有艺术天赋。(2018 北京书面表达)I must admit you have artistic talent.5. 几千年过去,许多优秀的传统文化保留了下来。(2018 北京)Many excellent traditional cultures hav

9、eremained after thousands of years.金句 1:There' s nothing better thlayning on the beach in the hot sun. 没有比躺在烈日下的沙滩上更美的事儿了。拓展句:1. 没有什么比在大热天吃个冰淇淋更美的事儿了。There' s nothing better theaanting an ice cream on a hot day.2. 她最喜欢的莫过于在沙滩上散步了。She likes nothing better thana nice walk along the beach.3. 他最

10、喜欢的莫过于和好朋友们泡在一块儿了。He loves / enjoys nothing better thanhanging around with his good friends. 金句 2:It ' ll take agesptaork. 停车要花很长时间。拓展句 :1. 每天做完家庭作业都要花很长时间。It takes ages tofinish the homework every day. / The homework takes ages every day.2. 学会说好英语可能要花很长时间,但是我最终会做到的。It might take ages tolearn to

11、 speak English well but I' ll do itfinally.3. 我费了很长时间才找到给杰克的生日礼物。It took me forever to find a birthday present for Jack.金句 3:The lunch special is really good value. 特价午餐非常合算。 拓展句: 1.这件衬衫不值这个价钱。 This shirt is bad / poor value.2. 我昨天买的外套太划算了。 The coat I bought yesterdayis excellent value.金句 4:Give

12、n his age, the old man isin good condition. 考虑到老人的年龄,他的身体状况很不错了。 拓展句: 1.作为那把年纪的人来说,我爷爷身体不错。 My grandpa is in good condition / shapefor a man of his age.2. 汤姆在医院里折腾了一个星期,身体一直不好。 Tom wasin poor condition for a week in the hospital.3. 他体重超重,健康状况不佳。 He is overweight andout of condition.金句 5I often invit

13、e friends over to have dinner so it doesn ' t surprise me tIhsaptend seven percent of my time cooking and eating.我经常邀请朋友们过来吃晚饭,所以我一点都不奇怪我花了7%的时间在做饭和吃饭上。拓展句1. 李华被北京大学录取了,我们都感到很意外。It surprised us thatLi Hua was admitted into Peking University.2. 真想不到你对历史事件有这么精辟的见解。It surprised me thatyou have such

14、 profound insights about historic events.金句 6Most of these are wordshaving to do with daily life. 这些词大部分与日常生活有关。 拓展句1. 许多女孩的谈话与时尚有关。Many girls ' conversatihoanvse something to do withfashion2. 她的好成绩与努力学习有很大关系。Her good gradeshave a lot to do with hard work.3. 那不关你的事,与你毫无关系。That 'nsone of your

15、 business, and ithas nothing to do with you.4. 我肯定她的问题和她儿时的经历有一定关系。I ' m sure her problemhsave something to do with what happened when she was a child.金句 7I am afraid we will have no choice/alternative but to call the service company and ha ve the car removed.恐怕我们别无选择只能打电话叫服务公司把车拖走。 拓展句1. 我别无选择,

16、只能接受事实。I have no choice/alternative but to accept the fact.2. 每天我都有很多作业,我别无选择,只能去做。I have a lot of homework every day, and I have no choice/alternative but to do it.3. 她考得太差,老师只能给她不及格。She did so badly in the exam that the teacher had no choi/caelternative but to fail her. 金句 8Whateverthe film is, Il

17、l waS论是什么电影,我都会看的。拓展句1. 无论发生什么事 , 我们都不会放弃学习。We will never give up studying, whatever happens.2. 如果你需要我的超市会员卡,随时跟我借。You can borrow my membership card for the supermarkewt henever you want.3. 有些人能够随遇而安。Some people can enjoy themselveswherever they are.4. 无论他们是谁,我都不想见。I don ' t want to see thewmh,o

18、ever they are.5. 你可以按照你的喜好留头发。You can wear your hairhowever you like it.金句 9This areais meant for buses and taxis only. 这是公交车和出租车停靠处。拓展句1. 这本词典是为高中英语学习者量身定制的。The dictionary is meant for high school leanners of English.2. 新科技是为了人们更美好的生活服务的。The new tech no logiesare meant for abetter life of people.3.

