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1、I . Material analysis本课是第七单元话题二的第二课时。本节课的主要活动是1a和2。进一步学习并巩固情态动词can/can ' t表示个人水平的功能用语并导入新词汇smart和count。本节课对学生的听力水平的训练方式较多,如听录音检测内容;听录音回答问题;听录音选择填空,听录音写单词。不但训练学生听力理解水平和识 辨图片的水平,而且培养学生听关键信息并速记的技能。n . Teachi ng aims1. Kno wledge aims对话中:smart, count掌握can/can ' t表示个人水平的表达法,如: I can -very well. I

2、 can a little.(3) I can ' t at all.能用英语表扬和鼓励他人:You are so smart!能用英语表达自我意愿:I would like to take these flowers to theparty.2. Skill aims能够听懂相关现在能做和不能做的事情的对话和简单的故事;能够听懂简单的课堂用语并作出适当反应;能够和同伴就能做和不能做的事情实行口头交流; 能够用准确的语音、语调朗读对话;能够参照图片或范例写出简单的句子3. Emotio nal aims通过学习英文歌曲,体会到学习英语的乐趣;通过小组间良性竞争与合作,培养学生之间友好互

3、助的精神。川.The key points and difficult points1. Key points能够应用情态动词can引导的Or Questions ,如:Can Ann dance or draw?She can dan ce.well.能够用 can/can ' t 表示能的相关水准,如: She can do it a little/very能够熟练使用表达自我意愿的表达方式。2. Difficult poi nts准确使用情态动词can引导的Or Questions。IV. Lear ning strategies能在学习中善于利用图画等非语言信息协助理解。V .

4、 Teachi ng aids黑板和多媒体W . Teachi ng proceduresStage 1 Pre-read ingStep1: Greet ingT:What ' s the date today?/What day is it today?Ss:Step2:Prese nt the leari ng aims.Step3:Let ' s chant.Step4:Prensent the numbers from1-10. Ask the students Can you count the nu mbers in En glish? Then ask them

5、 to count the nu mbers from 10-1. When they do it , teacher says you are so smart to them. Teach new words :co unt smart.Step5 Review the Can questi ons by prese nti ng picutures. Then lead in Or Questi ons.Step6:Play a game.(Quick resp on se) Make senten ces about abilities.Step7: Pair work.A: Can

6、you/Tom or B: I/He can :l/He can do it a little/very well.Stage 2 While-liste ning Step1:Liste n to 3a and nu mber the pictures. Step2: Liste n aga in and finish the exercises.1. Can Miss Zhou cook?A Yes, she can do it very well.B No,she can't do it at all.C Yes, but not very well.2. Can Jeff pl

7、ay soccer very well?No, he do it .3. Mr.Zhao can play the piano.4. Annuse a computer.Step3: Introduce the the parrot ' s name to the students. Listen to the 1a and answer the following question:Can Polly cou nt 1 2 34?Step4: Liste n to 1a aga in and check(V) what Polly can do.Step5: Retell 1a ac

8、cord ing to the key words.Polly.smart.can speak.can sin g.can coun t.,but can 't.flowersandStep6: Read after the MP3, pay attention to the pronuniation inton atio n.Step7: Role play.Stage3 Post-liste ningStep1 Make a survey.There are 4 people in one group.Each group choose a tea n leader. The te

9、a n leader shoule ask your teamates what they can do and what they can ' t do.Then fill in the blanks.You can use the follow ing senten ces and phrases.1. A: What can you do?B:I can 2. A: Can you ?B: Yes, I can/ No, I> 丄can t.3. A: Can you 。厂? B: I can sing Chin ese songssing En glish songsda

10、nce to discoperform balletplay the guitarplay the pia noplay gamesliste ntomusic swimtake photos cookspeak En glish speak Japa neseYou can report like this:X X can -a little/very well, but she/he can ' t-at allStep2:Sumary.Words :smart, countSentences :(1 ) You are so smart!(2) Ca n you count th

11、em for me?(3) A: Can Ann dance or draw?B: She can dan ce. She can do it alittle/very well.Step3: Finish the exercises.1. He canan En glish song .A . si ng B. singsC. to si ng2. My sister can playpia no very well .C. /B. the3. Can you swimdance ?-1 can swim .A .in B. orC. at4. Jim can play basketball.(改为一般疑问句)Jim basketball?5. Can Kan gka ng play the guitar?.Can Kangkang play the piano?(用or把两个句子连接起来)Kan gka ng the guitar play ?Step4:Homework.Write an article to introduce your best friend with can, can' t, verywel


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