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1、原文:the era of corporate human resources strategy: pay is the fundamentblack robesonin the battle for talent, the pay is the most powerful trump card:in an era of change, personnel working on the design of the remuneration policy to meet the needs of senior staff, is a vitally important issue. what w

2、e call high-level staff, referring to the senior management of the business operators. recently, in the english educational resources consulting (paris) co. ltd. held human resources management courses conference, the british human resources management expert mike bowen (maike baoen) personnel for t

3、he workers made a "how to retain high-level business personnel mthe theme of his speech, the following is his speech at the scene of some of the excerpts.many companies complain about : the cost of management to keep rising. complain that there is some truth. because statistics show that more t

4、han 40% of the first employees work no more than 6 months and the company spent on each employee who recruited the lowest cost 1300 dollars, the highest reached 10,000 u.s. dollars, not including those stealth costs. please note that this only refers to the general staff, we are talking about high-l

5、evel enterprise, business spending on them is far higher than the cost of recruiting general staff, up to 100,000 u.s. dollars.to resolve this problem, it is necessary to consider nto what in the end the management enterpriseh ? is room for the development of fair employment opportunities> or res

6、pect for the dignity? of course,these are very important, but 1 think first and foremost is the most basic one is that their salaries regularly growth. this is because the management as well as all the staff are very much concerned about.pay is based on the work of the design and analysis of job eva

7、luation, through careful investigation to identify each of the positions in the organization values and community values, so that the domestic equity and foreign equity. ninternal equity11 to solve the management and general staff, and non-core backbone between the psychological balance, "forei

8、gn equity11 in the light of the specific positions in society, the average value of the community with the average price roughly equal, it is best to slightly advanced in order to remain competitive.in the pay of impartiality, for work experience (years) the same, the same job, same performance mana

9、gement, it is necessary to ensure that they pay the difference in a very small range; do not always use the illusion of low prices will be able to attract the right talents, to salary levels and job analysis of the combination, which can help you pay more just to deal with the problem. at the same t

10、ime, powerful companies will certainly consider shortening the cycle of pay and flexible design of the pay program. if the pay was too high-level personnel changes in the consumer price index can not keep up, it will not be for the higher cost of living and anxiety which in turn will affect producti

11、vity.we take a look at a senior staff salary payment in respect of a number of changes in it: first, the starting salary, we set a monthly salary of 6,000 dollars, after a trial period, after adjustment for 7000 u.s. dollars. in that case, 6 months or 1 year, the salary would be like this? this year

12、, the senior staff passed the performance appraisal, which reached a monthly salary of 8,000 dollars: on this basis, the senior staff at the same time get the normal annual pay rise, then, turned into a monthly salary of 8500 yuan. the staff was pleased to find that only around 12 months, wages have

13、 actually increased 41% ! naturally, he has become a driving force to continue to work hard. this is ”the power of salaries. nsome companies are now aware of the high labor costs: the lower starting salary, i personally believe that the establishment of the company as long as depend on the performan

14、ce pay system, lower starting salary does not matter, because, as long as the employee performance appraisal results, naturally in a short period of time to get a higher salary- to give full play to the positive performance appraisal, the key lies in the establishment of a scientific system of perfo

15、rmance indicators.in the bonus / dividend payment, i personally have some suggestions: do not be too low amount of money that would crack down on staff morale; not all employees are paid bonuses, to do so meaningless, lost the role of incentives; prize will be issued only to those companies do need

16、to retain talent, because these employees of the company's operation is very important. the effect of the incentive bonus, keep in mind that a law: you can not let all the employees at all times be able to keep happy.in addition, the senior talent that you set the standard salary is reasonable i

17、s also very important. here are some effective ways. for example, the use of salary to the staff report shows that you pay in the industry is competitive; in-housei pay system to promote transparency. "transparent in many companies have difficulty because their in-house, the number of pay has b

18、een a mystery, business owners developed a system of strict prohibition of pay information was disclosed. but this is the prohibition of the pale, because employees will be among the exchanges, you can not block all imports of mouth.in order to prevent the main technical personnel or senior manageme

19、nt job, can learn from the joint-stock enterprises as the core staff to provide the ngolden parachute11, that is, prior to sign a mgolden parachute” and promised that after the acquisition or corporate mergers, acquisitions and mergers intended to replacement of the core staff, the business will use

20、 its sharescash, housing, and other compensation, so that their resolve to worry about. "golden parachuteh for professional managers is very attractive.income people is a concrete manifestation of the value of labor, when a person's income can not be reflected in its social values, the brai