19、 你不应该看那封信,那不是给你写的。You shouldn 'have read that letter it wasn' intended for you.金句10这件裙子在我姐姐的婚礼上穿正合适。The dress will be perfect for my sister ' s wedding.拓展句1. 看那蔚蓝的天空,真是一个全班出游的好天气。Look at the blue skies. The weatheis perfect for a class outi ng.2. 黄晓明是那个角色的最理想的演员。Huang Xiaoming is the per

20、fect actor forthe role.3. 对于他来说,书是最好的生日礼物。A book would be a perfect birthday prese nt forhim.金句11It ' s taking longhan expected.比预计的花费时间长。拓展句1. 我太幸运了!考得比预期的要好。Lucky me! I did better in the exam than expected.2. 我很满意,各科我都取得了比预期更大的进步。I ' m quite satisfied. I ' ve made greater progress in e

21、Veryexpjte d.3. 做这个试验比预想的要难得多。Doi ng the experime nt was a lot more difficult tha n expected. 金句12He is old en ough to look after a dog.他已经足够大,可以照看一只狗了。 拓展句1. 你还没到自己能做决定的年龄。You are not old eno ugh to makeyour own decisi ons.2. 我真幸运与她成为朋友。I was lucky eno ugh to makefrie nds with her.3. 他应该勇于承认错误。He s

22、hould be mane no ugh to admit he had done wrong.金句 13It was worth the effort for the big waterfall was truly beautiful. 拓展句1. 他被北京大学录取了,这努力值了。It was worth the effort for he was admitted into Beijing University.2. 虽然在这过程中很累,但是我们都很开心,因为觉得时间花得值。Exhausted as we were during the process, we felt delighted

23、 as we thought it was worth the time.3. 我看到她脸上又惊喜又满意的笑容,所有的辛苦都值了。It was worth all the hard work when I saw the big smile with both surprise and satisfaction spread on her face.金句 14I don 'mtean toask about your private life. 我并不想问你的私生活。 拓展句1. 我本不想让你不高兴。 I didn 'metan to upset you.2. 我一直想要问你,

24、下个星期你来不来吃顿饭。I 've beemneaning to ask you if you want to come for a meal next week.3. 我认为人们不应做出自己无意信守的承诺。I don 't think people should make promises they domnean tokeep'. t金句 15The party is due tomorrow. 聚会预计明天举办。 拓展句1. 下一趟公交车预计是在五分钟后抵达。The next bus is due in five minutes.2. 我们九月份就要开学了We a

25、re due to start school in September.3. TFBOYS 的下一张单曲唱片预定在本月下旬发行。 TFBOYS' next single is due for release later this month.4. 什么时候放暑假?When is the summer vacation due?金句 16like about sth/sb.关于某物/某人喜欢1. 你真正喜欢野营什么?What kinds of things do you really like about camping?2. 我喜欢运动的原因是可以交到很多朋友The particula

26、r thing I like about sports is that I can make many friends.3. 关于这个APP,她最喜欢的是使用起来很方便What she likes best about this APP is that it is easy to use.4. 我喜欢约翰的一点就是他的幽默感。One of the things I like about John is his sense of humour.5. 我喜欢世界杯的一点就是可以和很多朋友一起观看。The particular thing I like about FIFA World Cup is

27、 that I can watch the match with many friends.6. 我喜欢跑步的原因是它 能使我感到放松( 2018全国卷 III)The particular thing I like about running is that it makes me feel relaxed.金句 17We mustpay attention to what he says in class. 我们必须注意他在课堂上说的话。1. 要是你上课更注意听讲,你就不用总问我了If you paid more attention in class, you didn' t al

28、ways need to ask me.2. 当你想和妈妈吵架的时候,多注意她头上的白发。Pay more attention tothe grey hair on her head, when you want to quarrel with Mum.3. 我妈妈出去了,我终于可以专注做我喜欢的事情了。My mother was out and I could give full attention to what I love at last.4. 注意餐桌礼仪,嘴里有食物的时候不要讲话。 (2018 全国卷 I)Pay attention tothe table manners. You

