



1、销售合同中英对照合同编号contract no.:销售合同sales contract甲方party a:乙方party b:甲乙双方依据中华人民共和国合同法及相关法律规定,就以下设备销售事宜,经协商全都,订立本合同:this contract, regarding the equipment selling hereunder, has been mutually agreed by party a and party b through amicable consultations in accordance with contract law of the peoples republi

2、c of china and pertinent laws and regulations.一、设备与货款equipment and fund上述设备共计人民币(下同) 佰拾万仟佰拾元整(含税)。the total amount of above-mentioned equipment is rmb yuan only (including tax).二、交货delivery乙方应于年月日前,负责将设备送至甲方指定地址,并完成安装调试。除有质量问题外,甲方不得拒收或要求退换。甲方验收完毕后,应于乙方供应的出货/验收单上盖章签字。party b should deliver the equipm

3、ent to the designated location of party a before (date) and be in charge of completing the installation and adjustment. except for quality defect, party a shall not refuse acceptance or request replacement of the equipment. upon acceptance, party a shall seal and sign the delivery /acceptance order

4、furnished by party b.三、付款payment1.货款分为期,以每月为一期,甲方应于商定付款日(每月日)前支付乙方,其中首期款于发票开立后最近的约定付款日前支付。the fund is divided into phases, each month as a phase, party a shall pay to party b before the agreed date of payment (the day of every month), in which the down payment is paid before the most recent agreed d

5、ate of payment after i nvoicing date.2.付款方式:,开户名:开户行:账号:。mean of payment: ; account name: ; bank of deposit: ; account no.:3.甲方逾期付款时,每逾期一日,应按拖欠金额的万分之五向乙方支付滞纳金。any delay of party a in due payment shall incur a penalty paid to party b at 0.05% of the amount in arrear day by day.四、违约责任liability for bre

6、ach of contract1.甲方就设备效劳未与乙方同时签订计张效劳合同的,甲方应于乙方通知后五日内一次付清全部货款,并赔偿货款总额20%的违约金。if party a hasnt signed per sheet service contract of the equipment at the same time, party a should pay off all funds at once within five days notified by party b, and compensate 20% of total amount as liquidated damages.2.

7、因可归责甲方的事由,致乙方无法依商定交货时,甲方应赔偿乙方产生的往返运费、额外仓储费用等实际损失。if party b fail to deliver the equipment in accordance with the contract due to faults ascribed to party a, party a should compensate actual losses, such as arising round-trip freight and extra storage expense to party b.3.甲方违背本合同商定的,乙方有权解除合同并取回设备及没收甲

8、方已付货款作为违约金。if party a violates the contract, party b is entitled to terminate the contract and recover the equipment as well as confiscate the funds paid by party a as liquidated damages.4.乙方违背本合同商定的,甲方有权解除合同及要求乙方返还已付货款作为违约金。if party b violates the contract, party a is entitled to terminate the cont

9、ract and request party b to return paid funds as liquidateddamages.五、争议解决dispute settlement因本合同产生争议,由甲乙双方协商解决,协商不成,任何一方均可向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼解决。any dispute arising out of the contract shall be negotiated by both parties for settlement. in case of failed negotiations, either party shall have the right to f

10、ile a suit in the jurisdictional peoples cou rts for settlement.六、其它miscellaneous1.本合同项下甲乙双方的任何书面通知,于向本合同所载之各自住宅地发出后,经通常的邮递时间视为到达。any written notice sent by either party under the contract shall be deemed sent to the recipient, after a usual period of mail delivery when the notice is issued from the

11、 places of domicile below written.2.本合同由乙方以电脑打印并带出印章,经甲方盖章签字后生效;本合同正本一式二份,双方各持一份;本合同修改应另签补充协议。the contract is printed by computer with stamp of party b, and shall enter into force after party as stamp an d signature; this contract is made in duplicate, each for party a and party b. any change of this contract should be made only by supplemental agreement .3.本合同由中英文书写而成,内容不全都时,以中文为准。the contract is written in chinese and the chinese text shall govern in the event of any discrepancy with the english translation.


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