21、n drain has become inevitable. it is precisely because of the existence of the law of value, so pay led to the lack, of competitiveness to become the main reason for the brain drain, and the more central areas of cities, the pay is, the more intense competition.to provide room for the development of

22、 human resources:when to pay a certain extent much of a talent to attract not contribute significantly. at this time, the value of the individual is the embodiment of retaining key talent general motors of the united states in a post done more than 20 years in charge of the department, said: hi woul

23、d like to work for such a long time is not the main reason for the huge salary, but in those years, i have already set up their own prestige, indeed to the other companies do not want to start from scratch. i feel i have, in many cases the company had an impact, and i have been authorized. to me, th

24、ese things more important than money. naccording to the” europe and the united states best employers nsurvey shows that u.s. employees will be consistent training and career development should be provided by the employer as the two most important things, even more than the salary and benefits-in the

25、 united states, the success of any business to stay until the program must include the provision of training opportunities on a regular basis and pay the assessment, business reference staff career development planning, continue to provide their employees to learn new knowledge and new skills, it is

26、 highly possible to find another staff give up the idea of a better offer.(节选)black robeson. the era of corporate human resources strategy: pay is thefundamenta. crainrs chicago business,2004(26):p67-69<译文:人才时代的企业策略:薪酬才是根本布莱克罗伯逊(一)在人才争夺战中,薪酬是最强有力的杀手铜:在变化的时代,人事工作者如何设计薪酬政策来满足高级员工的需求,是一 件极其重要的事情。我们所

27、说的高级员工,指的是企业的高层管理经营者。近, 在英伦教育资源咨询(巴黎)有限公司举行的人力资源管理课程发布会上,英国 人力资源管理专家mike bowen (迈克鲍恩)为人事工作者作了 “如何留住企 业高级人才”的主题演讲,下面是他现场演讲的部分摘录。很多企业抱怨:留住管理层的成本在上升。这种抱怨有一定的道理。因为有 统计显示,超过40%的员工第一份工作不超过6个月,而公司花在每位员工身 上的招聘成木最低为1300美元,最高的达到了 1万美元,这还不包括那些隐形 成木。请注意,这仅仅指的是普通员工,我们讨论的企业高层,企业花费在他们 身上的招聘成本远远高岀普通员工,最高可达10万美元。要解决

28、这个问题,就必须考虑“企业管理层到底耍什么” ?是发展空间、 公平就业机会,抑或是人格的尊重?这些当然都很重要,但我想首要的也是最基 础的一条,应该是保证他们的薪水有规律地增长。因为这是管理层乃至所有员工 都很关注的问题。薪酬设计的基础是工作分析和工作评价,通过周密的调查,确定每个岗位在 组织小的价值和社会小的价值,做到对内公平和对外公平。“对内公平”要解决 管理层和普通员工、骨干与非骨干之间的心理平衡问题;而“对外公平”要参照 具体岗位在社会上的平均价值,跟社会均价大致相当,最好是略高一筹,以保持 竞争力。在薪酬的公正性方面,对于工作经验(年限)相同、岗位相同、业绩相同的 管理人员,要确保他

29、们的薪水差别在一个很小的区间内;不要总是幻想用极低的 价格就能够招到合适的高级人才,要将薪水级别和岗位分析结合在一起,这样能 够帮助你更公正的处理薪酬问题。同吋,有实力的公司必然会考虑缩短加薪的周 期,并设计灵活的加薪方案。因为如果高级人才感到加薪太慢跟不上变化的消费 指数,就会为无法承担较高的生活成本而焦虑,进而影响工作效率。看看我们对某一位高级员工在薪水支付方而的几个变化吧:首先是起薪,我 们设定月薪为6000美元,过了试用期后调整为7000美元。那么,6个月或者1 年后,薪水会是什么样的呢?这一年,该高级员工顺利通过了绩效考核,月薪即 达到了 8000美元,在此基础上,该高级员工同时获得了年度正常加薪,于是, 月薪变成了 8500元。该员工很高兴地发现,只有前后12个月,薪水居然已经提 高了 41%!这自然成了他继续努力工作的动力。这就是“薪水的力量”。现在有些公司意识到人工成木的居高不下,所以降低起薪,我个人认为,公 司只要建立了依赖于绩效考核的薪酬体系,起薪低一点也没有关系,因为,员工 只要绩效考核的成绩高,自然也能在很短的时间内拿到较高的薪水。要使绩效考 核充分发挥正向作用,关键在设立科学的绩效指标体系。在奖金/红利的发放方


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