29、 are not supposed to talk with your mouth full.金句 18I ' m sorry for taking that long非常抱歉我花了那么长时间。1. 对不起弄得乱七八糟,我会打扫干净的。Sorry about the messI ' ll clean it up.2. 很抱歉,没打招呼就用你的书了。I ' m really sorry fotraking your book without asking.3. 我爸爸因为不了解情况就生气而感到惭愧。My father was sorry thathe got angry

30、without knowing the facts.4. 扎克伯格对泄露用户隐私感到很抱歉。Mark Zuckerberg was sorry for disclosing the users ' privacy.5. 很抱歉不能和你一起去书店了。 (2016 全国卷 III 写作)I ' m sorry thaItcannot go to the bookstore with you. 金句 19It ' s never too latestaort exercising.什么时候开始锻炼都不晚。1. 改过不嫌晚。 It is never too late to me

31、nd.2. 戒烟对你来说永远都为时不晚。It is never too late for you to give up smoking.3. 我想提醒你们,无论何时开始学习都不迟。I want to remind you that it ' s never too late to le.arn4. 无论何时保护环境都不迟。 (2016 北京卷写作)It ' s never too late to protect the environment.5. 无论何时做你想做的事都不晚。It ' s never too latestaort doing the things yo

32、u want.金句 20What' s the worst thingabout being a successful actor? 作为一位成功的演员,最糟 糕的事情是什么?拓展句:1. 考试的最糟糕之处是要准备很长时间。The worst thing about taking an exam is that it takes a lot of time to prepare.2. 住在这个城市最好的事情是什么 ?What is the best thingabout living in this city? 金句 21:It ' s norntalfeel nervous

33、before an exam考试之前觉得紧张是正常的。拓展句:1. 这样长途旅行之后感到疲劳是正常的。It ' s normtoalfeel tired after such a long trip.2. 朋友之间有时争吵是很正常的。It ' s pretty normfoarl friends to argue sometimes.金句 22I did n expect him to stay so long我没有料到他会待那么久。拓展句:1. 你真以为我会相信你吗?Do you really expect me tobelieve you?2. 预计学生们在 2月 28 号

34、结束寒假。Students will be expected tofinish their winter holiday on February 28th.3. 预计房价会急剧上涨。House pricesare expected torise sharply.金句 23:This hotel has an advantage ovetrhe others because it offers dinners. 这个宾馆比其他宾馆有优势,因为它提供晚餐。拓展句:1. 理奇比你占优势,因为他会讲德语。Rich has an advantage oveyr ou since he can speak

35、 German.2. 说到找工作,上过大学的人有很大的优势。People who have been to university have a big advantage when it comes to finding jobs.3. 她记忆力好,比其他参赛者有优势。A good memory gave her an advantage over the other competitors. 金句 24:It must be at least 5 years sincewe graduated. 我们毕业到现在至少有五年了。 拓展句:1. 我们成为朋友到现在正好 3 年。It is exac

36、tly 3 years sincewe became friends.2. 我们已经许久未见了。It has been a long time sincewe last met. 金句 25:I wish he 'd hurry up manadke up his mind. 我希望他能快点拿定主意。 拓展句:1. 我下定决心来这里。I made up my mind to come here.2. 卡伦对于是否要申请那所大学拿不定主意。Karen couldn m'atke up her mindwhether to apply for the university or n

37、ot.3. 她最终下定决心她要学习理科。She' s finallmy ade up her mindthat she wants to study science.金句 26I ' ve nevtearken a liking to the water painting. 我从来不喜欢水彩画。 拓展句:1. 我与新邻居一见如故。I took a liking to our new neighbour as soon as we met.2. 我特别喜欢户外活动。I have a special liking foroutdoors sports.3. 他从小就和音乐结了缘。H

