已阅读5页,还剩4页未读 继续免费阅读




1、外贸英语函电复习资料1、general merchandise 杂货2、trade terms 贸易条款、条件(常用复数)3、under separate cover 另函附上4、for your reference 以供参考5、receive our immediate attention 得到立即处理6、our mutual benefit 相互利益7、in duplaicate 一式两份 triplicate三份、quadruplicate四份(in four copies)8、terms of payment 付款方式9、firm offer 实盘、不能撤销的发价( a Non-fir

2、m Offer 虚盘)10、an inquiry sheet 一份询价单11、most favorable prices 最优惠的价格12、place large orders 大量订购13、delivery date 交货期14、specific inquiry 具体询价15、subject to our final confirmation 以我方最后确认为准16、attractive price 具有吸引力的价格17、international market price 国际市场价18、retail price零售价19、wholesale price 批发价20、net operati

3、ng income 营业净收入21、longstanding business relations 长期的业务关系22、out of line 不一致23、purchase the goods elsewhere 到他处订货 24、accept your quotation 接受你方报价25、purchase order 购货订单 26、in your favor 以你方为抬头27、prompt shipment 迅速装船28、shipping marks 运输标志,俗称唛头29、certificate of origin 原产地证明书30、gross weight 毛重 31、a trial

4、 order 试订购32、effect delivery 发运33、up to our expectation 合乎我方要求 34、ready for delivery(货已备妥)待发35、shipping advice 装运通知,装船通知36、documents against payment 付款交单37、arrange shipment 安排装运38、not correspond to 不符合39、a special accommodation 特殊照顾40、partial shipment 分装41、transshipment 转船42、suitable for ocean trans

5、portation 适合于海运43、take into account 珍惜44、opening the L/C 开立信用证45、extension of L/C 信用证延期46、shipping document = export document 运输单据47、packing list 装箱单48、advance shipment 提前转运49、at our option 由我方决定50、in one lot 一批51、heavy commitment 承约过多52、direct steamer 直轮53、the delayed delivery 延期交货54、the brisk dema

6、nd 旺盛的需求55、against all risks 投保一切险56、all risks 一切险57、policy rates for 保险费率58、meet our expectations 符合我方期望59、onboard bill of lading 已装船提单60、reserve the right to 保留的权利61、claim damages 赔偿损失62、average quality 大路货63、inferior merchandise 次品64、cancellation of contract 取消契约65、sales agent 销售代理人66、purchasing

7、agent 采购代理人67、sole (exclusive) agent 独家代理人68、general agent 总代理人69、volume of business = trade volume贸易量70、sales territoty 销售地区71、based on your turnover 以你营业额为基准72、a trial period 试用期73、obtain our permission 征得我方同意74、reimburse the expenses 补偿的费用75、under consideration 考虑之中76、promote the sales 推销77、speci

8、alize in 专营,专门从事Sentence:1、This corporation specializes in importing and exporting electronic products and wishes to enter into business relations with you.我公司经营电子产品的进出口业务,希望与贵方建立商业关系。2、We shall be very glad to place our order with you if your quotation is competitive and delivery date acceptable. 如

9、果你方报价具有竞争性,交货期可接受的话,我们愿向你方订货。3、We have decided to make a further concession of 2% in the hope that this will help you push the sales of our products. 我方决定再作百分之二的让步,希望这能有助于你方推销产品。4、Owing to heavy commitment,we are not in a position to accept new orders.Howeveras soon as fresh supplies come in,well im

10、mediately contact you by cable. 由于大量承约,我们不能接受订单,但是一挨新货源到来,我们将即去电与你方联系。5、As direct steamers to your port are few and far between,please allow for transshipment when opening the L/C.由于驶往你港的直轮稀少,开证时请允许转船。6、You should carry out the contract signed by your representative.No matter what happen to him,the

11、execution of thr contract unless they can get proper compensation.你方代表签署的合同,你应履行,不管以后他个人发生什么事情,都不该影响合同执行。7、As our endusers are in urgent need of the contracted machines, you are kindly requested to ensure shipment at an early date.因我方用户急需合约中的机器,请你方保证早日交货。8、As to the goods priced on CIF basis, our co

12、mpany will insure against ALL Risks for 110% of invoice value.按到岸价格成交之货,由我公司以发票价值110%投保一切险.9、We regret being unable to accept your claim because the cases were in perfect condition when the goods were loaded on board the ship.因货物装船时,箱子是完整无损的,我们歉难接受你方索赔。一、英译中1. specialize in 专营,专门从事2. upon receipt of

13、 一俟收到.即刻.3. be in the market for 需要4. acquaint sb with with 使某人熟悉某物5. the commercial counselor's office 商务参赞处6. Under separate cover 另封邮寄7. On the basis of equality and mutual benefit 在平等互利的基础上8. art and craft goods 手工艺品9. supply from stock 现货供应10. We enjoy an excellent reputation in this field

14、and we supply best quality products.我们在这一领域享有很高的信誉,并能提供优质产品。11. As you are in the line of cotton price goods,we are writing to enquire whether you are willing to enter into business relations with us. 由于贵方经营棉纺织类产品,我方特写信询问贵方是否愿与我方建立业务关系。12. In reply to your letter dated March 28.We enclose our latest

