已阅读5页,还剩5页未读 继续免费阅读




1、员工报销流程 Individual Reimbursement Process员工报销分为:个人费用报销(包括手机、市内交通、招待、礼品、餐费);差旅费用报销(包括交通费、住宿 费);费用报销。Individual Reimbursement include: Individual expense, including mobile phone, local transportation, entertainment, and meal); Traveling expense, including transportation and lodgment; other expense.1. 个人

2、费用报销Individual Reimbursement 必须填写现金报销单(见附表1),将发票 粘贴 在报销单背面作为附件,经部门/利润中心经理审核签字后交给出纳。The attachment 1, “Cash Reimbursement Application ”, must be filled, and attached with all the invoices. The application must be approved by Dept./Profit Center Manager then transferred to Cashier.2. 差旅费用报销Traveling E

3、xpense 必须填写差旅报销单(见附表2),将发票 粘贴 在报销单背面作为附件,经部门/利润中心经理审核签字后交给出纳。The attachment 2, “Business Trip Reimbursement Application”, must be filled, and attached with all theinvoices. The application must be approved by Dept./Profit Center Manager then transferred to Cashier.3. 费用报销Other Expense 除个人费用报销和差旅费用外的

4、报销,必须填写费用报销单(见附表3 )。费用报销前必须提供预计金额并由部门 /利润中心经理、财务经理、总经理批准。报销时将发票 粘贴 在报销单背面作为附件,经部门 /利润中心经理审 核签字后交给出纳。As to all the other expense, excluding individual expense and traveling expense, the attachment 3, “Expense Reimbursement Application”, must be filled. Before the expense occurred, the estimation amou

5、nt mustbe provided and approved by Dept./Profit Center manager, Finance manager, and General manager. While reimbursement, the application must be attached with all the invoices and be approved by Dept./Profit Center Manger then transferred to Cashier.4. 现金预支Cash in advance必须填写现金预支单(见附表4),提供预计金额并由部门

6、 / 利润中心经理、财务经理、总经理按照相应权限批准,之后交给出纳领取现金。The attachment 4, “Cash in Advance Application ”, must be filled. The estimation amount must be provided and approved by Dept./Profit Center manager, Finance manager, and General manager according to signature authority. After the final approval, it should be tr

7、ansferred to Cashier and the applicator sign on it then get the cash.预支后 2 个月内没有清结的款项,将于支付工资时直接扣除(长期借款除外)。The cash in advance will be deducted from salary directly, if it is not settled in 2 months since the received date. (Long time borrowing is excluded.)5. 补充规定Additional Rules每月 15 日前交到出纳的报销单,经财务

8、部核对无误,将于当月 25 日支付到招商银行工资卡。The application received by cashier before 15th and approved by finance dept. and GM, will be paid directlyto your salary card before 25th .关于签字,每张单据上,除领款人外,其他所有位置的签字不得重复(比如申请人同时是部门主管,那么部 门主管的位置应当为空,其它岗位以此类推)。As to the signature, there must be no duplicated signature in one

9、 application (excluding the“received by ”).For example, if the applicator is Dept. Supervisor, then there should be blank in the“Dept. Supervisor ce”ll. It issame as the other positions.关于利润中心归属,所有 100% 归入某一利润中心的费用,必须由该利润中心负责人签字确认。As to the profit center, all the expense which will be booked 100% in

10、to one profit center, must be approved by the profit center leader in signature.对外付款流程Payment Process对外支付必须填写付款申请单(见附表5),将发票 粘贴 在报销单背面作为附件,经部门/利润中心经理审核签字后交给出纳。The attachment 5, “Payment Application ”, must be filled for every payment, and attached with all the invoices. The application must be appro

11、ved by Dept./Profit Center Manager then transferred to Cashier.签字责任The Responsibility of Signature部门主管、部门 / 利润中心经理负责确认所发生的费用真实、确实与公司业务相关、符合公司的相关规定;The Dept./Profit Center Supervisors/Managers are responsible to confirm the expense really occurred, related to company business, and obeyed the company

12、rules.出纳负责核对之前的签字流程是否完备、发票是否合法、金额是否正确、合同信息是否正确、发票/ 金额 / 合同是否相符、现金预支情况是否属实;Cashier is responsible to confirm the signature process fulfilled, invoice is legal, amount is correct, the contract information is correct, invoice/amount/contract proving each other, the cash in advance information is correc

13、t.AP 主管负责复核合同信息是否正确、发票/金额 /合同是否相符、现金预支情况是否属实;AP supervisor is responsible for double checking the contract information is correct, invoice / amount / contract proving each other, the cash in advance information is correct.财务经理对报销和支付负全责;Finance manager is responsible for all the reimbursement and pay

14、ment.附表3现金报销单Cash Reimburseme nt Applicati on姓名Name利润中心Profit Cen ter费用类别Expe nseAmou ntn h h * an n内部客户号码code部门Departme nt说明Descripti on小写合计卜Total现金预支Ii Cash in advanee预支日期DateI大写合计Total-归费至-Ii发票张数ih申请日期l>11Charge to.inv oices预支事由Purpose 预支金额Amountyour salary card before 25 th.部门主管部门/利润中j 岀纳审核应付