38、e developed a liking for music when he was a boy.金句 27:I might have to give my dad a rideto the train station. 我可能得捎我爸爸去火车站。 拓展句:1. 我爸爸开着车载着我和我的几个朋友去学校。My father took / gave some friends and me a rideto the school.2. 今晚我能搭你的车去参加聚会吗?Can I get a ride to the party tonight?3. 我看电视看烦了,咱们出去兜兜风。I was tired

39、 of watching TV. Let go for a'rside.金句 28The parking service is available on the west side on condition that you park there within half an hour. 倘若停车不超过半小时,可以在西边停车。拓展句1. 你要是按时归还我就把自行车借给你。I can lend you my bike on condition that you return it on time.2. 如果你是真诚的,我就接受你的帮助。I 'll accept your helo

40、pn condition that you are sincere.3. 倘若获得奖学金,我会考虑出国学习。I would consider studying abroadon condition that I get a scholarship.金句 29It ' s nice to have the blue sky and thefsour na change. 天气好转,天蓝了,太阳出 来了,太好了。拓展句1. 让我们出去吃换换口味吧。Let ' s eat ofuotr a change.2. 现在换我来问你一个问题吧。Now let me ask you a que

41、stionfor a change.3. 我们总是在海边度假。今年我们换一下,去山上吧。We always spend our holidays by the sea. Let' s go to tfohreamcohuanntagiensthis year.金句 30:We had pizzafollowed by fresh fruit. 吃完比萨饼后,我们吃点新鲜水果。 拓展句1. 伦敦是我最喜欢的城市,其次是巴黎。London is my favourite city, followed by Paris.2. 老师走出教室,后面跟着一群孩子 .The teacher walk

42、ed out of the classroomf,ollowed by a group of children. 金句 31:1. It seems likely that there is a heavy rain.好像要下大雨了。拓展句1. 好像我们学校要赢得这场比赛了。It seems likely that our school will win the game.2. 我想他很可能明天到达。I think it is likely that he will arrive tomorrow.3. 看样子这些书三天之内读不完。It seems unlikely that these bo

43、oks can be finished within three days.4. 很明显那份工作适合我。It seems quite clear thatI am suitable for the work.金句 32:have / be (someth ing / no thi ng / a lot )to do with sb / sth与有些(毫无、有很大等)关系Most of these are wordshaving to do with daily life.大部分这些词与日常生活有关。拓展句:1. 许多女孩的谈话与时尚有关。Many girls'conversations

44、have something to do withfashion.2. 他的好成绩与努力学习有很大关系。His good gradeshave a lot to do with hard work.3. 那不关你的事,与你毫无关系。That's none of your business, andit has nothing to do with you.4. 我肯定她的问题和她儿时的经历有一定关系。I 'm sure her problems have something to do with what happened when she was a child.5. 近期的

45、热门话题很大程度上与第 21 届世界杯有关。The recent hot issues are largely to do with thethe 21st FIFA World Cup. 唐诗与唐朝历史有关。 (20 1 7全国卷 I)Tang Poetryhas something to do with the history of the Tang Dynasty.金句 33:make sense: 有意义;讲得通;有道理make sense of :弄懂 的意思What you say makes sens.e 你说的有道理。拓展句:1. 她为什么做那种事情?这似乎讲不通。Why di

46、d she do a thing like that? It doesn'tseem tomake sense.2. 在英语老师的帮助下,我理解了这段文章。With the help of my English teacher, Imade sense ofthe passage.3. 有时候人都会做没道理的事。Sometimes we all do things that justmake no sense. 请读读文字,告诉我通不通。 (2016全国卷 I 写作) Please read the text and tell me if itmakes sens.e 金句 34:be

47、 up to由决定;是谁的职责It'sup to us to hold the end of school year party for our class. 该由我们来为班里举办学期末的派对了。拓展句:1. 咱们是到外面吃饭还是待在家里? - 你决定吧。Shall we eat out or stay in? - It'sup to you.2. 不该由我来告诉你怎么做。你应该相信你自己的判断。It'snot up to me to tell you what to do. You should rely on your own judgement.3. 选择哪种生活方式 ,取决于你。It'sup to you to choose which life you will live.金句 35


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