



1、Lesson Thirty-four Keeping Fit and Healthy教学内容分析使用教材:浙江人民出版社,英语第三册Unit9 Health。本单元的中心话题是“健康”,本课是第三十四课,以阅读材料的形式告诉学生要重视健康问题,平 时要养成健康的生活方式、多实行定期的健身与运动。学习者特征分析建筑专业学生,男生多,女生少,并存有极大的两极分化,整体英语基础不强。 所以,课堂设计尽量照顾到各个层次的学生,让每个学生都能有效地参与到课堂活动中,都能学有所获。教学目标1 .知识与技能1) 学习新词汇,协助学生在后面的操练中使用这些词汇及表达方式。2) 通过速读让学生使用Seannin

2、g或Skipping方式实行阅读,训练阅读技巧,获 取文章大意。3) 通过细读训练学生获得具体信息及细节的技巧,提升阅读与理解文章的水平。4) 通过读后操练,兼顾听说读写水平的训练。2.情感态度与价值观引导学生注重自己的身体健康,平时要养成健康的生活方式,多做运动。教学重点和难点A教学重点:训练学生的阅读技巧,培养阅读水平。B教学难点:获取有效信息完成各项操练活动,以及读后的听说训练。教学环境设计多媒体教室,准备教学资源,PPT课件,下载课文及单词录音。教学策略的选择探究引导:探讨式学习;教师启发引导自主合作探究式学习:小组讨论、交流、合作教学过程Step1 Lead-inAsk and an

3、 swer to review the useful senten ces lear ned in Less on 33 (PPT)1) A good medici ne tastes bitter.良药苦口。2) An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 天一苹果,医生远离我。3) Health is n ot valued till sick ness comes.得病方知健康好。4) Happiness lies first of all in health.健康是幸福的第一要素。5) He who has no health has nothing没有

4、健康就没有一切。设计意图:复习式导入既能够检查学生对上一课重点语句的掌握情况,又能够自然引入本课与健康相关的另一话题。Step 2 Fast readingTask 1:Pre-readi ng. Think over the followi ng questi ons. (PPT)a) What will happe n to people if they do not have proper exercise?b) Why are people beco ming more concerned about fit ness today?c) What are importa nt thin

5、gs in order to keep fit?Task 2:Do fast read ing, about six minu tes.Task 3: Ask and answer , deal with the above questions in task 1.设计意图:读前设置问题能够让学生在阅读过程中快速地抓住重点,从而更好地抓住文章大意;时间上有限制要求学生在速读时不能逐字逐句地读, 而是采取扫 描式(Scanning)或跳跃式(Skipping)阅读。Step 3 VocabularyTeach the new words and expressi ons in word bank

6、( PPT)a) Ask the Ss to follow and repeat, and do some proper explanation.b) Practice: Pair work, ask and answer each other.设计意图:在细读前协助学生扫清词汇障碍,能够让学生在细读过程中更准确更 细致地理解文章。Step 4 Careful readingLet the Ss go through the passagecarefully, and get the details to do the following exercise. (PPT)Task 1: Fill

7、 in bla nks (in dividual work)(1) If they continue with this kinds of life, after a few years they start to put on weight.(2) Health and fitness cen ters are beco min g popular.(3) People are now more aware of their bodies.(4) They want to look slim, strong, and attractive.(5) Wherever you are, you

8、can do exercise.Task 2: True or False (pair work)Decide whether the followi ng stateme nts are Trre (T) or (F) accordi ng to the text.(1) In today's world, many people find it is easy to forget about the importance of keep ing fit.(2) In order to lose weight, many people in Hong Kong try to exer

9、ceise every day.(3) People are beco ming more concerned about fit ness only because they want to feel better.(4) Most health clubs have exercise machines, swimming pools and other fitness facilities.(5) In order to keep fit is importa nt to follow a regular and pla nned exercise program, which in cl

10、udes several kinds of exercise.Task 3: Choose the best an swer (group work)(1) What will happe n to people if they do not have proper exercese?A. They start to put on weight.B. Their muscles are no Ion ger stro ng.C. They beg in to look and feel un healthy.D. All of the above.(2) What are the import

11、a nt thi ngs in order to keep fit?A. To do exercise at home.B. To join a health club.C. To follow a regular and planned exercise program.D. To go to a fitness center.(3) Which of the following do you think is NOT right?A. Exercis ing regularly can help people put on weight.B. According to the author

12、, watching TV too much will make people unhealthy.C. Some people join health clubs to make themselves look more attractive.D. In today "sworld, many people lead a very busy life.设计意图: Filling in Blanks 根据文章内容补全句子,难度小,基础薄弱的学生也 能够单独完成 , 同时加深对课文的理解及对重点词、词组的掌握; True or false难度相对较小,一般是细节性问题,适合中等水平学生

13、; Multiple choices 考试 常用的题型,难度稍大,适合综合水平较强的学生 , 同时安排 group work 能够 培养学生的合作意识。Step 5 ConsolidationTask 1: Word-matching (PPT)1. hurryA worried2. regularB steady3. fitnessC rush4. concernedD health5 slimE do physical training6 maintainF not fat; thick7 do exerciseG keepTask 2: Listen and followPlay the

14、 record of the passage for the Ss, and ask them to follow and repeat.Task 3: DialogueGroup work. Tell the Ss to make a short dialogue according to the text by asking and answeringMake an example with a student first.T: What are becoming popular in Hong Kong?S: Health and fitness centers.T:Why are people are becoming more concerned about fitness?S:They want to feel better and look better.T:设计意图:Word-matchi ng


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