15、主管财务经理总经理Dept.心经理:CashierAP supervisorFi. MgrGMSupervisorIIDept./ProfitII:Iia:Cen ter Mgr39:4a|申请人Applied by每月15日前提交给岀纳的申请单经财务部核对无误后于当月25日进工资卡。thThe application received by cashier before 15and approved by finance dept. and GM, will be paid directly to差旅报销单Busin ess Trip Reimburseme nt Applicati on姓

16、名"Name内部客户号码code|1利润中心Profit Ce nter部门Departme nt 岀差期间PeriodFr/ /:To/ /:出差地点PlaceFrTo交通方式1Tran sportati onFlight ( ) Train ()Bus ()出差目的Purpose11费用类别金额说明; ; :Expe nse j Amou nt jDescripti oni:iiL n亠 m4& a a aa sad&h aa wh a a aa had aa m w 一 一 ii1I11i:i;iiiiii:iiL tb - a-a « n «

17、;-« dI1b st? 9! «-r a- «r n -! rj:i:i;:11|"« w"«"!vr t vr "! in: mitbH: 丁 sinw !r"«n" t vv!(""!f ire *a-Bmb|小写合计Total归费至! F 丁L B = 9 I B H ! B B 9B大写合计Total_发票张数in voices申请日期Apply Date(亠>1厶亠£二4厶口亠4 a * A a j. k aiiaH4.tBB4

18、JiaBaj.MBa a a axlaaHABBs a j. m a* a b axaBa&EBaxcBB a * c akbbsb Acaafa ALBa*t aaka 丄点i4a4aui|现金预支预支日期Date:Cash in Advanee预支事由 Purpose:预支金额AmountB 8 «i aSa oa 8 8 aa aSadiBBa SaSa AA B a 三 I B aaB 9 * H 9aBB mb B * baaB 9 -亠 B d* faBa * B 4 bad 9 faBd * G B * BB 9 * iiBd * 8aBa8 M W J 8 f

19、aBa m W m N kk 8 d* aSa B M bSh AbIII r申请人“'"”部门主管I;IApplied byDept.Supervisor部门/利润中岀纳审核应付主管财务经理1IIH心经理Cashier AP supervisorFi. MgrDept./ProfitCen ter Mgr总经理GM"每月"15 一日前提交给岀纳的申请单经财务部核对无误后于当月25 日进工资卡。thThe application received by cashier before 15and approved by finance dept. and G

20、M, will be paid directly to附表4费用预算单Expe nses Budget Applica nt1姓名 Name内部客户号码Code利润中心1 1Profit Center1 11 1i部门?!Departme nt费用目的Purposepe Sk m r ?-? s s B r 壬 k mf s rs 9,申请人s e- - - B M9 B -rp= _ e BB_ -w-r s se hr e部门主管:部门/利润中心经r S ee re hf ms r m w r w e rv 5应付主管v b as hm m v ” m rf b r » s sl

21、财务经理B w e s r p r s a 8 s e ee a B B e ss stt s s b s e总经理Applied byDept. Supervisor理AP SupervisorFi. MgrGMIDept./Profit:1h|hCen ter Mgri;1;11:1: 11预计金额 Estimated Amount说明 Description附表5j小写合计Total大写合计Total1:归费至11j1:发票张数i申请日期i1:Charge. to._1_inv oices:-Apply_Date.1姓名Name利润中心Profit Cen ter费用报销单Expe ns

22、e Reimburseme nt Applicati on内部客户号码Code部门Departme nt费用类别Expense报销金额Amou nt说I'"Descripti on1i111i-申请人Applied by部门主管a a亠 1 ilAHa u a部门/利润中bsada-KBa* m亠n 亠d 亠亠亠出纳审核i亠亠 * 亠 应付主管财务经理Dept.心经理11 1CashierAP supervisorFi. MgrSupervisorDept./Profit1 11II!:i:I:Iii:Ii;Cen ter Mgri-!:;-1ii;ii;iiIi1iii-i

23、i;iiiiiiI:11i1HI:;11i1R总经理GM每月15日前提交给岀纳的申请单经财务部核对无误后于当月25日进工资卡。;现金预支预支日期"Date一:Cash in advanee 预支事由 Purpose 丨预支金额AmountThe application received by cashier before 15 th and approved by finance dept. and GM, will be paid directly to .thI your . salary, card, before . 25.附表4现金预支单Cash in Adva nce A

24、pplicati on姓名:Namei内部客户号码CodeII:1:利润中心iProfit Ce nter|部门Departme nt预支目的PurposeYes ( ) No ()是否长期借款?Is it a long time borrowi ng? HTB ! -n B-VB !n IAmou nt说明 Description岀纳Cashier领款人Received by领取日期Received Date最小预支金额 Mi ni mum Amou nt 500 RMB申请人Applied by-部门主管-Dept. Supervisor"部门/利润中心经 理Dept./Profit Cen ter Mgr应付主管AP Supervisor财务经理'Fi. Mgr总经理GM111实际预支金额 小写实际预支金额 大写tIActual Amou nt预支后2个月内没有清结的款项,将于支付工资时直接扣除(长期借款除外)。The cash in adva nce will be deducted from your sal


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