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1、Unit 4一. 翻译下面单词和短语仁太阳系 2 .及时,迟早3 阻止,制止 4 .依靠,信赖7.传播,蔓延 8.强暴的、猛烈的 9.发展10.作一次太空旅行11. 熟悉,掌握,理解12. 突发,爆发13. 猛烈的,强暴的14 .大气层,气氛15.流逝,经过16 .与不同17.冷却18 .表面19.生命的开始20 .地心引力,重力二. 用以上单词和短语 的正确形式填空1. It was almost midni ght whe n a firein then eighborhood.2. everybody is here, Let ' s start.3. -Did you catc

2、h your pla ne?-Yes, we got there just _.4. As time, everyth ing will be OK.5. They saw the fire sfrom the factory to the housesn earby.6.It is bad for childre n to see too many films with.7. The dish tastes good after it.8. -Will you go fishi ng this after noon?-Well, it all ather.9. After a while I

3、 it and webegan to enjoy ourselves.10. All the people prese nt n they saw the teamsarrive.三. 完成句子1. 他以前是靠画画为生的。He used tohis livi ng.2. 那爆竹在他手里爆炸了,他伤得很严重。The firework nd he hurt seriously.3. 乡村生活与都市生活是非常不同的。Country life iscity life.4. 玛丽没有通过这次考试,那是因为她此前病了两个星期。Mary _ in the exam. _ she had been illfo

4、r two weeks.5. 第二次世界大战是1 9 3 9年爆发的。World War II _in 1939.6. 我担心是否伤害了她。II hurt her feeli ngs.7. 为使她高兴起来,她丈夫带她去听音乐会。Her husba nd took her to the con cert.8. 他们乘坐宇宙飞船穿越太空到月球上去。Theyto the moon in a spaceship.9. 我们应找到法子阻止有害气体的蔓延。We should find some ways to harmful gas10. 随着科技的发展,人们越来越多地people depend more

5、 and more onthe computer to deal with all kinds of thin gs.四翻译句子1. 幸运的是我们都能及时赶到火车站。(in time )2. 我们看着太阳一点一点地落在树后,夜幕降临了。(watchdo in g)3. 在未来的数百万年中,生命能否在地球上延续取决于这个问题能否得到解决。(depe nd on).4. 既然你已得到一个机会,你最好充分利用它。(now that; make use of )5关于新校长要来的消息很快传遍了全班。(arrival; spread)6. 经过十天的培训(training),工人们逐渐掌握了使用机器的技

6、能。(get thehang of)7. 我们邻居有一座跟我们家一样大的房子。(asas)8. 什么也不能阻止他们的计划得以实施。(preventfrom)9. 最使我们感到惊奇的是他竟然通过了所有的考试。(surprise)(使用名词性从 句)10. 当神州六号飞船往太空发射时,我们马上欢呼起来。(cheer up)五、语法填空Last month I made a trip into space with my frie nd Li Yanping. We visited the moon in our spaceship.Before we left, Li Yanping expla

7、inedme that the force ofgravity would change three times on our journey that the firstcha nge would be the most( power). The n we were off. As therocket rose slowly in to the air we bega n to feel pull of the earth,which is we called gravity. At first it pushed ushardback into our seats that we coul

8、d not say anything to each other.Gradually the weight(lesse n) and I was able to talk to him.we got closer to the moon, we felt its gravity pulli ng us butit was not as strong a pull as the earth ' s. I cheered up immediately andfloated (weight) around in our spaceshipcabin(watch) the earth beco

9、me smaller and the moon larger.练习答案 Unit 4二.翻译下面单词和短语I. 太阳系 solar system23.阻止,制止 prevent from 45. 感到高兴cheer up67 .蔓延 spread89.发展 developme nt10.spaceII. 熟悉,掌握 get the hang of 1213.猛烈的,强暴的violent1415.流逝,经过go by1617.冷却 cool down1819.生命的开始 the beginning of life 20二.用以上单词和短语的正确形式填空.及时,总有一天 in time.依靠,信赖

10、 depend on.既然,由于 now that.猛烈的,强暴的作一次太空旅行 make a trip into.突发,爆发break out.大气层,气氛 atmosphere. 与不同 be different from.失重地 weightlessly.地心引力gravity1. It was almost midni ght that a fire broke out in the n eighborhood.2. Now_that_you are here, why n ot have a drink?3. -Did you catch your pla ne?-Yes, we g

