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1、PERTERSON'STOFEL 成功指南 1以下是从? PERTERSON'S TOFEL 成功指南?摘下的听力习语About to almost ready toAdd up make sense ; be logicalAll at once suddenly; without warningAll of a sudden all at once; suddenlyAs a matter of fact in reality; actuallyAs a rule generally; customarilyAt the drop of a hat quickly; wit

2、hout any preparation timeAt ease not nervous; calmBack out(of) withdraw an offerBank on depend on; count onBe my guest do what you want; feel free; help yourselfBe rusty need practice or reviewBeats me I don't know; I have no idea(often used inresponse to a questionBetter off in an improved cond

3、itionBite off more than one can chew take on moreresponsibility than one can handleBound to certain to; sure toBreak down stop functioning (a machine ,for example)Break in(on) interruptBreak the ice break through social barriers (as at a party)Break the news(to) inform; give bad newsBreak up end(a m

4、eeting ,for example)Break up (with) stop being a couple( a boyfriend and girlfriend ,for example)A breeze something very simple and easy to doBring about cause to happenBring up (1)raise (a child) ; (2) introduce( a topic, for example)Brush up on review; study; practiceBump into meet unexpectedly ;

5、run intoBy and large mostly; generally ; on the wholeBy heart by memory; learned word for wordBy no means in on way; not at allCall it a day stop working for the day; go homeCall off cancelCall on visitCalm down relaxCare for (1)take care of; (2) like; feel affection forCatch on become popularCatch

6、on (to) understand ,learnCatch up (with) go as fast as ;catchCheck in (into) register(at a hotel)Check out (of) (1)leave (a hotel); (2) take material (from a library, for example)Cheer up become cheerful; be happyChip in (on/for) contributeClear up (1) clarity; make understandable; (2) become nice a

7、nd sunny (used to talk about the weather)Come across find; meet ; encounterCome around (to) begin to change one's opinion; begin to agree withCome down with become sick with (an illness)Come up with think of (an idea)Cost an arm and a leg be very expensiveCount on depend on ;rely on; bank onCoun

8、t out eliminate ; no longer consider as a factor Cut off stop ; discontinue (a service , for example)Cut out for have an aptitude for ;be qualified forDay in and day out constantly; for a long timeDie down become less severe; quiet downDo over do again ; repeatDo without not haveDown the drain waste

9、d ;done for no reason(work, for example)Dream up invent; think of ; come up withDrop in (on) visit informallyDrop (someone) a line send someone a letterDrop off (1)leave something (a package, for example); (2) take (someone) home; let someone out of a carDrop out (of) stop attending (classes, for ex

10、ample)Easy as pie very simple; a piece of cakeEyes bigger than one's stomach said of someone who takes more food than he or she can eatFall behind not move as quickly as ; lag behindFall through fail to happenA far cry from not similar to; not as good asFeel free do something if one wantsFeel li

11、ke be inclined to; want toFeel like a million dollars feel very goodFeel up to feel able to do something ;ready toFed up( with ) not able to tolerate; disgusted with ; annoyed byFew and far between uncommon and infrequentFigure out understand ; solveFill in write in a blank (on an application form,

12、for example) Fill in (for) substitute forFill one in provide missing informationFill out complete (an application form ,for example)Find out learn ;discoverA fish out of water someone not in his or her normal surroundingsFix up repair; renovateFollow in one's footsteps do what someone else did (

13、especially an older relative)For good permanently; foreverFor the time being temporarily; for nowFrom out of the blue unexpectedly; without warningGet along with have good relations withGet carried away go too far; do too much; buy too muchGet in one's blood become a habit; become customaryGet i

14、n over one's head take on too much responsibility ;bite off more than one can chewGet in the way block; obstructGet in touch with contactGet the hang of something learn how to do somethingGet a kick out of (doing something) enjoy; have fun doing somethingGet off leave (a vehicle)Get off the grou

15、nd start to be successfulGet on board (a vehicle)Get over recover from (a disease)Get rid of discard; no longer haveGet under way begin; startGive away distribute (for free)Give(someone) a cold shoulder act unfriendly toward someone; ignoreGive a hand applaud ;clapGive a hand (with) assistGo easy on

16、 not punish severelyGo on (with) continueGo with (1)accompany; (2) look good together; complement(for example, two articles of clothing)Go without saying be clear; be obviousGrow up to mature; to become an adultHand in give back to; returnHand out distributeHang on waitHard to come by difficult to findHave on wearWord是学生和职场人士最常用的一款办公软件之一,99.99% 的人知道它,但其实,这个软件背后,还有一大批隐藏技能你不知道。掌握他们,你将开启新世界的大门。Tab+Enter,在编过号以后,会自动编号段落Ctrl + D 调出字体栏,配合 Tab+Enter 全键盘操作吧Ctrl + L 左对齐, Ctrl + R 右对齐, Ctrl + E 居中Ctrl + F 查找,Ctrl + H 替换。然


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