15、 illustrated catalogue for your reference.兹复你方3月28日信函,我们附上最新的带有插图的目录单,供你方参考。13. We have been importers of cotton piece goods for many years. Now we are interested in extending our range and would appreciate your quotations.我们从事棉纺织类产品进口多年,现有意扩大我们的业务范围,如能收到贵方报价将不甚感谢。14. As some of our products will be

16、 exported it is important that our suppliers should be competitive in price and extremely reliable.因为我们的部分产品将出口,所以我们供应商在价格上有竞争力并且非常可靠是很重要的。二、中译英1.我们从中国银行得到贵公司的名称和地址,并获悉贵公司愿同我们建立业务联系。We have obtained your name and address from the Bank of China and undstood that you would like to establish business r

17、elations with us.2. 我们有幸自荐,盼望能有机会与你们合作。We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you with the hope that we may have the oportunity of cooperating with you.3. 我们专门出口中国工艺品,愿与贵方开展这方面业务。Being specialized in the export of Chinese art and carft goods,we express our desire to trade with you in this

18、line.4. 我们与可靠的供应商/经销商/客户有密切的联系,我们将能够与你们做大量的生意。Being closely connected with reliable suppliers/dealers/clients, we are able to do substantial business with you.5. 你方3月3日的来函收到,我们很高兴的告诉你,你所要的商品,属于我们的经营范围。Your letter of March 3 has been received. We are gald to inform you that the articles required by y

19、ou fall within the scope of our business activities.6. 请告知你市电器市场价格概况。Please give us a general idea of the market price of the electric apparatus in your city.1、 英译中1. offer and offeree 发盘人和受盘人2. make sb a firm offer for sth 向某人发出某物的实盘3. the minimum quantity for order 起订量4. the market is firm 市场是稳定的5

20、. It's regretful that we can not entertain your counter offer. 非常遗憾,我们不能接受贵方的还盘6. We confirm having cabled you a firm offer for the following goods,subject to your reply reaching us by September 20. 我们确认已向贵方电开下列货物的实盘,以9月20日前复到有效7. We have learned that there is a good demand for walnuts in your m

21、arket,and take this opportunity to enclosing our quotation sheet No.6868 for your consideration.我方得知贵方市场对核桃仁有很大的需求,借此机会随函附寄第6868号报价单供贵方参考。8. The buyer suggested D/A as the terms of payment,but the seller was unwilling to make any exception.买方建议用承兑交单作为付款方式,但卖方不愿例外9. We learn that a L/C covering the a

22、bove mentioned goods will be established immediately,You may rest assured that we will arrange for dispatch by the first available steamer with the least possible delay upon receipt of your L/C.我们得知有关上述货物的信用证即将开出,请放心,一收到你方信用证,我方将尽早安排第一艘可以订得到舱位的轮船装运。10. Please note that the stipulation in the relevan

23、t credit should fully conform with the terms as stated in our S/C in order to avoid subsequent amendments.请你方注意,信用证的条款必须与我方售货确认书的条款完全相符,以免日后修改。二、中译英1. 此盘有效期至10月10日为止This offer is valid until October 10.2. 你方7月9日來函收悉,谢谢,很遗憾,你方价格偏高,无法成交Thank you for you letter dated July 9, but we reget to point out t

24、hat your prices apprear to be on the high side and that there is no possibility of business.3.你公司2010年9月20日来函内附一千台缝纫机订单已收到,兹附寄第346号销售确认书一式两份,请签回一份以便存档。We have received your letter of September 20,2010 together with an order for 1000 sewing machines. Enclosed are our sales confirmation NO.346 in dupl

25、icate, one copy of which please sign and return to us for our file.4.此货有多种不同的质量可供The goods are available in different qualities.5.因为这是第一次与贵方交易,我们决定破例降价2%。Since this is our first transactions with you, we decide, as an exception, to cut down the price by 2%.6.我们的付款方式,一般是以保兑的、不可撤销的,以我公司为受益人的,按发票金额开立的信

26、用证支付。Our usual mode of payment is by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit to be established in our favor.1、 英译中1.Seaworth适合海运的 2. urge an early shipment 催促尽早装船3. Freight 运费4. Shipping advice 装船通知5. The insurer/The insured 保险人 / 投保人6. lodge a claim 提出索赔7.The goods should be packed in sea-worthy ca

27、ses suitable for a long voyage and well protected against dampness, shock ,and rough handling.货物应该用适合长途海洋运输的箱子包装,并且能很好的保护货物免受潮,受震及粗暴搬运8.Today well ship the above consignment on board S.S “Nellore” which sails for your port tomorrow. 我方已于今天将以上货物装到“Nellore”号船上,该船明天将驶向贵方港口 9.According to the terms of C

28、ontract No.318, shipment is to be effected by the 20th January. We trust you will ship the order within the stipulated time as any delay would cause us no little inconvenience and financial loss. 按318号合同条款,货物应于1月20日前装运。我们相信你方会按期发运货物,因为任何贻误势必给我们造成很大不便和经济损失 10.Insurance is to be covered by the buyers against all risks and war risk.由买方负责为货物投保一切险和战争险 11.Will you please quote us a rate for the insurance against All Risks of a shipment of 1000 sets of Color TV from Shanghai to New York by s.s. of the “princess” line.请贵方报由皇后号运输的从上海到纽约的一千台彩电的一切险的保险费率2、 中译英1.投保,


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