11、ot there just in time.4. As time goes by, everythi ng will be OK.5. There ' s a desertspreading for hundreds of miles.6. In near future, it will not be only a dream for human to make a trip into space.7. The dish tastes good after it cools dow n.8. -Will you go fishi ng this after noon?-Well, it

12、 all depends on the weather.9. After a while I got the hang of it and we bega n to enjoy ourselves.10. The crowd cheered up whe n they saw the teams arrive.二.完成句子1. 他以前是靠画画为生的。He used to make/ear n his liv ing by pain ti ng.2. 那爆竹在他手里爆炸了,他伤得很严重。The firework exploded in his hand and he hurt seriously

13、.3. 乡村生活与都市生活是非常不同的。Country life is quite differe nt from city life.4. 玛丽之所以没有通过这次考试,是因为她此前病了两个星期。Mary failed in the exam. It/That/This was because she had been ill for two weeks.5. 第二次世界大战是1 9 3 9年爆发的。World War II broke out in 1939.6. 我担心是否伤害了她。I worry about whether I hurt her feeli ngs.7. 为使她高兴起来,

14、她丈夫带她去听音乐会。Her husba nd took her to the con cert to cheer her up.8. 他们乘坐宇宙飞船穿越太空到月球上去。They traveled through space to the moon in a spaceship.9. 我们应找到法子阻止有害气体的蔓延。We should find some ways to preve nt the harmful gas from spreadi ng. lOWith the developme nt of scie nee and tech no logy,=As seie nee and

15、 tech no logy develops,四翻译句子Luckily, /It was lucky that we could get to/arrive at/reach the railway station in time.2. 我们看着太阳一点一点地落在树后,夜幕降临了。(watch doing)Wewatched the sun setting behind the trees and the evening fell/came.3. 在未来的数百万年中,生命能否在地球上延续取决于这个问题能否得到解决。(depe nd on)Whether life will continue o

16、n the earth for millions of years to come will depe nd on whether this problem can be solved.4. 既然你已得到一个机会,你最好充分利用它。(now that; make use of )Now that you ' ve got a chanee, you might as well make full use of it.5关于新校长要来的消息很快传遍了全班。(spread)The n ews of the arrival of a new headmaster spread all ove

17、r the class soon.6. 经过十天的培训,工人们逐渐掌握了生产流程中的技能。(get the hang of)After ten days ' training/After the ten -day training the workers gradually got the hang of the skills of using the machi ne.7. 我们邻居有一座跟我们家一样大的房子。(asas)Our n eighbor has as big a house as ours/ Our n eighbor has a house as big as ours

18、.8.什么也不能阻止他们的计划得以实施。(prevent -from)Noth ing can preve nt their pla ns from being carried out.9. What makes/madeus most surprised is/was that he has/had passed all the exams.10. 当神州六号飞船往太空发射时,我们马上欢呼起来。 (cheer up)All of us cheered up immediately when the spaceship Shen zhou VI was sent into space.五.1.

19、 to 2. and 3.powerful 4. the 5. what 6. so 7. lesse ned 8.When 9. weightlessly 10. watch ingA. 单词拼写请根据汉语提示或首字母写出单词的正确形式1. What would happen if there were no( 大气层).2. A bomb was(爆炸)at a gas station this morning and five persons were killed.3. The gover nment is en couragi ng the(发展)of small bus in es

20、ses.4. Fruit juices can be(有害)to children' s teeth.5. Because of the(至U场)of the famous football star, every one cheered up.6. Without oanimals can' t live.7. The disease is squickly, so we must do what we can to stop it.8. They were dat the result of the game, so they looked un happy.9. I di

21、dn ' t want to tell him the secret but he fme to do so.10. At first she didn' t like English but gshe is interested in it.B. 句型转换根据A句句义,完成B句,使句义相同或相近。11. A: Nobody knew that it was going to be differe nt from other pla nets which go round the sun.B: Nobody knew that it was going to be differ

22、e nt from other pla netsthe sun.12. A: They multiplied and filled the first oceans and seas with oxygen.B: They multiplied and the first ocea ns and seas wereoxyge n.13. A: Others, called amphibia ns, were able to live on land as well as in the sea.B: Others,called amphibia ns, were able to live on land as well as in thesea.14. A: Last mont


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