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1、.一般将来时知识点回顾一般将来时知识点回顾The Simple Future Tense.一般将来时态.He often watches TV at night. He is watching TV now. nowpastfuturefuturepastnow一般现在时 现在进行时 复习所学时态 .一般过去时态表示。He watched TV last night. futurepastnow.一般时态表示。He will watch TV tomorrow evening. futurepastnow.一般将来时的意义一般将来时的意义& &时间标志:时间标志: 表达将来会发

2、生的动作或事情。表达将来会发生的动作或事情。 时间标志:时间标志: TomorrowTomorrow, next next monthmonth, in , in + +时间段(用时间段(用how soonhow soon提问),提问),thisthis 例子:例子:The day after tomorrow, tomorrow morning, next The day after tomorrow, tomorrow morning, next year , year , in two days, This Friday, This summerin two days, This Fri

3、day, This summer等等 In the future, one day, someday, from now on, In the future, one day, someday, from now on, soon,tonight,whensoon,tonight,when引导的时间状语从句,引导的时间状语从句,in 2030in 2030.一般将来时的结构:一般将来时的结构: 常见的一般将来时有两大种结构:常见的一般将来时有两大种结构: 主语主语+ will + will +动词原形动词原形 主语主语+be going to +be going to +动词原形动词原形注意:

4、注意: 第一种结构中:第一种结构中:will 为助动词,没有人称和数的变化,为助动词,没有人称和数的变化, 即:即:I/You/He/She/We/They +will注意:注意: 第二种结构中:第二种结构中:be有人称和数的变化,有人称和数的变化, 即:跟随句子中的主语,将即:跟随句子中的主语,将be 换成换成am、is、are.一般将来时的结构变化:一般将来时的结构变化: 主语主语+will+will+动动原原 肯定句:肯定句: 主语主语 + will + + will + 动词原形动词原形 否定句:否定句: 主语主语 + will not + + will not + 动词原形动词原形

5、一般疑问句:一般疑问句: Will + Will + 主语主语 + +动词原形?动词原形? 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问句: W W、H H开头特殊疑问词开头特殊疑问词 + +一般疑问句?一般疑问句? 肯定肯定/ /否定回答:否定回答: YesYes,主语,主语+will. /No,+will. /No,主语主语+will +will not.not.will not=wont.一般将来时的结构变化:一般将来时的结构变化: 主语主语+be going to+be going to+动原动原 肯定句:肯定句: 主语主语 + be going to + + be going to + 动词原形动词原形 否

6、定句:否定句: 主语主语 + be not going to + + be not going to + 动词原形动词原形 一般疑问句:一般疑问句: Be + Be + 主语主语 + going to + going to + + 动词原形?动词原形? 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问句: W W、H H开头特殊疑问词开头特殊疑问词 + +一般疑问句?一般疑问句? 肯定肯定/ /否定回答:否定回答: YesYes,主语,主语+be. /No,+be. /No,主语主语+be not.+be not.易错点:易错点:There be There be 句型的一般将来时句型的一般将来时There will b

7、eThere wont beWill there be?Yes,there will.No,there will not.There is/are going to beThere is/are not going to beIs/Are there going to be?Yes,there is/are.No,there is/are not.练习:练习: 主语主语+will+will+动动原原一一.用所给动词的适当形式填空用所给动词的适当形式填空1.I dont think that it _ ( rain ) tomorrow.2.The students _ ( clean ) th

8、eir classroom this evening.3.She _ ( go ) to the cinema with her classmates the day after tomorrow.4.There _ ( be ) a meeting next Monday.5.They _ ( have ) an Engllish evening next week.6.It _ ( take) him half an hour to finish his homework soon.练习:练习: 主语主语+will+will+动动原原二二 单选单选1 Look at those cloud

9、s. It _ soon, Im afraid. A.rained B.rains C.will rain D.wont rain2._ he _ some shopping tomorrow? A.Will,does B.Does, do B.Did,do D.will,do3.He _ in his garden every morning next year. A.will work B.works C.worked D.is working4.There _ a party tonight. A.will have B.will be C.is going to have D. be

10、going to be5.They _ a basketball match next Sunday. A. dont watch B.will not watch C. didnt watched D. not will watch.练习:练习: 主语主语+be going to+be going to+动原动原一、单项选择一、单项选择1.There_a meeting tomorrow afternoon. A.will be going to B.will going to be C.is going to be D.will go to be 2.Charlie_here next m

11、onth. A.isnt work B.doesnt working C.isnt going to work D.wont working 3.He_very busy this week,he_free next week. A.will be;is going to be B.is ;is C.is going to be;is D.is;will be 4._there_a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening? A.was,be B.Is, going to have C.will, have D.is, going to be .练习:练

12、习: 主语主语+be going to+be going to+动原动原5._you_free tomorrow?No.I_free the day after tomorrow. A.Are; going to; will B.Are; going to be; will C.Are; going to; will be D.Are; going to be; will be6.Who_we_swimming with tomorrow afternoon? A.are;go B.do;go C.are ;going to D.shall;go7.We_the work like this

13、next time. A.dont do B.will do not C.are not going to do D.will doing.非常见结构非常见结构1 1:一般现在时表将来一般现在时表将来 在在if,when ,as soon as,unless引导引导时间或条件时间或条件状语从状语从句中句中. 用一般现在时态表示将来用一般现在时态表示将来例如:例如:When Bill comes (不是(不是will come),I will tell him to call you. 比尔来后比尔来后,我会让他给你电话我会让他给你电话.Ill write to you as soon as I

14、 arrive there. 我到了那里我到了那里,就写信给你就写信给你. If it rains tomorrow, we shall stay at home. 如果明天下雨,我们将待在家。如果明天下雨,我们将待在家。 They wont leave unless you give them a new book. 他们是不会走的,除非你给他们一本新书。他们是不会走的,除非你给他们一本新书。主主将将从从现现.主将从现练习:主将从现练习:1.The students will plant trees if it _ tomorrow. A.didnt rain B.hasnt rained

15、C.wont rain D.doesnt rain2.We_ home if there is no bus.-Oh,what a pity! A.will walk B.have walked C.walked D.walk3.If it _ tomorrow,Ill go by car. A.rain B.will rain C.rains D.would rain4.If Mary _ next Sunday,we will go boating together. A.will come B.comes C.shall come D.should come5.-Dont forget

16、to ask him to write to me. - I wont.As soon as he _,Ill ask him to write to you. A.will come B.came C.comes D.is coming .主将从现练习:主将从现练习:6. Please tell her the news when she_. OK, I will. A. comes B. will come. C. come D. would come7. If he _harder, he will get better grades soon. A. study B. studies

17、C. will study D. studied 8. Frank _ to see his grandma if he _ free tomorrow. A. will come; will be B. comes; is C. will come; is D. comes; will be 9.When will you tell him the good news? -I will tell him about it as soon as he _ back. A. comes B. came C. will come D. is coming .非常见结构非常见结构2 2:现在进行时(

18、现在进行时(be doingbe doing)表将来)表将来 现在进行时除表进行外现在进行时除表进行外,还可以表示将来还可以表示将来. 例如:例如:Where are you going?Im comingWhat are you doing on vacation?The bus is coming.非常见结构非常见结构3 3:be about tobe about to表将来表将来Im about to go to Beijing next year.She is about to join the music club when she finishes high school.The soccer game is about to start in a few minutes.Sam is about to leave tomorrow.有些动词不常使用将来时:有些动词不常使用将来时: hope,wish,like,love,must,want,can,should例子:例子:I hope to be a teacher someday. I must go tomorrow. .汉译英综合练习:汉译英综合


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